Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Designing organisational structures in changing contexts”, lasting 12 months-CUP H73C24001770005-Tutor prof. S. Bonesso
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Designing organisational structures in changing contexts”, lasting 12 months-CUP H73C24001770005-Tutor prof. S. Bonesso
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 1 RESEARCH GRANT FOR FELLOWSHIP VISITING - Project code 2120-0021-553-2023 Title “Un Osservatorio Regionale sulla cultura e la creatività come fattori di sviluppo e competitività territoriale” - CUP H77G23000130002 – DGR no. 553/2023 – coordinator prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Venice School of Management
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 1 RESEARCH GRANT FOR FELLOWSHIP VISITING - Project code 2120-0021-553-2023 Title “Un Osservatorio Regionale sulla cultura e la creatività come fattori di sviluppo e competitività territoriale” - CUP H77G23000130002 – DGR no. 553/2023 – coordinator prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship, lasting 12 months, Project “CO ADRIA – North Adriatic EGTC to promote climate neutrality by 2050: strategic initiatives for energy efficiency in the region”, acronym “CO ADRIA”, project code ITA-SI0600208, CUP LP: H73C24000210007, Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Programme, Tutor prof. C. Bagnoli
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship, lasting 12 months, Project “CO ADRIA – North Adriatic EGTC to promote climate neutrality by 2050: strategic initiatives for energy efficiency in the region”, acronym “CO ADRIA”, project code ITA-SI0600208, CUP LP: H73C24000210007, Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Programme, Tutor prof. C. Bagnoli
Call for n.1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “ODISSEA: Una forma per la Brand Identity”, lasting 2 months-DGR 553/2023-within the project code 2120-0011-553-2023, “ODISSEA - Osservatorio Di Impatto Sociale Su Economia e Arte”-CUP H77G23000180002-Tutor Prof. Bagnoli
Venice School of Management
Call for n.1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “ODISSEA: Una forma per la Brand Identity”, lasting 2 months-DGR 553/2023-within the project code 2120-0011-553-2023, “ODISSEA - Osservatorio Di Impatto Sociale Su Economia e Arte”-CUP H77G23000180002-Tutor Prof. Bagnoli
Call for n.1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Analisi delle iniziative di trasferimento dell’innovazione e della conoscenza in agricoltura nella Regione Veneto”, lasting 5 months. Project “Analisi e studio per l’implementazione di un modello di finanziamento a costi semplificati delle spese ammissibili per la realizzazione degli interventi relativi all’AKIS previsti dal CSR per il Veneto 2023-2027”-DGR 189/2024-CUP H73C24000180002-Tutor Prof. M. Plechero
Venice School of Management
Call for n.1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Analisi delle iniziative di trasferimento dell’innovazione e della conoscenza in agricoltura nella Regione Veneto”, lasting 5 months. Project “Analisi e studio per l’implementazione di un modello di finanziamento a costi semplificati delle spese ammissibili per la realizzazione degli interventi relativi all’AKIS previsti dal CSR per il Veneto 2023-2027”-DGR 189/2024-CUP H73C24000180002-Tutor Prof. M. Plechero
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 1 RESEARCH GRANT FOR VISITING FELLOWSHIP entitled “The Reason of Others ACT II - VISITING FELLOWSHIP”, lasting 2 months–DGR 727/2023–within the project code 51-0001-727-2023, “Proagōn: un incubatore per le arti performative a Venezia”, CUP H71D23000110007-coordinator Prof. F. Panozzo
Venice School of Management
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 1 RESEARCH GRANT FOR VISITING FELLOWSHIP entitled “The Reason of Others ACT II - VISITING FELLOWSHIP”, lasting 2 months–DGR 727/2023–within the project code 51-0001-727-2023, “Proagōn: un incubatore per le arti performative a Venezia”, CUP H71D23000110007-coordinator Prof. F. Panozzo
