How to find databases You can find the subscribded bibliographic and full-text databases through the searching box below.
Enter the name of the resource or other keywords that describe the database you are looking for in the 'Keywords' field. Alternatively, you can select a subject from the drop-down menu or scroll through the alphabetical list.
The Details button opens a window with more information about the resource; click on the Title to open directly the database.
To find other free databases selected by libraries, check the box 'See also other recommended resources'.
Types of databases
Ca' Foscari subscribes to around 100 multidisciplinary or discipline-specific databases. There are various types of databases:
bibliographic database: it contains and makes searchable descriptions of books, periodicals, theses... Useful for finding up-to-date bibliographies on a subject or author
full text database: it contains and makes searchable bibliographic descriptions and allows direct access to the full text of publications
factual database: it collects and makes searchable primary data such as chemical formulas, laws, company balance sheets, economic and financial statistical data (e.g. AIDA, Bloomberg)
citation database: it provides information on the quality, quantity and impact of scientific publications based on the use of bibliometric indices such as the Impact Factor (e.g. Scopus, WOS).
Bibliographic database that lists the indexes of Slavic materials related to literature, art, history, geography, culture and anthropology of Eastern European countries and the Russian Federation
Bibliographic database that indexes Slavic materials published in the United States and Canada relating to literature, art, history, geography, culture and anthropology of Eastern European countries and the Russian Federation. Indexes articles, books, theses, electronic resources and a selection of government publications. Link to the full text of the journals subscribed to by Ca’ Foscari ("find it" button).
Philosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEconomic SciencesPolitical SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
University of Illinois (Urbana - Champaign) ; EBSCO
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Portal for electronic periodicals, conference proceedings, newsletters and multimedia documents produced by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), dedicated to information technology and information sciences, in particular: hardware, IT systems, networks, information systems, software and engineering, programming, computation theory, security and privacy, calculation methodologies, applied informatics, mathematics, human interaction, social and professional issues. Contains citations, abstracts and full text articles, published in the periodicals and conference proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery and other affiliated entities, on the subject of: Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics. It also provides access to The Guide to Computing Literature: bibliographic database for articles, books, conference proceedings, doctoral theses, technical reports published by the ACM and by numerous other specialist publishers.
Authorised users: university members.
Other authorised users: Alumni and walk-in users at the library
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print the contents of the DL for personal use only (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transformation, translation or creation of derivative works, modification and alteration of copyright are allowed.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Collection of electronic periodicals of the American Chemical Society (ACS) dedicated to chemistry and related subject areas including: biochemistry, applied, analytical, industrial, inorganic, macromolecular, organic and physical chemistry, Pollution, metallurgy, mineralogy and geology, fossil fuels, pharmaceutics, waste treatment and water disposal.
Authorised users: university members. Permitted uses: search, view, download, print content for personal use only. Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transmission and alteration of copyright are allowed.
Full text electronic version of Acta Sanctorum, printed edition published in sixty-eight volumes by the Societé des Bollandistes in Antwerp and Brussels between 1643 and 1940, which gathers documents that examine the lives of the saints
Electronic version of the complete printed text of Acta Sanctorum, edition published in sixty-eight volumes by the Societé des Bollandistes in Antwerp and Brussels. It contains all the introductory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indices and maintains the entire physical and intellectual structure of the printed edition; it even shows the reference numbers to the Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina (BHL). The lives of the saints, from the beginning of the Christian era until the Reformation, are shown in full text with apparatus and comments on the sources found in the original edition. Texts in languages other than Latin and Greek are also kept in their original location. Cross-searches can be made with the Patrologia Latina database
Bibliographic database that includes citations from books, audiovisual material, periodicals, etc., including 15th-century printed works, relating to all aspects of agriculture and related disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, botany, forest sciences, aquaculture and fish farming, animal husbandry. This new catalog includes AGRICOLA (NAL's catalog), PubAg, and NALDC (Digital Collections).
Computerized Analysis of Companies Factual database of financial, registration and commercial information on corporations, active or closed in Italy.
Please avoid massive data download because it compromise the database functionality
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Factual database of financial, registration and commercial information on corporations, active or closed in Italy. For each company, the database provides detailed financial statements according to the comprehensive Fourth EEC directive, dating back 10 years, the company data sheet with a description of the activity carried out and the financial statements report. All data are indexed to facilitate search and comparison functions and are also available in original format.
Last 10 years
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Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. Duplication, remastering, publication or transfer to third parties are not permitted. The teachers of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice can use data from the database for the preparation of electronic handouts for their courses, for educational use. The materials must be restricted to participants only for the duration of the course, they must include the bibliographic citation of the cited sources and the copyright notices.
Digital Archive of the Arabic newspaper Al-Ahram (الأهرام, “The Pyramids”) which was founded in 1875. It is one of the most important newspapers in the Arab world and since 1960 Al-Ahram has been considered the official paper of the Egyptian government. Al-Ahram has long featured contributions from many of the Arab world’s most important literary figures and intellectuals: Naguib Mahfouz, Edward Said, Yusuf Idris, Taha Hussein, Ahmed Lutfi el-Sayed, and Azmi Bishara among them, as well as nationalist leaders such as Mustafa Kamil and Saad Zaghlul.
Full text database of medieval translations of Aristotle's works published in the 25 volumes of the printed edition. It includes the entire corpus of logical works, all medieval Greek-Latin translations of Metaphysics and Nicomachean Ethics, numerous versions of the works of physics and technique. It does not yet include the Greek-Latin critical and comparative apparatus, nor the bilingual indices. The subdivision of books and chapters follows faithfully Bekker's Greek text. Each text is accompanied by a memento with information on the author and the work, the name of the publisher, etc. The ALD was edited by Jozef Brams and Paul Tombeur, scholars of the Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médiévale, under the patronage of the International Union of Academies. PLEASE NOTE: it is possible to search simultaneously the full text databases of Latin literature of the publisher Brepols (Library Of Latin Texts Series A and B, Monumenta Germaniae Historica and Aristoteles Latinus Database) using the Cross Database Searchtool , which also offers an online guide.
3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Historical Periodicals Collection:Series 5 Digital collection of American periodicals published between 1866 and 1912 and stored in the archive of the American Antiquarian Society (AAS)
Digitized archive of 2500 periodicals published in the United States between 1866 and 1912 and preserved by the American Antiquarian Society.
They document the political, social, economic and religious history of the United States and all aspects of American life during the colonial period, the American Civil War and the subsequent period of Reconstruction.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library SciencePhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
American Antiquarian Society (AAS); EBSCO
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Bibliographic database that collects works related to every aspect of Greek and Roman civilization: literature, linguistics, politics, economics, social history, customs and daily life, religion, cultural and artistic life, law, philosophy, science and technology and the history of classical studies. Ample space is also dedicated to the auxiliary disciplines: archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, papyrology and palaeography. Online version of the printed edition of the same name.
Collection of full text specialist journals in the fields of physics, mathematics and computer science published by the American Physical Society including Physical Review A, Physical Review B, Physical Review C, Physical Review D, Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review Applied, Physical Review Fluids, Physical Review Materials and Reviews of Modern Physics.
The subscription also includes access to the complete magazine archive (PROLA).
Multidisciplinary full text database that indexes academic publications, of which more than one hundred in Arabic, relating to the economy, science, technology, human and social sciences of the Arab and Middle Eastern world
Multidisciplinary full text database indexing academic publications (mainly periodicals, but also conference proceedings and country reports) of which more than one hundred in Arabic, published from 1972 to the present day. It covers all aspects of the Arab, Islamic and Middle Eastern world, in particular the economy, science, technology, human and social sciences.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesEconomics and ManagementPhilosophy and History of ReligionsComputer ScienceLiteratureOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print content for personal use only. Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transmission and alteration of copyright are allowed.
Archive of open access articles on physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, finance and statistics. It includes more than 400,000 articles mostly available in PDF format.
Full text database of Japanese Studies containing the digital archive of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, from 1879 to the present day, magazines, photographic archives and other sources for the study of Japanese history and culture from the Meji era to the present day
18 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation. Use VPN for remote access
Japanese full text database containing the digital archive of the articles of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, from 1879 to the present day, including access to the database with the regional news reports for the prefecture of Okinawa, the weekly magazines AERA (1988-) and Shukan Asahi (2000-), a photographic archive on the period of the Second World War (1931-1945), a biographical dictionary, the illustrated magazine Asahi Graph (1923-1956), the English edition of Asahi Shimbun: The International Herald Tribune/The Asahi Shimbun (The IHT/Asahi) (2001-2011) and AJW Asia & Japan Watch (2011-) and the terminological dictionary Chiezo Keyword Database
1879 -
Varies according to the publication
18 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation. Use VPN for remote access
Biographical database with information on classical figures. This is the electronic version of the archives published by K.G. Saur on microfiches.
Each entry includes brief information on the life of classical figures with indication of the sources. On the home page, select "Biographical archive of the classical world". You can also browse other WBIS archives (World Biographical Information System), containing information on millions of people from different eras and from all countries of the world, limited to the biographical data sheet.
Half yearly
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Specialist bibliographic database on the subject of migration with an interdisciplinary approach, attentive to the sociological, demographic, historical, economic, ethical and legislative aspects of human mobility. The database indexes articles, periodical publications, books and conference proceedings.
