PhD Degrees

Discover our Phd programmes

Some PhD programmes are collaboration between our University and local companies.
Other PhD programmes are in convention with Italian Universities or with foreign Universities or with Research institutions).

The interdisciplinary PhD programmes are shown in more than one area.

Guide to PhD programmes

a.y. 2025/2026 - Cycle 41

National Doctoral Degree Programmes (NRRP)

Ca' Foscari, thanks to the resources allocated by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - NRRP (DDMM 351 and 352 of 2022, DDMM 117 and 118 of 2023, DDMM 629and 630 of 2024), adheres to the following 13 National Doctoral Degree Programmes (NDD):

  1. NDD in Blockchain e Distributed Ledger technology (referent: professor Sabina Rossi) - Administrative Head: Università di Camerino
  2. NDD in Cybersicurezza (referent: professor Riccardo Focardi) - Administrative Head: Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca
  3. NDD in Intelligenza Artificiale (referent: professor Marcello Pelillo) - Administrative Head: Politecnico di Torino
  4. NDD in Design per il Made in Italy: Identità, Innovazione e Sostenibilità [ITA] (referent professor Federica Menegazzo) - Administrative Head: Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
  5. NDD in Heritage Science [ITA] (referents: professors Silvia Burini and Elisabetta Zendri) - Administrative Head: Sapienza Università di Roma
  6. NDD in Regulation, Management and Law of Public Sector Organizations [ITA] (referent: professor Salvatore Russo) - Administrative Head: Università del Salento
  7. NDD in Scientific, Technological and Social Methods enabling Circular Economy [ITA] (referent: professor Alberto Vomiero) - Administrative Head: Università degli Studi di Padova (not activated for the 40th cycle)
  1. NDD in Sviluppo Sostenibile e Cambiamento Climatico (referents: professors Pietro Daniel Omodeo and Andrea Critto) - Administrative Head: Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia
  2. NDD Studi religiosi (referent: professor Francesca Tarocco) - Administrative Head: Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
  3. NDD in Risorse per la nuova P.A.: persone e dati [ITA] (referents: professors Stefano Campostrini and Agostino Cortesi) – Administrative Head: Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca (activated for the 40th cycle as an associate doctorate)
  4. NDD in Catalisi [ITA] (referent: professor Michela Signoretto) – Administrative Head: Università degli Studi di Perugia
  5. NDD in Immagine, linguaggio, figura. Forme e modi della mediazione [ITA] (referents: professors Stefano Ercolino and Susanne Franco) – Administrative Head: Università Statale di Milano
  6. NDD in Life Course Research [ITA] (referent: Ms. Gaia Bertarelli) – Administrative Head: Università degli Studi di Firenze

For any information on these Doctoral programmes (NDD) and the related Calls, please consult the dedicated web pages or contact the administrative office indicated.

What is PhD degree

Educational Aims: the PhD Degree provides the necessary skills for taking part in world-class quality research within private and public institutions as well as within freelancing, as such contributing to the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area (Ministerial Decree 45/2013). The educational course consists of planning and developing a research project, both through advanced learning programmes and individual work, with the possibility of cultural exchange. The course requires the completion of a thesis using a scientifically based approach.

Duration: minimun 3 years

Admission Requirements: Masters degree or other study qualification which is recognised as being equivalent.  For certain PhD Programmes additional requirements may be called for – a degree qualification with a specific focus, for example; it is therefore necessary to read the application carefully. English knowledge at B2 level mimimun is also required.

How to be admitted: the PhD Degree is open to a limited number of students. The requirement is to pass a public selection process entailing the evaluation of academic qualifications, as well as of oral and/or written exams. In the Annual Call for application, usually out in Spring, is indicated all requirements

Final Exam and Academic Qualification: the training course ends with the completion of a doctoral thesis conducted with scientific method. By passing the final exam, which consists of the discussion of the thesis, it is awarded the Ph.D. title (in Italian: 'Dottore di ricerca')

F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)

The PhD Office has prepared a list of F.A.Q. to respond quickly to the frequent questions. If you need further assistance, please write an email to