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 1 RESEARCH GRANT FOR VISITING FELLOWSHIP entitled “The Reason of Others ACT II - VISITING FELLOWSHIP”, lasting 2 months–DGR 727/2023–within the project code 51-0001-727-2023, “Proagōn: un incubatore per le arti performative a Venezia”, CUP H71D23000110007-coordinator Prof. F. Panozzo
Venice School of Management
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 1 RESEARCH GRANT FOR VISITING FELLOWSHIP entitled “The Reason of Others ACT II - VISITING FELLOWSHIP”, lasting 2 months–DGR 727/2023–within the project code 51-0001-727-2023, “Proagōn: un incubatore per le arti performative a Venezia”, CUP H71D23000110007-coordinator Prof. F. Panozzo
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 2 RESEARCH GRANTS FOR VISITING FELLOWSHIP-Project code 51-0001-727-2023 Title “Proagōn: un incubatore per le arti performative a Venezia” CUP H71D23000110007 –DGR no. 727/2023– coordinator prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Venice School of Management
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 2 RESEARCH GRANTS FOR VISITING FELLOWSHIP-Project code 51-0001-727-2023 Title “Proagōn: un incubatore per le arti performative a Venezia” CUP H71D23000110007 –DGR no. 727/2023– coordinator prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 1 RESEARCH GRANT FOR VISITING FELLOWSHIP entitled "PROMOTION - International experience and contamination with the territory", lasting 2 months–DGR 727/2023–Project code 2120-0001-727-2023, “Homo Faber Economy”-CUP H77G23000350002-coordinator Prof. G. Zilio Grandi.
Venice School of Management
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 1 RESEARCH GRANT FOR VISITING FELLOWSHIP entitled "PROMOTION - International experience and contamination with the territory", lasting 2 months–DGR 727/2023–Project code 2120-0001-727-2023, “Homo Faber Economy”-CUP H77G23000350002-coordinator Prof. G. Zilio Grandi.
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled "Analisi degli interventi relativi al trasferimento dell’innovazione e della conoscenza (AKIS) nella Regione Veneto finanziati dal PSR", lasting 8 months. Project “Analisi e studio per l’implementazione di un modello di finanziamento a costi semplificati delle spese ammissibili per la realizzazione degli interventi relativi all’AKIS previsti dal CSR per il Veneto 2023-2027”-DGR 189/2024-CUP H73C24000180002-Tutor Prof. Mauracher
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled "Analisi degli interventi relativi al trasferimento dell’innovazione e della conoscenza (AKIS) nella Regione Veneto finanziati dal PSR", lasting 8 months. Project “Analisi e studio per l’implementazione di un modello di finanziamento a costi semplificati delle spese ammissibili per la realizzazione degli interventi relativi all’AKIS previsti dal CSR per il Veneto 2023-2027”-DGR 189/2024-CUP H73C24000180002-Tutor Prof. Mauracher
Call for n. 2 Fellowship Visiting - DGR n. 727/2023 - project code 51-0001-727-2023, entitled “Proagōn: un incubatore per le arti performative a Venezia”-CUP H71D23000110007-Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 2 Fellowship Visiting - DGR n. 727/2023 - project code 51-0001-727-2023, entitled “Proagōn: un incubatore per le arti performative a Venezia”-CUP H71D23000110007-Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 3 RESEARCH GRANTS FOR FELLOWSHIP VISITING - Project code 2120-0021-553-2023 Title “Un Osservatorio Regionale sulla cultura e la creatività come fattori di sviluppo e competitività territoriale” - CUP H77G23000130002 – DGR no. 553/2023 – coordinator prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Venice School of Management
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR NO. 3 RESEARCH GRANTS FOR FELLOWSHIP VISITING - Project code 2120-0021-553-2023 Title “Un Osservatorio Regionale sulla cultura e la creatività come fattori di sviluppo e competitività territoriale” - CUP H77G23000130002 – DGR no. 553/2023 – coordinator prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowship - DGR n. 727/2023 - project cod. 51-0001-727-2023, titolo “Proagōn: un incubatore per le arti performative a Venezia”-CUP H71D23000110007-Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowship - DGR n. 727/2023 - project cod. 51-0001-727-2023, titolo “Proagōn: un incubatore per le arti performative a Venezia”-CUP H71D23000110007-Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “The culture of tides: indigenous knowledge about the Venice lagoon”, lasting 2 months-CUP H73C24000450005-Tutor prof. M. Warglien
