SBA Resources and Digital Library (BDA)

How to find databases
You can find the subscribded bibliographic and full-text databases through the searching box below.

Enter the name of the resource or other keywords that describe the database you are looking for in the 'Keywords' field. Alternatively, you can select a subject from the drop-down menu or scroll through the alphabetical list.

The Details button opens a window with more information about the resource; click on the Title to open directly the database.

To find other free databases selected by libraries, check the box 'See also other recommended resources'.

Ca' Foscari subscribes to around 100 multidisciplinary or discipline-specific databases. There are various types of databases:

  • bibliographic database: it contains and makes searchable descriptions of books, periodicals, theses... Useful for finding up-to-date bibliographies on a subject or author
  • full text database: it contains and makes searchable bibliographic descriptions and allows direct access to the full text of publications
  • factual database: it collects and makes searchable primary data such as chemical formulas, laws, company balance sheets, economic and financial statistical data (e.g. AIDA, Bloomberg)
  • citation database: it provides information on the quality, quantity and impact of scientific publications based on the use of bibliometric indices such as the Impact Factor (e.g. Scopus, WOS).
Title Short description Notes Access Details
ABSEES - American Bibliography of Slavic & Eastern European Studies Bibliographic database that lists the indexes of Slavic materials related to literature, art, history, geography, culture and anthropology of Eastern European countries and the Russian Federation Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
ACM Digital Library - Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library Portal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) dedicated to computer science and information sciences Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
ACS - American Chemical Society Journals Journals Collection of electronic journals of the American Chemical Society (ACS) on chemistry and related subjects Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Acta Sanctorum Full text electronic version of Acta Sanctorum, printed edition published in sixty-eight volumes by the Societé des Bollandistes in Antwerp and Brussels between 1643 and 1940, which gathers documents that examine the lives of the saints Unlimited users VPN
AGRICOLA Bibliographic database and catalogue of the National Agricultural Library relating to all aspects of agriculture and related subjects Unlimited users Accesso libero
AIDA - Analisi Informatizzata Delle Aziende Computerized Analysis of Companies Factual database of financial, registration and commercial information on corporations, active or closed in Italy.
Please avoid massive data download because it compromise the database functionality
5 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation Idem-GARR
Al-Ahram Digital Archive Digital Archive of the Arabic newspaper Al-Ahram (الأهرام‎, “The Pyramids”) which was founded in 1875. Unlimited users VPN
ALD - Aristoteles Latinus Database Full text database of medieval translations of Aristotle's works published in the 25 volumes of the printed edition 3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 5 Historical Periodicals Collection:Series 5 Digital collection of American periodicals published between 1866 and 1912 and stored in the archive of the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
L' Année Philologique Fundamental bibliographic database for research in the field of classical philology and classical studies Unlimited users VPN
APS Journals - American Physical Society Journals Journal Collection of specialist magazines in the field of physics, mathematics and computer science published by the American Physical Society Unlimited users VPN
Arab World Research Source Multidisciplinary full text database that indexes academic publications, of which more than one hundred in Arabic, relating to the economy, science, technology, human and social sciences of the Arab and Middle Eastern world Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
arXiv Archive of open access articles on physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, finance and statistics Unlimited users Accesso libero
Asahi Shimbun Cross-search (Kikuzo Visual II) Full text database of Japanese Studies containing the digital archive of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, from 1879 to the present day, magazines, photographic archives and other sources for the study of Japanese history and culture from the Meji era to the present day
18 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation. Use VPN for remote access VPN
BAA - Bibliographisches Archiv der Antike Online version of the biographical archives published by K.G. Saur on microfiches 1 simultaneous user - log out at the end of the consultation VPN, Idem-GARR
Banca dati Centro Studi Emigrazione Roma Specialist bibliographic database on emigration Unlimited users Accesso libero
BAS - Bibliography of Asian Studies Bibliographic database on studies published in western languages on the culture and civilization of the countries of East Asia, South and Southeast Asia Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
BHA - Bibliography of the History of Art Specialist bibliographic database of history of art, which includes the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and the Répertoire international de la littérature de dell'arte (RILA) Unlimited users Accesso libero
Bibliographie der deutsche Sprach und Literaturwissenschaft (BDSL Online) Bibliographic database of German studies Unlimited users Accesso libero
BiGLI - Bibliografia Generale della Lingua e della Letteratura Italiana Bibliography of Italian literature that indexes academic publications of philology, linguistics, literary criticism and rhetoric of Italian language and literature, from the origins to the present day 20 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
Bloomberg Factual database containing financial and economic data. Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BEC. Bookings: Sede BEC
