Erasmus+ study programme from non-EU countries (ICM) 
Incoming students

Contacts and reservations

International Relations Office 

The Key Action KA171 International Credit Mobility (ICM) of the Erasmus+ Programme promotes study mobility projects outside the EU, in line with the internationalisation strategy of the Higher Education Institutions involved.

Among its many international mobility programmes, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE) also offers International Credit Mobility (ICM), entirely funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme. This specific action of the Programme aims to promote the international mobility of students, teaching and technical-administrative staff to and from non-EU destinations through the funding of projects involving Ca' Foscari and its partner universities, which can be submitted annually.

Two different projects are currently active, both based on specific country-projects:

  • the first one has a financial envelope of € 1,534,680.00, it covers the three-year period 2022-2025, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2025;
  • the second one has a financial envelope of € 677,250.00, it covers the three-year period 2023-2026, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2026.

Non-EU Partner countries, from which incoming students’ mobility will be possible, are:

  • Project 2022-2025 (mobility during the academic years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025): Argentina (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Armenia (Yerevan State University), Australia (University of Melbourne, Southern Cross University), Azerbaijan (ADA University, Azerbaijan University of Languages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (University of Sarajevo, University of Banja Luka), Georgia (Tbilisi State University), Japan (Waseda University), Mongolia (National University of Mongolia), Morocco (International University of Rabat), South-Africa (Stellenbosch University), South Korea (Kyungpook National University), Thailand (Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University), USA (Boston University, California State University Long Beach), Vietnam (Hanoi University);
  • Project 2023-2026 (mobility during the academic years 2024/2025 and 2025/2026): Cameroun (University of Maroua), Jordan (University of Jordan), Kosovo (University of Prishtina), Mexico (CIDETEQ), Mozambique (Eduardo Mondlane University), Palestine (Al Aqsa University, An-Najah National University, Birzeit University), Qatar (Qatar University, Doha Institute of Graduate Studies), Singapore (Nanyang Technological University), Sudan (University of Khartoum), Trinidad and Tobago (University of West Indies), USA (City College of New York, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Uzbekistan (Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature).

Number of places, study cycles and eligible subject areas vary depending on each project and are specified in the call for applications published by the partner university. Ca' Foscari does not publish calls for incoming students, who should therefore contact their university for all relevant information.

Objectives of the programme

  • Promote excellence in Higher Education Institutions;
  • strengthen transversal skills required by the labour market (spirit of initiative, digital and linguistic competencies);
  • exploit the opportunities offered by digital technologies;
  • favour social inclusion;
  • improve the quality of teaching and professional skills.


Higher education students of the three study cycles (BA, MA and PhD) will have the opportunity to spend a mobility for study or research at Ca’ Foscari. Mobilities can last from a minimum of 2 months up to a maximum of 12 months per cycle of study, in compliance with the country-project criteria. For more details, please check the list of partner Universities detailed above and, if your University is present, contact your International Office.

Mobility scholarships are assigned through calls launched by partner Universities on their websites, indicating requisites for participation and application submission modalities.


Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) scholarships are primarily aimed at obtaining ECTS academic credits abroad and are awarded for full-time activities (including the preparation of the final thesis or dissertation). Erasmus+ ICM allows students to live challenging cultural experiences in EU Countries, to access new Higher Education Systems, and to improve the knowledge of at least one European language. Moreover, it sets the ground to strengthen one’s academic profile and to exchange views with other nationals, while also participating actively in the internationalisation process of Higher Education Institutions involved. The mobility must be consecutive and without interruptions.

Benefits and inclusion

Students have the opportunity to attend academic courses (as detailed in the document “Guideline for Course Catalogue”) and to use the facilities of UNIVE at the same conditions as UNIVE’s students, without paying any fee to the host Institution. Furthermore, Erasmus+ ICM provides a scholarship of € 850,00 per month and a return travel ticket to Venice. The amount of the Erasmus+ grant will be transferred in full, after signing the Grant Agreement, within 30 days from the beginning of the mobility. UNIVE will provide assistance to find accommodation and for the release of visa and stay permit when necessary. During the whole mobility, Ca’ Foscari will provide support through its International Office - Projects Unit.