Bibliographic database on studies published in western languages on the culture and civilization of the countries of East Asia, South and Southeast Asia
Bibliographic database on studies published in western languages on the culture and civilization of the countries of East Asia, South and Southeast Asia. It indexes articles, monographs, book chapters, conference proceedings, published from 1971 to the present day, especially in the field of humanities and social sciences. Link to the full text of the magazines and e-books subscribed to by Ca' Foscari ("trovalo" button).
Specialist bibliographic database of history of art, which includes the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and the Répertoire international de la littérature de dell'arte (RILA)
Specialist bibliographic database of history of art. It offers bibliographic records with abstracts of international art literature, published from 1975 to 2007. It covers all the visual arts, from what are known as "fine arts" (painting, sculpture, architecture), to decorative and applied arts, material culture, photography, as far as the most diverse performances of contemporary art; it includes mainly European art, post-colonization American art and European colonial art in Asia Minor, Africa, India, Australia.
Bibliographic database of German studies including publications found at the Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main and grey literature on German language and literature.
Bibliography of Italian literature that indexes academic publications of philology, linguistics, literary criticism and rhetoric of Italian language and literature, from the origins to the present day
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Bibliography of Italian literature that indexes academic publications of philology, linguistics, literary criticism and rhetoric of Italian language and literature, from its origins to the present day. The indexed documents are published both in Italy and abroad. Online version of the paper index of the same name.
1991 - 2014
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Bloomberg Professional System is a factual database that contains financial and economic data (stocks, bonds, futures, warrants, interest rates, exchange rates, commodity prices, macroeconomic data, balance sheet data, etc.). Time series can be downloaded in various formats. PLEASE NOTE: Available only with the assistance of the staff of the BEC bibliographic consultation service. Bookings:
Varies according to the section
Real-time update
Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BEC. Bookings:
Portal of the publisher Brill that provides access to reference works, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and repertories in the areas of humanities and linguistics.
Brill publisher portal that provides access to the following subscription-based reference works: Brill’s Encyclopedia of China, Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Brill’s New Pauly, Encyclopedia of Buddhism Online, Encyclopaedia of Islam, Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE, Historical Atlas of Islam and Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online. Furthermore it is possible to access the following open access reference works: Storey Online, Catalog of Catalogs Online, A Bibliography of Temporary Exhibition Catalogs Since 1876 that Contain Items of Judaica, Jesuit Historiography Online and Encyclopaedia Iranica Online
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library SciencePhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research), Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Portal of the publisher Brill that provides access to primary source collections in different subject areas. These materials are often the only source of rare documents outside of the source library itself.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library SciencePhilosophy and History of ReligionsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyHistory
Portal of the publisher Brill that provides access to reference works, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and repertories in the areas of Chinese humanities and linguistics
Brill publisher portal that provides access to the following subscription-based reference works about Chinese culture and language: Le Grand Ricci Online, A Student’s Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese Online and China Encyclopedic Reference which includes the following reference works:Brill’s Encyclopedia of China ,Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature Online: A Research Guide,A Biographical Dictionary of the Qin, Former Han and Xin Periods (221 BC – AD 24) e A Biographical Dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (23–220 AD)
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research), Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Bilingual online resource on Classical Antiquity, which includes the printed reference work Der Neue Pauly, published by JBMetzler Verlag (1996-2003). The index is divided into two sections: "Antiquity" dedicated to Greco-Roman antiquity, covering history from 2000 BC to the early Middle Ages, and "Classical Tradition" which concerns the influence and continuation of classical culture in the subsequent centuries.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureLinguistics and PhilologyLegal SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library. Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research), Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
Bibliographic database indexing historiographic production published in Italy, including in foreign languages, starting from 2000. It is the online continuation of the printed bibliography published by the National Central Library of Florence since 1942; a project to digitize the preceding database is in progress. It includes indexes of books, conference proceedings and specialist magazines. Coverage spans from prehistory to contemporary history.
Full text database, without preface and critical apparatus, of the standard editions (editiones maiores) of Latin literature, from the origins to the early Middle Ages, published in the Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana. The database also offers consultation of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. The annual update includes the texts of the new paper editions. Over one million new forms and words, mainly from grammar and Scholia texts, have been added to the online edition, in addition to the volumes published in the series from 2005 to the present day.
Bibliographic and full text database that lists the indexes of international management, marketing, business administration, accounting and finance publications
Bibliographic and full text database that lists the indexes of international publications on management, marketing, business administration, accounting, human resources, finance and banking. In some cases the backfiles date back to 1886. It also offers access to other specialist sources including e-books, case studies, company profiles, SWOT analysis, country reports, industrial sector analyses (published by Datamonitor), market research and over 74,000 videos from the Associated Press news agency.
Economics and ManagementCommunication SciencesEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial Sciences
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print content for personal use only. Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transmission and alteration of copyright are allowed.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Portal of electronic periodicals, e-books and reference works by Cambridge University Press. More than 400 full text electronic journals are available together with hundreds of ebooks and some volumes form the Cambridge Companions and Histories series. They covers many subject areas, especially in the field of humanities and social sciences such as archaeology, history, geography, sociology, psychology, arts, classical studies, philosophy, maths, languages, linguistics, literatures, political sciences, linguistics etc)
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library ScienceEconomics and ManagementPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMathematics and StatisticsMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Cambridge University Press
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Other authorised users: Alumni and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print the contents of the DL for personal use only (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transformation, translation or creation of derivative works, modification and alteration of copyright are allowed.
Bibliographic database of the Abele Group Research Centre in Turin, which provides access to information on materials collected since the 1970s, by the centre that specializes in documenting the following social issues: addictions, AIDS, rights, immigration, crime and mafia, social services and professions, victims and damage reparation. The indexed materials consist of magazine articles, books, degree theses, unpublished materials, conference proceedings, legislative material, films.
Bibliographic database of the Abele Group Research Centre in Turin, which provides access to information on materials collected since the 1970s, by the centre that specializes in documenting the following social issues: addictions, AIDS, rights, immigration, crime and mafia, social services and professions, victims and damage reparation. The indexed materials consist of magazine articles, books, degree theses, unpublished materials, conference proceedings, legislative material, films.
Collection of working papers published by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) relating to the research and elaboration of economic development projects
Collection of working papers published by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), an independent organisation based in London, which is dedicated to the research and development of economic development projects. The subscription provides access to the following sections: development economics, financial economics, macroeconomics, international trade, labour economics.
Alternative title “China Law Info”. Specialist portal on legislation and jurisprudence of the People's Republic of China, which offers access to 3 databases: “Laws and regulations database”, the most complete and authoritative database of Chinese laws and regulations promulgated by the Chinese central government and local governments; "Law Journals Database” which provides access to legal journals; "Cases database” containing the sentences approved and published by the Supreme Court of the People's Republic of China regarding disputes of administrative, economic, maritime, civil and criminal nature and concerning intellectual property. A link to the English portal (lawinfochina) allows you to search on a selection of legal documents translated into English
1949 -
1 simultaneous user - log out at the end of the consultation
Oriental Languages and CivilizationsLegal Sciences
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Chinalawinfo Co.,Ltd. Peking University Center for Legal Information
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Document delivery permitted only for study/research purpose.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Digitized archive that covers over 25.000 periodicals published in the Republic of China between 1911 and 1949. The journal database contains a lot of articles that provide information on political, economic, military and social aspects of the history of the Republic of China.
5 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Bibliographic and full-text database of Chinese academic journals in the world. For series subscribed by Ca' Foscari, please click "Subscribed" in the right corner
Bibliographic and full text database of Chinese academic journals realizing the integrated retrieval of thousands of Chinese academic journals and foreign periodicals. Subscribed series: Literature-History-Philosophy, Political-Military-Legal, Education-Social Science and Economics-Management. Articles are available in the following formats: HTML, PDF, CAJ (China Academic Journals Document) and EPUB. For series subscribed by Ca' Foscari, please click "Subscribed" in the right corner. For articles in CAJ format, please downloadCAJViewer.
Economics and ManagementPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyEducational SciencesEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistory
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
China National Knowledge Infrastructure
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Multidisciplinary full text database of Korean Studies that indexes almost 2,000 academic journals in the following subject areas: linguistics and literature, social sciences, economics, legal sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medical sciences, theology, arts and sports, educational sciences.
Philosophy and History of ReligionsComputer ScienceLiteratureOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMathematics and StatisticsMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Portal for information and legal research that provides access to De Jure databases and to a group of subscription-based magazines published by Giuffrè
8 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Portal for information and legal research that provides access to De Jure databases and to a group of subscription-based magazines published by Giuffrè.
The databases available in De Jure are:
- Giurisprudenza: index of maxims, judgements and case law;
- Fonti normative: national legislation since 1861, both in current and original text, Community legislation, regional legislation and practice in current text;
- Dottrina: a selection of doctrine articles and judgement notes published in the Giuffrè magazines;
- Codici commentati: the articles of the Civil Code commented, updated and complete with links to the reference jurisprudence and legislation;
- Formulari: collection of useful templates for drafting legal acts and documents.
To view the list of subscription magazines and access the related full text, you have to select the Riviste (journals) archive in the Giuffrè Library section and click on Le mie riviste (My journals).
From the Portali section, you can access the thematic portals, il Societario (Company Law) and il Tributario (Tax Law).
