Other international projects 
Venice School of Management

Strengthening emergency medical services in the city of Beira

Coordinator: Francesco Rullani
VSM role: partner
Duration: 01/02/2022 - 01/02/2025 (36 months)
Budget: € 369.865,40 - VSM amount: € 16.800
Funding programme: Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS)

The project aims to promote the strengthening of emergency/urgency health services run by local authorities in Beira district, with a focus on obstetric and pediatric emergencies, contributing to the reduction of mortality and morbidity in the population, related to medical emergencies. Specifically, the project promotes increased access of the population, with a focus on pregnant women and children under 5 years of age, to emergency/emergency services, provided by the Beira Central Hospital and its affiliated health centers, through the adoption of a centralized emergency management model shared by the relevant district and national authorities. The project intends to achieve the mentioned objectives through the implementation of activities to strengthen the capacity of local authorities in planning and coordinating emergency/urgency services and the implementation of actions aimed at improving the clinical-organizational quality of the services provided at Beira Central Hospital and its afferent health centers.

A new trainer teaching framework in the post-Covid era

The Venice School of Management is lead partner of the HI-TEACH project, funded by the ERASMUS + Programme. HI-TEACH was created in response to the critical issues and impacts of the COVID-19 emergency on education, the most widespread in the history of teaching, which forced universities in most parts of the world to transfer teaching activities online, creating the largest ever digitisation experiment.
The project aims to create an unprecedented training programme for trainers with the purpose of transforming e-learning into a strategic and permanent component of teaching, while fostering the evolution of the teacher towards a ‘Hi-Teacher’. The latter will be able to assess, interpret and satisfy the plurality of educational needs by means of web-based inclusive teaching methodologies and technologies that look to the use of audiovisuals and gaming as experimental grounds for introducing elements of flexibility, simplicity, accessibility, interactivity and personalisation in open learning. Conceived in this way, the project will also help foster transnational cooperation of extended HE to generate relational, scientific and methodological capital with high added value.

Europeana Space 
Spaces of possibility for creative re-use of Europeana's content

WebsiteEuropeana Space
CooridnatorLeonardo Buzzavo
VSM role: partner
Duration: 03/02/2014 - 31/01/2017
Budget: € 4.956.267,50 - VSM amount: € 98.000,00
Call: ICT PSP seventh call for proposals 2013 - Best Practice Network - project no.: 621037

Europeana Space is a European project that aims to create new job opportunities and economic growth in the creative industries sector, based on the rich European cultural resources available in digital format. Underlying the project is the concept of collecting and creatively reusing European digital cultural assets in the following six relevant areas: television, photography, games, open publishing, museums, and dance.
The project seeks to support creative SMEs to develop their services and applications through marketing and business modeling support, mentoring activities and incubation services, both through participation in project events and online networking.

Past projects

Last update: 12/03/2025