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “The culture of tides: indigenous knowledge about the Venice lagoon”, lasting 2 months-CUP H73C24000450005-Tutor prof. M. Warglien
Call for applications: selection procedure for N. 2 (two) short-term research fellowships for specific research programmes Project title “Enhance enogasTronomy hEritage to eSTablish and Expand sustainAble Tourism”, acronym “TESTEAT”, project code ITHR0200324, CUP H75E23000170006 INTERREG VI A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme 2021-2027
Venice School of Management
Call for applications: selection procedure for N. 2 (two) short-term research fellowships for specific research programmes Project title “Enhance enogasTronomy hEritage to eSTablish and Expand sustainAble Tourism”, acronym “TESTEAT”, project code ITHR0200324, CUP H75E23000170006 INTERREG VI A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme 2021-2027
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “CA' FOSCARI – FATTORI CRITICI NEL PASSAGGIO GENERAZIONALE AL FEMMINILE" lasting 9 months - DGR 1522/2022 - within the project cod. 1098-0001-1522-2022, dal titolo “GENERAZIONI(E) D’IMPRESA: generare impresa nella parità di genere”, CUP H34G23000130007- Tutor Prof. M. Pinelli
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “CA' FOSCARI – FATTORI CRITICI NEL PASSAGGIO GENERAZIONALE AL FEMMINILE" lasting 9 months - DGR 1522/2022 - within the project cod. 1098-0001-1522-2022, dal titolo “GENERAZIONI(E) D’IMPRESA: generare impresa nella parità di genere”, CUP H34G23000130007- Tutor Prof. M. Pinelli
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled "Hermeneutical paradigms in the study of corporate identity and image" lasting 12 months-CUP H73C24000170005-Tutor prof. C. Bagnoli
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled "Hermeneutical paradigms in the study of corporate identity and image" lasting 12 months-CUP H73C24000170005-Tutor prof. C. Bagnoli
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “PROMOZIONE - Borsa di ricerca”, lasting 12 months –DGR 727/2023- within the project cod.2120-0001-727-2023, “Homo Faber Economy” - CUP H77G23000350002 - Tutor Prof. G. Zilio Grandi.
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “PROMOZIONE - Borsa di ricerca”, lasting 12 months –DGR 727/2023- within the project cod.2120-0001-727-2023, “Homo Faber Economy” - CUP H77G23000350002 - Tutor Prof. G. Zilio Grandi.
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Digital transformation and the Future of Work”, lasting 5 months - CUP H73C24000070005 - tutor prof. A. Comacchio
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Digital transformation and the Future of Work”, lasting 5 months - CUP H73C24000070005 - tutor prof. A. Comacchio
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “2.1 Self control – Monitoraggio” lasting 10 months - DGR 1522/2022 - within the project cod. 15-0001-1522-2022, dal titolo “COCO”, CUP H94G23000180007 - Tutor prof. F. Gerli
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “2.1 Self control – Monitoraggio” lasting 10 months - DGR 1522/2022 - within the project cod. 15-0001-1522-2022, dal titolo “COCO”, CUP H94G23000180007 - Tutor prof. F. Gerli
Bando per il conferimento di n. 1 borsa di ricerca (durata mesi 12)-DGR 1522/2022-Progetto cod. 57-0001-1522-2022 “G.I.R.L.S.: Giovani Innovatrici in Rete, Leader nella Società” CUP H44G23000050007- Tutor Prof.ssa C. Colapinto.
Venice School of Management
Bando per il conferimento di n. 1 borsa di ricerca (durata mesi 12)-DGR 1522/2022-Progetto cod. 57-0001-1522-2022 “G.I.R.L.S.: Giovani Innovatrici in Rete, Leader nella Società” CUP H44G23000050007- Tutor Prof.ssa C. Colapinto.
Bando per il conferimento di n. 2 borse di ricerca nell'ambito del progetto - DGR 1522/2022- codice 15-0001-1522-2022 dal titolo “COCO” - CUP H94G23000180007 - tutor prof. F. Gerli e G. S. Bertinetti.
