Double and Joint Degrees 
Incoming students


International OfficeWelcome Unit -

Ca' Foscari welcomes incoming students for mobilities in the framework of double degree or joint degree programmes offered and designed in collaboration with one or more partner universities. Upon successful completion of the study programme, students who have carried out a mobility in Venice obtain a double qualification (Double Degree: a degree from the Home University and a degree from Ca' Foscari) or a joint qualification (Joint Degree: a single degree issued jointly by the Universities of the consortium), depending on the specific agreements made with the partner universities and the various national regulations involved.

Nomination Procedure

Students selected by the partner universities to carry out a double degree or joint degree mobility at Ca' Foscari are officially nominated to the Welcome Unit of the International Office ( by their home institution.

There are no specific deadlines for sending out nominations for double degree or joint degree mobilities. Still, the partner universities should proceed well in advance (5 months before departure) in order to allow students to prepare for their mobility in Venice in due time.

Registration Procedure

After receiving the nomination, the Welcome Unit of Ca' Foscari’s International Office will send the nominated students a welcome message reporting the relevant information to complete the registration procedure.

To proceed with the enrolment, students must send the following documents via email to the Welcome Unit (

  • copy of a valid national ID card (for EU citizens only) or passport (for non-EU citizens);
  • entrance qualification: high school diploma and transcript of records for BA-level double or joint degree programmes and Bachelor’s degree diploma and transcript MA-level double or joint degree programmes (documents should be provided in the original version and accompanied by an official translation in English or Italian);
  • academic transcript of records to date issued by the Home University;
  • B2-level Italian or English language certificate (depending on the programme);
  • entry visa for study purposes (for non-EU nationals only - for more information check the relevant section below: “Procedures for non-EU students”).

Study Plan and Learning Agreement

Incoming double/joint degree students are required to fill out a Learning Agreement in which they must indicate the list of courses they will attend at Ca' Foscari and the equivalent courses included in their study plan at the Home University.

The document must be:

  • signed by the student and countersigned for approval by the academic coordinators of the double/joint degree agreement at both universities;
  • sent via email to the Welcome Unit (, possibly by the start of the mobility.

Information on how to complete the Learning Agreement is normally provided by the Home University.

For support in identifying the courses to attend at Ca' Foscari, students can contact the programme's academic coordinator in Venice or the Educational Programmes Office of the relevant Department.

Students on double/joint degree mobility within the Erasmus+ programme are recommended to complete the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) via the OLA online platform implemented as part of the Erasmus Without Paper initiative; if the Home University does not use the platform or similar software, alternative modules are accepted.

Tuition fees

As a general rule, incoming double/joint degree students are exempt from paying tuition fees at Ca' Foscari for the entire duration of the mobility, except in case of specific exceptions provided for by some double or joint degree agreements.

For further information, contact the Welcome Unit:

Procedures for non-EU students

The procedures described below do not concern:

  • citizens of EU countries and from Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of San Marino and the Holy See;
  • non-EU citizens regularly residing in a Schengen Area country and in possession of a valid residence permit, covering the entire duration of the mobility period.

In case of doubt, students can verify their status by contacting the Welcome Unit:

To carry out a double/joint degree incoming mobility in Venice for a period exceeding 90 days, students of non-European nationality must request a visa for study purposes (mobility).

It is possible to verify the need to request a visa based on your nationality, country of residence, reason and duration of stay on the "Visa for Italy" portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The procedure for requesting a visa for study purposes has been entirely digitalised and the only channel for the submission of applications is the national Universitaly portal, implemented by the relevant Ministries.

Students must register on the portal and submit their online application, making sure to indicate "Double degree or joint degree" as the reason for the visa request.

For further information regarding the application procedure, students can refer to the attached guidelines or contact the Welcome Unit (

The application will be taken over and validated by the Welcome Unit staff, who will confirm the admission in the programme and forward the request to the relevant Embassy or Consulate chosen by the student when completing the application form.

Once confirmation of validation of the application has been received, the student must independently contact the relevant Embassy or Consulate to book an appointment and verify the required documents for the visa request.

Each application will then be processed and evaluated according to the procedures and schedules established by the individual Embassies or Consulates abroad.

Please remember that submitting the application via the national Universitaly portal is mandatory but does not automatically guarantee the issuance of the visa for study purposes, which is entirely the responsibility of the relevant Embassy or Consulate abroad.

The list of Italian Embassies and Consulates abroad is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation: Rete Diplomatica [ITA].

