Research grants expired calls

Test calendars where applicable, evaluation results and other useful information about expired research grants will be published on this page.

For more information visit the page open calls for research grants.

Structure Title Details
Venice School of Management Enhancing Craft Ecosystems through a Managerial Approach in European Networks-PROJECT HORIZON-DEADLINE January 10th 2025 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0021-553-2023- Mapping and analysis of Veneto's live entertainment industry to develop innovative business models- DEADLINE July 10th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Craft in Europe between conservation and innovation-PROJECT HORIZON-DEADLINE July 10th 2024 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- The research fellow will be integrated, also with project management roles, in the European Horizon project "Heritage in Europe: new technologies in craft for preserving and innovating future (HEPHAESTUS"
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0007-553-2023-Business Models for the digitization of genetic engineering products- DEADLINE June 26th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0021-553-2023- The cinema and audiovisual sector in Veneto. Analysis of territorial distribution and production capacity to support the identification of new business models- DEADLINE May 9th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2122-0020-553-2023- Digitising archives for an 'augmented' experience- DEADLINE May 9th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0007-553-2023-Business Models for the digitization of genetic engineering products- DEADLINE May 9th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0020-553-2023 Development of transformative scenarios of productions-DEADLINE April 23th 2024 at 9.00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Comparative statics under limited attention-PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23002130006 -DEADLINE April 12th 2024 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- This project is part of a larger effort to develop a methodology for the evaluation of nudges, geared to agents who make rational choices but are constrained by limited attention. Specifically, the main objective is to derive sufficient conditions under which a frame is revealed to induce more attentiveness
Venice School of Management Research fellowship Data-Driven Innovation and new hybrid business models - PRIN 2022 CUP H53D23002450006,- DEADLINE January 31st 2024, 12 noon (Italian time).
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0021-553-2023- Mapping and analysis of Veneto's live entertainment industry to develop innovative business models- DEADLINE January 29th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0021-553-2023- The cinema and audiovisual sector in Veneto. Analysis of territorial distribution and production capacity to support the identification of new business models- DEADLINE January 29th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2122-0020-553-2023 - Digitising archives for an 'augmented' experience - DEADLINE 29th January 2024 - italian TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0021-553-2023- Mapping and Analyzing the Role of Independent Spaces in the Construction of a Regional Observatory for Culture and Creativity in the Veneto Region- DEADLINE January 29th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management The use of honeybee to detect habitat quality and suitability PRIN 2022 PNRR -CUP: H53D23009460001-DEADLINE January 25th 2024 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- This research is part of a project aiming at assessing and forecasting the impact of climate volatility on living organisms and ecosystem service provision
Venice School of Management Cod. 2105-0001-553-2023 Analysis of the potential market and strategy for the deployment of a high-efficiency hydrojet thruster as a sustainable smart mobility solution for city transportation in the Venice lagoon- DEADLINE January 25th 2024 AT 9.00- BANDO FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2105-0011-553-2023 - ODISSEA: a syncretic model for identifying the identity of enterprises. DEADLINE 16th January 2024 AT 09:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 1695-0003-553-2023 - R-Neuroplus technology and methodology: study and analysis of market opportunities - DEADLINE January 16th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management cod. 2120-0014-553-2023 - Business Models for the digitization of genetic engineering products -DEADLINE 16th January 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0007-553-2023 - Business Models for the digitization of genetic engineering products - DEADLINE 16th January 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0008-553-2023 -Training platform and consulting based on AI and business model pattern for young professionals and enterprises - DEADLINE January 16th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0020-553-2023 - Development of transformative scenarios of productions - DEADLINE January 16th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0018-553-2023 -Branding and new technologies: methodologies and tools - DEADLINE January 16th 2024 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Research fellowship on The economic, social and environmental evaluation of urban regeneration projects: methodologies and key performance indicators - DEADLINE January 12th 2024, 12 noon (Italian time).
