PhD in Law, Market and Person

PhD in
Law, Market and Person

Calls for applications

Cycle 41 (a.y. 2025/26)

The Call for application for a.y. 2025/26 (cycle 41) will be published Thursday, 27th March 2025.

PhD overview

Educational aims

This PhD programme is focused on understanding the mechanisms involved in the formation of contemporary law, as determined by the interaction between European law and national rights, with a particular focus on: the institutional dimension and government profiles; the organisation of transnational markets; the contents and methodologies in regulating exchanges; the legal dimension of the individual and the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms in the context of a global society.

Research themes

  • Private law;
  • Person law;
  • European contract law;
  • Consumer law;
  • Business and company law;
  • European commercial contract law;
  • Economic law and financial markets;
  • Competition and market law;
  • Sources of European law;
  • Labour contracts;
  • EU and comparative labour law;
  • Public and constitutional law;
  • Comparative, private and public law;
  • EU law;
  • International private and public law.

Professional profiles

The PhD graduate shall be able to undertake highly technical functions such as:

a professional working with privates, undertakings, banks, financial companies, etc; a scientific consultant for research institutes, both private and public;

a consultant working with economic and political institutions at national, European and international level (EU institutions or other international organizations; national and European regulatory agencies, independent authorities);

a consultant working with undertakings wishing to enjoy benefits granted by the EU economic legislation in the field of contracts, commerce, labour relations, company and finance (electronic commerce; delocalized companies; companies operating with European funds; companies needing State aids).