Non-EU citizens planning to stay in Italy for more than 90 days must apply for a residence permit for study purposes within 8 days of entering Italy.

More information on the procedure and requirements is available in the "Residence permit" section of the Students: your stay, insurance, transport web page.


Before leaving for the double/joint degree mobility, students must:

  • check that your identity document is valid and allows you to travel abroad;
  • only for non-EU citizens: apply for a student visa;
  • check the validity of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by the health authority in your country (for European citizens) or purchase a health insurance for your stay in Italy (non-European citizens); for any doubts in this regard, contact:

Confirmation of arrival

The Welcome Unit can certify the actual date of arrival of the student in Venice by filling in the dedicated form (Confirmation of arrival), generally provided by the Home University. Except in cases of proven necessity, the forms are filled out and signed digitally. The request can be sent via email:

Courses and exams

During their stay in Venice, incoming double/joint degree students will attend the courses listed in the Learning Agreement, approved by Ca' Foscari and their Home University.

Using the online Course search tool, it is possible to access the web page dedicated to each course, where all the necessary information is available: professor, lectures timetable, programme, credits, and teaching location.

Students will have to inform themselves about their lectures calendar and weekly timetable via the web page dedicated to each course or using the agenda function of the MyUnive app, available in the Apple and Android online stores.

It is not necessary to register for the classes to attend the lectures (except in exceptional cases, of which the Welcome Unit will duly inform the students).

However, it is mandatory to register for exams in order to be eligible to take them. The online registration procedure is available in the student's Personal Area, generally from 15 to 3 days before the exam date.

Changes to the Learning Agreement

If necessary, students can change the original Learning Agreement during their mobility. The variation form must be signed for approval by the academic coordinators of the programme at both universities and sent to the Welcome Unit ( well in advance of the dates of the exams included in the variation.

Mobility extension

Students may request an extension of the double/joint degree mobility period at Ca' Foscari. To this end, students must ask their Home University to formally authorize the mobility extension by writing an email to the Welcome Unit ( 

Appointments with the International Office

The Welcome Unit receives exclusively by appointment. It is possible to book an appointment using the dedicated online booking tool. Each appointment is only valid for the person who booked.

Confirmation of stay/departure

The Welcome Unit can certify the student’s date of departure from Venice by filling in the dedicated form (Confirmation of stay/departure), generally provided by the Home University. Except in cases of proven necessity, the forms are filled out and signed digitally. The request can be sent via email: (

Transcript of Records

At the end of the mobility period, as soon as all the exam grades have been registered in their online booklet, students can request their Transcript of Records from the Welcome Unit, listing all the exams they passed during the double/joint degree mobility


The following information refers exclusively to students participating in double degree programmes. For students participating in joint degree programmes, the degree awarding procedures are managed centrally by the consortium coordination.

Students who graduate at Ca’ Foscari at the end of the double degree incoming mobility in Venice must inform the Welcome Unit about their graduation. The Welcome Unit will inform the student’s Home University and start the procedures for the issuance of the qualification to be issued by the institution of origin.

Students who carried out a double degree mobility at Ca’ Foscari and graduate at their Home University must inform the Welcome Unit of their graduation and jointly provide:

  • copy of the diploma or graduation certificate;
  • copy of the transcript of records;

issued by their Home University. For the purpose of starting the recognition procedure of educational activities carried out at the institution of origin, necessary for the issuance of the Italian qualification, students must also communicate: 

  • the exact date of graduation;
  • the name of the thesis supervisor and possible co-supervisor(s).

Students with special need

Incoming double/joint degree students with disabilities and/or learning disabilities can report any needs by sending an appropriate medical certificate to the Welcome Unit, that will contact the Inclusivity Service to request the necessary support.

Among the available services:

  • initial support in familiarizing with the university buildings where the students’ lessons are held, the libraries and the administration offices;
  • reservation of seats in the classrooms and potential help in obtaining the study materials and lectures notes;
  • support in preparing for the exam and during the exam itself, tutor support (if required);
  • mediation of the office with professors in agreeing on the examination procedure, as follows:

    • additional time,
    • laptop use,
    • enlarged exam text (indicate font and/or character),
    • Italian Sign Language (LIS) interpreter,
    • additional time + laptop use,
    • additional time + enlarged exam text,
    • additional time + Italian Sign Language (LIS) interpreter,
    • oral instead of written exam,
    • written instead of oral exam.

Last update: 21/10/2024