Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Qualifications required for access

Admission to the degree programmes requires the following qualifications:

  • five year secondary school diploma;
  • four year secondary school diploma with an integrated year;
  • four year secondary school diploma awarded by upper secondary education institutions where the integrated year is no longer in place (teacher training colleges). In this case, admission to the degree course is subject to evaluation by the Teaching Committee in charge;
  • a qualification completed abroad, provided that the title allows further studies at a post-secondary level in the country where it was obtained: in this case, a pre-assessment of the studies completed is necessary on the part of the Teaching Committee in charge according to the procedures indicated on the webpage Preliminary evaluation for international students.

Admission procedure

For the degree programmes with no admission test, enrolment is not restricted by a selection process but occurs directly subject to verification of the requisites for each course of studies.

Contacts and reservation


Humanistic Campus

ADiSS - Humanistic Campus
Malcanton Marcorà [ITA], Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venice (Italy)

Campus services:
Humanistic area internships:
Information tutors:

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