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-0020-553-2023 Impact of digitalisation in the relationship between non-profit and for-profit enterprises- DEADLINE January 9th 2024 AT 9.00- BANDO FSE
Venice School of Management The Language of Innovation-PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23002520001-DEADLINE December 9th 2024 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-When is novelty more likely to elicit support from relevant audiences? Innovators’ struggle to rally key audiences’ support around their novel ideas, products, or projects is a central theme in the innovation and entrepreneurship literature
Venice School of Management Comparative statics under limited attention-PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23002130006 -DEADLINE January 9th 2024 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- This project is part of a larger effort to develop a methodology for the evaluation of nudges, geared to agents who make rational choices but are constrained by limited attention. Specifically, the main objective is to derive sufficient conditions under which a frame is revealed to induce more attentiveness
Venice School of Management Data-Driven Innovation and new hybrid business models-PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23002450006 -DEADLINE November 30th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The aim of the project is to understand how Data-Driven Innovations (DDIs) allow organizational innovation to generate new hybrid business models (Battilana and Lee, 2014) that, together with profits, also achieves social and environmental positive impact
Venice School of Management Mapping internationalization trajectories of Italian firms towards Central, Eastern Europe and Russia from the 1970s to 2000-PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23000300001-DEADLINE November 27th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The research aims at mapping the presence of Italian firms in CEE from the 1970s to early 2000s according to sector and type of investment
Venice School of Management A retrospective analysis of the mobilisation of cultural actors for a new tourist attraction: The modern Venetian Carnival -PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23000150006 -DEADLINE November 27th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- The research fellow will perform an in-depth study of archival and bibliographic materials focusing on the cultural mobilisation for the reinvention of the Venetian Carnival
Venice School of Management Comparative statics under limited attention-PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23002130006 -DEADLINE November 17th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- This project is part of a larger effort to develop a methodology for the evaluation of nudges, geared to agents who make rational choices but are constrained by limited attention
Venice School of Management Individual behavior and social interactions in the study of communicable diseases and their impact on economic activity-PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23003380006 -DEADLINE November 17th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-This project aims at disentangling the numerous channels through which different forms of public policy can be used to reduce the harmful implications of communicable diseases by targeting different objectives, from the single individual up to the society
Venice School of Management The economic, social and environmental evaluation of urban regeneration projects: methodologies and key performance indicators- funded by the Project Bauhaus of the Seas Sails - BoSS -DEADLINE November 15th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME
Venice School of Management Networks and resilience: the case of Italian network contracts -PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23003380006 -DEADLINE October 24th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-the research will use data of the Osservatorio Nazionale sulle Reti d’Impresa (henceforth Osservatorio) to analyze the resilience of these networks and identify the structural and organizational characteristics of most resilient networks
Venice School of Management Blending the physical and the virtual workplace: How different hybrid work’s models call for emergent configurations of organizational and leadership practices-PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23002160006-DEADLINE October 24th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-the aim of the project is to disentangle the broad category of hybrid working, identifying the salient dimensions that can help to identify different combinations between the two poles of the continuum virtual- physical work
Venice School of Management Fostering sustainability mindset: how non-financial disclosure and corporate risk assessment may drive ESG value creation-PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23002380006-DEADLINE October 17th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The project aims to enhance companies’ ability in the European Union (EU) to improve their performance along with environmental, social and governance (ESG) dimensions and mitigate the associated risks and to develop models and instruments for increasing corporate accountability
Venice School of Management Labour in transition: job-skills development and firm innovation competencies in Italy -PRIN 2022-CUP: H53D23005790006-DEADLINE October 2nd 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- The increasing use of technology in the production process has led to a transformation of professional profiles and training needs, as new skills are now required to perform evolving tasks
Venice School of Management Mapping controversies in crafts ecosystems-DEADLINE July 25th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- Project HEPHAESTUS "Heritage in EuroPe: new techHologies in crAft for prEserving and innovaTing fUtureS"
Venice School of Management Application for n. 01 one-year post-doc fellowship in: IUS/12 – Tax Law. - Deadline: June 27th 2023, 12.00 noon
Venice School of Management Research fellowships on How the structure of EU regulatory processes can unbalance EU policy deliberations tipping them towards benefiting corporations rather than civil society - DEADLINE June 23th 2023, 12 noon (Italian time).
Venice School of Management Trust in institutions and social media: online experiments and citizen science-PROJECT HORIZON-DEADLINE June 15th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-This project aims at understanding how trust in institutions (politicians, political parties, government institutions but also newspapers and open-data repositories) is built and evolves in social networks and online interactions,etc.
