Projects funded by Veneto Region
Venice School of Management
Homo Faber Economy
Coordinator: Gaetano Zilio Grandi
Call: PR Veneto FSE+ 2021-2027, DGR. N. 727 del 2023 VENEZIA I.C.O.N.A. - LINEA 1 - Incubatore Venezia [ITA]
Ca' Foscari role: proposer
Duration: 01/03/2024 - 31/08/2025
Budget: € 241.941,12 - VSM amount: € 64.666,00
Project code: 2120-0001-727-2023 - CUP: H77G23000350002

The Homo Faber Economy project targets adults, employed, unemployed, and unemployed, paying great attention to their training and employment needs, in the high craftsmanship sector, as well as to the needs for grafting and technological development necessary for the growth and enhancement of MSME. The network of companies, workshops and ateliers, national and international, mapped by the Department of Management of Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the ability to carry out upskilling interventions aimed at freelancers and workers, gained by the university spin-off Upskill 4.0, led to a project idea including both training and reskilling initiatives. The applied research work conducted by the University, thanks to the collaboration with the Fondazione di Venezia and Venezia da Vivere, contributes to the goals of revitalizing activities related to craftsmanship in the city of Venice and the Venetian lagoon, islands and estuary. The project aims to foster business start-ups and the development of new innovative business branches, thanks to the redefinition of the Business Model and by leveraging the potential of the Design Thinking methodology, implemented by the spin-off Upskill 4.0.
During the eighteen-month project implementation period, the business growth path is marked by the participation of national and international companies and entities such as:
- Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte (Milan)
- Bureau du Design, de la Mode et des Métiers d’Art (Paris)
- Artex, Centro per l’Artigianato Artistico e Tradizionale della Toscana (Florence)
- Cockpit, centre for contemporary craft (London)
- Mobilier national (Paris), heir of 'Garde-Meuble della Corona'
The 12 network partner companies, which are extremely significant for the heritage of high craftsmanship in the city of Venice historic center, participating in the project are:
- Amourrina
- Merletti D'Arte
- Marisa Convento
- Ramosalso - Demis Marin
- Tabinotabi
- Paper Owl
- Andreina Brengola - Spazio Aperto
- Patience
- Perlamadredesign
- Lunardelli Est.1967
- Antonia Sautter - Venetia
- Orsoni Venezia 1888
Blockchain Products and Services

Coordinator: Carlo Bagnoli
Duration: 15/09/2020 - 31/03/2023
VSM role: proposer
Budget: € 355.880,00 - VSM amount: € 240.000,00
Call: DGR n. 204 del 26/02/2019, Linea 2 - Innovazione aziendale (di prodotto, di processo, organizzativa) [ITA]
Contract no.: 2120-0002-204-2019 - CUP: H72F20000140007
Venice Sustainability and Innovation Activities

Coordinator: Carlo Bagnoli
VSM role: proposer
Duration: 15/04/2021 - 31/12/2022
Budget: € 291.086,76 -VSM amount: € 288.206,76
Call: DGR n. 204 del 26/02/2019 [ITA]
Contract no.: 2120-0004-204-2019 - CUP: H75F21000140007
Hybrid Sustainable Worlds
Website: HYBRID [ITA]
Coordinator: Giorgio Stefano Bertinetti
VSM role: project partner
Durata: 28 mesi - dal 10/09/2020 al 30/12/2022
Budget: € 2.998.736,75 - VSM amount: € 63.013,13
Research team: Giorgio Stefano Bertinetti, Gloria Gardenal, Licia Ferranna, Laurence Jones
Call: 'bando per il sostegno a progetti di Ricerca e Sviluppo realizzati dalle Reti Innovative Regionali e dai Distretti Industriali - ASSE 1 “RICERCA, SVILUPPO TECNOLOGICO E INNOVAZIONE” - OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO “Incremento dell'attività di innovazione delle imprese” - AZIONE 1.1.4 “Sostegno alle attività collaborative di R&S per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sostenibili, di nuovi prodotti e servizi” - DGR n. 822 del 23 giugno 2020' - Contract no.: ID 10290827

