Interlibrary loan (ILL) and document delivery (DD) services 
Languages and Cultures Library (BALI)


Suspension of interlibrary loan and document delivery services

Ca' Foscari University of Venice members:

  • ILL service is suspended from 18 June to 18 August 2024
  • DD service is suspended from 5 July to 18 August 2024

Libraries of other universities or institutions:

  • ILL and DD services are suspended from 8 July to 18 August 2024

Requests sent throught MOBI in this period will be cancelled. Please resubmit the forms at the reopening.
From 15 July to 9 August 2024 you can return books only on Tuesdays and Thursdays to Ca' Bernardo library. Arrange an hour by writing to

Interlibrary loans and document delivery services are forms of cooperation between libraries that enable:

  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice members to borrow books not owned by libraries in the city of Venice or receive copies of articles or contributions contained in journals or books not owned by Venetian libraries;
  • Libraries of other universities or institutions to borrow books or copies of articles or contributions contained in journals or books from Ca' Foscari University of Venice libraries.

Requests should be submitted via MOBI application [ITA] by following the instructions listed below.

Ca' Foscari University of Venice members

Interlibrary loan  
for BALI members

To make an interlibrary loan request:

You can check the status of sent requests from the MOBI application [ITA].

To collect the book after receiving the message that it is available at Ca' Bernardo library:

  • book via EasyPlanning or the MyUnive app
  • select BALI Ca' Bernardo - ritiro ILL/DD as the service.

You have to return the book, within the fixed deadline, from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 6 pm at Ca' Bernardo.

A flat fee applies depending on the origin of the book:

  • Italy: € 10
  • Europe: € 20
  • UK, USA, Extra-Europe: € 25

Payment methods

  • Ca’ Foscari members without research funds (students, retired lecturers...): via pagoPA, by entering their data, amount and MOBI number (reason for payment) in the form
  • Ca’ Foscari members with research funds (in-service lecturers, researchers...): by debiting their own funds

Timely indications will be provided by e-mail.

Document delivery  
for BALI members

To request the reproduction of articles from journals or book chapters:

  • check that the journal or book you are about to request an article or chapter from is not included in the University's paper or electronic collections (by consulting cerCa') or in other libraries in Venice (by searching in the Venetian libraries catalogue)
  • fill in the Document Delivery form [ITA] of MOBI application.

You can check the status of sent requests from the MOBI application [ITA].

If you request an article of a book, the lending library may send the book instead of the article, at its discretion. In this case, the cost is the same as an interlibrary loan.

Hard copy of the requested article is provided in compliance with current copyright law (Italian Law No. 633 of 22/4/1941 as amended and supplemented).

Number of requests

  • Students may request up to a maximum of 4 articles per month
  • Undergraduates may exceed this limit by sending a request signed by the supervisor to the library director
  • For lecturers, researchers and PhD students there is no limit on the number of requests.

To collect the article after receiving the message that it is available at Ca' Bernardo library:

  • book via EasyPlanning or MyUnive app
  • select BALI Ca’ Bernardo - ritiro ILL/DD as the service.

You can collect the articles from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 1 pm at Ca' Bernardo.

You have to pay a reimbursement of expenses only when we can't obtain the article through the exchange between libraries but through specialized services at a cost.

Payment Methods

  • Ca’ Foscari members without research funds (students, retired lecturers...): via pagoPA, by entering their data, amount and MOBI number (reason for payment) in the form
  • Ca’ Foscari members with research funds (in-service lecturers, researchers...): by debiting their own funds

Libraries of other institutions

Interlibrary loan  
for libraries of other institutions

Libraries of other universities and research institutes can borrow books held by BALI:

The following are excluded from interlibrary loans

  • textbooks
  • multimedia material
  • books that could be damaged by reproduction or shipping.

Libraries will be contacted only if there is a problem.

The interlibrary loan service

  • is free of charge for libraries with which there is an agreement on the basis of equal exchanges

  • costs € 8 (reimbursement of expenses) for other libraries that can pay as follows:

    public libraries:

    • transfer to the Treasury Single Account (Banca Italia) - IBAN IT50Q0100003245224300037010 - held by Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, made exclusively by the requesting library, entering the MOBI reference number in the reason for payment
    • IFLA voucher

    private libraries:

    • via pagoPA, made exclusively by the requesting library, entering the MOBI reference number in the reason for payment
    • IFLA voucher

    For packages exceeding 5 kilos, the cost may be higher, but confirmation will be requested before sending.

Libraries must return the books

  • by traceable mail (e.g., registered post)
  • to the address given in the document enclosed with the book.

Document delivery  
for libraries of other institutions

Libraries of other universities and research institutes can request journal articles and book chapters held by BALI:

  • first of all check the shelf-mark of the book in the cerCa' portal
  • go to MOBI application [ITA]
  • choose the Fornitura documenti (DD) (Document delivery) form and select Biblioteca Area Linguistica (Languages and Cultures Library) in the field 'Biblioteca fornitrice' (Supplying Library).

Libraries can submit a document delivery request also via NILDE (selecting the name: Biblioteca di Area Linguistica-BALI).

Private individuals can not submit document delivery requests.

Usually the copies are sent by e-mail and free of charge.
Libraries will be contacted only if there is a problem.

Last update: 22/10/2024