Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Language, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa
Enrolment until 2024/2025


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Degree Programme Regulations

The final exam aims to assess the acquisition of language skills and knowledge in the chosen language.
The final exam does not involve an in-person test. Instead, it consists of writing a paper agreed upon with the supervisor. The final paper can be:

  • a translation of a short text in the language you are studying for three years (or in one of the two languages you are studying for three years if provided for in the study programme). The text must be approved by the supervisor and must be enriched by a critical apparatus, lexical appendices, and a bibliography. The original text should be at least three pages long, or
  • a bibliographical research on a topic assigned by the supervisor. This must involve the use of sources and repertories in the language you are studying for three years (or in one of the two languages you are studying for three years if provided for in the study programme). Or,
  • a review of one or more volumes chosen by the supervisor. The review must have a short introduction (60-100 characters) written in the language you are graduating in; or
  • a paper on a topic agreed upon with the supervisor. The paper must be based on primary sources (accounts, chronicles, travel reports, inscriptions, epigraphs, etc.) or secondary sources (articles, book chapters or lengthy encyclopaedic entries) written in your three-year language (or in one of the two languages you are studying for three years if provided for in the study programme).

Writing your thesis in English (in addition to using the language you are studying) is permitted, as long as your supervisor has agreed to it.

Please note: before submitting the online request for graduation, you must discuss the type and subject of the final exam with your supervisor.

Procedure for the request of the final paper to the supervisor - Sinology

  1. Consider the required timing: the theme and typology of the paper should be agreed upon with the supervisor well in advance of the considered graduating session.
  2. Prior to talking about the thesis with the supervisor, read the document “Profilo tesi docenti area sinologica” and more specifically the typology of expected papers.
  3. Send a formal request to the professor in an email, with the following information:

    • typology of the paper
    • theme of the paper
    • considered graduating session

    The email must be sent from the student’s institutional email address ( with the following object: “Bachelor thesis request” (“richiesta tesina triennale”).

  4. Wait for the professor’s response to best define the theme and work methodology.


Linguistic Campus

ADiSS - Linguistic Campus
Polo didattico San Basilio [ITA], dock no. 5, 30123 Venice (Italy)

Campus services:
Linguistic area internships:
Information tutors: