Research outcomes

Our publication archive

The School has a strong and growing research potential, as it is demonstrated by the quality of its research outputs.

Our publication catalogue is based on ARCA, the open access archive that includes the complete scientific output of Ca’ Foscari University. It is also accessible at cerCa, the bibliographic platform of the University. 

Samples of our last year publications

VSM research awards

VSM assigns research awards to research projects published by its core faculty. The criteria followed for the assignment of the awards is based on rewarding those publications with a lower number of co-authors and takes in consideration the youngest member of the core faculty who was more recently hired or who has obtained an internal promotion.

2021 VSM research awards

Francesca dal Mas – Article (Academic Journal)
Cobianchi L.; Dal Mas F.; Angelos P. (2021).
One size does not fit all -
Translating knowledge to bridge the gaps to diversity and inclusion of surgical teams

Owais Ur Rehman Khan – Article (Academic Journal)
Khan, O.; Daddi, T.; Iraldo, F. (2021).
Sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring: Key capabilities and organizational routines for circular economy implementation.

Monica Plechero – Article (Academic Journal)
Bellandi M.; Plechero M.; Santini E. (2021).
Forms of place leadership in local productive systems: from endogenous rerouting to deliberate resistance to change.

Carlo Romano Marcello Alessandro Santagiustina – Article (Academic Journal)
Costola M.; Santagiustina C.R.M.A.; Iacopini M. (2021).
Google search volumes and the financial markets during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Pietro Lanzini - Article (Academic Journal)
Lanzini, P.; Stocchetti, A. (2022).
From techno-centrism to socio-centrism:
The evolution of principles for urban sustainable mobility

Maria Lusiani - Article (Academic Journal)
Pareschi L.; Lusiani M. (2022).
What editors talk about when they talk about editors? A public discourse analysis of market and aesthetic logics.
POETICS (ISSN 0304-422X)

Debora Slanzi - Article (Academic Journal)
Anzoise, V; Slanzi, D; Poli, I (2022).
Local stakeholders’ narratives about large-scale urban development:
The Zhejiang Hangzhou Future Sci-Tech City

Promoting research and its results

Our interdisciplinary approach, combined with our desire to have a positive impact on societal issues, provides a vibrant environment for researchers to grow and innovate. Students benefit from our research excellence in many situations: during classes, by facing real-life challenges, insights and practical application. To reinforce the 'social' dimension of our research, the School involves residents and the general public in many initiatives aimed at promoting public understanding of management, participation in policy-making processes, and a sense of belonging to the cultural and social development of the local community.

We believe in the importance of sharing, disseminating and promoting our research and its outcomes, in order to ensure both relevance and practical application. Our goal is to develop and grow a strong and effective dissemination approach that involves both the academic and non-academic world. We do that through publications, conferences, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and more.

Furthermore, Venice School of Management fosters the economic valorisation of scientific and technological research activities by developing appropriate organisational strategies and models to encourage and support the creation of new patents, the launch of innovative business ideas and the development of strong partnerships with local authorities and national as well as international companies.

Research dissemination

Research Day

Since 2014, Venice School of Management has been organising the Research Day, which is an annual event dedicated to the theoretical and applied research carried out by the School’s Labs and Centres. The idea of the Research Day is based on the fact that the School is home to top faculty, who brings groundbreaking expertise and innovative approaches to research, and is able to examine a broad spectrum of business, policy, and societal and economic issues.
Indeed, the presentation of research results is done directly by the faculty and the researchers of the School, in conversation with innovative business minds who belong to the world of business or who are part of Academia. 

Latest editions: 

VSM Lectures

The School offers the chance to attend VSM Lectures. These are a series of seminars on the latest insights of management studies, given by top scholars from international universities and institutions, who are invited to present their research, related results, and impact on societal issues.
The Management Lectures series takes place on an annual basis, typically once a month between January and June. These Lectures are a part of our PhD programme.

Discover the upcoming events.

Other research initiatives

  • Venetonight - the Night of the Researchers [ITA]: an event held every year, on the last Friday night of September, where researchers engage with the city and its residents, as well as anybody who wants to join, through immersive activities such as guided tours of the lagoon and laboratories for children and adults.
  • The Research Communication Week [ITA]: a format to encourage researchers to manage communication and public engagement tools.

Last update: 19/06/2024