PhD Degrees

Expense reimbursement for Mobility

As an incentive and in support of national and international mobility, to each PhD student is guaranteed:

  • starting from the first year, a 50% increase of doctoral scholarships for PhD students who carry out research periods abroad, even short ones. The increase of the scholarship for activities abroad is guaranteed throughout the PhD course for a total period not exceeding 12 months for three-year courses (18 months for four-year courses), for the carrying out research activities abroad authorized by the Teaching Board. This period can be extended up to an overall maximum of 18 months for Doctorates in "cotutela" with foreign University or activated in associated form;
  • starting from the first year, an annual budget of EUR 1,624.30 for reimbursement of expenses for national and international research activities, the so-called 10% budget;
  • reimbursements of expenses charged to funds of the relevant Department.

The request must be made exclusively online using the procedure Request elevation of scholarship - PhD mobility which can be accessed through the Reserved Area with one's credentials [student number (eg: 123456) and password (eg: ABCD123FG)].

For the same mobility abroad you can request both a 50% increase in the doctoral scholarship and the use of your 10% budget, with a single request.
For mobility with reimbursement from Departmental funds, the procedure Request for scholarship elevation - PhD student mobility must in any case be activated, selecting the option of reimbursement from funds of the Department to which the PhD course belongs.
Every request for national and international mobility, with or without reimbursement of expenses or request for elevation, must always be authorized in advance by the Coordinator of the PhD course using the aforementioned IT procedure.
The procedure for applying for mobility is unified and for activities abroad the request for elevation and any reimbursement of expenses must be submitted with a single request for both contributions.

The PhD Office has prepared a Handbook for the online procedure "Increased Scholarship Request - Phd Students Mobility" which can be consulted from the relative web page in the reserved area.

Scholarship elevation and Expense reimbursement

Method of providing the elevation for mobility abroad

Starting from first year, PhD student can ask increased scholarship of 50% to carry out research, improvement and training activities at Universities or Research Institutes abroad, even for a few days. For periods abroad equal to or less than 30 days, the increase is paid at 100%, usually in the month in which the mobility takes place.
For mobility abroad exceeding 30 days the increase is anticipated by 80% with the first useful installment of the scholarship.
At this early stage, there is no need that the student should send copies of travel documents. It is advisable to get a printout of the application (page 6 of the Guide) submitted to its memory.

Extension of research period abroad

In case of extension of the period of stay abroad, the student must fill out a new application (Nuova richiesta) by entering as start date the day after the end date stated in the first application. Warning: the first application must be previously closed by request the scholarship increase.
Warning: in the event of a new application for extension of the period of stay abroad, the first application must be closed beforehand, requesting the balance. If the reimbursement of expenses has also been requested together with the elevation, the reimbursement request must also be closed at the same time.

Balance of scholarship increase

Within 15 days of returning to Italy, the student must request the scholarship balance of remaining 20% and completing the original application which is on "Mie Richieste" (pages 7-8-9-10 of the Guide).
At the end, the student must print the application, sign it and send it to PhD Office, together with copies of all travel documents require (page 11 of the Guide).
The documentation can be delivered to PhD Offices - PhD Services and Educational programmes, one of the following ways:

  • By hand to PhD Office (only at Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 12 AM);
  • Sent by e-mail (file extension PDF), together with a copy of the student's identity card, to:;
  • Mailed by post, together with a copy of the student's identity document to: Ufficio Dottorato di Ricerca, Università Ca' Foscari, Ca' Dolfin, Dorsoduro 3825/D, 30123, Venice (Italy)

All the travel documents (return tickets, boarding cards, receipts for expenses incurred in the country where the research study took place) must be kept until the end of the doctoral programme for any possible auditing.

All PhD students enrolled in doctoral courses, following the passing of the University admission selections, starting from the first year of the course, are entitled to the so-called 10%, an annual budget of EUR 1,624.30 with to be reimbursed for the expenses incurred for national and international mobility.
Reimbursement can be requested as a flat-rate (taxed) or upon presentation of supporting documents (reimbursement of documented expenses).
All the information regarding the expenses eligible for reimbursement and the ceilings are given in the "Vademecum budget 10%".

Only expenses directly payable to the PhD student can be reimbursed, therefore payments to third parties are excluded. For online payments, a copy of the statement of the card with which the payment was made must be attached, in which the data of the holder must be reported (which must coincide with the doctoral student requesting the refund).

The original documentation must be delivered duly signed to the Administration and Accounting Area of PhD Office:

  • by hand during office opening hours (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 12 AM) by making an appointment by email to;
  • sent by post, with a photocopy of the identity document, to the address: Ca' Foscari University - PhD Office, Ca' Dolfin - Dorsoduro 3825/D, 30123 Venice.

Documents sent by email are not accepted.

No refunds are provided on the annual budget 10% for :

  • PhD students with scholarships from foreign countries
  • incoming PhD students in "cotutela", unless the Department to which the PhD course belongs allocates specific funds in its budget

The Increased Scholarship Request - Phd Students Mobility provides that it is possible to submit a request for reimbursement of expenses for national and international mobility from the funds of the Department to which the PhD course belongs (e.g.: professors' funds, Department's FUDD ...).
To address the request to the Department, in addition to selecting the “Fondi di Dipartimento con rimborso documentale" option, it will be sufficient to insert the one pertaining to your doctoral course in the “Dipartimento a cui si richiede la copertura finanziaria” drop-down list.