Hybrid systems combine the dimension of the physical spaces we live in with the experience of the virtual and ‘cyberspace’. They offer the opportunity to harness the power of 3D, networks and intelligent systems without giving up the physical dimension of encounter, proximity and dialogue, supporting and building new opportunities for coexistence and social interaction. Hybrid environments are products of technical ingenuity and creativity, and in turn enable the multiplication of human creativity and intellect by supporting new ways of interacting, creating, designing, producing. The hybrid world that awaits us is made up of a single reality in which we seamlessly intersect the dimension of physical reality, robust and static, with that of the virtual, flexible and dynamic. We can exploit these dimensions and the synergies that can result from them. We can ensure more sustainable development, better safeguards for the environment, better places to live, new ways of living together and interacting socially. We can also use these resources and opportunities to better tackle the current pandemic. It follows from all this that this project identifies the specialisations of Sustainable Living (mainly) and Creative Industries as technical and cultural frameworks for its activities. The project's enabling technologies will address four complex situations that are particularly threatened, economically speaking, by the current pandemic situation. The potential of virtual-real hybrid systems in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility and resilience will be experimentally demonstrated in various application contexts and, in particular, in four areas of crucial importance for the regional economy: Construction, Trade, Culture and Artistic Manufacturing, research and development areas addressed by the five RIRs participating in the proposal, pooling resources and expertise in sharing the general objectives of the project.
3D Printing in the Artistic VEtro sector to Relaunch and innOvate the production chain
Website: D3VeRo [ITA]
Coordinator: Maurizio Massaro
VSM role: project partner
Duration: 09/09/2020 - 30/12/2022 (28 months)
Budget: € 1.890.462,50 - VSM amount: € 83.732,04
Research team: Maurizio Massaro, Giorgia Berton, Valerio Zaminato
Call: 'per il sostegno a progetti di Ricerca e Sviluppo realizzati dalle Reti Innovative Regionali e dai Distretti Industriali - ASSE 1 “RICERCA, SVILUPPO TECNOLOGICO E INNOVAZIONE” - OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO “Incremento dell'attività di innovazione delle imprese” - AZIONE 1.1.4 “Sostegno alle attività collaborative di R&S per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sostenibili, di nuovi prodotti e servizi” - DGR n. 822 del 23 giugno 2020'

The D3VeRo project (3D Printing in the Artistic Glass Sector to Relaunch and InnOve the Production Chain) aims to re-launch and strengthen the competitive capacity of the glass supply chain, with particular attention to the characteristics that distinguish the production processes and the Art of the Murano Glassmakers, one of the most important regional production areas, which has been giving lustre and prestige to the Veneto region and the whole of Italy for centuries. The project involves various enabling technologies in the area of ‘Smart Manufacturing’ and ‘Creative Industries’. It is developed through a collaboration between leading exponents in the field of research and industrial implementation of the various technologies involved: additive technology, (3D printing), materials engineering, mechanics/mechatronics.
The research involves the sector of the Veneto art glass industry, which has centuries-old traditions in our region, and, more generally, the world of creativity and design, through the development of an interactive and safe model, with a view to the pandemic emergency, of combining, interacting and creatively proposing glass and mineral compositions by means of additive manufacturing. The aim of the project is the development of an innovative production system that allows, on the one hand, the collection, study and processing, by means of ad hoc developed algorithms, of technical-chemical information coming from new materials, binders and production processes in the artistic glass industry, and on the other hand, to connect, through the development of a special prototype platform, artists, glass masters, designers and the complex chain of creativity with the production processes themselves, orienting it towards improvement and multiplying its potential and dissemination in the territories.
Smart Destinations in the Land of Venice
Coordinator: Carlo Bagnoli
VSM role: project partner
Duration: 10/09/2020 - 30/12/2022 (28 months)
Budget: € 2.879.157,14 - VSM amount: € 417.111,66
Research team: Carlo Bagnoli, Gianluca Bigaglia, Chiara Fassetta, Andrea Gasparetto, Silvia Gastaldo, Lorenzo Giudice, Alessandro Maura, Stefania Tagliabue, Gianluca Zorzi
Call: 'per il sostegno a progetti di Ricerca e Sviluppo realizzati dalle Reti Innovative Regionali e dai Distretti Industriali - ASSE 1 “RICERCA, SVILUPPO TECNOLOGICO E INNOVAZIONE” - OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO “Incremento dell'attività di innovazione delle imprese” - AZIONE 1.1.4 “Sostegno alle attività collaborative di R&S per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sostenibili, di nuovi prodotti e servizi” - DGR n. 822 del 23 giugno 2020' - Contract no.: ID 10316582