In addition, the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ Programme “seeks to promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion, diversity and fairness across all its actions. Organisations and the participants with fewer opportunities themselves are at the heart of these objectives and with these in mind, the programme puts mechanisms and resources at their disposal”.

Under this framework, the basic amount of €850 per month, which is guaranteed to all selected students, will be supplemented with an additional €250 per month for a limited number of students with fewer opportunities, identified through criteria set and certified by the sending institution and agreed with Ca’ Foscari.

Procedures for the sending University

To join Ca’ Foscari as an Erasmus+ ICM incoming student, you have to make sure that there is a valid Erasmus+ ICM Inter-Institutional Agreement between your University and Ca’ Foscari, by checking the List of partner Universities detailed above.

Nomination deadlines by partner institutions

  • April 1st - Erasmus+ Incoming mobility for the first semester or full academic year (September arrivals);
  • October 1st - Erasmus+ Incoming mobility for the second semester (January/February arrivals).

Documents to be sent to Projects Unit

The following list of documents must be sent by your home University's International Office to Ca’ Foscari’s Projects Unit ( within the deadline specified above:

  • Application form duly filled in and signed;
  • Copy of a valid passport;
  • Copy of a proof of registration at a BA/MA/PhD programme at the partner University (e.g. certificate of enrollment);
  • Copy of the transcripts of records, indicating university grades/marks for finished and/or current cycles of study;
  • Copy of official language certifications as per our agreement;
  • Proposed Learning Agreement for study and/or research for thesis (for 1st and 2nd cycle students), signed by the applicant, the Erasmus+ Administrative Coordinator, the Erasmus+ Academic Coordinator or the Coordinator of the candidate’s Study Programme of the sending institution;
  • Proposed Mobility Programme (only for 3rd cycle students, i.e. PhD), signed by the applicant, the Erasmus+ Administrative Coordinator and Erasmus+ Academic Coordinator or Coordinator of the Student’s Study Programme of the sending institution;
  • For PhD students only: letter of interest signed by the prospective academic supervisor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice stating the availability and willingness to supervise the applicant. In order to get this applicants MUST contact in due time (providing a CV and a detailed research plan); 
  • Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages) in English, including extracurricular activities (courses, seminars, conferences, published research, etc.) and professional experience related to the specific study field.
  • Proof of less advantaged background (in case it is available); this is necessary to benefit from the scholarship top-up - if envisaged by our agreement.

Procedures for Erasmus+ ICM incoming students

After being officially nominated, Erasmus+ Incoming students receive a Ca' Foscari Welcome Message from the International Office- Welcome Unit. This contains a unique code (token) for the online registration, the list of documents that must be uploaded in the website for the online registration, and further useful information.

We warmly recommend you to read with great care all emails you will receive both from Projects Unit and the Welcome Unit. These Units are in charge of different aspects of your mobility, all of which however are equally important.

Deadlines for student registration

  • April 30th - Erasmus+ Incoming mobility for the first semester or full academic year (September arrivals);
  • October 30th - Erasmus+ Incoming mobility for the second semester (January/February arrivals).

In addition, the student will be contacted by the Projects Unit for the purchase of airline tickets. The duration of the mobility is fixed and rigid, and the period must be agreed with the Projects Unit.

The travel ticket can be purchased and paid directly by UNIVE through an affiliated travel agency or purchased directly by the student and reimbursed by UNIVE, upon presentation of supporting documents. Withdrawal from the mobility subsequent to the purchase of the ticket and prior to departure, and not due to documentable force majeure, will result in reimbursement by the student of the costs already incurred by UNIVE.

