PhD Degrees

Annual Call

Call for application - academic year 2024/2025 - cycle 40

file pdf Call for application cycle 40
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 341 of 10/04/2024
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Call for applications cycle 40 - Applications closed

  • Applications open on Wednesday April, 10th 2024 from 2 PM (Italian Time)
  • Applications close on Thursday May, 23rd 2024 1 PM  (Italian Time)

The PhD Degree is open to a limited number of students. The requirement is to pass a public selection process entailing the evaluation of academic qualifications, as well as of oral and/or written exams.

The PhD Office has prepared a list of F.A.Q. to respond quickly to the frequent questions. If you need further assistance, please write an email to Email sent to other address will be not considerated.


Candidates in possession of the following requirements, regardless of age or nationality, may apply to participate in the competition:

  • "Laurea specialistica" or "laurea magistrale" (second cycle degree);
  • or degree awarded under the system ("ordinamento") in place prior to the one introduced by Ministerial Decree (D.M.) no. 509 of 03 November 1999, amended by Ministerial Decree (D.M.) no. 270 of 22 October 2004;
  • or second-level academic qualification ("titoli accademici di secondo livello") awarded by institutions belonging to the AFAM ("Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale") sector;
  • or a Master's degree awarded abroad, recognised as such in advance solely for the purpose of admission to the competition. The foreign academic qualification must allows enrollment in a PhD programme in the country of achievement.

The information found in Attachment "A" determines the type of academic qualifications and any other requirements as stipulated by each PhD Programme.

Applications from students already enrolled in PhD Programmes of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice or, in case of Inter-University PhD programme, in the Universities affiliated will not be considered valid.

As indicated on the art. 3, clause 6 of the call, all PhD students are required to have certified English proficiency at least B2 level at the time of enrolment, except for the possibility of acquiring it subsequently, but and not later than December 31st following the date of pre-enrollment, otherwise they will be excluded from the PhD programme.

Before the enrollment, the student can:

  • obtain a certificate from an official certifying body or a certificate from a university language training center included in the list displayed in the page recognized certifications
  • fall within one of the exemptions set out in the section case studies
  • support the B2 English language test at the CLA with the tariffs set by the CLA Board.

After the registration (and not later than December 31st following the date of pre-enrollment), the student can:

  • support the B2 English language test, free of charge up to twice at the CLA
  • attend, within the limits of available seats, a course in the presence free under the regular schedule of the CLA; at the end of the course when there is scheduled a test that is equivalent to the B2 English language test. Additional courses will eventually be provided by the CLA for a fee
  • obtain a certificate from an official certifying body or a certificate from a university language training center included in the list displayed in the section recognized certifications.

For recognition, the certifications that will be delivered via email to; in case of certifications obtained at the CLA, the career will be automatically updated.

More information at B2 level of English language page.

Graduating students may also apply provided they obtain their degree by November, 15th 2024. Candidates who do not obtain the qualification within the date will be excluded.

The official date of enrolment coincides with the date of payment of the stamp duty and the regional tax by the candidate. The winners will have to make the payment within three working days from the date of publication of the shortlist, which will be published with the schedule of examinations.

In case of waiver, the payment by the candidates interested in the scrolling of the shortlist must take place within three working days from the date of the communication sent by the Post Lauream Office.

The candidates who are preparing for a degree are requested to promptly communicate the date of the attainment of the qualification to the Post Lauream Office by e-mail, to, presenting only the substitute declaration if Italian or EU citizens.

The University will exclude those candidate who do not communicate either the graduation date or the final mark within the limits laid down, or who submit uncompleted, incorrect or misdelivered statements.

The suitability of the foreign qualification is verified by the Examination Boards to regulations in force in Italy and in the Country where the qualification itself has been awarded, and while respecting the international agreements concerning the recognition of qualifications for further education.

To assess the eligibility of foreign qualifications, candidates must provide:

  • certificate (preferably translated into English or Italian) of an academic qualification comparable to Laurea Magistrale (Master’s degree) or a second-level academic degree;
  • Transcript of Records from the university that awarded the degree, preferably translated into English or Italian;
  • Diploma Supplement (only for students who obtained their university degree in EU countries), or Declaration of Value ("Dichiarazione di valore in loco”) issued by the relevant Italian diplomatic authority in the Country where the degree was obtained or the academic comparability and verification by CIMEA (Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche, Academic Equivalence Mobility Information Center), or the Academic recognition by ARDI complete with academic comparability and verification by CIMEA of foreign second-level final qualifications for accessing the PhD programme.

Candidates must have a qualification that allows enrolment in a PhD programme in the country where the qualification was obtained.

