Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Enrolment until 2024/2025


Fill in the questionnaire before registering for exams

The questionnaire to evaluate the quality of teaching is an anonymous way for you to rate each course for which you want to sit the exam. You must complete this questionnaire online before registering for exams. You can find it in “Esse3”, on your student page, under “Questionnaires”.
The teachers and governing bodies at Ca' Foscari will use the results to improve teaching material, the programme and lesson content. The results of the questionnaires are published annually, in aggregate form.

Registering for exams

Log in to Esse3 (S3) on your student page and register for the exams that are already open for registration.

To view upcoming exams and the relative registration periods, see the registration periods in Esse3.

Find out about upcoming exams and exam sessions

The academic year has two semesters (I and II), with each being divided into two periods (1, 2 and 3, 4). Lessons can last for a period or for a semester and they are always followed by an exam session. The exam session is the period of time in which the individual exams are scheduled.

One month before the exam session starts, advance notice of all exams is provided in the examination calendar: here you can view all dates, locations and other details (but you cannot register).
To check, instead, the start and end dates of the various exam sessions during the academic year and the general distribution of exams within each session, please consult the exam session table.


The study plan can include exams worth 12 ECTS, exams in which the teaching of a module can be undertaken by different professors.

To take these exams, students must not enrol in the modules worth 6 ECTS; they must always reference the exam code for 12 ECTS present in their own study plan and will reserve in the list for each mid-term examination, when it is activated.

The lists for mid-term exams are opened on professors’ application and as a rule they coincide with dates assigned to the modules worth 6 ECTS. The mid-term lists are only used for the electronic registration of the tests taken (even in different exam sessions) until the completion of the total 12 ECTS.

When the mid-term lists are not active, students should enrol in the 12 ECTS list, that by rule coincides with the scholar’s fixed data for the second part of the exam.

For written exams, the scholar communicates the date of the publication of results to the students, as well as the possible date for those who wish to see their paper.

Correction of written exams usually occurs within around 12 working days. When the scholar has finished correcting the work, he will hand over the exam results to those that were in attendance.

Students receive an automatic email in their inbox ( and will be advised on the necessity to express their explicit acceptance or possible refusal of the grade.

Students should log on to their Personal Area: on the notice board of results each student will see their individual grade, not the marks of other students that took the same exam.

If the student intends to refuse the grade, they must explicitly say so online within 8 days of the results being posted. If the student does not accept nor reject the grade, consent by silence is applied and the grade will be accepted.

After 8 days of the results being posted, the scholar can proceed with the registration. The grades will only be visible in the record book after verbalisation.

Those that urgently want to obtain their exam verbalisation (e.g. Students who are about to graduate) may be able to request this of the scholar, who will agree upon the process with the Humanities Campus.

Eventual changes to the grade before official verbalisation can only be produced by the scholar after 8 days aforementioned for the refusal or acceptance of a grade.