Brill Online Reference Works Portal of the publisher Brill that provides access to reference works, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and repertories in the areas of humanities and linguistics. Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Brill Primary Sources Portal of the publisher Brill that provides access to primary source collections in different subject areas. These materials are often the only source of rare documents outside of the source library itself. Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Brill's Chinese Reference Shelf Portal of the publisher Brill that provides access to reference works, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and repertories in the areas of Chinese humanities and linguistics Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Brill’s New Pauly Bilingual online resource on Classical Antiquity, which includes the printed reference work Der Neue Pauly, published by JBMetzler Verlag (1996-2003) Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Bryn Mawr Classical Review Bibliographic database of reviews of the most recent publications on Classical Antiquity Unlimited users Accesso libero
BSN - Bibliografia Storica Nazionale Bibliographic database of historiographic production published in Italy Unlimited users Accesso libero
BTL - Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina Full text database of works on Antiquity and the Latin Middle Ages published in the Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Business Source Ultimate Bibliographic and full text database that lists the indexes of international management, marketing, business administration, accounting and finance publications Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Core) Portal of electronic periodicals, e-books and reference works by Cambridge University Press Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Centro Studi Gruppo Abele Bibliographic database that provides access to the materials collected by the Abele Group Research Centre Unlimited users Accesso libero
CEPR Discussion Papers Collection of working papers published by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) relating to the research and elaboration of economic development projects Unlimited users VPN
ChinaLawInfo Specialist portal on legislation and jurisprudence of the People's Republic of China 1 simultaneous user - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911-1949) Digitized archive of over 25.000 periodicals published in the Republic of China between 1911 and 1949. 5 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
CJFD - China Academic Journals Full text Database Bibliographic and full-text database of Chinese academic journals in the world. For series subscribed by Ca' Foscari, please click "Subscribed" in the right corner Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
DBpia Multidisciplinary database of Korean Studies Unlimited users VPN
De Jure Portal for information and legal research that provides access to De Jure databases and to a group of subscription-based magazines published by Giuffrè 8 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
DHGE - Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques Bibliographic dictionary of the history of the Church from antiquity to the modern era 3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
DLD - Database of Latin Dictionaries Full text database that gathers the most important Latin dictionaries, modern, medieval and post-medieval Unlimited users VPN
DMLBS - Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources Online version of the monumental research project of the British Academy that collected 58,000 lemmas in Medieval Latin from British medieval sources in 17 volumes Unlimited users VPN
DoGi - Dottrina Giuridica Bibliographic database of literature published in Italian legal journals. The index concerns about 250 periodicals currently published on paper or electronically; over 400 journals have been indexed over the years. Unlimited users (limit of 200 documents viewed per day) Accesso libero
DPhA - Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques Reference work on the life and works of ancient Greek and Roman philosophers. It gathers around 3000 entries compiled by French and foreign scholars Unlimited users VPN
Dyabola Portal of classical archaeology that provides access to bibliographic databases of the history of art and the ancient world. Unlimited users VPN
Ebook Central - Business and Economics (Ebrary) Collection of e-books in the fields of marketing, business economics, economic sciences, accounting, economic policy, business and corporate finance Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Ebook Central - Religion, Philosophy & Classics (Ebrary) Collection of e-books in the humanities, philosophies, librarianship, history of religions and the classical studies Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Ebook Central- Language, Literature & Linguistics (Ebrary) Collection of e-books on linguistics and literature published by various academic publishers Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
eBook Collection - EBSCO Collection of e-books accessible from the EBSCO platform that offers a vast multidisciplinary collection of texts in English by leading academic publishers Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
ECCO - Eighteenth Century Collections Online Bibliographic and full text database of digitized texts and documents printed in the United Kingdom between 1701 and 1800 Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Econlit with Full Text Bibliographic and full text database of articles, doctoral theses, monographs, conference proceedings and working papers referring to international economic science literature Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
EEB - Early European Books (Collection 2) Digital archive with 2700 publications printed before 1701 and found in the Central National Library of Florence Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Emerald Insight Portal of electronic periodicals accessible in full text format for the Premier eJournal Collection Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Environment Complete Bibliographic database and full text of environmental sciences and related subjects Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
ERIC - Education Resources Information Center Bibliographic database with abstracts on the topic of education Unlimited users Accesso libero
ESSPER Bibliographic database with bibliographical references of articles found in numerous Italian periodicals on social sciences, economics, law and history Unlimited users Accesso libero
Food Science Source Bibliographic and full text database of food sciences and related subjects Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
ForoPlus (Foro italiano) Legal information portal 2 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
Frantext Database for linguistic and literary research that can be carried out in a digital archive containing thousands of classic texts of French literature and specialist material, such as judicial documents and technical publications 50 simultaneous users VPN
IEEE Xplore Specialist bibliographic and full text database on electronics and IT. It provides full text access to 'IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) journals, proceedings, transactions, letters and standard.
