Interreg projects
Venice School of Management
Interreg is a key European Union (EU) instruments that strengthens cooperation between regions and countries within the EU. As part of the EU’s Cohesion Policy, Interreg plays a vital role in promoting regional development, cohesion, and reducing economic disparities. For the 2021-2027 period, Interreg is focused on addressing current challenges like climate change, digital transformation, and social inclusion.
INTERREG 2021-2027
North Adriatic EGTC to promote climate neutrality by 2050: strategic initiatives for energy efficiency in the region
Website: CO ADRIA
Coordinator: Carlo Bagnoli
VSM role: project leader
Partners: Ajdovščina (Slovenia) [SLV]; Udine (Italy) [ITA]; CKoper (Slovenia) [SLV]; Monfalcone (Italy) [ITA]; Agenzia locale per l'energia di Goriska, Nova Gorica (Slovenia) [SLV]
Duration: 22/04/2024 - 21/04/2026 (24 months)
Budget: € 874.866,20 - VSM amount: € 156.200
Funding programme: 'Bando progetti standard n. 02/2023 - Programma di Cooperazione Interreg VI-A Italia-Slovenia 2021-2027'
Project code: ITA-SI0600208 - CUP: H73C24000210007

The CO ADRIA project tackles the common challenge of climate change in the Italy-Slovenia Programme Area, with the overall objective of contributing substantially to the attainment of climate neutrality by 2050 in line with European objectives.
The overall objective of the project is to promote climate neutrality in the cross-border area through coordinated actions that help improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions and promote the deployment of renewables in key industries and by setting up a common structure. The expected change that the project will make to the current situation is that it will facilitate shared initiatives and help overcome cross-border administrative barriers in order to achieve climate neutrality through new approaches and behaviour.
The project results are: i) the cross-border cooperation network shall be institutionalised in the form of an EGTC, that will act as a hub for cooperation on climate neutrality in the area; ii) the adoption of joint energy efficiency action plans and innovative energy solutions in the cross-border area; iii) the participation in joint training and information initiatives for the promotion of climate neutrality in the Programme Area, to be initially organised within the project and by the EGTC after project conclusion.
Cross-border cooperation is mandatory as environmental and climate challenges spread across geographical or administrative boundaries and require a coordinated and joint effort by communities and partners located on both sides of the border. Furthermore, the sharing of knowledge, experience and good practices between Italian and Slovene partners will foster more effective solutions than what could be achieved by isolated actions at a local or national level.
![]() | Call for application - short term research fellowship Deadline: March 14, 2025, at 12:00 PM | 351 K |
Enhance enogasTronomy hEritage to eSTablish and Expand sustainAble Tourism
Website: TESTEAT
Coordinator: Francesca Checchianto
VSM role: partner di progetto - Project coordinator: AZRRI Agencija za ruralni razvoj Istre d.o.o. Pazin
Duration: 01/02/204 - 31/07/2026 (30 months)
Research team: Francesca Checchinato, Cinzia Colapinto, Christine Mauracher, Vladi Finotto
Budget: € 2.302.841,76 - VSM amount: € 251.800,00
Fiunding programme: INTERREG VI A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme 2021-2027
Project code: ITHR0200324 - CUP: H75E23000170006

