Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Language, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Additional Learning Requirements (OFA)

Performing your Italian language OFA

The degree programme in Language, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa (LICSAAM) requires an adequate knowledge of Italian.

If you pass the course admission-test but do not reach the minimum score of 10 out of 30 in the Italian language section of it, you can still enrol, but will have to perform an Italian Language Additional Learning Requirment (OFA).

The OFA must be performed by 30 September of the year following that of enrolment.

After enrolment, to perform the OFA you must sit and pass the LT0001 OFA-Italian Language course.

The OFA is performed when you pass the exam. We strongly recommend that you attend the classes of the Italian Language course, but attendance is not compulsory.

How to perform your OFA

In order to perform your OFA you must register for (online) and sit the LT0001 OFA Italian language exam. Please note that in order to register for any exam, you need to first finalise your study plan (piano di studi).

If you sign up for the exam and then decide that you don’t want to sit it in the selected date, you can cancel your registration up to the registration deadline.
Four exam sessions are scheduled:

  • two exam dates in the January exam session
  • one exam date in the June exam session;
  • one exam date in the August/September exam session.

Exams are oral. Exam dates will be published on the degree programme’s website. Follow: Study > Exams.

If you don’t perform your OFA

You must perform the Italian Language OFA by 30 September of the year following that of enrolment, otherwise after that date you will not be allowed to sit exams. After you have passed the OFA exam and the result is officially in your transcripts, you will be allowed to sit other exams at the second available date (if any), or at the following exam session.

If you enrol in a year subsequent to the first, e.g. after transfer from another university or another degree programme, or if you are enrolling with some pre-acquired CFU/ECTS, you will not be allowed to sit exams until you successfully perform your OFA.


Eligibility for computer science

From the a.y. 2017/2018 onwards, teaching on the Computer Literacy course will be conducted on an interactive online platform that helps students develop the skills necessary to create web pages and code. The course will use material from Khan Academy, one of the world’s most popular educational websites. The course will be available in either Italian or English. The course will be accompanied by resources for students including exercises and mock exams.

Exams will be held from January 2018 onwards. The new Computer Literacy exam will be mandatory for students who enroled in the 2017/2018 academic year onwards and students who enroled in previous academic years but did not pass the old Computer Literacy exam by the end of 2017.

For more information on the course programmeteaching methods and assessments, please see the course syllabus.

Eligibility for English language level B1 and B2

Discover the linguistic skills that are required to students that enroll in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, and students that are already enrolled.

Furthermore, consult the cases of exemption as well as all the linguistic certificates recognized by the University. 


Linguistic Campus

ADiSS - Linguistic Campus
Polo didattico San Basilio [ITA], dock no. 5, 30123 Venice (Italy)

Campus services:
Linguistic area internships:
Information tutors: