Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Language, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa
Enrolment until 2024/2025


Fill in the questionnaire before registering for exams

The questionnaire to evaluate the quality of teaching is an anonymous way for you to rate each course for which you want to sit the exam. You must complete this questionnaire online before registering for exams. You can find it in “Esse3”, on your student page, under “Questionnaires”.
The teachers and governing bodies at Ca' Foscari will use the results to improve teaching material, the programme and lesson content. The results of the questionnaires are published annually, in aggregate form.

Registering for exams

Log in to Esse3 (S3) on your student page and register for the exams that are already open for registration.

To view upcoming exams and the relative registration periods, see the registration periods in Esse3.

Find out about upcoming exams and exam sessions

The academic year has two semesters (I and II), with each being divided into two periods (1, 2 and 3, 4). Lessons can last for a period or for a semester and they are always followed by an exam session. The exam session is the period of time in which the individual exams are scheduled.

One month before the exam session starts, advance notice of all exams is provided in the examination calendar: here you can view all dates, locations and other details (but you cannot register).
To check, instead, the start and end dates of the various exam sessions during the academic year and the general distribution of exams within each session, please consult the exam session table.


Scheduled exams for language and culture exam sessions

There are 3 exam sessions, each one with 1 or 2 scheduled exams. The exams are distributed as follows:

  • 2 scheduled exams in the summer session (May-June), with the obligation for each student to enrol in 1 session of their choice;
  • 1 scheduled exam during the autumn session (August - September);
  • 1 scheduled exam during the winter session (January of the following year).

For the language courses a partial test is expected, with the following scheduled exams:

  • 2 scheduled exams during the winter session (January), with the obligation for each student to enrol in 1 session of their choice;
  • 1 scheduled exam during the summer session (May-June);
  • 1 scheduled exam during the autumn session (August - September).

By rule, the partial tests will not be verbalised, since verbalisation of the exams only takes place after passing each section. Passing the partial test is valid until the scheduled exam in the winter session (January) of the following year; the entire language exam must therefore be passed by each session.

Students in the extra and summer sessions will only be able to take advantage of the first scheduled exam of the exam sessions.

For the newly enrolled, the possibility of taking exams in the September session is not normally possible; it is without prejudice to the right of the Didactic College, based on the assessment of the particular case, to grant specific permissions.

Scheduled exams for modules carried out in the first semester results in the allocation as follows:

  • 2 scheduled exams in the winter session (January);
  • 1 scheduled exam during the summer session (May-June);
  • 1 scheduled exam during the autumn session (August-September).

For modules carried out in the second semester:

  • 2 scheduled exams in the summer session (May-June);
  • 1 scheduled exam during the autumn session (August - September);
  • 1 scheduled exam during the winter session (January of the following year).

Students in the extra and summer sessions will only be able to take advantage of the first scheduled exam of the exam sessions.

For the newly enrolled, the possibility of taking exams in the September session is not normally possible; it is without prejudice to the right of the Didactic College, based on the assessment of the particular case, to grant specific permissions.

Uniform didactic programming (Language 1, 2, 3)

Language courses for Near and Middle East Curriculum (VMO) and Indian Sub-continent Curriculum (SCI)

Professor’s Module

  • By the end of the Second year, the grammar foundations for all languages in thh VMO and SCI curricula are complete
  • The third year is organised according to the specific necessities for each language.
  • The languages for VMO and SCI curricula adopt the QCER levels: First year A.1, Second Year A.2, Third Year B.1

CEL Exercises
With respect to the aforementioned QCER and in coordination with the Professor ‘s Modules, the CEL Exercises are articulated as follows:

  • First and Second Year – Semester 1: reinforcement exercises for lexicon, grammar, reading and writing;
  • First and Second Year – Semester 2: continuation of exercises from Semester 1, conversation exercises.
  • Third Year: continuation of exercises of conversation and composition.

Goals and Objectives
For the end of the third year, achievement of the aforementioned QCER levels both in speaking and in writing.

Book of texts and/or booklets shared by the scholar and CEL, as well as the material provided for this year.

Process of uniform exams (Language 1 and Language 2)
Mid-term exam (exclusively written exam):

  • This exam is taken at end of your professor’s module (January session) and, if you pass it, it is valid until the special session of the same academic year (the following January).
  • The test aims to verify the education of lexicon and structures of the form that has just been concluded
  • The exam can consist of whole phrases to translate from and into the studied language, and/or a grammar test, and/or any retained test suitable from the scholar to verify the acquisition of lexicon and structures.

Final Degree test:

  • This exam is taken at the end of the May/June session; success is from an average along with the mid-term exams; the two tests carry the acquisition of the final grade or the 12 ECTS.
  • It consists of:
    • Conversation and oral verification of the level provided by the year (according to CEL)
    • Test for using the dictionary, written or oral (according to the scholar)
    • Reading test with possible verification of grammatical notions (according to the scholar)