The Venice School of Management of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice is a partner of the European project TESTEAT funded by Interreg VI A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme 2021-2027.
TESTEAT aims to enhance the role of enogastronomy heritage to foster sustainable socio-economic and cultural development of the cross-border area. Enogastronomy can play a key role to increase the resilience and competitiveness of the tourism sector, reduce its social and environmental impact and improve the quality of life of local communities. The Adriatic area is very rich in intangible enogastronomy heritage and has enormous potential for creating innovative tourism offerings able to enhance experiential tourism and respond to modern needs, food choices and behavior patterns of tourists.
The TESTEAT approach will shape innovative and integrated cross-border tourism offerings through the joint valorisation of Italian and Croatian enogastronomy heritage, joint training of qualified human resources in the tourism sector and joint solutions to address specific demand challenges in peripheral rural and urban coastal areas. The project focuses on raising the skills of the tourism actors and future and current workforce, especially students and professionals (chefs, waiters, destination managers, tour guides, etc.), and improving their knowledge of enogastronomy heritage, modern needs and food choices and opportunities offered by sustainable tourism, circular economy and digitalisation.
To ensure active stakeholders’ engagement in the project’s activities partners will create two enogastronomy innovative HUBs.The HUBs will be composed of key public and private actors from the tourism and culture sectors that will be involved throughout the entire project implementation. TESTEAT partners and HUBs will develop action plans to shape strategies for valorising enogastronomy heritage and define actions to be implemented in the future to ensure their commitment after the project ends. This will help to strengthen the project's spill-over effects in the tourism and education sectors. TESTEAT can count on a diverse and composite partnership made of public and private entities and educational institutions to better address cross-border challenges and develop joint solutions.
During the project, two surveys will be implemented: one aimed at understanding the role of food and wine offerings in destination choice and behavior within the destination itself, and the other in order to understand tourist consumer needs regarding food and wine offerings and eating habits.
The project will be enriched with the competencies of universities working on tourism topics, producing market research to map cross-border enogastronomy heritage and developing an innovative framework for integrated tourism offers. TESTEAT will help to create innovative tourism offers adapted to contemporary consumers/tourist behaviors and needs.
INTERREG 2014-2020
Maritime and multimodal sustainable passenger transport solutions and services
Website: MIMOSA
Coordinator: Andrea Stocchetti
VSM role: partner e Work Package Leader WP 3
Duration: 01/01/2020 - 30/06/2023 (36 months)
Budget: € 7.140.000,00 - VSM amount: € 493.300,00
Research team: Andrea Stocchetti, Serena Favaro, Raffaele Pesenti, Pietro Lanzini, Giovanni Fasano

The Venice School of Management is a scientific partner and Work Package Leader of the European project MIMOSA - “MARITIME AND MULTIMODAL SUSTAINABLE PASSENGER TRANSPORT SOLUTIONS AND SERVICES” funded by Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia CBC Program 2014-2020. The main objective of the project is to improve the multimodal offer of passenger transport services in the entire Program area: an area of more than 85,500 square kilometers and a population of more than 12.4 million inhabitants the eligible area of the Italy-Croatia Program stretches along both sides of the Adriatic Sea.
The project approach starts from an in-depth analysis of the current transport situation (maritime and coastal areas) at the cross-border level taking into special consideration regional connections in order to make passenger mobility in the entire program area more accessible, sustainable and low-carbon. The connections between Croatia and Italy show bottlenecks and lack of infrastructure that can facilitate intermodal connections from one country to another and within the countries themselves to the hinterland. At the same time, the need to favor multimodal solutions with low environmental impact (especially in terms of GHG) and high efficiency (integrated connection nodes between road, sea rail and air transport) should be added. Indeed, the predominance in this context of road transport causes important negative environmental and socio-economic consequences.
Newsletter MIMOSA
![]() | MIMOSA newsletter 1 | 4.53 M |
![]() | MIMOSA newsletter 2 | 6.68 M |
![]() | MIMOSA newsletter 3 | 1.21 M |
![]() | MIMOSA newsletter 4 | 791 K |
![]() | MIMOSA newsletter 5 | 513 K |
![]() | MIMOSA newsletter 6 | 289 K |
Smart Accelerators of Cultural Heritage Entrepreneurship
Website: SACHE
Coordinator: Fabrizio Panozzo
VSM role: partner
Duration: 01/04/2019 - 31/03/2022 (36 months)
Budget: € 2.062.753,85 - VSM amount: € 196.996,00

The Department of Management is one of the partners of the SACHE Project, funded by the Program - INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE 2014-2020 and led by the CCIAA of Venice Rovigo.
SACHE aims to provide integrated local development strategies based on tools and approaches that accelerate creative entrepreneurship related to cultural heritage.
Based on a recently developed Central European model, the project will expand and strengthen the role of cultural heritage sites, symbols and values by transforming them into “Smart Accelerator of Creative Heritage Entrepreneurship” (SACHE).
Museums, galleries, theaters, and festivals will be conceived not only as places of education or entertainment but also as “smart accellerators,” that is, cultural engines that set in motion and fuel the energies of small creative enterprises. This approach will expand access to cultural heritage and the production of value-added services, and promote the development of innovative clustering of Cultural and Creative Industries around each SACHE. Thus designed, the project will also help foster cross-sectoral cooperation with other industries and service sectors, particularly in digital technologies.
Culture and Creative Industries COOPERATION COLLIDER
Website: COCO4CCI
Cooridnator: Giovanni Vaia
VSM role: partner
Duration: 01/04/2019 - 31/03/2022 (36 months)
Budget: € 2.377.444,50
Call no.: INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE- Call 3/2018 - Priorità 3 “NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES” – Obiettivo specifico 3.2 - ID project: CE1388

The Venice School of Management is one of the partners in the project , funded by the Program - INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE 2014-2020 and led by the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia.
The project will boost cross-sectoral cooperation in advanced manufacturing (AVM) by creating a transnational network of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) colliders.
Based on a mapping of potential CCIs and a roadmap, COCO4CCI will develop the collider concept, in which CCI hubs and business support organizations work in tandem, complementing each other with knowledge and experience from their own sector. It will also train facilitators who will initiate an online and face-to-face training program for KICs in three areas: technology development, future trends, and mindset in advanced manufacturing. KICs involved by project partners will participate in different match-making formats with AVM companies, applying open and innovative methods such as design thinking, which will result in efficient cross-sector cooperation.
Cross-border Ecosystem for Industry 4.0
Website: ECOS4IN
Coordinator: Vladi Finotto
VSM role: partner
Duration: 01/04/2019 - 31/03/2022 (36 months)
Budget: € 1.464.250,00 - VSM amount: €218.550,00
Call no.: INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE - Call 3/2018 - Priorità 1 “INNOVATION AND KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT” – Obiettivo specifico 1.1 - Project ID: CE1393

The Venice School of Management is one of the partners of the ECOS4IN Project, funded by the Program - INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE 2014-2020 and led by the Ústi Region of the Czech Republic.
The project supports close cooperation between actors involved in the implementation of smart specialization strategies (RIS3) in implementation of Industry 4.0. It will take a close look at the current situation of Industry 4.0 implementation in the countries involved, define, from the data emerged, the regional ecosystem model of the future, and equip the partners with action plans that will provide relevant material for the upcoming reviews of RIS3 strategies.
Smart strategies for sustainable tourism in LIvely DEStinations
Website: S.LI.DES.
Coordinator: Michele Tamma
VSM role: lead partner
Duration: 01/01/2019 - 30/06/2022 (42 months)
Budget: € 2.504.981,90 -VSM amount: € 412.810,00
Research team: Michele Tamma, Raffaele Pesenti, Stefania Funari, Andrea Ellero
Call: INTERREG ITALIA-CROAZIA - Call 1/2017 - Standard Project Proposal - PA 3 Environment and cultural heritage SO 3.1 Make natural and cultural heritage a leverage for sustainable and more balanced territorial development
Project no.: 10044622