Do not forget to:

  • check that your identification document (passport) is valid for foreign travel (including the passport’s residual validity - 6 months rule if applicable);
  • double check that the Welcome Unit of Ca’ Foscari ( sent you an official university acceptance letter for the VISA;
  • request a health insurance valid for Italy, that will be on your charge. It can be purchased before the mobility in your country or as soon as you arrive in Italy at the beginning of it; in any case, it is essential that the insurance is valid in Italy and that it covers the entire duration of your stay.
  • check your email frequently: the Projects Unit will send you information about your face-to-face appointment in the office for the delivery of the Welcome Kit and all the necessary documents to start your mobility.

Appointment with the International Office
Before your arrival in Venice, you will be contacted by the Projects Unit to arrange a face-to-face appointment to collect the Welcome Kit, containing among other things the Carta Conto (Bank Card) on which the Erasmus+ ICM scholarship will be paid and the forms to apply for the stay permit.


With the Projects Unit you will sign the Confirmation of Arrival and the Financial Contract, necessary for the provision of the Erasmus + ICM scholarship. The grant will normally be paid in full within 30 days from the start date of the mobility. It is therefore strongly recommended to each beneficiary to arrive in Venice with at least the amount necessary for the expenses they will have to face during the first month (including accommodation).

Ca’ Foscari International Office will remain available for the entire duration of the mobility to provide the necessary support.

Courses and programmes

Erasmus+ ICM Incoming students can attend all the courses offered; only PhD and Professional Master's courses are excluded, together with other courses not accessible to exchange students. Ca' Foscari offers a variety of courses that are entirely taught in English as well as others that can have English-language bibliography or that allow students to sit the exam in English. Course details (professor, timetable, premises, programme) can be found in the relevant course webpage. For all information on courses available to mobility students, restrictions and more you can consult the Guidelines for UNIVE Course Catalogue at this webpage.

Changes to the Learning Agreement

It is possible to adjust your study plan while on mobility by adding, deleting, or replacing exams. To do that, you will need to use the Changes to the Learning Agreement form. Any revision must be approved by the sending university and then by the professor in charge at Ca' Foscari. Please refer to the Welcome Unit for any assistance that is required.


In order to officially close your Erasmus+ period in Venice, the Welcome Unit will contact you to close your academic career and the Projects Unit will contact you to sign the Confirmation of Departure. These steps are compulsory; the signing of the Confirmation of Departure will be on-site in the office.

Transcript of Records

As soon as your exam results have been registered at the end of the study period in Venice, a Transcript of Records will be issued by the Welcome Unit; this document includes the list of the exams the student has passed at Ca’ Foscari and a conversion of the grades according to the ECTS scale.

The ECTS grades are generated automatically upon the creation of your transcript by taking into account the results obtained by all of the students who have taken the same exam at Ca' Foscari in the last three years.

Here is an example of how the calculation works: Mario Lopez received a grade of 19/30 on the "English Language" exam associated with the code LT005P.

The percentage of Ca' Foscari students who obtained the same grade on the same exam in the last three years is 2%, which on the ECTS scale is interpreted as an E.

The formula used in this conversion process can be found in the ECTS guide published by the European Commission.

Please, be informed that only exams with a passing grade will be reported in the final Transcript of Records.

Incoming students with special needs

Incoming students with special needs can report any needs by sending an appropriate medical certificate to the Welcome Unit that will contact the Inclusion Unit to request specific support.

Among the available services:

  • initial support in familiarizing with the university buildings where the students’ lessons are held, the libraries and the administration offices;
  • reservation of seats in the classrooms and potential help in obtaining the study materials and lectures notes;
  • support in preparing for the exam and during the exam itself, tutor support (if required);
  • mediation of the office with professors in agreeing on the examination procedure, as follows:

    • additional time,
    • use of PC,
    • enlarged examination text (indicate font and/or typestyle),
    • Italian Sign Language (LIS) interpreter,
    • additional time + use of PC,
    • additional time + enlarged examination text,
    • additional time + Italian Sign Language (LIS) interpreter,
    • oral instead of written exam modality,
    • written instead of oral exam modality.

Last update: 21/10/2024