Venice School of Management
Bando per il conferimento di n. 2 borse di ricerca nell'ambito del progetto - DGR 1522/2022- codice 15-0001-1522-2022 dal titolo “COCO” - CUP H94G23000180007 - tutor prof. F. Gerli e G. S. Bertinetti.
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “IMPRENDITORIALITÀ FEMMINILE E CONCILIAZIONE VITA-LAVORO. IL QUADRO GIURIDICO ITALIANO” lasting 12 months -DGR 1522/2022- within the project cod. 1533-0001-1522-2022, dal titolo “INTRAPRENDENTI: sviluppo di opportunità e servizi per favorire l’imprenditorialità femminile” -CUP H34G23000120007- Tutor Prof. G. Zilio Grandi
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “IMPRENDITORIALITÀ FEMMINILE E CONCILIAZIONE VITA-LAVORO. IL QUADRO GIURIDICO ITALIANO” lasting 12 months -DGR 1522/2022- within the project cod. 1533-0001-1522-2022, dal titolo “INTRAPRENDENTI: sviluppo di opportunità e servizi per favorire l’imprenditorialità femminile” -CUP H34G23000120007- Tutor Prof. G. Zilio Grandi
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “6.BORSA: CASI DI SUCCESSO_Fase 1” lasting 12 months - DGR 1522/2022 - within the project cod. 1002-0001-1522-2022, "SIADOM", CUP H74G23000040007 - Tutor Prof.ssa Sara Bonesso.
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “6.BORSA: CASI DI SUCCESSO_Fase 1” lasting 12 months - DGR 1522/2022 - within the project cod. 1002-0001-1522-2022, "SIADOM", CUP H74G23000040007 - Tutor Prof.ssa Sara Bonesso.
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Modelli di leadership femminile: analisi e confronto” lasting 12 months - DGR 1522/2022 - within the project cod. 1172-0001-1522-2022, “UNA STANZA TUTTA PER SÉ: spazi fisici, culturali ed economici per lo sviluppo e la valorizzazione della leadership femminile” - CUP H94G23000160007 - Tutor Prof. Fabrizio Gerli.
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Modelli di leadership femminile: analisi e confronto” lasting 12 months - DGR 1522/2022 - within the project cod. 1172-0001-1522-2022, “UNA STANZA TUTTA PER SÉ: spazi fisici, culturali ed economici per lo sviluppo e la valorizzazione della leadership femminile” - CUP H94G23000160007 - Tutor Prof. Fabrizio Gerli.
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowships lasting 12 months each-DGR 1522/2022--Project cod. 57-0001-1522-2022 “G.I.R.L.S.: Giovani Innovatrici in Rete, Leader nella Società” CUP H44G23000050007- Tutor Prof.ssa C. Colapinto
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowships lasting 12 months each-DGR 1522/2022--Project cod. 57-0001-1522-2022 “G.I.R.L.S.: Giovani Innovatrici in Rete, Leader nella Società” CUP H44G23000050007- Tutor Prof.ssa C. Colapinto
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “CA' FOSCARI – FATTORI CRITICI NEL PASSAGGIO GENERAZIONALE AL FEMMINILE" lasting 12 months - DGR 1522/2022 - within the project cod. 1098-0001-1522-2022, dal titolo “GENERAZIONI(E) D’IMPRESA: generare impresa nella parità di genere”, CUP H34G23000130007- Tutor Prof. Michele Pinelli
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “CA' FOSCARI – FATTORI CRITICI NEL PASSAGGIO GENERAZIONALE AL FEMMINILE" lasting 12 months - DGR 1522/2022 - within the project cod. 1098-0001-1522-2022, dal titolo “GENERAZIONI(E) D’IMPRESA: generare impresa nella parità di genere”, CUP H34G23000130007- Tutor Prof. Michele Pinelli
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowship lasting 6 months each - DGR n. 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod 6413-0001-1643-2022 “RSVP per Cultura in Rete” - CUP H31J23000300008 - Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowship lasting 6 months each - DGR n. 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod 6413-0001-1643-2022 “RSVP per Cultura in Rete” - CUP H31J23000300008 - Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Le produzioni culturali nel territorio bellunese e trevigiano: una prospettiva ecosistemica. Sinergie con il territorio trevigiano” (lasting 8 months) – DGR 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod 152-0001-1643-2022 “ArtiTudini: Ecosistemi Culturali di Rigenerazione Creativa” CUP H51J23000620007 – Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo.