How to Apply

  • Read carefully the Call for applications and the information about the PhD Programme for which you want to apply (Annex "A");
  • Check the admission requirements (art. 3) listed in the Call and in Annex "A";
  • If you have obtained a degree abroad, please refer to art. 4 of this Call or to the webpage concerning the admission requirements;
  • Make sure that you have the documents to be submitted online in the allowed format (PDF).

The application form must be completed exclusively online, by deadline indicated on the Call and online, under penalty of exclusion.

To be considered valid, all candidates must submit their applications using the online procedure as referred to in the above paragraph.

Do not wait until the due date to apply! If you find you're missing some documents and have problems with internet connection you might not succeed in applying just in time. Even if you have to hand over any printed material, please, do it before the deadline: you may find a queue.

Incomplete applications, applications lacking the obligatory academic qualifications shall not be considered valid.

The submission of the application is in two steps, both mandatory to the proper participation in this tender (see also Article 6 paragraph 2 of the Call):

First Step

  • Registration on the university website; you will find all information about Registration and password recovery if you already have registrated at  Registration and password recovery page. WARNING: Do registration does not mean you have applied; To apply read Second Step (below).
  • TAX CODE:  tax code is an alphanumeric code that needs for italian fiscal purpose. It is not a problem if you have not an italian tax code: when you insert your personal data, the computer system will automatically calculate the tax code. Remind that code because you have to use the same on the second step of on line application.

Second Step

  • Access to the links for the PhD programme you want to partecipate.

If you need to apply for more PhDs, you need to do more separate applications accessing different links indicated in the notice and filling in all the fields whenever.

WARNING: Candidates who wish to apply for the PhDs programme divided into curriculum, may apply for only one curriculum in the PhD.

Unique Application code

The application code will be used to identify the candidate during the various stages of the selection process (evaluation of qualifications and tests). It will published  name and surname only of successfull and eligible candidates on the University website.

Apply online for:

Be sure to complete the online application: your application will be fulfilled after receive an email with a receipt with code candidate's application (if you do not receive the email, check your junk mail box / Spam, might be over there). Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

In the email is also shown the link from where you can access the application to consult / modify it using your tax code and the code assigned, always within the deadline stipulated by the call.


As provided for the art. 5 of the call for application, it is necessay to enclose the following documents to the application form in order to participate in the competition:

  • curriculum vitae et studiorum (preferably in European format);
  • PhD proposal research (see page for indications);
  • transcript certificate of the Master's degree awarded with the list of exams taken with grades;

It's also necessary to enclose:

  • a valid copy of a non expired identity document

In the Annex "A" of the call, please see other mandatory and optional qualifications provided for each PhD programme.

The qualifications and publications required by the forms included with this call for applications (Annex "A") must be attached to the online application form in a PDF format and enclosed with files not larger than 10 MB.
You may also add, delete or modify the attached documents after completion of the online application, on condition that you do so by deadline indicated on the Call and online.
Other way attachments delivery will not be considered.

Pursuant to Presidential Decree (D.P.R.)  no. 445 of 28 December 2000, as amended by article 15, paragraph 1, of Law no. 183 of 12th November 2011, Italian and European citizens holding a qualification obtained in Italy are required to submit only a self-declaration, as certified by Public Administrations, specified in this call for applications and the accompanying forms (Annex "A").All documents must be written preferably in Italian or English, or translated into Italian or English by and under the responsibility of the candidates, with the exception of the documentation relating to the qualification that allows access to the Doctorate (see art.4 of the Call).

file rtf European Curriculum Vitae
Facsimile Format
165 KB
file rtf Self-certification of academic qualifications [ITA]
Facsimile Format - to use only for Italian degree
138 KB
file pdf Self-certification of academic qualifications [ITA]
Facsimile Format
99 KB
file rtf Generic Self-certification [ITA]
Facsimile Format
56 KB

As foreseen in Annex A of the Call, the PhD programme above require candidates to declare their knowledge of one or more foreign languages, in addition to English. In order to be able with this request, it is necessary to indicate these languages in mandatory Curriculum Vitae.

As far as reference letters are concerned, candidates must ask academics/scientists to submit the letters by means of an online procedure (maximum number of two).

To enable this procedure, when compiling their application, candidates must enter the email addresses of the academics/scientists concerned who will receive an email with instructions explaining how to upload their letters. Candidates will receive an email informing them that the letter has been uploaded although these letters may only be viewed by the Administration of PhD Office and the Admissions Committee.

Academics, scientists must upload their letters by deadline indicated on the Call and online.

Candidates must not upload reference letters, but they must only indicate the email tof the academis/other experts.

We will not allow other forms of sending letters.

In the case of applicant with scholarship holders of foreign states, he/she must accompany the application with specific statement, as in the attached format, in the section Optional qualifications.

To enroll, winner will have to send to PostLauream Office via e-mail a specific declaration by Scholarship's owner.