Annual departmental research monitoring

The departmental monitoring process of research activity was reorganised in 2023 in order to comprehensively and meaningfully monitor research from a process and continuous improvement perspective.

Research monitoring currently involves the following steps:

  1. By 30 April each year, the Quality Assurance Unit, the Vice-Rector for Research and the Evaluation Unit, in cooperation with APPS, define and update the format for the departmental Research Monitoring Report, containing the data and information on which the process should be based;
  2. By 30 September each year, APPS sends each Department information on the performance of the scientific production of lecturers and transmits or makes available online the values of the indicators useful for reporting. Additional data and processing may be requested from APPS by the individual Departmental Research Committees;
  3. By 31 December each Department, subject to approval by the Department Council, must send the annual Research Monitoring Report to APPS, drawn up with all the information required by the University format. The reports received are sent at the same time to the Rector and Quality Assurance Unit, who may ask the Department Directors for further details and clarifications;
  4. The monitoring reports are sent to the Evaluation Unit by 31 March of the following year for its opinion, focusing in particular on the quality of the analyses carried out and the consistency of the improvement actions proposed by the Departments;
  5. Upon completion of the process, the departmental reports and the opinion of the Evaluation Unit are brought to the attention of the Academic Senate.

Previous monitoring reports

In this section, it is possible to consult the annual research monitoring reports submitted by departments in previous years and, from 2020, also the reports on civic engagement. All the documents are in Italian.

Last update: 12/03/2025