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Le produzioni culturali nel territorio bellunese e trevigiano: una prospettiva ecosistemica. Sinergie con il territorio trevigiano” (lasting 8 months) – DGR 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod 152-0001-1643-2022 “ArtiTudini: Ecosistemi Culturali di Rigenerazione Creativa” CUP H51J23000620007 – Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo.
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “La mappatura delle produzioni culturali nella prospettiva dell’ecosistema culturale” lasting 8 months - DGR 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod. 1928-0001-1643-2022 “Un nuovo storytelling per lo Sviluppo di un Ecosistema Culturale Veneto” – CUP H71J23000350007 - Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “La mappatura delle produzioni culturali nella prospettiva dell’ecosistema culturale” lasting 8 months - DGR 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod. 1928-0001-1643-2022 “Un nuovo storytelling per lo Sviluppo di un Ecosistema Culturale Veneto” – CUP H71J23000350007 - Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “La rigenerazione degli spazi produttivi attraverso l’arte” lasting 6 months - DGR 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod. 52-0001-1643-2022 “ULTRACOSMI: Un ecosistema dinamico per la cultura tra Treviso e Belluno UNESCO” - CUP H11J23000360007 - Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “La rigenerazione degli spazi produttivi attraverso l’arte” lasting 6 months - DGR 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod. 52-0001-1643-2022 “ULTRACOSMI: Un ecosistema dinamico per la cultura tra Treviso e Belluno UNESCO” - CUP H11J23000360007 - Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Botteghe Culturali. Un ponte tra arte e commercio” lasting 8 months – DGR 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod. 35-0001-1643-2022 “LA CULTURA SI FA STRADA” - CUP H91J23000360007 - Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship entitled “Botteghe Culturali. Un ponte tra arte e commercio” lasting 8 months – DGR 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod. 35-0001-1643-2022 “LA CULTURA SI FA STRADA” - CUP H91J23000360007 - Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowships lasting 6 months each-DGR 1643 dated 19/12/2022-Project cod 4037-0001-1643-2022 “Between Past and Future in the Land of Venice: tracce di un prestigioso passato tra Treviso e Belluno”–CUP H71J23000330007-Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowships lasting 6 months each-DGR 1643 dated 19/12/2022-Project cod 4037-0001-1643-2022 “Between Past and Future in the Land of Venice: tracce di un prestigioso passato tra Treviso e Belluno”–CUP H71J23000330007-Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowship lasting 8 months each - DGR n. 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod 3706-0001-1643-2022 “KTM - KILL THE MOONLIGHT. Nuovi immaginari artistici per le produzioni veneziane” CUP H71J23000340007 - Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowship lasting 8 months each - DGR n. 1643 dated 19/12/2022 - within the project cod 3706-0001-1643-2022 “KTM - KILL THE MOONLIGHT. Nuovi immaginari artistici per le produzioni veneziane” CUP H71J23000340007 - Tutor Prof. F. Panozzo
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowship entitled: PROFILE 1 “Data analysis of the agrifood promotional projects and the related support measures in the Veneto Region” and PROFILE 2 - “An analysis of the promotional initiatives and tools for the agrifood Sector in the Veneto Region” lasting 5 months each. - DGR n. 556 dated 09/05/2023 – CUP H73C23000250002 – Tutor Prof. Christine Mauracher
Venice School of Management
Call for n. 2 Short Research Fellowship entitled: PROFILE 1 “Data analysis of the agrifood promotional projects and the related support measures in the Veneto Region” and PROFILE 2 - “An analysis of the promotional initiatives and tools for the agrifood Sector in the Veneto Region” lasting 5 months each. - DGR n. 556 dated 09/05/2023 – CUP H73C23000250002 – Tutor Prof. Christine Mauracher