The Diritto e Giustizia (Law and Justice) portal provides access to legal information that is updated daily. PLEASE NOTE: once you have opened the De Jure home page, you must click on ACCESS BY IP (do not enter your username and password).
8 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Dictionary of the history of the Church; a reference bibliographic index on the protagonists, institutions and places of the Western Church, from antiquity to the modern era. Each of the 77,000 entries currently included in the database is accompanied by the bibliography of the Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique (RHE), Die Bischöfe des Heiligen Römischen Reiches (BHRR) index or the Index Religiosus.
From ancient times to the present day
3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Database managed by the Centro Traditio Litterarum Occidentium (CTLO), under the direction of Paul Tombeur. It collects dictionaries from Latin to modern languages, traditional Latin dictionaries and historical dictionaries.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and Philology
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Brepols; Centro Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium (CTLO)
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Citation is mandatory
Online version of the monumental research project of the British Academy that collected 58,000 lemmas in Medieval Latin from British medieval sources in 17 volumes
Database that provides access to the largest and most complete dictionary of British Medieval Latin, compiled by analysing thousands of Latin texts by British authors who lived between 540 and 1600
Bibliographic database of literature published in Italian legal journals. The index concerns about 250 periodicals currently published on paper or electronically; over 400 journals have been indexed over the years.
Unlimited users (limit of 200 documents viewed per day)
Bibliographic database of literature published in Italian legal journals.
The index concerns about 250 periodicals currently published on paper or electronically; over 400 journals have been indexed over the years.
It indexes articles of doctrine, notes to judgements, comments on legislation, jurisprudential and regulatory reviews, reports at conferences, critical reviews.
For each document, the database provides bibliographic information, enriched by an indicative summary of the topics covered and the theses supported.
The documents are classified by one or more items that identify their legal area (agricultural law, administrative law, canon law, civil law, commercial law, comparative law, constitutional law, ecclesiastical law, industrial law, private international law, public international law, labour law, navigation law, criminal law, private law, civil procedural law, criminal procedural law, public law, foreign law, tax law, European Union law, philosophy and general theory of law, legal informatics, history of law).
The database also provides details of the main regulatory and jurisprudential sources mentioned in the entry. The link to the full text of the article is available when freely accessible online.
The advanced search mask enables the following searches: by words contained both in the title and in the summary of the documents; by author or by journal; by document related sources; by classification.
1970 -
Unlimited users (limit of 200 documents viewed per day)
Online version of the volumes (with supplements and updates) of the Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques published between 1989 and 2018 by the CNRS. It offers around 3000 articles based on literary sources, inscriptions and papyri concerning Greek and Roman philosophers, from the pre-Socratics to the neo-Platonists of the sixth century
Specialist portal of classical archaeology which provides access to bibliographic databases of the history of art and the ancient world. You can search:
1. The Archaeological Bibliography, specialist database created from the semantic catalogue of the Germanic Archaeological Institute (in German, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, abbreviated to DAI) on the study of classical antiquities, classical, Etruscan and Minoan-Mycenaean archaeology (from 1956);
2. Bibliography of European Prehistory, Monographs (RGK), 1992-2011;
3. Eurasienbibliographie des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (from 1998);
4. Attic Gravestones of the late 5th and the 4th Century B.C.;
5. Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance PLEASE NOTE: to access Databases 1-3, select the box "activate IP access" on the home page and click on "Start"; to access Databases 4-5, click on Start directly and enter the password: VenCa7CA
Collection of e-books accessible from the Ebook Central platform (ProQuest) in the fields of marketing, business economics, economic sciences, accounting, economic policy, business and corporate finance, published by various academic publishers. PLEASE NOTE: after creating your own account, you can save your search settings, set alerts and activate the digital loan (15 days) for the e-book with the option of highlighting, annotating the text, entering hypertext links, using the free Adobe Digital Editions programme as described in the introduction video. Printing and copying entire volumes is not permitted, but you are allowed to print and copy a variable number of pages for each session, depending on the publisher.
Economics and ManagementWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial Sciences
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Collection of e-books accessible from the Ebook Central (ProQuest) platform, in the fields of humanities, philosophy, librarianship, history of religions and classical studies published by various academic publishers. PLEASE NOTE: after creating your own account, you can save your search settings, set alerts and activate the digital loan (15 days) for the e-book with the option of highlighting, annotating the text, entering hypertext links, using the free Adobe Digital Editions programme as described in the introduction video. Printing and copying entire volumes is not permitted, but you are allowed to print and copy a variable number of pages for each session, depending on the publisher.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library SciencePhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsPsychology and SociologyHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Collection of e-books on linguistics accessible from the Ebook Central (ProQuest) platform, published by various academic publishers. PLEASE NOTE: after creating your own account, you can save your search settings, set alerts and activate the digital loan (15 days) for the e-book with the option of highlighting, annotating the text, entering hypertext links, using the free Adobe Digital Editions programme as described in the introduction video. Printing and copying entire volumes is not permitted, but you are allowed to print and copy a variable number of pages for each session, depending on the publisher.
Collection of e-books accessible from the EBSCO platform that offers a vast multidisciplinary collection of texts in English by leading academic publishers
Continuously growing collection of e-books purchased from specialist libraries on the EBSCO platform, which offers a vast multidisciplinary collection of English-language texts by leading academic publishers.
The titles purchased refer to the following subjects: agriculture, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art, library science, biochemistry, biographies and memoirs, biology, chemistry, literary criticism, law, economics, philosophy, geography, physics, computer science, literature, linguistics, mathematics, religion, environmental sciences, food sciences political sciences, social sciences, sociology, statistics, history, linguistic studies, theatre, zoology. PLEASE NOTE: the e-books allow access by 1 user per title at a time
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print content for personal use only. Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transmission and alteration of copyright are allowed.
Bibliographic and full text database that represents the largest collection of digitized texts and documents of various kinds (books, bibles, musical scores, sermons, booklets, etc.) printed in the United Kingdom between 1701 and 1800. Access is provided to Collections I and II, which include the complete works of Swift, Defoe, Fielding, Franklin, Burke, Pope and the eighteenth-century editions of Shakespeare. Documents can be downloaded up to 250 pages at a time.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesBiologyChemistryPhilosophy and History of ReligionsPhysicsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMathematics and StatisticsMusic and EntertainmentEducational SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Gale Cengage Learning
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Bibliographic and full text database of articles, doctoral theses, monographs, conference proceedings and working papers referring to international economic science literature
Bibliographic and full text database of articles, doctoral theses, monographs, conference proceedings and working papers referring to international economic science literature. The database provides the full text of about 600 journals. It is the electronic version of the Journal of Economic Literature and the Index of Economic Articles edited by the American Economic Association.
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print content for personal use only. Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transmission and alteration of copyright are allowed.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Digital archive of publications printed before 1701 and found in the Central National Library of Florence. There are 2700 works: including 770 works printed by Aldo Manuzio in Venice; around sixty volumes with annotations and notes by important humanists and scientists and 1200 incunabula including important first editions by Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarca and Savonarola.
The collection is part of a larger project that currently includes 5 collections, in which other national and non-national European libraries have collaborated.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library SciencePhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMathematics and StatisticsMusic and EntertainmentEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Utenti autorizzati: utenti istituzionali Usi consentiti: ricercare, visualizzare, scaricare, stampare i contenuti della banca dati a solo uso personale. Non commerciale.
Portal of electronic periodicals accessible in full text format for the multisciplinary Premier eJournal Collection (310 titles). The main subjects are Accounting, Finance and Economics, Business, Management and Strategy, Education, Engineering, Health and Social Care, H R, Learning and Organization Studies, Information and Knowledge Management, Library and Information sciences, Marketing Operations, Logistics and Quality Property Management and Built Environment, Public Policy and Environmental Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management
Economics and ManagementComputer ScienceMathematics and StatisticsPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial Sciences
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Other authorised users: Alumni and walk-in users at the library
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print the contents of the DL for personal use only (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transformation, translation or creation of derivative works, modification and alteration of copyright are allowed.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Bibliographic and full text database of environmental sciences that indexes monographs and academic journals on agriculture, ecology of ecosystems and natural resources, marine and freshwater sciences, geography, pollution and waste management, environmental technology and case law.
Bibliographic database with abstracts on educational topics. It covers the years from 1966 to the present day and constitutes one of the main bibliographic indexes for the educational sciences. A link to the electronic version is also provided, where available.
Bibliographic database with bibliographical references of articles found in numerous Italian periodicals on social sciences, economics, law and history
Bibliographic database with bibliographical references of articles found in numerous Italian periodicals on social sciences, economics, law and history. It is implemented by the libraries belonging to the ESSPER Association. There is a section dedicated to working papers for the economy sector. Each record also includes information on which ESSPER member libraries own the issue of the periodical in which the article was published and allows you to search automatically the ANCP catalogue of Italian periodicals. Link to the full text of the journals subscribed to by Ca’ Foscari ("trovalo" button).
Bibliographic and full text database of food sciences that indexes specialist academic publications for the food industry, the production of food and beverages, food safety, food packaging and transport, innovation in the food/culinary field and all related aspects.
Portal for legal information divided into the following archives, which can be searched both simultaneously and separately: Giurisprudenza, Normativa,Dottrina, Bibliografia,Prassi fiscale, Commentario.
