Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival

A pior dor que há - The worst kind of pain

  • Director: Ana Clara Miranda Lucena
  • Country: Brazil
  • Duration: 9'12"
  • Genre: Animation
  • Institute: Universidade de Brasilia
  • Language: Portuguese

Synopsis: Based on the book “A dor mais doída: relatos de violência obstétrica”, this animated short film portrays gender-based violence through the testimony of author Caira Lima, who recounts her aunt Gleide’s first pregnancy experience.

Profile: Born in Brazil, Ana Clara Miranda Lucena studied Cinema at the Universidade de Brasilia, earning a degree in Social Communication with a specialization in Audiovisual. “The worst kind of pain” is her directorial debut, presented as her graduation project as part of a research initiative exploring the intersection between animation and documentary storytelling.