Bando per il conferimento di n. 1 (una) borsa di ricerca di mesi 4 (quattro) dal titolo “Il Critical Thinking per la gestione smart dei processi organizzativi aziendali” nell’ambito del progetto “PROSPETTIVA D’IMPRESA: Capitale Umano, Strategia per Cambiare & Innovare” cod. 2790-0001-497-2021 – CUP H33D21004020007 - tutor e responsabile scientifico Prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Bando per il conferimento di n. 1 (una) borsa di ricerca di mesi 4 (quattro) dal titolo “Il Critical Thinking per la gestione smart dei processi organizzativi aziendali” nell’ambito del progetto “PROSPETTIVA D’IMPRESA: Capitale Umano, Strategia per Cambiare & Innovare” cod. 2790-0001-497-2021 – CUP H33D21004020007 - tutor e responsabile scientifico Prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Bando per il conferimento di n. 1 (una) borsa di ricerca di mesi 3 (tre) dal titolo “Il Critical Thinking per la riqualificazione delle competenze DIGITAL MKTG” nell’ambito del progetto “INNOVAZIONE SI’ FORMA: Tecnologie e Competenze di Futura Manifattura” cod. 2790-0002-497-2021 - CUP H73D21003080007 - tutor e responsabile scientifico Prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Bando per il conferimento di n. 1 (una) borsa di ricerca di mesi 3 (tre) dal titolo “Il Critical Thinking per la riqualificazione delle competenze DIGITAL MKTG” nell’ambito del progetto “INNOVAZIONE SI’ FORMA: Tecnologie e Competenze di Futura Manifattura” cod. 2790-0002-497-2021 - CUP H73D21003080007 - tutor e responsabile scientifico Prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Bando per il conferimento di 1 (una) borsa di ricerca dal titolo “Critical Thinking per l’accompagnamento della trasformazione digitale in Marcolin Spa” nell’ambito del progetto codice 4049-0002-497-2021 dal titolo “L2 – Sostenibilità della tecnologia per la relazione con i clienti in Marcolin Spa – CUP H53D21002150007- tutor e responsabile prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Bando per il conferimento di 1 (una) borsa di ricerca dal titolo “Critical Thinking per l’accompagnamento della trasformazione digitale in Marcolin Spa” nell’ambito del progetto codice 4049-0002-497-2021 dal titolo “L2 – Sostenibilità della tecnologia per la relazione con i clienti in Marcolin Spa – CUP H53D21002150007- tutor e responsabile prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Bando per il conferimento di 1 (una) borsa di ricerca dal titolo “Critical Thinking per l’accompagnamento della trasformazione digitale in Turatti SRL” nell’ambito del progetto codice 4049-0003-497-2021 dal titolo “L2-Turatti SRL – Smart Agrifood: efficientamento di impresa per la sostenibilità della filiera” - CUP H73D21003060007 - tutor e responsabile prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Venice School of Management
Bando per il conferimento di 1 (una) borsa di ricerca dal titolo “Critical Thinking per l’accompagnamento della trasformazione digitale in Turatti SRL” nell’ambito del progetto codice 4049-0003-497-2021 dal titolo “L2-Turatti SRL – Smart Agrifood: efficientamento di impresa per la sostenibilità della filiera” - CUP H73D21003060007 - tutor e responsabile prof. Fabrizio Panozzo
Bando per il conferimento di n. 2 (due) borse di ricerca, nell’ambito del codice 2120-0004-204-2019 “VeniSIA: Venice Sustainability and Innovation Activities” – CUP H75F21000140007- responsabile prof. Carlo Bagnoli, dal titolo: Borsa di ricerca 1 “Strumenti per l’economia circolare – Supporto Tecnologico” - durata 3 mesi; Borsa di ricerca 2 “Strumenti per l’economia circolare – Supporto Digitale" - durata 4 mesi.
Venice School of Management
Bando per il conferimento di n. 2 (due) borse di ricerca, nell’ambito del codice 2120-0004-204-2019 “VeniSIA: Venice Sustainability and Innovation Activities” – CUP H75F21000140007- responsabile prof. Carlo Bagnoli, dal titolo: Borsa di ricerca 1 “Strumenti per l’economia circolare – Supporto Tecnologico” - durata 3 mesi; Borsa di ricerca 2 “Strumenti per l’economia circolare – Supporto Digitale" - durata 4 mesi.
