Innovative learning laboratories

The CLab (Ca’ Foscari Laboratories for active learning) are laboratories organised by topics, selected by the University in collaboration with partners. The laboratories are typically held over 6 to 8 weeks, totalling 150 hours of activities, including interactive teaching sessions, group work, review activities and the presentation of results. Some of the hours are dedicated to independent group work to achieve the weekly objectives. Participants are divided into groups, according to criteria of interdisciplinarity, gender, soft skills and personal preferences for a specific topic. Teachers and mentors will provide support during training.

Ca' Foscari has a long experience in developing active learning laboratories. Inspired by the format of the Urban Innovation BootCamp, the first laboratories were proposed in 2015 by the Treviso Campus (managed by the Interdepartmental Centre "School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship" - SELISI). Given the success of the first experimental edition, the Treviso Campus proposed a second edition of the Bootcamp in 2016.

Also in Treviso in 2016, the Active Learning Labs were born: highly innovative laboratories dedicated to students and graduates of Master's Degree programme of Ca' Foscari and other universities.

Since 2017, thanks to the MIUR co-financing won by Ca' Foscari under the "Research and Innovation Plan - FSC" for the period 1st October 2017 – 30th September 2020, (ministerial decree n° 1513 of 15/06/2017, with CUP H79D17001300003), the Ca' Foscari Contamination Labs are created.

From 2016 to 2018, ALL and Contamination Labs took place both in Venice and in Treviso. Since 2019 the ALL in Treviso Campus specialized on the figure of the Export Manager while the Contamination Labs in Venice offered a variety of topics.

The laboratories in numbers


projects carried out

partners involved

open badges awarded

Why participate

As a student
  • Learning new teaching tools and methodologies
  • In-depth study of a topic of interest for a future bachelor and/or Phd thesis
  • Experimentation with working in multidisciplinary teams
  • Developing soft-skills
  • Workshops and in-depth lectures with lecturersresearcherspractitionerstutors and experts on the Lab theme
  • Meetings with successful companies, start-ups and innovators
  • Networking and internship opportunities with partners (follow up of the most deserving and/or innovative projects)
  • Certificate of participation and Open Badge digital certificate
  • Acquisition of 6 CFU credits for Ca’ Foscari students (see the following section "Awards and certificates")
As a Lecturer
  • Use of 30 teaching hours (accountable) in a highly innovative and challenging project
  • Deepening research and development projects of personal interest (the CLab as a first step to test a research project or to support an existing research project and deepen certain topics or to disseminate the results of a research project completed)
  • Testing innovative learning methodologies and models for specific topics relevant for the lecturer
As a Partner
  • Improvement of the personal innovation process through creativity and interdisciplinarity
  • Development of new ideas/concrete solutions/services/products based on the proposed innovation challenges
  • Opportunity to collaborate with the University's Innovative Education staff, Programme manager, product and service designerssociologistsbusiness modellers and communication experts
  • Possibility of expanding the personal network of collaborations
  • Expanding its visibility through the Ca' Foscari university network (citizens, students, companies and organisations)
  • Possibility of recruiting new talents from Ca’ Foscari

Submitting an idea or a collaboration

Are you a teacher and have a great idea to submit for the next academic year?
Fill in the CLab project proposal form. Propostal must be submitted by 15 october.

Are you a partner wishing to collaborate with us? Write to We will make sure to contact you back.

Awards and certificates

Participants who have attended at least 80% of the activity hours, with punctual delivery of the expected outputs, will be awarded a certificate of attendance and the related open badge. Ca’ Foscari students will also be awarded credits.


Award of ECTs credits

In accordance with the article 10 of the Guidelines for innovative and integrated teaching activities approved by the Academic Senate on 24th May 2023 - Board of Governors on 1st June 2023, Ca' Foscari students who have attended at least 80% of 150 hours of the laboratory activities can have 6 credits (ECTs) recognised as:

  • Elective exams;
  • Extracurricular exams, in compliance with the maximum number of extracurricular ECTs credits allowed in the degree programme regulations;
  • Activity replacing an internship, as long as it is in line with objectives/form of internship and only if expressly provided by the Teaching committee or the Internship coordinator of the Teaching committee. 

If you intend to request recognition as an activity replacing an internship, you must verify the procedures set out in the regulations of your course of study and you must submit the request to the Teaching Committee before starting the laboratory.

Open badge Laboratori di didattica attiva

Open Badge

An Open Badge is a digital document certifying the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired. Open Badges are recognised worldwide and can be included in electronic curricula and used on social networks.

Once an Open Badge has been awarded, you must retrieve it. For more information on how to obtain, use, and make the most of your digital certificates, visit the Open Badges and digital certificates page.

Technical Scientific Committee

Prof. Alessandra Bucossi
Department of Humanities

Vice president
Prof. Giancarlo Corò
Department of Economics SELISI Centre

Prof. Barbara Baschiera
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage

prof. Shaul Bassi
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies and member of Scientific Committee of "THE NEW INSTITUTE: Centre for Environmental Humanities” - NICHE

Dr. Giovanna Berera
Promoting Innovation and Knowledge

Prof. Sara Bonesso
Department of Management

dott.ssa Dora De Diana
Responsabile sviluppo e didattica, Fondazione Querini Stampalia

Prof. Carlo Frappi
Department of Asian and North African Studies

Dr. Alessandra Pellin
Executive Officer of the School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship (SELE)

Dr. Nicoletta Riccamboni
Education Scuola Università, Assindustria

Dr. Barbara Scrazzolo
Program Manager 

Prof. Elena Semenzin
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics

Prof. Stefano Soriani
Director of the School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship (SELE)

Last update: 21/10/2024