It contains: the maxims of judgements and the titles of the articles and the notes to judgements published in Italian legal journals since 1981, the material published in Il Foro Italiano since 1987, the four Codes with complementary legislation; the official maxims of the Civil Cassation since 1990 and the related full sentences from 1997; the official maxims of the Criminal Cassation and the related full sentences since 2009; a collection of judgements of merit since 2006. Searches can be made, even combined, by keyword, subject, case details and regulatory acts, with the help of logical operators. In the section “Biblioteca” there are the following journals published by La Tribuna:
- Archivio della nuova procedura penale
- Archivio delle locazioni, del condominio e dell'immobiliare
- Archivio giuridico della circolazione dell'assicurazione e della responsabilità
- ADL - Argomenti di diritto del lavoro
- Rivista del diritto di famiglia e delle successioni
- Rivista penale.
1981 -
2 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Database for linguistic and literary research that can be carried out in a digital archive containing thousands of classic texts of French literature and specialist material, such as judicial documents and technical publications
Digital archive of French texts in full format concerning French literature and language between the 9th and 21st centuries. The database, containing over 5,573 references and more than 265 million words and developed by ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française), is equipped with a sophisticated search system that, starting with the entire corpus or a subset of previously selected texts (one or more authors, titles of works, literary genre, period) finds a given word or phrase, calculates the frequency of occurrence and displays the contexts in which the searched words/phrases appear, from which you can create lists and establish lexical statistics. PLEASE NOTE: the texts cannot be read as they are protected by copyright.
Specialist bibliographic and full text database on electronics and IT. It provides full text access to 'IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) journals, proceedings, transactions, letters and standard. The contract is still be under negotiation. Some resources could not be available.
Specialist bibliographic and full text database on electronics and IT. It provides full text access to 'IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) journals, proceedings, transactions, letters and standards published since 1988 and select content published since 1878. Subject coveraged includes computers and computing, information technology, phisycs, electrical engineering, electronics and communications.
Portal of the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) Foundation. The reserved area of the website provides the complete collection of IFRS/IAS in English and translations in Italian.
2005 -
Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BEC. Bookings:
Bibliographic and full text database of digitized ancient Japanese books belonging to the period of Japanese domination in Taiwan. The documents were originally kept in the Governor-General's library and are an important source of information on the history, health situation, education, studies of the Aboriginal people and natural resources of Taiwan.
Oriental Languages and CivilizationsMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistory
Bibliographic and full text database that indexes over 300 periodicals belonging to the period of Japanese domination in Taiwan. The documents were originally kept in the Governor-General's library and are an important source of information on economic history (industry, transportation), architecture, education, social conditions, literary associations, performing arts in Taiwan during the period. of Japanese occupation. You can also search for scanned photos and maps.
LiteratureOriental Languages and CivilizationsMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Database containing over one million incipits of texts and manuscripts of Latin literature from its origins to the Renaissance, collected by the Institut de Recherches et d'Histoire des Textes in Paris, the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (Collegeville, MN, USA) and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris. Each entry includes details on the author, the title of the work and bibliographical references. Search of incipit and explicits of the documents.
3rd century BC - 16th century AD
Half yearly
3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Bibliographic reference database for the study of Islam and Muslim civilization and culture in the Middle East, in the Muslim areas of Asia and Africa and in the rest of the world. It indexes journals, conference proceedings, monographs, works by multiple authors and book reviews. The subject areas covered include religion, history, political science, art, humanities, archaeology and literature. Link to the full text of the journals subscribed to by Ca’ Foscari ("trovalo" button).
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyPolitical SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Brill (Proquest)
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Online resource which allows to to search across the 15 etymological dictionariesof the most important Indo-European languages (Latin, Greek, Slavic, proto-Germanic, proto-Celtic, Old Frisian, Armenian, Hittite, Luvian, Persian, Iranian verb and proto-Nostratic)
Online resource which allows to to search across the 15 etymological dictionariesof the most important indo-european languages (Latin, Greek, Slavic, proto-Germanic, proto-Celtic, Old Frisian, Armenian, Hittite, Luvian, Persian, Iranian verb and proto-Nostratic)
Each entry is accompanied by grammatical information, meaning(s), etymological commentary, reconstructions, and extensive bibliographical information when available. Dictionaries can be cross-searched, with an advance search for each individual dictionary.
The database is fundamental to the the study of Classics, Near Eastern Studies, and Modern Languages and Literatures
Interdisciplinary bibliographic database on the European Middle Ages, indexing articles, monographs, volumes of miscellany, conference proceedings and Festschriften since 1967. It covers all subject areas: history, archaeology, theology, philosophy, medieval literature and language, Arab and Islamic studies, history of education, history of art, history of economics, music, theatre and the performing arts, rhetoric and studies on communication. Geographical coverage: Europe, the Middle East and northern Africa.
Link to the full text of the journals subscribed to by Ca’ Foscari ("trovalo" button).
1967 -
Half yearly
3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Bibliographic database that indexes Italian and foreign journals on Italian studies; the data sheets of the articles are accompanied by abstracts and you can scroll through the summaries of the issues.
The database provides access to:
1) Brill's New Jacoby, which contains a revised version of Felix Jacoby's Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker supplemented with fragments by authors who were unknown to or excluded by Jacoby, comments that were missing in the original edition, English translations of the Greek fragments, bio-bibliographies of the authors
2) Brill's New Jacoby, Second Edition is an updated version in terms of both bibliography and commentaries. The work will be completed in 2026
3) Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker Part I-III which includes the critical edition of the fragments of 856 Greek historians collected by Jacoby and published with biographical information and comments
4) Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker Part IV (Biography and Antiquarian Literature), which includes the 27 volumes with the original Greek texts and new translations and comments by international experts
5) Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker Part V (Die Geographen), which was already part of Felix Jacoby's plans.
English language newspaper published in Kobe between 1900 and 1940 which represents a precious source for Japanese history and culture of that period. This collection includes the Kobe Weekly Chronicle (1900-1901) the predecessor of the Japan Chronicle Weekly.
Oriental Languages and CivilizationsPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistory
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library. Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research), Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
Annual report that provides the Impact Factor of journals and other bibliometric indexes taken from the Web of Science citation databases. It is used for the evaluation of academic journals
Reference index that, starting from the citation data from academic publications (journals and conference proceedings) of the most important international scientific publishers, builds a series of bibliometric indicators (two-year impact factor, five-year impact factor, Immediacy index, Eigen factor score, Article influence score, Cited half life, total number of citations). These indicators are used to evaluate and compare scientific journals. The data are updated annually. It is divided into two sections: JCR Science Edition contains data on scientific journals; JCR Social Sciences Edition contains data on social sciences and humanities journals.
Authorised users: university members.
Other authorised users: Alumni (two years after graduation) and walk-in users at the library
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print the contents of the DL for personal use only (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transformation, translation or creation of derivative works, modification and alteration of copyright are allowed.
Full text database of the monthly magazine of the same name published in Shanghai between 1905 and 1911. It is broken down into sections that identify the most representative areas of the essence of Chinese culture, with the aim of demonstrating and preserving its uniqueness. It includes articles on politics, history, literature, educational sciences, natural sciences and art. The language of the documents is classical Chinese
JSTOR offers millions of primary sources across thematic collections, supporting research and teaching in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
The collections available are 19th Century British Pamphlets, Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa and World Heritage Sites: Africa. They include select monographs, pamphlets, manuscripts, letters, oral histories, government documents, images, 3D models, spatial data, type specimens, drawings, paintings, and more.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesBiologyPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members or anyone linked by formal research and teaching relationship, visiting professor and walk-in users at the library. Permitted uses: viewing, printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research).
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Full text archive of digitized academic journals back-dating to the first issue. For periodicals in publication, recent years are always excluded (generally the last 5 years). Multidisciplinary coverage, organized into thematic collections.
Subscription has been made for the following collections: Arts & Sciences I - XV, Business Collection, Business IV, Hebrew Journals, Ireland, Life Sciences, Lives of Literature, Public Health Journals, Security Studies and Sustainability
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library ScienceBiologyEconomics and ManagementPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMathematics and StatisticsMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members or anyone linked by formal research and teaching relationship, visiting professor and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: viewing, printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research).
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
The Global Plants database is a growing collection of nearly three million high-resolution type specimens and related materials from community contributors around the world.
Archival and Library ScienceEarth Sciences and GeographyHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members or anyone linked by formal research and teaching relationship, visiting professor and walk-in users at the library. Permitted uses: viewing, printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research).
Online version of the paper index edited by Otto Klapp that collects materials relating to French literature produced in France and in French-speaking countries from the Middle Ages to the present day.
The index was created in 1956 and the online version contains bibliographic data from 1991 to the present day, while the years 1956-1990 have been digitized and are accessible in a searchable pdf form.
Portal offering access to full text periodicals of Kluwer Law International on international and Community law and other legal, financial and tax subject areas
The portal is an authoritative source of updated legal information on international and Community law in the areas of aeronautics, the environment, tax, labour, commerce, industry, patents, social issues, copyright and human rights. All the periodicals with relative archives are available from 1963.
Authorised users: university members.
Other authorised users: Alumni and walk-in users at the library
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print the contents of the DL for personal use only (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transformation, translation or creation of derivative works, modification and alteration of copyright are allowed.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Collection of ebooks of Korean history and culture, also including reference works such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias and bibliographic indexes in the following subject areas: philosophy, history, religion, social sciences, art, literature, zoology, botany, science and oriental medicine.
