Connections with practice

Venice School of Management considers innovation in teaching and excellence in research its distinctive traits, and focuses its efforts to build and grow a strong and constructive dialogue with the local and national productive ecosystem.

Over the years the School has strengthened the network of international partnerships in support of teaching and research, multiplying the activities and collaborations with companies, institutions and associations by carrying out various innovative teaching projects.


The activities carried out by Venice School of Management have been developed thanks to the collaboration with local partners, with the goal of becoming a reference point in terms of research consultancy and training activities. 

Furthermore, efforts have also been made to launch and develop broader projects with important companies, at a local, national and international level.

Regarding entrepreneurship, Venice School of Management collaborates with businesses thanks to its Labs, Centres and Observatories. Furthermore. to valorise research results, the School has an internal accelerator and has launched several spin-offs.

List of selected international partners (by partner’s main fields of action)

  1. Technology development: Proton Labs Limited – Ireland, IN2 Search Interfaces Development Limited – UK, Eureva Sas – France, Qidenus Group GmbH – Germany, Bwcon GmbH – Germany, Pannon Novum, Bayern Innovativ GmbH – Germany, Wroclawski Park Technologiczny SA – Poland
  2. Culture: Culture Label LTD – UK, Ariona Hellas AE – Greece, Packed Expertisecentrum Digitaal Erfgoed VZW – Belgium, Stichting Waag Society – The Netherlands
  3. Research: Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften E.V. – Germany, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique – France
  4. Sustainability: World Business Council for Sustainable Development – Switzerland, Fonden Teknologiradet - Denmark

List of selected partners (2019 and 2020)

  1. Listed and international enterprises: PricewaterhouseCoopers
  2. Large enterprises: Corvallis S.p.A., Men at Work SPA, Elettrolux Professional S.p.A
  3. Medium & small enterprises: Simmetrix s r. l., Fòrema s.r.l., Salvadori S.r.l, Dedagroup S.p.A, Rigoni di Asiago s.r.l, Northwave s.r.l
  4. Public & Non-profit bodies: ATER della Provincia di Verona, Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Settentrionale, Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura Padova, AGIS-ANEC, Cassa per i servizi energetici ed ambientali, Regione del Veneto, Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, Research Executive Agency, MOVET - Associazione Centro di Iniziativa su Motori Veicoli e Tecnologie, Unioncamere del Veneto, Autorità di Regolazione per Energia Reti e Ambiente ARERA
  5. Bank & Financial Institutions: Banca IFIS, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti – Venture Capital Sgr

Innovative teaching methodologies

Venice School of Management aims at developing innovative teaching methodologies based on three main actions:

  1. designing courses that integrate the online and onsite learning experience, and that are able to promote collaborative learning;
  2. launching several open online courses, supporting the MOOC project;
  3. using case studies during classes. Regarding this specific action, the School is involved in several Experior projects that, over the years, have engaged with more than 1,000 students from all our Master's degree programmes, 38 professors involved in 34 courses, 38 managers (as mentors), and 44 companies.

Experior Project

Immersive teaching experiences co-designed with companies, to promote team-work through mentoring and professional workshops.

Experior represents an innovative learning approach that aims at creating a bridge between university and businesses, in order to develop a successful network of companies gravitating around the School. This type of project allows students to pragmatically put into practice the know-how acquired during theoretical lessons, thanks to the mentorship of innovative business minds.

Experior projects involves

  • Professors who identify the companies to collaborate with and present the project to students.
  • Companies that propose real business cases to students.
  • Master's degree students who work on the cases and devise possible approaches to tackle them, keeping an eye on the value produced for society.
  • Mentors who provide support to students throughout the project.

Classroom lectures led by innovative business leaders

To develop a stronger and more effective connection with practice, more and more often traditional courses are integrated with the presence of guest speakers, who enrich the overall learning experience thanks to their expertise and background

Speakers are successful entrepreneurs or ground-breaking managers working at a national or international level. 

Last update: 21/10/2024