“Analisi del business model 4.0” nell’ambito del progetto codice 1075-0001-497-2021 dal titolo “L2 – Manifattura di valore: Innovazione tecnologica & centralità della risorsa umana” – CUP H33D21004040007
Venice School of Management
“Analisi del business model 4.0” nell’ambito del progetto codice 1075-0001-497-2021 dal titolo “L2 – Manifattura di valore: Innovazione tecnologica & centralità della risorsa umana” – CUP H33D21004040007
“Sviluppo sostenibile delle organizzazioni – Supporto Tecnologico” (durata 8 mesi) nell’ambito del codice 2120-0004-204-2019 “VeniSIA: Venice Sustainability and Innovation Activities” – CUP H75F21000140007 - responsabile prof. c. Bagnoli
Venice School of Management
“Sviluppo sostenibile delle organizzazioni – Supporto Tecnologico” (durata 8 mesi) nell’ambito del codice 2120-0004-204-2019 “VeniSIA: Venice Sustainability and Innovation Activities” – CUP H75F21000140007 - responsabile prof. c. Bagnoli
Ricerca documentale e applicata nell'ambito del progetto "Innovazione tecnologica e di servizio - sviluppo di soluzioni innovative rivolte alle organizzazioni del settore cultura" CUP H79C200091000
Venice School of Management
Ricerca documentale e applicata nell'ambito del progetto "Innovazione tecnologica e di servizio - sviluppo di soluzioni innovative rivolte alle organizzazioni del settore cultura" CUP H79C200091000
Progetto FSE "Apprendimento e Responsabilità sociale per la competitività" cod. 1002-1-948-2016-'-Short Research Fellowship: enterprises' social impact assessment (FOREMA)
Venice School of Management
Progetto FSE "Apprendimento e Responsabilità sociale per la competitività" cod. 1002-1-948-2016-'-Short Research Fellowship: enterprises' social impact assessment (FOREMA)
This website uses cookies. Essential cookies (first party) are necessary for this website to work properly and they allow the University to compile anonymous statistics on its use. If you click on the X, you will only enable essential cookies. With your consent, cookies will activate social media functionalities and produce usage statistics, and your data will be shared with our partners that may associate it with other data for analysis, advertising, ect. On “Cookie list” you can see which cookies may be installed. You can find out more on the “Cookie policy”.
Cookies Policy
Cookie Policy - Privacy notice provided in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679
Ca' Foscari University of Venice (henceforth, “University”), as part of its institutional aims and in fulfilment of the obligations set forth in article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 ("Regulation"), gives you information regarding the processing of personal data collected by cookies and/or similar technologies when you visit the website (“Website”). Cookies are small pieces of information that a website sends to the user’s device, where they are automatically stored and then sent back to the same website or to a third party each time the website is visited using that device.
In this notice, the term “cookie” will mean cookies as defined above as well as any other similar tracking technology used in the Website.
1. Data Controller
The data controller is Ca' Foscari University of Venice, with headquarters in Dorsoduro n. 3246, 30123 Venice (VE), legally represented by the Rector pro tempore.
2. Data Protection Officer
The University has appointed a "Data Protection Officer" ("DPO"), who can be contacted by writing to the email address: or to the following address: Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Data Protection Officer, Dorsoduro n. 3246, 30123 Venice (VE).
3. Types of cookies, data collect, purposes and legal basis
The Website contains the following types of cookies (for detailed information on each individual cookie, please refer to the cookie list at the end of the notice):
Essential cookies: these are cookies that facilitate navigation or provide a service requested by the user. They are not used for any additional purposes and are typically installed directly by the website owner. The Website includes cookies necessary for managing login and access to the Personal Area of the Website, as well as for recording preferences related to cookie installation. Personal data associated with these cookies include the user’s IP address, date and time of the visit, means of data transfer, requested resource, response, response size in bytes, link connected to the user requesting the resource, user’s operating system, browser and device used. The legal basis for this processing activity is represented by art. 6.1.b) (“performance of a service asked by the data subject”) and art. 6.1.e) of the Regulation (“execution of a task of public interest or connected to the exercise of public powers''). The University is a public body, and it is required to have a website where the users can find useful information on its activities (art. 53 e 54 D.Lgs. n. 82/2005). Disabling these cookies through the banner is impossible, as this action would negatively affect your navigation of the Website.