Philosophy and History of ReligionsComputer ScienceLiteratureOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMathematics and StatisticsMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Catalogue of art libraries of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich, Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte in Paris, Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome.
Catalogue of art libraries of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich, Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte in Paris, Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome. The catalogue also includes indexes of periodical articles; reviews; indexes of essays and exhibition catalogues, conference proceedings and miscellany on history and art.
Digital version of the printed Lexikon des Mittelalters encyclopaedia on the Middle Ages, published in German between 1977 and 1999. It provides information not only on Western culture, but also on Arab, Byzantine and Jewish culture, including thousands of entries on the history, philosophy, art, law and economics of the Middle Ages in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. It has been combined by Brepols with the International Encyclopaedia of Middle Ages (IEMA), with links to a cumulative bibliography, translation aids, key terms and concepts translated into English and German.
300 - 1500
3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Collection of full text journals subscribed by the Arts and Humanities Library (BAUM) in the fields of archaeology, classical studies and Italian literature.
Collection of full text journals subscribed by the Arts and Humanities Library (BAUM) in the fields of archaeology, classical studies and Italian literature, and in particular they deal with on Late Antiquity studies, classical archaeology, epigraphy, classic literature and ancient philosophy. Most of these journals are included in ANVUR Class A Journal List
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library SciencePhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Bibliographic database, online edition of the Bibliographie Linguistique (Linguistic Bibliography), which includes volumes printed since 1993. It covers all areas of general theoretical linguistics and the specific area of the languages of all the geographical areas, with particular focus on lesser known languages and those that are extinct or at risk of extinction. Link to the full text of the journals subscribed to by Ca’ Foscari ("trovalo" button).
Western Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and Philology
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members (permanent or temporary), users authorised by the library for study purposes.
Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for study and teaching; authorised distribution of individual parts in paper or electronic format for study and research purposes. Non commercial. The incorporation of materials for the creation of course packs or materials for educational purposes is permitted
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Bibliographic database dedicated to library science and information sciences. It indexes the articles of specialist periodicals and includes data on books, reports and conference proceedings. Link to the full text of the journals subscribed to by Ca’ Foscari ("trovalo" button).
Archival and Library ScienceCommunication Sciences
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print content for personal use only. Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transmission and alteration of copyright are allowed.
Full text database containing the papal letters of the repertories Registres et lettres des Papes du XIII siècle and Registres et lettres des Papes du XIV siècle
3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Full text database containing the papal letters found in the repertories: Registres et lettres des Papes du XIII siècle (32 volumes; Rome, 1883-) and Registres et lettres des Papes du XIV siècle (48 volumes; Rome, 1899-).
It currently includes 220,000 documents, of which more than 62,000 unpublished. The collection can be searched using different search criteria: type of letter; place of promulgation; name of the pope or other author; year of pontificate etc.
1144 - 1423
Last update: 2013
3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Bibliographic database containing abstracts and indices of international production on linguistics and related language sciences. It covers all aspects of the study of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics, descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics. The materials are indexed using a Thesaurus available online. The subject areas include anthropological linguistics, applied linguistics, descriptive linguistics, discourse analysis, pathological and normal language, learning disabilities, non-verbal communication, phonetics, phonology, psycholinguistics. Link to the full text of the journals subscribed to by Ca’ Foscari ("trovalo" button).
Full text database of Latin works (previously known as CLCLT), which ranges from antiquity to early modern literature, and includes: works from the origins of Latin literature (Livius Andronicus, 240 BC) as far as the entire Corpus Patrum Latinorum (Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina and Continuatio Mediaevalis), in addition to the complete work of Agostino, Bernardo di Chiaravalle, Gerolamo, Gregorio Magno and the full text of the Vulgate. It also includes the texts of the ecumenical councils up to the 20th century (Vatican Council II, 1962-1965). The material that is included in the LLT-A is the result of research by the Centre Traditio Litterarum Occidentium. PLEASE NOTE: it is possible to search simultaneously the full text databases of Latin literature of the publisher Brepols (Library Of Latin Texts Series A and B, Monumenta Germaniae Historica and Aristoteles Latinus Database) using the Cross Database Searchtool, which also offers an online guide.
240 BC - 1965 A.D.
3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
LLT-B supplements LLT-A, a prestigious full text database of Latin works. It brings together Latin texts of all ages and genres: chronicles, hagiographies, travel stories and lives of medieval saints, legal works, theological, philosophical and scientific treatises of the modern era. The material included in the LLT-B is taken directly from existing editions. PLEASE NOTE: It is possible to search simultaneously the full text databases of Latin literature of the publisher Brepols (Library Of Latin Texts Series A and B, Monumenta Germaniae Historica and Aristoteles Latinus Database) using the Cross Database Searchtool, which also offers an online guide.
240 BC - 1965 A.D.
3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Bibliographic database of the American Mathematical Society. It covers international mathematics literature with records of articles from international journals, monographs, conference proceedings, doctoral theses and technical reports relating to research in pure and applied mathematics, theoretical computer science, mathematical physics, statistics, operational research and teaching mathematics. It includes bibliographic records and reviews published in Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications. Link to the full text of the magazines subscribed to by Ca' Foscari (“trovalo” button).
Authorised users: university members, retired staff and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Dictionary that, for each lemma in medieval Latin, provides the translation into French, English and German and contextualizes it within the documentary sources in which it is cited. The Lexicon also allows searches of specific entries and full text from different types of sources: letters; chronicles; annals; statutes; lives; collections of laws etc. The geographical area of reference is western medieval Europe.
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Online version of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, collection of sources for the study of German and European Medieval History. It provides access to all 360 volumes of the printed edition. PLEASE NOTE: you can search simultaneously the full text databases of Latin literature by the publisher Brepols (Library Of Latin Texts Series A and B, Monumenta Germaniae Historica and Aristoteles Latinus Database) using the Cross Database Searchtool, for which there is also an online guide.
3 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Collection of 267 manuscripts (303 volumes, 109,517 pages) preserved in Leiden and collected by Justus Scaliger and Jacobus Golius, two famous scholars and orientalists of Leiden University.
Collection of 267 manuscripts (303 volumes, 109,517 pages) preserved in Leiden and collected by Justus Scaliger and Jacobus Golius, two famous scholars and orientalists of Leiden University. Included in the Scaliger collection are about a dozen manuscripts which belonged to Franciscus Raphelengius.
Archival and Library ScienceOriental Languages and CivilizationsHistory
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library. Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research), Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
Collection of 140 volumes from the Warner Collection, for a total of 45,809 pages of Ottoman, Turkish, Arab and Persian texts. These manuscripts were acquired by the scholar Levinus Warner during his stay in Istanbul from 1644 until his death in 1665, and then left and still preserved in the Leiden University Library. The collection also includes Warner's journals with annotations in several languages.
Archival and Library ScienceOriental Languages and CivilizationsHistory
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library. Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research), Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
Portal dedicated to medieval Latin culture, the International Society for the Study of the Latin Middle Ages (SISMEL) and the Enzo Franceschini Foundation (FEF). It allows access to the databases promoted in the last thirty years by the International Society for the Study of the Latin Middle Ages (search in Mirabile); as well as the main publications of the Edizioni del Galluzzo. It indexes documents and studies on: medieval philosophical tradition, Medieval Latin philology, hagiography, iconography, itineraries, micrologus and stylistics, Italian metrics. It is divided into sections: Latin DBs, romance DBs, hagiographic DBs, digitized periodicals, “Medieval Latin” and “Medieval Latin and romance” miscellany.
Database that offers detailed bibliographic information on periodicals and series indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, with statistical information on the annual number of articles and reviews published by each periodical.
Bibliographic and full text database, produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), which indexes the international academic production of books, articles, theses and other publications on modern languages and literatures, folklore, linguistics, literary theory and criticism, language teaching , film, television and theatre, rhetoric and composition, book history. The new full text version offers access to the articles of around a thousand of the indexed magazines. Link to the full text of the magazines subscribed to by Ca' Foscari (“trovalo” button).
Archival and Library ScienceLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentEducational Sciences
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Modern Language Association (EBSCO)
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Full text database of digitized materials held by the NLK: old books, manuscripts, maps, textbooks, official gazettes (1894-1945) and other government publications, children’s literature, serials published prior to 1950, music scores, academic books, doctoral dissertations, Korean classics and Korea-related materials published in Japanese and other foreign languages prior to 1945. A NLK Full text viewer program needs to be installed to view full-texts . System requirements: Microsoft Windows 7 (or later); browser Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer (version 11 or later).
Varies according to the publication
Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the library BALI. Bookings:
ChemistryPhilosophy and History of ReligionsPhysicsComputer ScienceLiteratureOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMathematics and StatisticsMusic and EntertainmentSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
National Library of Korea (NLK)
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library. Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Collection of working papers published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, an American non-profit private research organisation founded in 1920. It includes articles covering the following subject areas: corporate finance, economic fluctuations and growth, social sciences, industrial organisation, international finance and macroeconomics, labour studies, jurisprudence and economics. The articles have been available in full text since 1998 and with bibliographic description and abstracts only since 1973.
Full text database that offers access to the complete digital archive of the American newspaper from the foundation year, 1851, to 2019, supplemented by indices spanning the period 1851 to 1993.
LiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyCommunication SciencesEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Database offering the largest collection of bibliographical references on Egyptology. It is the online version and continuation of the Annual Egyptological Bibliography (AEB, 1947-2001) and also includes the Bibliographie Altägypten (BA, 1822-1946), the records of the Aigyptos website (1980-2011) and other documents, all accompanied by abstracts.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesPhilosophy and History of ReligionsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
University of Oxford
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Portal for access to OECD publications and data (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) which also provides access to the full text of books, magazine articles and statistics (replacing Source OECD). The statistics are developed from data from the 29 member countries (developed economies even outside the European Union). You can search simultaneously (or separately) 27 databases in the following areas: agriculture and food, immigration, economic indicators, economic development, employment, technology, science, research and development, telecommunications and the internet.
BiologyChemistryEconomics and ManagementPhysicsComputer ScienceEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistory
Publsher / Supplier
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Licence restrictions
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Publications published from 1 July 2024 onward will be available via CC-BY license.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Portal that provides access to: legal journals published by Cedam, Utet Giuridica and IPSOA; jurisprudence archives (Index of the maxims, judgements of the Constitutional Court, judgements of the Court of Civil and Criminal Cassation, administrative, merit and European Union case law); legislation (codes, national, regional and Community legislation), commented codes and doctrine (contains the Digesto legal encyclopaedia); news (Legal newspaper) as well as a multilingual glossary of Italian legal terms. We also have access to La Mia Biblioteca section, which enables consultation of texts by the publishers Altalex, Ipsoa, Utet juridical, Cedam, Il Fisco and Wolters Kluwer.
Varies according to the publication
40 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Portal that provides access to all the news by IPSOA Quotidiano, with contributions by great experts on revenue, financial report, accounting, work, financing, and business. It is possible to consult the following updated sources:
- the Cosa Cambia section, with useful «before and after» comparative tables;
- the archive with legislative documents regarding revenue, corporate law and accountability;
- jurisprudence;
- interpretative documents from revenue authorities, AIDIC, CNDCEC, Assirevi and Italian Finance Police;
- accountability principles by CNDCEC, OIC and IASB.
Users can also find operative tools useful for specialisation subjects: practical guides, check-lists, action plans, forms, Excel tools.
Varies according to publication
40 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Tutorials available on this page
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library ScienceEconomics and ManagementPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Factual database containing detailed and comparable information on a vast number of companies and banks worldwide. It provides financial statements, historical series, comparable ratings, the value of the shares of listed companies, information on mergers and acquisitions. It also includes macroeconomic data and sector studies. You can perform benchmarking analysis, reclassify the financial statements, aggregate budgetary data for sets of companies created by the user, perform statistical analysis, calculate ratings, make sectoral comparisons. The data can be exported in multiple formats.
Last 10 years
5 simultaneous users - log out at the end of the consultation
Authorized users: university members.
Permitted use: personal use. Non-commercial. Duplication, remastering, publication or disclosure to third parties is not permitted. The teachers at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice can use the data contained in the DB to prepare electronic handouts for their courses, for educational use. The materials must be restricted to participants and limited to the duration of the course, they must include the bibliographic citation of the sources mentioned and the copyright notices.
Database for the research and analysis of patents, of the state of the art in scientific research in national and international projects, and possible innovative trends in industry
Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BEC (bookings: and BAS (bookings:
Patent database for the research and analysis of patents, the state of the art in scientific research in national and international projects, and possible innovative trends in industry. Collects patents from over a hundred intellectual property offices (95 national offices and 6 regional offices: EPO, WIPO, OAPI, ARIPO, EAPO and CCG).
Varies according to the section
Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BEC (bookings: and BAS (bookings:
Oxford University Press e-book platform offering full text versions of the subscribed collections in "Classical Studies", "Business and Management", "Economics and Finance", "Law" and "Mathematics" and the collection "Classics" including e-books from Oxford University Press and other academic publishers and covering Greek and Roman studies, in particular: art and architecture, history, literature, philosophy, archaeology, epigraphy, law, papyrology and religion
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesEconomics and ManagementPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMathematics and StatisticsEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Oxford University Press
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library. Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial
Portal of electronic periodicals of the Oxford University Press, available in full text where subscribed to by Ca' Foscari. It covers the following subject areas: art, archaeology, biochemistry, chemistry, literary criticism, Anglo-Saxon culture, computer science, literature, linguistics, mathematics, medicine, neuroscience, agricultural and biological sciences, environmental sciences, social sciences and history.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library ScienceBiologyChemistryEconomics and ManagementPhilosophy and History of ReligionsPhysicsLiteratureLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Oxford University Press
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Online version of the OUP Dictionary of National Biography that collects the biographies of historical figures, protagonists of science, politics and culture of Great Britain. The work is enriched by a vast iconographic index (the rights of the images are reserved).
Online version of the Oxford English Dictionary. The OED is the most authoritative source on the English language and its historical evolution; it covers all the linguistic variants of English-speaking countries.
Portal that allows integrated access to Grove Music Online, which is the main online resource for international music research and includes: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition (29 volumes, 2001), The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, 2nd edition (3 volumes, 2002), The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (4 volumes, 1992), i>The Norton Grove Dictionary of Women Composers (1 volume, 1994); The Grove Dictionary of American Music, 2nd edition (8 volumes, 2013 continuously), The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd edition (5 volumes, 2014 continuously), and The Oxford Companion to Music and The Oxford Dictionary of Music, similar works but with much less extensive coverage and intended for a non-specialist audience, useful to everyone for more essential and concise information.
Retrospective full text database of digitized periodicals. It allows access to the full text of hundreds of international periodicals on human and social sciences.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library SciencePhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Interdisciplinary bibliographic database of human, social and economic sciences, and science and technology. The archive includes the bibliographic databases Pascal and Francis
Interdisciplinary bibliographic database of human sciences, social and economic sciences and science and technology, edited by Inist-CNRS in collaboration with various partners. The archive includes the bibliographic databases Pascal and Francis. It mainly indexes articles from periodicals, as well as theses, conference proceedings and monographs produced mainly in France and Europe. It also includes, since 1995, the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) produced by Inist in collaboration with the Getty Research Institute. It is particularly useful for research in library science, art history, philosophy and social sciences.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library ScienceBiologyChemistryPhilosophy and History of ReligionsPhysicsComputer ScienceLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesEconomic SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Digital version of the facsimile reproduction of the 161 volumes of the Patrologia Graeco-Latina (Greek-Latin series) by the French abbot Jacques Paul Migne, including the works of the Greek fathers of the church from the 1st century (Pseudo-Clemente) to 1478 (Callisto). The collection includes both Eastern church fathers and western authors (Eusebio, Origen, Basilio Magno, Gregorio Nazianzeno, Gregorio di Nissa etc.). Searches can also be made by indexes and summaries: Brevis conspectus auctorum ex ordine tomorum, Index locupletissimus, Index alphabeticus auctorum, Index anonymorum scriptorum, Index methodicus, Graeci indices. PLEASE NOTE: to view the Greek fonts, you have to install a special program, which you can download by clicking on “Fonts installation”.
Digital version of the complete text of the set Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Latina edited by Jacques Paul Migne (221 volumes, published between 1844 and 1865). It includes the works of the Church Fathers, from Tertullian (200 AD) to Pope Innocent III (1216). The full text of the works is provided, with the notes, glosses, indices and especially Migne’s column numbers, which are the standard reference for scholars.
Database on CD-ROM that gathers texts of English prose from the Middle Ages to the First World War. The corpora provide you with vast quantities of data in electronic format and to search them for use in research and analysis in various areas of linguistics.
Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BALI. Bookings:
Collection of English prose texts including Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English, second edition (PPCME2), Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Early Modern English(PPCEME), and Penn Parsed Corpus of Modern British English, second edition (PPCMBE2) . The texts are available in three formats: plain text, text with annotated parts of speech (part-of-speech tagged text) and texts with syntactic annotations (parsing) that allows the search not only of words but also of sequences and syntactic structures. The database is a very useful tool for the historical study of the English language and its syntax and lexicon. There is also a web interface that facilitates syntactic research
Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BALI. Bookings:
The Miras Maktoob Persian e-book collection consists of 249 volumes (189 works) originally published by the Written Heritage Research Institute (Miras Maktoob), a non-governmental organization in Tehran. Includes works in both Persian and Arabic on Islamic history and culture.
The e-book collection comprises 249 volumes (189 works) of editions of literary works and essays on Iranian cultural history dating back to as early as the 10th century.
The texts in Persian and Arabic languages mainly cover historical, geographical and philosophical topics.
Specialist bibliographic and full text database on philosophy and related sciences: ethics, aesthetics, epistemology, philosophy of religions, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, political philosophy, logic, metaphysics. It indexes specialist journals in numerous languages including Italian.
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print content for personal use only. Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transmission and alteration of copyright are allowed.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Bibliographic database containing the complete indexes of thousands of international periodicals on human and social sciences. The indexes of all the years are available for each periodical, from the first issue to the years 1995/2000. There are direct links to the full text of numerous periodicals in the Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) database and, for the other periodicals, there is a link to the full text of the magazines subscribed to by Ca' Foscari ("trovalo" button).
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library SciencePhilosophy and History of ReligionsWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
Retrospective online archive of Pravda, the Russian newspaper that, from 1912, told the news and history of Russia and the Soviet Republic, from the beginning of the Russian Revolution to the cold war and the fall of the USSR. The database allows you to view all the articles exactly as they were in the printed edition and to search thousands of articles.
