Internships in Italy

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Contacts and reservations

Internships for students and degree seekers are handled by the competent office of your Campus, indicated on the website of your Degree programme. For any information, please contact the following addresses:

If you are enrolled on a Professional Master's Programme, the set up of your internship will be followed by the Challenge School.

The Internships In Italy Unit is responsible for the promotion and activation of internships throughout Italy.

An internship is a period of on-the-job training that allows students and recent graduates to acquire professional skills and know-how transferable to the world of work, and to gain experience of a real work environment.

The relationship established between the employer and the intern does not qualify as an employment relationship.

If you are enrolled on a Professional Master’s Programme you have to fill in the relative form published on the Internships webpage of the Ca’ Foscari Challenge School, which will be directly responsible for carrying out the procedures to set up your internship.

How to find an Internship

There are three ways through which you can find an internship.
Here below, you will find some directions to facilitate your search and the guidelines to help you set up your placement.

Apply for the internship offers that seem most interesting to you by sending your CV to the contacts listed in the offer description: Personal Area > Stage in Italia > Offerte di stage in Italia

In your Personal Area, you will find a list of all the companies that have an agreement with Ca’ Foscari: Personal Area > Stage in Italia > Elenco aziende convenzionate. You can find a list of corporate partners in a particular area by entering the name of the local municipality. To send your CV, you should contact the company directly by searching the contact details on the web. Keep in mind that companies may not necessarily have active internship vacancies at that time.

You can get directly in touch with the organizations that you are interested in to ask whether they have any internship vacancies. To find out the required procedure for sending a CV and cover letter, you should look at the website of the company. Once you have successfully contacted it, you will have to follow the procedure to activate the internship.

How to set up an Internship

Your internship in 8 steps

  1. First of all, the company/organization must have an agreement with the University. You can check if there is already an active agreement by consulting the list of partner companies. Otherwise, you  will have to provide the company with the link to the web page to fill in the form to request a new agreement.
  2. Once the agreement has been signed, you will need to prepare the training project together with the company tutor and the university tutor.
  3. The internship shall last for a maximum of 12 months. In the case of curricular internships, you must reach the number of hours necessary to obtain the ECTS required in your study plan (you will be allocated 1 credit for every 25 internship hours).
  4. For each study cycle, you will be allowed to carry out several internships, with or without the acquisition of university credits, in Italy and/or abroad, for a maximum of twelve months in total.
  5. In compliance with the regulations in force (D.Lgs 81/2008) interns need to be adequately informed about risk prevention and safety on the workplace; the host institution is responsible for these issues. Should the host institution not be able to provide this training, you can follow the course that Ca' Foscari has specifically activated for this purpose, by asking for instructions to the relevant office of your disciplinary area, after having filled in the training project.
  6. Should you need to change any of the information entered in the original training project during the course of your internship, please notify any modifications such as interruptions, extensions, transfers or changes carried out by the company tutor by sending an email to the competent office of your disciplinary area.
  7. At the end of your internship you and your company tutor will be required to fill in an internship assessment questionnaire.
  8. After completing your internship, you have to return the digital or paper documentation in order to obtain the internship recognition.

Internship Agreements

After receiving the agreement and checking that everything has been done properly, we will put it online so that you can begin organizing the training project.
We will take care of sending the company its copy once it has been countersigned by our manager.
In order to request an agreement between Ca’ Foscari and a company, you must ask the company to draw up the document by submitting a request for a new agreement.

Training Project and attached Documentation

The procedure to set up a curricular traineeship in Italy depends on the possession of an Italian identification document.
The digital procedure requires the signature of the documents using the IO App.
Please visit the following webpage to obtain the SPID credentials, which are necessary to install the IO App on your device.
As an alternative, please visit the following webpage to apply for an Electronic Identity Card (CIE - Carta di Identità Elettronica) and then install the IO App on your device.

Those who are not able to provide the necessary documentation to install the IO App on their device, will have to comply with an alternative procedure which requires the printing and the handwritten signature of the internship documents.

