Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Traineeship and substitute activities

In the field of the aforementioned “Other formative activities”, the study plan assigns 6 ECTS to educational training and orientation.

The ECTS relative to educational training and orientation can be acquired totalling the credits in different types of activities, up until students reach the necessary quota of 6 ECTS. The range of activities through which students may choose are listed below.

Recognition in credits of the internship/placement activities and of the substituted activities are based on the request from the student, according to the principle that 25 hours (comprehensive of one individual work quota) corresponds to 1 ECTS. The representation of the number of credits for the substitute activities for the internship is established and verified by the Didactic College (and is thus indicated and pre-emptively announced to the students in reference to each one of the listed activities)


Internships with an agreement
During the study programme, students can carry out a period of professional training at a public or private firm agreed upon with Ca’ Foscari. The internship activity will be recognized in ECTS (as “educational training and orientation”) for a maximum of 6 ETCS, that students can also obtain by totalling the ECTS obtained at the internship with the ECTS achieved with other placement activities, such as seminars.
Remember that to fill the criteria, 25 hours of the internship corresponds to 1 CFU. 

The University Internships Service helps with the activation of the internship and the relevant forms and documents.

Activated Internships
The complete list of activated internships at Ca’ Foscari can be found in the Personal Area, where you can also find the list of internships in Italy for the Humanities field.

Internships to be activated
Students who want to propose activating an agreement with another firm where they can carry out their internship, they can consult the procedure for the Activate an internship web page, where they will also find the documents to send to the firm.
The Didactic College will not take activities into consideration that have already been carried out without previous agreement with the representative scholar.

Substitute Activities for the Traineeship
To consult the available substitute activities, visit the Italian page.


The Latin laboratory is an educational structure by the Department of Humanities; its services are reserved to Ca’ Foscari students that must take exams in Latin over the course of their Bachelor’s or Master’s Degrees.

Here are the Workshop activities:

  1. Linguistic Competence Test: from the start of 2017/2018 all students that have to take exams in Latin must, independent of their high school qualifications, certify their Latin linguistic ability by passing, according to the exam that students want to access, one of the following tests:
    • Latin test 1: it must be passed before enrolling onto the (Bachelor’s) Latin language and literature exam.
      To access the exam, the certificate of passing the test is required; course attendance for Latin language and literature is also possible for those who have not yet passed the test.  
      You can take the test in several ways during the period; however, it is strongly recommended that you undergo the test in the first session during September before the beginning of the didactic activity; those that are not able to pass it have the opportunity to benefit from the Latin workshop 1 (vd. Below, 2a), that takes place during the first semester.
    • Latin test 2: it must be passed before enrolling onto the following (Bachelor’s) exams: Latin literature, or onto the following (Master’s) exams: Latin Philology, Computer Science for the study of Latin, Latin Literature sp., History of Latin Language.
      To access the exam, the certificate of passing the test is required; course attendance for Latin language and literature is also possible for those who have not yet passed the test.
      You can take the test in several ways during the period (available information on the Latin Workshop page); however, it is strongly recommended that you undergo the test in one of the sessions in the first semester, those that are not able to pass it have the opportunity to benefit from the Latin workshop 2 (vd. Below, 2b), that takes place during the second semester.
  2. Linguistic instruction courses: students with no prior knowledge of Latin, and those who fail to pass the tests above, can benefit from the following activities:
    • Latin workshop 1 [FT0494]: this takes place during the first semester for a total of 40 hours under the guidance of a scholar and a tutor, and concludes with the Latin test 1.
      It is reserved for students that, having to take the Latin language and literature exam, do not know Latin or, having studied Latin in high school, were not able to pass the Latin test 1 pre-examination.
      Program: phonology, nominal and verbal morphology, syntax elements of the sentence and period.
      Regular attendance of the course and passing of the final Test give entitlement to the recognition of 2 CFUs in the field of "training and guidance placements" in the Bachelor’s Degree curricula of English and the other Bachelor’s degree programs that recognize this activity.
    • Latin workshop 2 [FT0495]: this takes place during the second semester for a total of 40 hours under the guidance of a scholar and a tutor, and concludes with the Latin test 2.
      It is reserved for students that, having to take the following (Bachelor’s) exams: Latin language and literature: archaic and classic, Latin Literature 2: imperial and late, or the following (Master’s) exams: Latin Philology, Computer Science for the study of Latin, Latin Literature sp., History of Latin Language, were not able to pass the Latin test 2 pre-examination.
      Program: case and verb syntax, sentence and period syntax, metric elements (dotting hexameters and elegiac dialysis). Regular attendance of the course and passing of the final Test give entitlement to the recognition of 2 CFUs in the field of "training and guidance placements" in the Bachelor’s Degree curricula of English and the other Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs that recognize this activity.