Portal of e-books and electronic periodicals of leading academic publishing houses specializing in: social sciences, linguistics, literature, history, philosophy and political sciences. Subscriptions to some journals and a collection of e-books on Slavic Studies.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library SciencePhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
The Johns Hopkins University Press & the Milton S. Eisenhower Library
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Bibliographic and factual database on chemical compounds and reactions in organic, organometallic and inorganic chemistry, physics and related subjects (biology, pharmacy, medicine). It offers data and tools, patents and bibliographic references. It provides access from a single platform to the prestigious CrossFire Beilstein, CrossFire Gmelin and Patent Chemistry databases. Reaxys is connected to Scopus.
Bibliographic database for research in the Middle Ages. It covers the following subject areas: English studies, archaeology, philosophy, Germanic language and literature, music, art history, history of music, theology. The geographical area of reference is Europe.
Full text database indexing magazines, press reviews and local business newspapers covering all metropolitan and rural areas of the United States and Canada
Full text database indexing magazines, press reviews, local newspapers, radio and television news transcripts and press agencies for the United States and Canadian provinces in the field of economics and trade.
Economics and ManagementCommunication SciencesEconomic Sciences
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print content for personal use only. Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transmission and alteration of copyright are allowed.
Bibliographic and full text database of Korean studies that allows the integrated search of academic articles, Master's and doctoral theses and books published in South Korea
Bibliographic and full text database of Korean studies that allows the integrated search of academic articles, Master's and doctoral theses and books published in South Korea. RISS (Research Information Service System) provides access to the full-text of over a million articles (including those indexed in KISS and DBPia) and 600,000 theses owned by around160 universities. It also provides access to over 8 million bibliographic records of paper publications from over 500 Korean institutions.
Platform providing access to periodicals, e-books and other materials of the Royal Society of Chemistry on chemistry, environmental sciences, energy and material sciences
Provides access to around forty periodicals (including backfiles where available), to the collection of ebooks Issues in Issues in Environmental Science & Technology (titles published from 2008 to the present day); to the Literature Updating Services and to other materials including the 2008 - 2009 issues of magazines published since 2008, and the first chapters of all e-books published.
Authorized users: university members, retired members of university staff, walk-in users. Permitted uses: downloading, printing, making electronic copies and storing a reasonable quantity of the products subscribed (articles, parts of books, images, tables, data sets) and/or the metadata that describe them; incorporating links to extracts on the Intranet and on the Subscriber's websites; provided that the downloaded extracts clearly indicate the source, title, author, and publisher and that the purposes are personal research, education or other non-profit purposes.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Collection of academic e-journals (over six hundred titles) on human and social sciences, containing important titles for study and research in the following subjects: archaeology, anthropology, gender studies, literature, history, geography, information science, music philosophy, political science, international relations, economic science, legal science, business economics, psychology, linguistics, urban planning, etc.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library ScienceEconomics and ManagementPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Other authorised users: Alumni and walk-in users at the library
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print the contents of the DL for personal use only (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transformation, translation or creation of derivative works, modification and alteration of copyright are allowed.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (solo ARIEL, no altri sistemi)
Collection of over 3000 international business cases selected for the academic world and from different sources, which includes collaborations between important universities and associations
Collection of over 2500 international business cases selected for the academic world and from different sources, which include collaborations between important universities and associations. They cover a wide range of topics, including: social enterprise, innovation, accounting, entrepreneurship, family-run businesses, marketing, female leadership, human resource management, business ethics and much more.
Portal of electronic periodicals, e-books and reference works by Elsevier, including Handbooks in economics, Advances in catalysis, Advances in organometallic chemistry
Portal of electronic periodicals, e-books and reference works by Elsevier; full text available where subscribed to by Ca' Foscari, otherwise abstract only. It covers many disciplines, including: arts, business, biochemistry, chemistry, economics, econometrics and finance, energy, pharmacology, physics and astronomy, genetics and molecular biology, management and accounting, immunology and microbiology, nursing, computer science, engineering, mathematics, medicine and dentistry, neurosciences, psychology, agricultural and biological sciences, environmental sciences, materials science, life sciences, social sciences, toxicology and pharmaceutical and veterinary sciences. The numerous documents available include: Handbooks in economics, Advances in catalysis, Advances in organometallic chemistry.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library ScienceBiologyChemistryEconomics and ManagementPhysicsComputer ScienceLinguistics and PhilologyMathematics and StatisticsMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesPolitical Sciences
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members, staff over the age of 60 and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Elsevier platform that allows the analysis of research activities by providing detailed information on evaluation, internationalization, collaboration and current research trends. It allows researchers to evaluate accurately and clearly the performance of their research against any other institution or group of researchers in the world. PLEASE NOTE: access via the University network, but you must register
Authorized users: university members, staff over the age of 60 and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Multidisciplinary bibliographic-citation database, produced by Elsevier, which allows research in numerous international journals, including open access journals, and conference papers with a high Impact Factor in all subject areas, including: agriculture, business, management and accounting , architecture, art, astronomy, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, literary criticism, law, economics, econometrics and finance, energy, pharmacology, philosophy, physics, genetics and molecular biology, computer science, literature, linguistics, management, mathematics, medicine, music , religion, materials science, environmental sciences, life sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, social services, sociology, statistics, theatre, toxicology, veterinary science, zoology. Scopus is incomplete for citation information prior to 1996. Link to the full text of the magazines subscribed to by Ca' Foscari (“trovalo” button).
Authorized users: university members, staff over the age of 60 and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
Digital archive of Chinese classics including more than 1400 titles which are an essential tool of primary sources for the study and research of Chinese history and culture.
The project started in 1984 and it is regularly uptaded with new titles. The aim is to digitize all the sources available in the field of traditional Sinology
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library SciencePhilosophy and History of ReligionsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Digital version of the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, essential tool for the study of Greek epigraphy. It contains interpretations and updates on both known inscriptions and newly published texts, for which the text and the critical apparatus are provided.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureLegal SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Collection of e-books of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, which allows access to the full text of titles published in 2014 and 2015 on mathematics, computer science and statistics.
Full text database that indexes 14 periodicals published by Academia Sinica (Taiwan): Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica, Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica, Research on Women in Modern Chinese History, Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Oral History Journal, Newsletter for Modern Chinese History, Taiwan Journal of Anthropology, Taiwan Historical Research, Chinese Studies, Thought and Words : Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Shih-Huo Monthly, Legein Semi-Annual Journal, Legein Monthly e Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore. The subjects covered include: history, philology, literature, anthropology, theatre, art, philosophy. PLEASE NOTE: you can download the full text of the articles only from the list of periodicals on the home page and not from ‘Taiwan Journal Search’ or ‘Sinica Sinoweb’.
Varies according to the publication
Available for consultation only with the assistance of the staff of the BALI. Bookings:
Gruppo 24 Ore document portal that provides access to Il Sole 24 Ore, the historical archive of the newspaper, magazines and other specialist information resources
Unlimited users - (170 users allowed for the newspaper)
The portal provides access to Il Sole 24 Ore; to the historical archive of the newspaper from 1920; to the vertical newspapers (Quotidiano Lavoro, Quotidiano del Fisco, Quotidiano Enti Locali & Pa, Quotidiano Scuola 24, Quotidiano della Casa e del Territorio, Quotidiano del Diritto, Quotidiano Sanità24, Quotidiano dell'Edilizia, Quotidiano del Condominio); to the professional magazines (Guida al Diritto, Edilizia e Territorio, 24 Ore Avvocato, Guida al Lavoro, Massimario di giurisprudenza del Lavoro, Consulente Immobiliare, La Settimana Fiscale, Guida Pratica Fiscale, Guida ai Controlli Fiscali, Guida alla Contabilità e Bilancio, Norme e Tributi Mese, Agrisole, Sanità, L'Impresa, Dossier Lavoro); and to databases and regulatory resources. PLEASE NOTE: use VPN for remote access. No proxy.
1920 -
Unlimited users - (170 users allowed for the newspaper)
Economics and ManagementCommunication SciencesEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical Sciences
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Sole 24 Ore
Licence restrictions
Authorized users: university members, retired Ca 'Foscari staff and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Portal of electronic periodicals and e-books and by Springer; full text available where subscribed to by Ca' Foscari, otherwise index and abstract only. It covers many subject areas, especially sciences: engineering, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, life sciences, agricultural and biological sciences, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, environmental sciences, medicine, veterinary science, social sciences.
Archival and Library ScienceBiologyChemistryEconomics and ManagementPhysicsComputer ScienceLinguistics and PhilologyMathematics and StatisticsPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesSocial SciencesHistory
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Open access archive dedicated to the dissemination of academic research in the social sciences. The eLibrary holds academic papers (usually preprint version) in full text in downloadable PDF format. You can also search by JEL classification.
Six research areas are covered: Applied Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and above all Social Sciences (original specialist sector of the archive). These areas are divided into sections called networks, which correspond to disciplines or research topics.
BiologyEconomics and ManagementComputer ScienceLiteratureLinguistics and PhilologyPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistory
Online version of the important reference resource compiled by Paul W. Kroll and his collaborators for scholars of literature and Chinese texts of the classical and medieval period. It contains over 8000 characters and is a fundamental lexical aid for the translation and interpretation of historical, literary and religious texts compiled between 500 BC and 1000 AD.