Fill in the training project and start the signature process (from your Personal area)

Fill in the training project using the appropriate application from your Personal Area > Internships in Italy > Avvio e gestione stage (Starting and managing internships) [ITA] using the Chrome or Firefox browsers.
The procedure for activating, managing and closing the internship is entirely digitalised and does not require printing any paper documents.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • You should have already discussed and agreed upon the following details with your company tutor: the location, duration, schedule, mode of operation (whether face-to-face or a hybrid model), activities to be undertaken, and any available facilities (such as expense reimbursement, canteen services, etc.) for the internship. Your university tutor must also approve the project.
  • Both the trainee and the company tutor must download the free IO app, which is a public services application that allows for the digital signing of internship documents. Please enable push notifications on your smartphone to receive alerts for document signing requests. It’s important to keep the IO app active for the entire duration of your internship, as you'll need it to receive, sign, and send your final documents.
    The IO app can only be accessed using Public Digital Identity System (SPID) credentials or your Electronic Identity Card (Carta d’Identità Elettronica, CIE). After completing the initial registration process, you will find it easier to log in.
    Please note: Only if the trainee or company tutor cannot use the IO app, please contact the relevant Campus for guidance on the procedure to initiate the internship.
  • Fill in the form: Complete all fields in the "Apply for a new training project in Italy" form, then click the "Save request" button.
  • Send the form to your university tutor by clicking the “Send request to lecturer” button
  • Wait for the university and company tutors to digitally sign the training project: once both have signed the documents, you will receive an email and a notification from the IO app prompting you to add your digital signature to the training project and to the declaration of responsibility.
  • Make sure you have the 4-hour general safety training [ITA] certificate

From your Personal Area > Internships in Italy > Starting and Managing Internships you can receive updates on the different stages of the information flow and know where the process stands.
The internship is not yet formally active: you can only start it after completing the next step.

Start the internship and record attendance
  • Submit the training project and the declaration of responsibility 
    On the first day of your internship, you must request its start by clicking the “Request Start of Internship” button in your personal area. Your campus will then verify that your documentation is correct and complete, and that you are actually at the company. The insurance (civil liability and work accident) provided through the agreement with the host organization will be active for the entire duration of the internship, as stated in the training project. Please note that if you do not click the appropriate button to request the start of the internship, it cannot be confirmed. As a result, your insurance coverage will not be active, and you will not have access to the attendance log.
  • Opening the attendance log
    Once your application is received, your campus will initiate the internship, and the “Go to Attendance Log” button will be activated in your personal area to help you track your daily internship hours.
  • Keeping track of attendance
    From day one, you must fill out the accrued hours in the online attendance log. Please report everything accurately and save the log after each entry.
    At the end of your internship, remember to press the "Hand Over the Log" button.
    The attendance log is a crucial document for insurance purposes and is essential for the recognition of any credits you may earn.
Extensions, Interruptions and Transfers

You will be able to modify the details of your internship, described in the training project, by communicating them in due time, via email, to the competent structure/unit:

You are required to notify the competent structure/unit of any extensions, early interruptions or transfers by giving a prompt, written notice by email to the relevant addresses a few days in advance, indicating:

  • the name of the intern;
  • the intern's ID number;
  • the name of the host company/organization;
  • the new end date of the internship (in case of extensions or interruptions)
  • the destination, the period and the means of transport used (in case of transfers).
Complete the internship

  • Close the attendance log
    On the final day of your internship, you must close the log by clicking the “Hand over log” button.
  • Fill in the end-of-internship questionnaire
    You will have to fill in the final questionnaire available in the personal area: for the applications to work properly, this questionnaire must be filled in by the trainee first and then by the tutors.
  • Request the company tutor's final evaluation
    To request the final evaluation from your company tutor, click the appropriate button in your personal area. This button will become active only after you have completed your questionnaire. Once you’ve submitted your questionnaire the company tutor will receive an automatic email notification, which includes access to your attendance log, questionnaire, and final evaluation.
  • Sign the attendance log with the IO app

    • Once the company tutor has verified that the log is completed accurately, assessed your internship, finished the final questionnaire about the host company, and signed the document through the IO app, you will need to countersign the attendance log using the IO app. When the attendance log, along with the evaluation, is ready for your signature, you will receive an email and a notification from the IO app.
    • After your signature, the application will automatically forward the documentation to the university tutor, who will then check the attendance log and the assessment and sign the recognition of the CFUs, if applicable.
      The documentation will then be sent automatically to your campus for final verification, closure and recognition of any internship credits.