Venice School of Management Craft in Europe between conservation and innovation-PROJECT HORIZON-DEADLINE May 9th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- The research fellow will be integrated, also with project management roles, in the European Horizon project "Heritage in Europe: new technologies in craft for preserving and innovating future (HEPHAESTUS"
Venice School of Management Sustainable innovative business ecosystems for urban and territorial regeneration in coastal areas -DEADLINE January 20th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The research activity aims to identify to and implement a methodology for the launch and development of sustainable ecosystems consistent with the objectives promoted by the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails - BoSS project
Venice School of Management Craft in Europe between conservation and innovation -DEADLINE January 20th 2023 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- The project tackles the challenges posed to the traditional craftsmanship from global markets, technological changes, and digital technologies
Venice School of Management Multinational corporations and global value chains: practices for fostering democratic and inclusive citizenship processes - Deadline: November 04th 2022, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management The role of art investment in portfolio diversification. Risk, return and resilience to exogenous shocks - Deadline: October 17th 2022, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Research fellowships relative to the scientific areas of interest: CUN 13 SECS-P/10 - DEADLINE September 06th 2022, 12 p.m. (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Research fellowship on Business-NGO partnerships fostering beneficiaries’ empowerment - DEADLINE August 25th 2022, 12 noon (Italian time).
Venice School of Management Research fellowships relative to the scientific areas of interest: CUN 13 SECS-P/10 - deadline June 22th 2022, 12 p.m. (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Research fellowship on Qualifying work relationships in the internet revolution: between new and old needs for protections - DEADLINE June 21st 2022, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Research fellowship on Structural change, resilience and sustainability: sector analyses and implications for industrial policy, with particular reference to the raise of ports - DEADLINE May 31sh 2022, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Research fellowships relative to the scientific areas of interest: CUN 13 SECS-P/08 - deadline May 4th 2022, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Research fellowship on Networks for competitiveness and resilience of hospitality systems of cultural tourism destinations - deadline April 26th 2022, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Partnerships between museums and companies: an urban regeneration model for sustainable tourism - deadline April 12th 2022, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Research fellowships relative to the scientific areas of interest: CUN 13 deadline April 11th 2022, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Networks for competitiveness and resilience of hospitality systems of cultural tourism destinations - DEADLINE March 14th 2022, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management The new boundaries of the procedure for the suppression of anti-union conduct - March 07th 2022, 12 noon (Italian time).
Venice School of Management Renewed logistic-port infrastructure for structural change towards a sustainable and inclusive development - DEADLINE December 27th 2021, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Port-city interaction, between urban regeneration and economic transformation - DEADLINE December 27th 2021, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Exposure to pandemic risk: impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on investments in the Real Estate industry - DEADLINE 24th 2021, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Financing instruments to support sustainable real estate - DEADLINE November 9th 2021 at 12 noon ITALIAN TIME
Venice School of Management Awareness raising campaigns in sustainable transport: implementation and assessment of techniques for involvement and participation-DEADLINE October 19th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-This research grant is part of the MIMOSA (INTERREG ITA-CRO CBC Program) project, that aims at Increasing the knowledge of transport demand and, specifically, of passenger behaviour in the programme area (Croatia and coastal regions of Italy).
Venice School of Management Culture and creativity for teaching and digital learning - DEADLINE 2020-08-26, h. 12:00 noon – local time.
Venice School of Management Design and implementation of a collaborative customer-producer framework for the artistic glass supply chain-DEADLINE August 24th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The specific objective of this grant is the study, design and eventual testing of a collaborative framework and related online tools to enable co-design activities of glass products between customer and manufacturer
Venice School of Management Mass customization and co-design in the glass sector-DEADLINE August 24th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The specific objective of this grant is the study of the adoptability of co-design and mass customization methodologies in the glass sector, both in terms of new approaches to the market and in terms of monetization of shared design processes, through a business model based on the marketplace paradigm
Venice School of Management Definition of a business model of the platform that enables the remuneration of data and services of a digital tourism ecosystem - Deadline August 23rd 2021, 12 noon (Italian time).
Venice School of Management Analysis of digital ecosystems with assessment of strengths and weaknesses, risks and opportunities, and their potential for evolution towards an evolved digital ecosystem - Deadline for submission of applications: August 23rd 2021, 12 noon (Italian time).