The concept of Destination, taken in its broadest sense, connotes a complex territorial sphere on which socio-economic, environmental and cultural dynamics insist and on which the interests of numerous stakeholders converge, structured in a transversal chain that involves both the mediators and suppliers of the tourism product, as well as the production chain and the induced activities generated by it.
Developing the essence of a Destination in the best possible way therefore necessarily means interpreting the same place, seamlessly, both as a place of tourism and as a place of our (or someone else's) living. In order to realise itself as a Smart Destination, the territory needs to develop and nurture a Digital Ecosystem that allows the use and sharing of data, technologies and services respectively for:
- the destination operator (tourism company or adjacent sectors), to develop value-added solutions that perfectly match the characteristics of its stakeholders;
- the offer mediator, to implement an innovative marketing and promotion model that exploits data to maximise impact and market development;
- the destination user (the tourist and the citizen), to receive customised packages from algorithms based on their attitudes and preferences.
For this paradigm shift to take place effectively, in addition to the creation of a technological platform, it is essential to undertake a process of digital transformation, involving the entire supply chain, from service providers to communications and infrastructure operators. Overall, this transformation will return a tourism sector equipped with the technological and cultural tools necessary to cope:
- contingent emergencies, such as the COVID-19 crisis, its prescriptions, security measures and the need to reshape management;
- medium-term structural changes, such as the challenges that will result from the entry of large digital players into the tourism market.
Data Driven Business Models

Coordinator: Maurizio Massaro
VSM role: proposer
Duration: 25/09/2020 - 24/03/2022
Budget: € 383.880,00 - VSM amount: € 288.000,00
Call: DGR n. 204 del 26/02/2019, Linea 2 - Innovazione aziendale (di prodotto, di processo, organizzativa) [ITA]
Contract no.: 2120-0001-204-2019 - CUP: H72F20000410007
Community social capital and value in Venice

Coordinator: Chiara Mio
Proposer: Istituto Veneto per il Lavoro (IVL)
VSM role: partner
Duration: 01/09/2017- 30/08/2018
Budget: € 497.180,00 - VSM amount: € 24.000,00
Call: 'DGR 948 del 22/06/2016 -Programma Operativo Regionale - Fondo Sociale Europeo 2014-2020 - Asse II Inclusione sociale – “ResponsabilMente – Promuovere l’innovazione sociale e trasmettere l’etica – Percorsi di RSI” – Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di proposte progettuali – Anno 2016'
Responsible communities and environment in the Vicenza area

Coordinator: Chiara Mio
Proposer: Fondazione Centro Produttività Veneto (CPV)
VSM role: partner
Duration: 01/09/2017 - 30/08/2017
Budget: € 500.000,00 - VSM amount: € 24.000,00
Call: 'DGR 948 del 22/06/2016 -Programma Operativo Regionale - Fondo Sociale Europeo 2014-2020 - Asse II Inclusione sociale – “ResponsabilMente – Promuovere l’innovazione sociale e trasmettere l’etica – Percorsi di RSI” – Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di proposte progettuali – Anno 2016'
Education and Social Responsibility for Competitiveness

Coordinator: Chiara Mio
Proposer: FOREMA SRL
VSM role: partner
Duration: 01/09/2017 - 30/08/2017
Budget: € 499.744,50 - VSM role: € 24.000,00
Call: 'DGR 948 del 22/06/2016 -Programma Operativo Regionale - Fondo Sociale Europeo 2014-2020 - Asse II Inclusione sociale – “ResponsabilMente – Promuovere l’innovazione sociale e trasmettere l’etica – Percorsi di RSI” – Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di proposte progettuali – Anno 2016'
CSR and TERRITORY: Competitiveness and Responsible Development

Coordinator: Chiara Mio
VSM role: partner
Duration: 01/10/2017 -30/09/2018
Budget: € 499.952,00 - VSM amount: € 24.000,00
Call: 'DGR 948 del 22/06/2016 -Programma Operativo Regionale - Fondo Sociale Europeo 2014-2020 - Asse II Inclusione sociale – “ResponsabilMente – Promuovere l’innovazione sociale e trasmettere l’etica – Percorsi di RSI” – Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di proposte progettuali – Anno 2016'
Transmedia Web Graphic Editor - Work Experience

Coordinator: Fabrizio Panozzo
Ca' Foscari role: proposer
Duration: 01/07/2016 - 31/03/2017
Budget: € 118.080,00 - Ca' Foscari amount: € 118.080,00
Call: 'POR FSE Regione Veneto 2014/2020 UE n. 1303/2013 e 1304/2013 Asse I - Occupabilità - Obiettivo Tematico 8 - Priorità d'investimento 8.i - Obiettivo Specifico 1 - DGR 1358 del 09/10/2015 - Direttiva per la realizzazione di interventi di Work Experience, DGR 2020 del 23/12/2015 - Stanziamento aggiuntivo di risorse finanziarie e apertura nuovi sportelli - Anno 2016'
ICT, branding and advanced marketing for the creative and cultural luxury industries