Publisher's portal that offers access to purchased ebooks on humanities, linguistics and social sciences and to the CRC Press ebook collection in the scientific field
Publisher's portal that offers access to purchased ebooks on humanities, linguistics and social sciences and to the CRC Press ebook collection in the scientific field
Publisher's portal that offers access to the subscribed journals - Social Science Humanities Library collection - on humanities, linguistics and social sciences.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library ScienceEconomics and ManagementPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsOriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesLegal SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Gruppo editoriale Taylor & Francis
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Full text database of all documents of Greek origin from Homer (8th century BC) to the fall of Byzantium (1453 AD). In the future, it will also include works of literature from the Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods. It contains historiographic, lexicographic texts and scholia from 600 AD until the fall of Byzantium. It covers the subject areas: Greek language and literature, archival science, library science and bibliography, religions. To read the Greek texts, download the fonts for Macintosh, Windows and Unix. PLEASE NOTE: to consult the database, the new interface requires university members to create a user profile by clicking on the FULL CORPUS link.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesPhilosophy and History of ReligionsLiterature
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
University of California
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members.
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print content for personal use only. Non-commercial. No printing, downloading, copying or distribution of documents are allowed.
Authorized users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. When using in publications parts of text or sets of data taken from the resource, users are required to cite the source. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to reproduce, even for personal use, a substantial subset of the database (for example, an entire issue of a magazine), or to systematically copy or print the documents contained therein.
Biographic database based on the biographical archives (in microfiche) of K.G. Saur. It provides information on millions of people, families and groups of all classes and professions, from countries all over the world, from the 4th millennium BC to the present day. Each data sheet gives brief biographical information, an indication of the sources, useful references for the localization of the complete texts in the archives on microfiche. Access to digitized biographical articles is only available for people from ancient times (BAA - Biographisches Archiv der Antike - sub-collection).
Portal of Wiley's e-book and electronic periodicals, accessible in full text if signed by Ca' Foscari, otherwise indexes and abstracts only. It covers many subject areas: engineering, chemistry, computer science, energy, materials science, mathematics, physics and astronomy, life sciences, agricultural and biological sciences, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, environmental sciences, immunology and microbiology, neuroscience, medicine and dentistry, nursing, pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutical sciences, veterinary science, arts, business, management and accounting, economics, econometrics and finance, psychology, social sciences.
Archaeology and Classical AntiquitiesArchival and Library ScienceBiologyChemistryEconomics and ManagementPhilosophy and History of ReligionsPhysicsComputer ScienceLiteratureWestern Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and PhilologyMusic and EntertainmentPsychology and SociologyEducational SciencesCommunication SciencesEarth Sciences and GeographyEconomic SciencesPolitical SciencesSocial SciencesHistoryHistory of Art and Architecture
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
International collective catalogue and reference resource for checking citations and bibliographic data. Contains all types of material: books, periodicals, multimedia, electronic and audiovisual resources, files and archival materials
The largest international collective catalogue: it contains bibliographic records of material owned by American libraries, national libraries, university and non-world libraries that are part of the OCLC organisation. Link to the full text of the resources subscribed to by Ca' Foscari ("trovalo" button). It also offers access to the following databases: Ebooks, electronic books catalogued in WorldCat; OCLC Electronic Collections Online, index of electronic periodicals; ERIC; GPO Monthly Catalog, catalogue of US government publications; the MEDLINE database; the index of OAlster open access digital resources; the ProceedingsFirst and PapersFirst bibliographic repositories which index, respectively, the conference proceedings and reports received from the British Library's Document Supply Centre; WoldCat Dissertations contains the theses found in WorldCat.
Multidisciplinary bibliographic and citation database of which we subscribe the Core Collection which is made up of disciplinary sections which can also be searched separately
Multidisciplinary bibliographic-citation database that enables the search of international journals, including open access, and conference papers with a high Impact Factor, in over 250 subject areas: agriculture, architecture, art, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, literary criticism, law , economics, philosophy, physics, computer science, literature, linguistics, management, mathematics, religion, social services, sociology, statistics, theatre, zoology. Citations can be browsed to form a network of relationships and produce citation reports. The database is made up of thematic sections (which can also be searched separately): Science Citation Index Expanded (1985-), Social Sciences Citation Index (1985-), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1985-), Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (1990-), Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities (1990-), Book Citation Index – Science (2009-), Book Citation Index – Social Sciences & Humanities (2009-)Emerging Sources Citation Index (2015-), Current Chemical Reactions (2009-), Index Chemicus(2009-).
Link to the full text of the magazines subscribed to by Ca' Foscari (“trovalo” button). PLEASE NOTE: the Web of Science platform also provides access to the following databases: BIOSIS Citation Index, Current Contents Connect, Data Citation Index, Derwent Innovation Index, KCI-Korean Journal Database, MEDLINE, Preprint Citation Index, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (1637-present), Russian Science Citation Index; SciELO Citation Index and Zoological Record.
Authorised users: university members.
Other authorised users: Alumni (two years after graduation) and walk-in users at the library
Permitted uses: search, view, download, print the contents of the DL for personal use only (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. No modification, adaptation, transformation, translation or creation of derivative works, modification and alteration of copyright are allowed.
Chinese dictionary containing more than 300,000 Chinese words and expressions belonging to different branches of knowledge (literature, history, science, technology, medicine, law, philosophy, religion etc.). The dictionary was created by the Ricci Institutes of Paris and Taipei and by the Ricci Association. Translation and explanations in French.
From the origins of the Chinese language to the 20th century AD
Oriental Languages and CivilizationsLinguistics and Philology
Contract start date
Contract end date
Contract type
Publsher / Supplier
Licence restrictions
Authorised users: university members and walk-in users at the library.
Permitted uses: printing, downloading and saving single chapters, articles or other parts for personal use (study, teaching, research). Non-commercial. The distribution of the individual parts in paper or electronic format is authorised for study and research purposes.
consentito per posta, fax, elettronico sicuro (ARIEL,NILDE)
Digital version of the index of the same name printed in 116 volumes, edited by Bordandini and then by Olschki, which contains descriptive lists of codes kept in the biggest Italian libraries and archives. The corpus, established in 1890 by Giuseppe Mazzatinti, commissioned by the Ministry of Education, was completed in 2013.
Union catalog of books belonging to Chinese studies collections of TRCCS (Taiwan Resource Centers for Chinese Studies) hosted by different institutions worldwide.
Union catalog of books belonging to Chinese studies collections of TRCCS (Taiwan Resource Centers for Chinese Studies) hosted by different institutions worldwide. Patrons of Ca' Foscari TRCCS can use the catalog to search for materials and make applications for interlibrary loan or document delivery (based on Ca' Foscari ILL-DD procedure).
The National Central Library of Taiwan will pay the costs required for the service. Further information here.
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The University only has access to anonymised and aggregated statistical data provided by these platforms. It acts as a joint data controller with these providers, in accordance with the ruling C-210/16 of 5 June 2018 by the Court of Justice of the European Union. The legal basis for this processing is Article 6.1(a) of the Regulation (“consent of the data subject”).
You can always manage your cookie preferences through the browser setting. If you disable all cookies, please note that some activities on the website will not be possible anymore (i.e. the ones on the pages accessible in the Personal Area). To find out more on how to manage cookies through browser settings, please visit:
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5. Data retention
For information on the retention period of each cookie, please refer to the list below.
6. Recipients and categories of recipients of personal data and data transfer outside the European Economic Area
For the purposes set out above, in addition to specifically authorized employees and collaborators of the University, personal data may also be processed by those who execute outsourced activities on behalf of the University in their capacity as data processors (the updated list is available at: List of data recipients).
Personal data collected by third party cookies may be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA) in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation.
7. Data subjects rights and how to exercise them
As a data subject, you have the right to obtain from the University, in the cases provided for by the Regulation, access to your personal data, their rectification, integration, deletion, and restriction of processing, as well as the right to object to processing and withdraw consent (Articles 15 et seq. of the Regulation).
Requests may be submitted without any formalities by directly contacting the Data Protection Officer at or by sending a communication to the following address: Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Data Protection Officer, Dorsoduro 3246, 30123 Venice. Alternatively, you can contact the Data Controller, by writing a PEC (certified email) to
Data subjects who believe that the processing of their personal data violates the Regulation's provisions have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, (art. 77 of the Regulation), or to take legal action (art. 79 of the Regulation).
Appendix on social media:
As a supplement to the information provided pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (available at the following link: Information on the processing of personal data of the website users), the University informs users accessing its institutional pages on social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) that it processes, in an anonymous and aggregated form, statistical data made available by the providers of these platforms. The University acts as a joint data controller with these providers, in accordance with the ruling C-210/16 of 5 June 2018 by the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Furthermore, the University processes personal data users provide through its social media pages strictly within the scope of its institutional purposes, solely to manage interactions with users such as comments, public posts, etc.
Lastly, the Website contains social media buttons—links that redirect users to the University’s accounts on the displayed social networks (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, X, and LinkedIn). These buttons allow users to interact with social media platforms with a single click. The use of these buttons does not result in the installation of third-party cookies on the Website; they simply provide direct access to the University's social media accounts.
Last updated: 19/02/2025
List of cookies
Last update of the list of cookies: 19/02/2025
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