Ca' Foscari supports Open Science priciples and promotes open access to publications and data.
What the University Library System does to support open science:
- Open Science Policy and Research Data Management Policy
- Datarepository Unive, the platform that helps researchers to manage their research data
- Read&Publish agreements (Publishing open access)
- support to researchers on
- publication, dissemination and enhancement of their academic production
- datarepository and data management
- licences and deposit policies
To request information or book a personalised consultation write to or contact
the Research Support Service of your reference library:
- Languages and Cultures Library (BALI):
- Science and Technology Library (BAS):
- Arts and Humanities Library (BAUM):
- Economics and Management Library (BEC):
Open Science Policies
The University Library System has produced two policies about Open Science:
- Open Science Policy: Ca' Foscari, recognizing Open Science as one of its guiding principles, encourages and promotes open access to publications and data, the reusability of research outputs, and is committed to setting up the infrastructures and developing the skills necessary for the dissemination of Open Science.
- Research Data Management Policy: the University is committed to collecting, archiving and preserving data according to the highest standards and international good practices to guarantee the quality and integrity of scientific research. The policy aims to describe the principles for the correct management of research data.
Datarepository Unive
From July 1st, 2024 Datarepository Unive for managing research data at Ca' Foscari is online. Another step forward towards Open Science. With the new repository, researchers and staff will be able to store and make accessible the data produced or used during their research.
Preserving data does not necessarily mean making it open. Even when data cannot be shared, depositing it in Datarepository Unive is recommended to ensure safe storage.
You can find all the information about the platform, who can use it, what and how to deposit on Datarepository Unive page.
Also the Guidelines for data storage are available.
Open Science and Humanities: SSH Open Marketplace
SSH Open Marketplace is a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities.
The portal offers tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications, workflows highlighting solutions and research practices for every step of the SSH research data life cycle.
SSH Open Marketplace is part of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project and is managed and developed by three European Research Infrastructures: DARIAH, CLARIN and CESSDA.
Watch the SSH Open Marketplace - explained the easy way video to understand what the service has to offer.
Research toolbox
The following is a list of tools and specific resources to facilitate the work of researchers we have selected:
1) Bibliographic research tools
To get started explore the “state of the art” in your subject area and the latest news on your research topics with the resources and tools provided by the University:
- cerCa’: the portal of printed and electronic resources available at Ca' Foscari University of Venice
- Venetian Consortium Catalogue: printed Collections of Venetian Libraries
- Databases: disciplinary and full-text bibliographic databases subscribed by the University
- Trials and new resources
- Remote access to electronic resources
Retrieve resources not available in the University through the Interlibrary loan and Document Delivery service; see the library pages for the conditions of the service; to submit a request, fill in the MOBI forms [ITA].
2) Publishing open access
Publishing in open access is mandatory in many of European research projects (e.g. Horizon Europe). You can do this in many ways:
- Green Open Access: deposit your work in the institutional or disciplinary repository.
- ARCA: the institutional repository; look at the regulations
- Zenodo: the trusted repository of CERN and OpenAIRE
- ROAR: search for a disciplinary repository on the register of trusted open access repositories
- Gold Open Access: publish in fully open access journals:
- DOAJ: search for open access journals
- OASPA: check which academic publishers are open access
- Open policy finder: compare the publishing policies and Open Access options of journals
- Diamond Open Access: publish without paying APCs
Publishing in subscription journals with closed access but offering the Open Access option against payment of APCs (hybrid journals) is strongly discouraged.
Consider publishing with with Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, the open access University Press, instead.
3) Journal's choice
Before submitting an article for publication, compare journals to learn about publishing policies and performance:
- Scimago Journal & Country Rank: check the ranking of journals based on Scopus data
- JCR: check the ranking of journals based on Web of Science data
- Think Check Submit: check the reliability of a publisher
- SCIrev: check the review and publication time of an article for each journal
- Open policy finder: check the publisher's policies and the open access options for the journal you would like to publish in
4) Research data management
You can deposit your data in the Datarepository Unive, the institutional archive that collects, stores, and preserves research data produced by Ca' Foscari researchers. Even when data cannot be shared, depositing it in Datarepository Unive is recommended to ensure safe storage.
Make your data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). If you do not know how to do this, consult the following guides to managing data according to FAIR principles:
- How to Fair
- FAIR assessment tool
- FAIR Aware
- Data Management Expert Guide (CESSDA): FAIR data guide for social science researchers
The following are other useful tools for managing your data:
- Re3data: find a trusted repository for data
- DMP Online: use the template to draw up a Data Management Plan
- CEDAR Workbench: create machine readable metadata
- RDAlliance: find standard metadata for each subject area
- Creative Commons: choose the licence for your data
- Open Refine: use this free tool for cleaning datasets
- SSH Open Marketplace: discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities
5) Measure the impact of your research
Use tools for analysing the bibliometric impact of academic publications:
- Impact story: check the online impact of your research
- Scopus: Elsevier's bibliometric database
- SciVal: Elsevier's research results analysis platform
- Web Of Science: Clarivate Analytics bibliometric database
6) Check your digital identity
Use open tools and standards to make all your research information accessible in a single profile:
- ORCiD: Open Research & Contributor ID
- Synchronise ORCiD with ARCA: click on Profile and then External IDs
- Synchronise ORCiD a Scopus
- Synchronise ORCiD a Web Of Science
7) Manage bibliographies
8) All about Open Science
The guide that answers your questions on Open Science and Open Access::
- S-Lègami: manuale d’uso per ricercatori (in 100 domande e risposte) (User’s Guide for Researchers in 100 questions and answers) - [ITA]