Coordinator: Fabrizio Panozzo
Proposer: 'Adecco Formazione srl'
VSM role: Project partner
Duration: 29/02/2016 - 28/02/2017Budget: € 151.106,60 - Ca' Foscari mount: € 72.000,00
Call: 'Bando Regione Veneto – DGR 784 del 14/05/2015 -POR FSE 2014-2020 - Asse I Occupabilità Aziende in rete nella formazione continua' – Tools for the competitiveness of Veneto enterprises - Year 2015 - Notice for the realisation of complex projects for the development of Veneto enterprises
Italian taste back to work

Coordinator: Fabrizio Panozzo
VSM role: proposer
Duration: 02/04/2015 -01/04/2016
Budget: € 557.392,00 - Ca' Foscari amount: € 232.300,00
Call: 'Bando DGR 2747 del 29/12/2014 - UNA RETE PER I GIOVANI' - Projects to increase the impact of the policies of the regional Youth Guarantee Plan and to strengthen the action of the network of training and employment services
Narrators of Industrial, Craft and Social Innovations

Coordinator: Fabrizio Panozzo
VSM role: proposer
Partnering: Luigi Bevilacqua s.r.l., Fedon & Figli s.p.a.,OMP Engineering s.r.l., Fabbrica Pinze Schio s.r.l., Tecnica Group s.p.a., Irinox s.p.a., Videotec s.p.a., Came Cancelli Automatici s.p.a., Nuova Menon s.r.l., Prospettive s.r.l., Prospettive s.r.l., Altana s.p.a., Ligabue s.p.a., Verde Sport s.p.a., Lago s.p.a., Rehateam s.r.l.
Budget: € 128.713,20
CA' Foscari amount: € 128.713,20 - Duration: 12/02/2016 - 30/09/2016
Call: 'POR FSE Regione Veneto 2014/2020 UE n. 1303/2013 e 1304/2013 Asse I - Occupabilità - Obiettivo Tematico 8 - Priorità d'investimento 8.i - Obiettivo Specifico 1 - DGR 1358 del 09/10/2015 - Direttiva per la realizzazione di interventi di Work Experience e DGR 2020 del 23/12/2015 - Stanziamento aggiuntivo di risorse finanziarie e apertura nuovi sportelli - Anno 2016'
A Network for Work in Fashion

Ca' Foscari role: Project partner
Coordinator: Fabrizio Panozzo
Proposer: Politecnico Calzaturiero Scarl
Duration: 21/04/2016 - 30/09/2016
Partnering: Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Department of Management; Fondazione Centro Produttività Veneto; FABRICA S.p.A.;T2i – Trasferimento Tecnologico e Innovazione S.c. a r.l.; UMANA S.p.A.; G27
Budget: € 996.766,00 - Ca' Foscari amount: € 9.600,00
Call: 'Bando DGR 2747 del 29/12/2014 - UNA RETE PER I GIOVANI' - Projects to increase the impact of the policies of the regional Youth Guarantee Plan and to strengthen the action of the network of training and employment services
Packaging, graphics, advertising and communication: networking opportunities for young people

Responsabile: Fabrizio Panozzo
Propser: Formaset Scarl
Ca' Foscari role: Project partner
Partnering: T2i Trasferimento Tecnologico e Innovazione; Verona Innovazione; Università IUAV di Venezia; Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Department of Management, ADiSS - Educational programmes area, Stage and Placement area; Adecco Formazione; CIF Opere Assistenziali; Engim Veneto; Format – F. Tecnica; Isfid Prisma; Adecco Italia; Crea Lavoro S.r.l.; Boscolo S.r.l.; Career Counseling S.r.l.; SUMO s.c.s.; Ist. Parini (Mestre); Ist. Dante Alighieri (Mestre); Ist. Leonardo da Vinci (Belluno); Ist. Guggenheim (Venezia); Mc Project S.n.c.; Provincia di Rovigo; Comune di Marcon; Comune di Mogliano Veneto; Comune di Quarto d’Altino; Camera di Commercio di Siviglia; EUSA di Siviglia; Enaip Veneto; Coop. Sociale “Il Raggio Verde”; AssoretiPMI; Fondazione Ca’ Foscari
Budget: € 577.839,01 - Ca' Foscari amount: € 8.080,00
Durata: dal 01/08/2015 al 30/04/2016
Bando: 'Bando DGR 2747 del 29/12/2014 - UNA RETE PER I GIOVANI' - Projects to increase the impact of the policies of the regional Youth Guarantee Plan and to strengthen the action of the network of training and employment services
Last update: 12/03/2025