Strategies and policies 
University Library System (SBA)

SBA Development Plans

The University Library System defines long-term development lines that reflect and support the University's vision and strategies specified in the University Strategic Plan.

Service charter

The Service charter defines the services that the University Library System offers to users based on the principles of sustainability, cultural growth, reduction of inequalities and social cohesion.

The Charter of Services:

  • gives information to users
  • specifies the quality standards of services
  • illustrates the fundamental principles that regulate the use of the services.


The Open Science Policy describes the guidelines adopted by the University on how to integrate Open Science good practices at all levels into the scientific research process.

The Research Data Management Policy describe the principles adopted by the University for the correct management of research data, according to the principles of Open Science.

The Donation Policy describes the guidelines that the Library System (SBA) has adopted for the management of donations of books or documents.


The University Library System is governed by the following Regulation:


The organisational structure of the SBA consists of:

Governing Bodies of the System

Policy-making functions are entrusted to the System Board, as chaired by the President, i.e., the Rector's Delegate to the System; management activities are entrusted to the System Director, in accordance with the guidelines formulated by the System Board, with the support of the Coordinator.

SBA Board
SBA Management

Library Boards

Library Boards have the function of planning and directing the institutional activities of libraries, according to the strategic guidelines set by the SBA Board.

BALI Board
BAS Board
BAUM Board
BEC Board