After consulting your company tutor regarding the location, the working schedule, the tasks and any special terms (e.g. refunds of expenditure, canteen service, etc.), and receiving approval from your university tutor, you will have to prepare your training project using the relevant application form in your Personal Area > Internships in Italy > Avvio e gestione stage (Starting and managing internships) [ITA] and following the procedure below:

  • Fill in all the fields in the training project form and press the “Save” button.
  • You have to send an email to your Campus’ office indicated on the website of your Degree programme:

  • Then, when the Campus will have check your training project, you will be able to print these documents using the relevant button in your personal area:

    • a reminder;
    • three copies of the training project;
    • an attendance register (including the credit recognition page);
    • a statement of responsibility to be signed by the intern.

  • You have to sign all three copies of the training project and get them signed by both your university tutor and your company tutor.
    You can also have the company tutor sign the documents on  the first day of the internship.
    Please note that having created and having had the tutors sign the training project is not enough to activate the internship.
  • On the first day of the internship, you will have to send the scanned document by email to the structure/unit in charge according to your disciplinary area.
    If the office does not receive your training project, the internship will not be activated and the insurance coverage will not be active.
    You will find all the details on how to proceed in the boxes Start and End of your Internship.
    One of these copies is yours, one must be given to the company tutor and the third copy must be submitted to us when your placement ends along with the rest of the documentation.
  • Please be sure to have the certificate of the 4-hour on-line course on Health and safety at work [ITA], which is mandatory for traineeships in Italy and abroad.
Start of your Internship

On the first day of your internship remember to send a scan of the training project and the statement of responsibility to the following addresses according to your disciplinary area:

In this way, the competent office can check that the training project has all the necessary signatures and that you are in the company. Remember that if the offices do not receive the documents, the internship will not be activated and the insurance coverage will not be active.
From the first day, you should carefully record your working hours in the attendance register – signing it daily and getting your company tutor to sign it every day. Use a separate attendance sheet for each month.
The register is an extremely important document both for insurance purposes and for credit recognition.
The insurance (civil responsibility and workplace injury) guaranteed by the agreement signed with the host institution is active for the entire duration of the internship, as described in the training project. Should there be any changes to what stated before, such as extensions, interruptions and transfers, you have to promptly notify them according to the procedures established in the box “Extensions, Interruptions and Transfers” below.

Extensions, Interruptions and Transfers

You will be able to modify the details of your internship, described in the training project, by communicating them in due time, via email, to the competent structure/unit:

You are required to notify the competent structure/unit of any extensions, early interruptions or transfers by giving a prompt, written notice by email to the relevant addresses a few days in advance, indicating:

  • the name of the intern;
  • the intern's ID number;
  • the name of the host company/organization;
  • the new end date of the internship (in case of extensions or interruptions)
  • the destination, the period and the means of transport used (in case of transfers).
End of your Internship

On the last day of your internship you should ask your company tutor to write an assessment on the last page of the register, along with the total hours of your internship.
For the correct functioning of the online questionnaires it is necessary that the intern completes its questionnaire first.
The final documentation, that is:

  • a copy of the training project;
  • the attendance register (including the page with the company tutor’s assessment and eventual credit recognition by your university tutor);

should be brought to the structure/unit in charge according to your disciplinary area. 

Equivalent Activities

Internships can be replaced by other training activities allowing you to meet your degree programme internship requirements, provided that they offer equivalent training contents. In some cases the Teaching Committees for each degree programme may recognize professional skills and know-how (certified in compliance with current Italian laws) as university credits (ECTS). The recognized ECTS can be considered as being equivalent to Internship Credits (DM 509/99).

More detailed information and the application form to request recognition of an equivalent activity can be found online on the degree programme webpages or in your Personal Area (Personal Area > Internships in Italy).

The above application form must be completed and signed by the company and by the Head of Studies/representative of the Head of Studies and sent to the Student Services Area or the pertaining Campus, and not to the Italian Internship Unit.

Contacts and Reservations

Last update: 26/03/2025