Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Enrolment until 2024/2025


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Degree Programme Regulations

Preparatory workshop for the theses

For students enrolled in the Humanities degree programme from Academic Year 2016/2017, on the subject of the aforementioned “Other Formative Activities”, the study plan assigns 6 ECTS to Useful Understanding for entering the world of work, carried out through Preparatory workshops for the theses (code FT0382)

It includes a compulsory formative activity that must be certified by the representative scholar for theses.

The workshop was created in to help degree theses and is seen as the preparatory moment for them.

It is managed by the representative scholar for theses, that assigns the students activities to carry out, in relation to the necessities of the individual and to the planned programme. Research (bibliographies, libraries etc) gives essential support to the students’ theses who see the laboratories as their opportunity to locate and remunerate their credits.

The Preparatory workshops for the theses and the final degree exam, therefore, are firmly linked:  this allows students to develop a final written piece with around 50 files, corresponding to the ECTS provided on the study plan.

At the end of the activity, the workshop will be verbalised as a curriculum exam: the representative scholar will sign the specific qualification document, that the student will then take to the Didactic Secretary at the Department of Humanities (Malcanton Marcorà Palace , 2nd Floor, FAO Francesca Cibin) for registration and accreditation within the deadline for presenting the degree request.


Humanistic Campus

ADiSS - Humanistic Campus
Malcanton Marcorà [ITA], Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venice (Italy)

Campus services:
Humanistic area internships:
Information tutors:

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