The contract is still be under negotiation. Some resources could not be available.
Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
IFRS Portal of the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) Foundation Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BEC. Bookings: Sede BEC
Image System for Books of the Japanese - ruled Period Bibliographic and full text database of digitized ancient Japanese books belonging to the period of Japanese domination in Taiwan Unlimited users VPN
Image System for Periodicals of the Japanese - ruled Period Bibliographic and full text database that indexes over 300 periodicals belonging to the period of Japanese domination in Taiwan Unlimited users VPN
In principio: Incipit of Latin Texts Database with over one million incipits of texts and manuscripts of Latin literature, from its origins to the Renaissance 3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
Index Islamicus Bibliographic reference database for the study of Islam and Muslim civilization and culture Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries Online Online resource which allows to to search across the 15 etymological dictionariesof the most important Indo-European languages (Latin, Greek, Slavic, proto-Germanic, proto-Celtic, Old Frisian, Armenian, Hittite, Luvian, Persian, Iranian verb and proto-Nostratic) Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
International Medieval Bibliography - Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale Interdisciplinary bibliographic database on the European Middle Ages 3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
Italinemo: riviste di italianistica nel mondo Bibliographic database of Italian studies Unlimited users Accesso libero
Jacoby Online Online, revised and updated version of the index Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (The Fragments of Greek Historians) by Felix Jacoby Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Japan Chronicle Online English language newspaper published in Kobe between 1900 and 1940 Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
JCR - Journal Citation Reports Annual report that provides the Impact Factor of journals and other bibliometric indexes taken from the Web of Science citation databases. It is used for the evaluation of academic journals Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Journal of National Essence (Guocui Xuebao) Full text database of the monthly magazine of the same name published in Shanghai between 1905 and 1911 Unlimited users VPN
JSTOR - Primary Sources JSTOR offers millions of primary sources supporting research and teaching in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
JSTOR - Archive Journal Collections Full text retrospective archive of digitized back issues of articles from academic and scientific journals Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
JSTOR - Global Plants Global Plants is the world’s largest database of digitized plant specimens and a locus for international scientific research and collaboration Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
KLAPP Online - Bibliographie der Französischen Literaturwissenschaft Bibliographic database of French Studies that indexes magazines, monographs, essays contained in monographs related to French literature Unlimited users VPN
Kluwer Law Online Portal offering access to full text periodicals of Kluwer Law International on international and Community law and other legal, financial and tax subject areas Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
KRpia Full text database for the study of Korean language and culture Unlimited users VPN
Kubikat Catalogue of art libraries of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich, Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte in Paris, Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome. Unlimited users Accesso libero
Il Latino. Vocabolario della lingua latina Online version of the Latin language dictionary by Gian Biagio Conte, Emilio Pianezzola and Giuliano Ranucci Unlimited users VPN
LexMA - Lexikon des Mittelalters Digital version of the Lexikon des Mittelalters encyclopaedia, fundamental tool for medievalists 3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
LibraWeb - The Online Integrated Platform of Fabrizio Serra Publisher Collection of full text journals subscribed by the Arts and Humanities Library (BAUM) in the fields of archaeology, classical studies and Italian literature. Unlimited users VPN
Linguistic Bibliography Online Online version of the Bibliographie Linguistique (Linguistic Bibliography) Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
LISTA - Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts Bibliographic database dedicated to library science and information sciences Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
LITPA - Ut per Litteras Apostolicas online Full text database containing the papal letters of the repertories Registres et lettres des Papes du XIII siècle and Registres et lettres des Papes du XIV siècle 3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
LLBA - Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts Bibliographic database containing abstracts and indexes of international production on linguistics and related language sciences Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
LLT-A - Library of Latin Texts. Series A Full text database of Latin works from antiquity to the early modern age and texts of patristic-medieval production 3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
LLT-B - Library of Christian Latin Texts. Series B Full text database of Latin works, supplement to LLT-A 3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
MathSciNet Bibliographic database of the American Mathematical Society Unlimited users VPN
Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus (Niermeyer) Dictionary that, for each lemma in medieval Latin, provides the translation into French, English and German Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
MGH - Monumenta Germaniae Historica Online version of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica 3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation VPN
Middle Eastern Manuscripts Online 1: Pioneer Orientalists Collection of 267 manuscripts (303 volumes, 109,517 pages) preserved in Leiden and collected by Justus Scaliger and Jacobus Golius, two famous scholars and orientalists of Leiden University. Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Middle Eastern Manuscripts Online 2: The Ottoman Legacy of Levinus Warner Collection of 140 volumes from the Warner Collection, for a total of 45,809 pages of Ottoman, Turkish, Arab and Persian texts. Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Mirabile: archivio digitale della cultura latina medievale Portal dedicated to medieval Latin culture Unlimited users VPN
MLA Directory of Periodicals Database that offers detailed bibliographic information on periodicals and series indexed in the MLA International Bibliography Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
MLA International Bibliography with Full Text Bibliographic database and reference full text for the study of modern languages and literature Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
National Library of Korea (NLK) Digitized Materials Full text database of digitized materials held by the NLK Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the library BALI. Bookings: Sede BALI
NBER Working Papers Collection of working papers from the National Bureau of Economic Research Unlimited users VPN
New York Times (1851 - 2019) with Index (1851 - 1993) Digital archive of the American newspaper from 1851 to 2019 Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
OEB - Online Egyptological Bibliography Specialist bibliographic database on Egyptology Unlimited users VPN
OECD iLibrary (prima Source OECD) Portal of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Unlimited users Accesso libero
One LEGALE Portal that provides access to legal journals, jurisprudence archives, regulations and codes and it replaces PLURIS and Leggi d'Italia databases 40 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation Idem-GARR
One FISCALE Portal that provides access to contributions by great experts on revenue, financial report, accounting, work, financing, and business. 40 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation Idem-GARR
OpenEdition Freemium Journals Journals platform for the humanities and social sciences. Unlimited users VPN
ORBIS Factual database for businesses, banks and companies worldwide.
Please avoid data massive download because it compromise database functionality.
5 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation Idem-GARR
Orbit Intelligence Database for the research and analysis of patents, of the state of the art in scientific research in national and international projects, and possible innovative trends in industry Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BEC (bookings: and BAS (bookings: Sede BAS, Sede BEC
Oxford Academic - Books Oxford University Press e-book platform Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Oxford Academic - Journals Portal of electronic journals of the Oxford University Press Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Online version of the The Dictionary of National Biography published by Oxford University Press Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Oxford English Dictionary Online Online version of the Oxford English Dictionary Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Oxford Music Online - Grove Music Online Oxford Music Online is a portal that offers access to multiple reference resources for music research and the study of all aspects of music Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
PAO - Periodicals Archive Online Full text database of digitized back issues of periodicals Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases Interdisciplinary bibliographic database of human, social and economic sciences, and science and technology. The archive includes the bibliographic databases Pascal and Francis Unlimited users Accesso libero
Patrologia Graeca Digital version of the Graeco-Latin Patrology by Jacques Paul Migne Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Patrologia Latina Database Digital version of the Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Latina edited by Jacques Paul Migne Unlimited users VPN
Penn Parsed Corpora of Historical English (version 4.0) Database on CD-ROM that gathers texts of English prose from the Middle Ages to the First World War. The corpora provide you with vast quantities of data in electronic format and to search them for use in research and analysis in various areas of linguistics. Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BALI. Bookings: Sede BALI
Persian E-Books Miras Maktoob The Miras Maktoob Persian e-book collection consists of 249 volumes (189 works) originally published by the Written Heritage Research Institute (Miras Maktoob), a non-governmental organization in Tehran. Includes works in both Persian and Arabic on Islamic history and culture. Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Philosopher's Index with Full Text Specialist bibliographic and full text database in philosophy and related sciences Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
PIO - Periodicals Index Online Bibliographic database containing the complete indexes of thousands of international periodicals on human and social sciences Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Pravda Digital Archive Digital archive of the Soviet newspaper founded in St. Petersburg in 1912, official organ of the Soviet Communist Party from 1918 to 1991 Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Project Muse Portal of e-books and electronic periodicals of leading academic publishing houses Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