Venice School of Management Analysis of the requirements of the tourism operators and of the characteristics of the demand for the purpose of creating a digital tourism ecosystem - Deadline August 23rd 2021, 12 noon (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Guidelines for the collection and management of confederated data and for the interaction between algorithms and data and the development of analytics systems in a digital tourism ecosystem-DEADLINE July 29th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The specific objective of this grant is to define the guidelines for the collection and management of confederated data and for the interaction between algorithms and data and the development of analytics systems
Venice School of Management Definition of guidelines for the design and provision of services functional to the strategy of the digital ecosystem of tourism in the land of Venice-DEADLINE July 29th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The specific objective of this grant is the creation of guidelines to orient the development of frontends, packages, and the correct design and provision of services, functional to the platform strategy
Venice School of Management Integration of Open Data sources within a digital tourism ecosystem-DEADLINE June 9th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The specific objective of this grant is the study, design and eventual experimentation of the integration of Open Data sources within a digital tourism ecosystem in order to make them available with a unified interface
Venice School of Management Privacy and security infrastructure design within a digital tourism ecosystem-DEADLINE June 9th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The specific objective of this grant is the study, design and possible experimentation of the privacy and security infrastructure within a digital tourism ecosystem in order to guarantee the ownership of the data of the individual connected operators and the safe access of the same
Venice School of Management The digitalization of wholesale agri-food markets-DEADLINE May 6th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- The project aims at tackling topics connatural to this transformation, namely: a. understanding the strategic implications of digital multi-sided platforms as means to conduct transactions and communication among nodes in “physical” value chains; b. according to a design-science approach, developing and validating a model of a platform that can intermediate actors in a variety of supply chains
Venice School of Management Definition of data formats and communication standards within a digital tourism ecosystem-DEADLINE April 19th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The specific objective of this grant is the definition of the optimal data structures for the representation of tourism data, also on the basis of the analysis of the existing, the design of the distributed cloud infrastructure for data maintenance and the interfaces to the processing algorithms
Venice School of Management The digitalization of wholesale agri-food markets-DEADLINE March 16th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME Digital multi-sided platforms promise to increase the efficiency of transactions, to optimize logistics, to decrease the environmental impact due to the transit of people and physical items. The project does so with an empirical focus on a specific area: that of agri-food wholesale markets
Venice School of Management The impact of Extended Reality (XR) immersive tools on system innovation performance and governance: an empirical study on the autonomous vehicle enabled mobility-DEADLINE 16th March 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-This project investigates the impact of XR technology and immersive tools on the performance and the governance of innovation at the system level. The research object is situated at the intersection of value proposition co-design through digital artifacts, the governance of distributed inn
Venice School of Management Mapping the complexity of cultural & creative ecosystems as knowledge pools: a mixed-methods exploration-DEADLINE 16th March 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The goal of the research project is to combine a fine-grained quantitative representation of the distribution, organization and economic value of cultural and creative organizations with a deeper understanding of the knowledge and symbolic values hey generate and mobilize
Venice School of Management Ecosystems for innovation and INdustry 4.0: an analysis of the Veneto Region-ECOS4IN ID Project CE1393-DEADLINE March 12th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The research project aims at understanding the nature and configuration of local ecosystems of innovation and entrepreneurship that are conducive to the transformation of firms’ ways of competing and that will allow for related and unrelated trajectories of innovation leveraging upon technologies currently deemed as Industry 4.0
Venice School of Management UCAMP Project–Empower Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their urban stakeholders to tackle pressing urban challenges-DEADLINE March 12th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The Urban GoodCamp (UCAMP) project aims to empower Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their urban stakeholders to tackle pressing urban challenges by creating and actively engaging urban communities of practice, developing and implementing multidisciplinary learning interventions for university students, young researchers
Venice School of Management The new craft sector: Creative clusters and the evolution of knowledge and skills-DEADLINE February 19th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-This project explores how a craft cluster’s industrial past relates to its contemporary post-industrial creative productions. How to create value being both authentic to traditional skills and competitive in today’s economic dynamics, for crafts, is not clear