First-party analytical cookies: these are cookies used to measure visits to various pages of the Website and to improve its performance and usability through the processing of aggregated data for statistical purposes. The analytical cookies in use are issued by the University.
Third-party cookies (social networks): these are cookies issued by third parties only when the user has given explicit consent. During the first visit to the Website, users are asked to consent to the installation of these cookies via a dedicated banner. The absence or subsequent withdrawal of consent through the "disable cookies" setting does not affect navigation on the Website. The data collected is gathered by these third parties, not by the operator of the website being visited, and is used to collect information on user navigation and preferences. The third-party cookies that may be set by the Website include:
Google - YouTube cookies: these allow users to view YouTube videos embedded on the Website and enable the University to assess the effectiveness of institutional communication activities. These cookies are managed by Google.
Facebook - Pixel cookies: these track users for advertising retargeting on Facebook and are managed by Meta Platforms Inc.
By consenting to the installation of Facebook - Pixel cookies, the University will collect data on the time a user spends on a specific webpage and their scrolling activity through its tools, without storing such data. This information will be automatically transmitted from the University to Pixel if the user remains on the page for more than 45 seconds and scrolls at least 60% of the page.
The University only has access to anonymised and aggregated statistical data provided by these platforms. It acts as a joint data controller with these providers, in accordance with the ruling C-210/16 of 5 June 2018 by the Court of Justice of the European Union. The legal basis for this processing is Article 6.1(a) of the Regulation (“consent of the data subject”).
You can always manage your cookie preferences through the browser setting. If you disable all cookies, please note that some activities on the website will not be possible anymore (i.e. the ones on the pages accessible in the Personal Area). To find out more on how to manage cookies through browser settings, please visit:
The processing of personal data will be carried out by authorized employees (in compliance with Article 29 of the Regulation and art. 2-quaterdecies of D. Lgs. 196/2003), with the use of computerized procedures, adopting appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect them from unauthorized or illegal access, destruction, loss of integrity and confidentiality, even if accidental in nature.
5. Data retention
For information on the retention period of each cookie, please refer to the list below.
6. Recipients and categories of recipients of personal data and data transfer outside the European Economic Area
For the purposes set out above, in addition to specifically authorized employees and collaborators of the University, personal data may also be processed by those who execute outsourced activities on behalf of the University in their capacity as data processors (the updated list is available at: List of data recipients).
Personal data collected by third party cookies may be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA) in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation.
7. Data subjects rights and how to exercise them
As a data subject, you have the right to obtain from the University, in the cases provided for by the Regulation, access to your personal data, their rectification, integration, deletion, and restriction of processing, as well as the right to object to processing and withdraw consent (Articles 15 et seq. of the Regulation).
Requests may be submitted without any formalities by directly contacting the Data Protection Officer at or by sending a communication to the following address: Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Data Protection Officer, Dorsoduro 3246, 30123 Venice. Alternatively, you can contact the Data Controller, by writing a PEC (certified email) to
Data subjects who believe that the processing of their personal data violates the Regulation's provisions have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, (art. 77 of the Regulation), or to take legal action (art. 79 of the Regulation).
Appendix on social media:
As a supplement to the information provided pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (available at the following link: Information on the processing of personal data of the website users), the University informs users accessing its institutional pages on social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) that it processes, in an anonymous and aggregated form, statistical data made available by the providers of these platforms. The University acts as a joint data controller with these providers, in accordance with the ruling C-210/16 of 5 June 2018 by the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Furthermore, the University processes personal data users provide through its social media pages strictly within the scope of its institutional purposes, solely to manage interactions with users such as comments, public posts, etc.
Lastly, the Website contains social media buttons—links that redirect users to the University’s accounts on the displayed social networks (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, X, and LinkedIn). These buttons allow users to interact with social media platforms with a single click. The use of these buttons does not result in the installation of third-party cookies on the Website; they simply provide direct access to the University's social media accounts.
Last updated: 19/02/2025
List of cookies
Last update of the list of cookies: 19/02/2025
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