Department of Asian and North African Studies, Palazzo Vendramin dei Carmini, Dorsoduro 3462, 30123 Venice (Italy)
For further information please contact the Department Teaching Office
The teaching regulations of the study course depend on the following organisational aspects: educational goals, access methods, study plan, exams, final exam, job opportunities, etc. Throughout their university career, students must refer to the teaching regulations enforced from their matriculation.
Limited admission: 875 available places
Quota reserved to foreign non-EU students residing abroad: 10 seats, of which 5 are reserved for Chinese students living in China, as part of the Marco Polo Project.
Admission test: Italian language, logical skills, English language.
A certified knowledge of English language at least at level B1 is also required.
To access the course, a previous suitable background is required. Each programme requires specific knowledge, which the student should have before enrolling the university in order to attend the course successfully. This knowledge may be verified before enrolling.
If the result of the test is negative, the student can enroll, but they receive a supplementary required exam (OFA), which means that the student must fill any gaps in their background through specific activities organized by the University.
More information on OFA for this programme is available on the webpage dedicated to the admission tests.
Applicants with international qualification must have obtained a secondary school diploma after having completed at least 12 years of schooling. The preliminary evaluation of the qualification is mandatory. Procedures and deadlines are available on the dedicated online platform.
Further details in the webpage dedicated to Degree-seeking students.
The Bachelor’s Degree in “Language, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa” (LICSAAM) provides an educational programme that’s designed to develop language skills and ensure solid knowledge of the cultural heritage (religious, historical, political, literary and artistic) of the countries of Asia and Mediterranean Africa, through various curricula on different geographical areas.
The course offers six curricula, each of which involves the study of different languages.
East Asia curricula, divided into:
Each student will also need to obtain level B2 in English to earn the title.
Ca' Foscari University of Venice offers international educational programmes designed in collaboration with one or more partner universities, entailing the attendance of part of the study path abroad. At the conclusion of these programmes, selected students obtain a Double Degree (a diploma from Ca' Foscari and one issued by the partner university) or a Joint Degree (single degree jointly awarded by the member universities of the consortium delivering the programme), depending on the provisions of the agreements with the partner universities and the different national regulations.
Double and Joint Degrees available:
The educational activities include classroom teaching, workshops and internships, in order to acquire wide-ranging skills that can be readily transferable into the world of work.
Knowledge acquired by students will be assessed through written and oral exams during the entire university career.
The degree exam consists in preparing a paper/thesis, evaluated according to methods similar to those of written exams but not in the presence of the student. The supervisor may require an oral discussion of the paper/thesis, in case they consider it to be necessary.
Professional Master’s Programmes (1st level) and Master's Degree Programmes
Bachelor’s Degree graduates will be able to work in the intercultural communication field and interest themselves professionally into various sectors, both public and private, including cultural and museum bodies, national and communal public institutions, and international organizations.
They will also be able to write and translate texts with cultural relevance and with linguistic assistance at companies and other entities.
Finally, they will be able to develop professions linked to the organization and promotion of cultural and artistic events (exhibitions, expositions, festivals...) and work for businesses and other companies interesting in the Asian and Mediterranean market.