PROLA - Physical Review Online Archive Archive of back issues of electronic physics journals Unlimited users VPN
RAMBI - The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies Bibliographic database of Jewish Studies Unlimited users Accesso libero
Reaxys Bibliographic and factual database on chemical compounds and reactions in organic, organometallic and inorganic chemistry Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Regesta Imperii (Opac Regesta Imperii) Bibliographic database of European medieval history Utenti illimitati Accesso libero
Regional Business News Full text database indexing magazines, press reviews and local business newspapers covering all metropolitan and rural areas of the United States and Canada Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
RISS International Bibliographic and full text database of Korean studies that allows the integrated search of academic articles, Master's and doctoral theses and books published in South Korea Unlimited users VPN
RSC GOLD - Royal Society of Chemistry Journals & Ebooks Platform providing access to periodicals, e-books and other materials of the Royal Society of Chemistry on chemistry, environmental sciences, energy and material sciences Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
SAGE - Social Sciences & Humanities Journals Collection of electronic periodicals by the publisher Sage on human and social sciences Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
SAGE Business Cases Collection of over 3000 international business cases selected for the academic world and from different sources, which includes collaborations between important universities and associations Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
ScienceDirect (Elsevier) Portal of electronic periodicals, e-books and reference works by Elsevier, including Handbooks in economics, Advances in catalysis, Advances in organometallic chemistry Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
SciVal Elsevier platform that measures the quality of scientific research using the data found in Scopus Unlimited users subject to registration VPN, Idem-GARR
Scopus Elsevier's multi-disciplinary bibliographic and citation database, relating to all subject areas Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Scripta Sinica Full text digital archive of Chinese classics essential to research in traditional Sinology Unlimited users VPN
SEG - Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Digital version of the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
SIAM E-books Collection of e-books of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Sinica Sinoweb Full text database that indexes 14 periodicals published by Academia Sinica (Taiwan) Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BALI. Bookings: VPN
Il Sole 24 ore Gruppo 24 Ore document portal that provides access to Il Sole 24 Ore, the historical archive of the newspaper, magazines and other specialist information resources Unlimited users - (170 users allowed for the newspaper) Idem-GARR
SpringerLink Portal of electronic periodicals and e-books by Springer Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
SSRN - Social Science Research Network eLibrary Portal dedicated to the dissemination of academic research in the social sciences Unlimited users Accesso libero
A Student’s Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese Online Chinese-English dictionary of reference for scholars of Chinese texts from 500 BC to 1000 AD Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Taylor & Francis Online - Ebooks Publisher's portal that offers access to purchased ebooks on humanities, linguistics and social sciences and to the CRC Press ebook collection in the scientific field Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Taylor & Francis Online - Journals Publisher's portal that offers access to subscribed journals on humanities, linguistics and social sciences Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
TLG - Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Full text database of all documents of Greek origin from Homer (8th century BC) to the fall of Byzantium (1453 AD) Unlimited users VPN
TLL - Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Online Latin dictionary from the classical period to 600 AD Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
WBIS - World Biographical Information System Online Biographic database, based on the biographical archives of K.G. Saur Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Wiley Online Library Portal of Wiley e-books and e-journals Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
WorldCat - OCLC International collective catalogue and reference resource for checking citations and bibliographic data. Contains all types of material: books, periodicals, multimedia, electronic and audiovisual resources, files and archival materials Unlimited users VPN
WOS - Web of Science Multidisciplinary bibliographic and citation database of which we subscribe the Core Collection which is made up of disciplinary sections which can also be searched separately Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
Grand Ricci Online (Le) Chinese dictionary created by the Ricci Institute in Paris and Taipei and the Ricci Association Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
IMBI - Inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d'Italia Digital version of the Manuscripts Inventories of Italian Libraries Unlimited users VPN, Idem-GARR
TRCCS Books Information Search System Union catalog of books belonging to Chinese studies collections of TRCCS (Taiwan Resource Centers for Chinese Studies) hosted by different institutions worldwide. Unlimited users Accesso libero