Venice School of Management Innovating museum’s activities through collaboration with creative enterprises. Development of a community of practice and implementation of pilot actions- DEADLINE February 15th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The research fellow will actively contribute to the goal of innovating the museum offer in Veneto region, in particular that of medium and small-sized museums, through a more intense, articulated and innovative collaboration with creative firms, thus transforming them into SACHE: Smart Acceler
Venice School of Management The new craft sector: Creative clusters and the evolution of knowledge and skills-DEADLINE January 21st 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-This project explores how a craft cluster’s industrial past relates to its contemporary postindustrial creative productions
Venice School of Management Unified virtual interface to allow access to Nano-Region transnational aggregate research centers’ nanotechnology skills database-DEADLINE January 8th 2021 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- The aim of the project is to connect existing nanotechnology skills to the needs of the industrial world
Venice School of Management 2120-0016-1463-2019-Responsible production – Green and circular processes of production and consumption-DEADLINE November 13th 2020 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME
Venice School of Management MIMOSA – Maritime and Multimodal Sustainable Passenger Transport Solutions and Services – Italy-Croatia Transport Data Analysis-DEADLINE September 28th 2020 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME- This research grant is one (out of four) that are part of the MIMOSA (INTERREG ITA-CRO CBC Program) project, that aims at Increasing the knowledge of transport demand in the Programme area (Croatia and coastal regions of Italy)
Venice School of Management 2120-0016-1463-2019-Green and circular processes of production and consumption-DEADLINE September 22nd 2020 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management 2120-0010-1463-2019-Financial solutions to support real estate operations redevelopment-DEADLINE September 22nd 2020 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management MIMOSA – Maritime and Multimodal Sustainable Passenger Transport Solutions and Services–Italy Croatia Passengers Behavioural Analysis-DEADLINE August 24th 2020 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The specific objective of this grant is twofold: a) to improve the knowledge of passengers’ needs and behavior, b) understanding passengers’ attitudes towards sustainable transport solutions
Venice School of Management MIMOSA – Maritime and Multimodal Sustainable Passenger Transport Solutions and Services – Italy-Croatia Transport Data Analysis-DEADLINE August 24th 2020 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-Specific objective of this grant is to provide an up-to-date knowledge of the demand for transport services in general, with a focus on maritime transport, at local, regional and cross-border level, including an overview on existing and potential passengers’ segmentation. The research will be carried out in English
Venice School of Management 2120-0017-1463-2019-Business models for anticipating change-DEADLINE August 5th 2020 AT 9.00 AM ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management 2120-0016-1463-2019- ICT Impact – Social Strategy Innovation: business models in non-profit companies-N. 2 Research fellowship -DEADLINE August 5th 2020 AT 9.00 AM ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management 2122-0007-1463-2019-New business models for tourism in Veneto in relation to the opportunities offered by the development of technological solutions and integrated Smart City management systems-DEADLINE August 5th 2020 AT 9.00 AM ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management 2105-068-1463-2019-Strategic opportunities to enable data-driven and human-centered business models-DEADLINE August 5th 2020 AT 9.00 AM ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management 2120-0010-1463-2019 - Financial solutions to support real estate operations redevelopment - July 30, 2020 AT 9:00 AM ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management The search for companies interested in the impact that nanotechnologies have on business models and their involvement in specific events-DEADLINE July 17th 2020 AT 12:00 ITALIAN TIME-The industrial strategies of the third millennium are increasingly pointing towards high specializations and refined enabling technologies, including nanotechnologies. The aim of the project is to network the existing skills of nanotechnologies to meet the needs of the productive world
Venice School of Management 2120-0011-1463-2019-Methodologies for digital innovation analysis: Strategic Profile – The impact of Digital Transformation on Sustainable business models and on Circular Economy Strategies-DEADLINE June 11th 2020 AT 9:00 AM ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management The role of cultural heritage as incubator and accelerator of innovative entrepreneurship - Deadline December 05th 2019, h.12:00 (Italian time)
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-13-11-2018-The role of Artificial Intelligence in the definition of new organizational and production models and in the design of business strategy-DEADLINE October 11st 2018 AT 9.00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-7-11-2018 Business Identity and Image-DEADLINE September 21st 2018 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-12-11-2018 Implementazione e Analisi Sociologica, Organizzativa e Manageriale di progetti di Smart Manufacturing-N. 4 Research fellowship-DEADLINE September 21st 2018 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-19-11-2018-Smart Cities: il contributo del Data Science per la qualità e sostenibilità delle esperienze di visita-N. 2 Research fellowship-DEADLINE September 20th 2018 AT 9.00 AM ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2120-13-11-2018-Assegno A:The role of Artificial Intelligence in the definition of new organizational and production models and in the design of business strategy-Assegno B: Machine Learning techniques for predictive analysis of malfunctions and scheduled maintenance-DEADLINE July 31st 2018 AT 9:00 ITALIAN TIME-FSE
Venice School of Management Cod. 2122-4-11-2018-Editorial processes and innovation 4.0 - N. 2 Research fellowship - DEADLINE July 12th 2018 AT 9.00