Smart strategies for sustainable tourism in bustling cultural destinations. The S.LI.DES. project aims to improve tourism governance, manage anthropogenic pressure on territorial natural and cultural heritage, and promote the sustainability and competitiveness of the local tourism-based economy. The project aims at sustainable and balanced territorial development through the promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, targeting the revitalization of the urban and social environment as well as the diversification of the local economy. The project involves 5 cities bordering the Adriatic Sea (Venice, Ferrara, Bari, Dubrovnik and Sibenik), which will develop tools and strategies to promote the sustainability of tourist flows.
Project partners:
- Ca' Foscari University of Venice – Venice School of Management (coordinator)
- CISET – 'Centro Internazionale di studi sull’economia turistica' (Italy)
- ECIPA Nordest (Italy)
- SIPRO 'Agenzia di Sviluppo Ferrara' (Italy)
- City of Bari [ITA] (Italy), City of Venice [ITA] (Italy)
- Bologna University – 'CAST Centro di Studi Avanzati sul Turismo' (Italy)
- Istituto per il Turismo di Zagabria (Croazia)
- Craft College [HRV] (Croazia)
- DURa [HRV] - (Croazia)
- Šibenik (Croazia)
The Venice Rovigo Chamber of Commerce is collaborating on the project to develop the survey on the operating methods and needs of enterprises in artistic and traditional handicrafts, typical productions, and related Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) in the city of Venice.
An open network for innovation through nanotechnology
Cooridnator: Carlo Bagnoli
VSM role: partner
Duration: 01/02/2019 - 31/01/2022 (36 months)
Budget: € 3.529.323,50 - VSM amount: € 207.000,00
The Venice of Management is one of the partners of the NANO-REGION Project (INTERREG ITALY-SLOVENIA - Call 5/2018 - Strategic Project Proposal - IP 1b theme 1 ). The project aims to develop a network of research centers and parks with a nano-technological vocation focused on promoting technology transfer. The network, aimed at businesses, will provide access to enabling technologies and help create a new culture of 'innovation, through a program of targeted open events, an advisory service and feasibility studies, responding of the needs expressed by individual companies and stimulating the creation of new products, markets and businesses.
Innovative marketing tools for global competitiveness and exploitation of synergies among SMEs in the cross-border area

Website: NUVOLAK2 [ITA]
Coordinator: Carlo Bagnoli
VSM role: partner
Duration: 30 month, since 1/10/2017
Budget: € 1.110.170,31 - VSM amount: € 208.982,50
Call: INTERREG ITALY-SLOVENIA - Calla 1/2016 - Priority Axis 1b - Project no.: 1473163643
Enhancing touristic development and promotion through prism of culture

Website: ArtVision+
Coordinator: Fabrizio Panozzo
VSM role: partner
Duration: 18 months, since 1/01/2018
Budget: € 1.006.360,00
Call: INTERREG ITALIA-CROAZIA -Call for proposal 2017 Standard+; Priority Axis:Environment and cultural heritage
Mobility planning and sustainable, cross-border passenger transport services under the banner of intermodality
The Venice School of Management is one of the partners of the CROSSMOBY Project (European Project funded by the Program - INTERREG V-A ITALY-SLOVENIA 2014-2020), led by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. The objective of the project is to improve the quality and sustainability of cross-border mobility between Slovenia and neighboring Italian areas (Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Province of Venice). Actions will consist of the development of a new cross-border railway line connecting Trieste and Ljubljana and a new approach to mobility planning through the development of sustainable urban mobility plans in a number of pilot areas.
Smart atmospheres of social and financial innovation for innovative clustering of creative industries in MED area

Website: SMATH
Coordinator: Fabrizio Panozzo
VSM role: partner
Duration:30 months, since 1/02/2018
Budget: € 2.170.196,50 - VSM amount: € 286.860,00
Call no.: Interreg MED -2nd modular call - single module- Priority Axis 1: Promoting Mediterranean innovation capacities to develop smart and sustainable growth
Cross-border Business Accelerator for Smart Specialization Strategies
Website: CAB
Cooridnator: Carlo Bagnoli
VSM role: partner
Duration: 24 months, since 2/10/2017
Budget: € 1.110.170,31 - VSM amount: € 200.000,00
Call: INTERREG ITALIA-SLOVENIA - Call 1/2016 - 'Asse Prioritario 1b: Migliorare la cooperazione tra soggetti chiave al fine di promuovere il trasferimento di conoscenze e le attività innovative nei settori chiave dell'area'
Project no.: 1473185408
The Crossborder Acceleration Bridge project addresses a common challenge of the Program area concerning the lack of effectiveness of technology transfer of research results to enterprises, with the aim of improving the innovation capacity of the Program area-particularly by insisting on the areas of specialization identified by the S3s-increasing its overall competitiveness and strengthening collaboration among key players in the cross-border innovation ecosystem. Creating a network of Italian and Slovenian actors who will test and implement in the long run a new cross-border service for business acceleration, capable of promoting investment in the development of innovative products/services and technology transfer from R&D centers to enterprises is indeed the goal of CAB.
Last update: 12/03/2025