Department of

Erasmus+ projects
Department of Economics

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The 2021-2027 programme places a strong emphasis on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and encouraging the participation of young people in democratic life. It aligns with priorities and activities in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan, and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also upholds the European Pillar of Social Rights, implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, and fosters the European dimension in sport.

Working on non-Human Animals Law and rights in the Eu - Jean Monnet module

PI: Sara De Vido
Duration: 01/11/2023 - 31/10/2026
Funding programme: Jean Monnet, Erasmus+
Budget assigned to Ca' Foscari: € 30.000,00
Website: WHALE

The purpose of this module is to propose an innovative legal and interdisciplinary course at university level on non-human animal law and rights in the EU. There is nothing similar in Europe and more specifically in Italy in terms both of methodology - combining lectures and practical workshops, and including a rewriting of judgments following the example of the Australian “Wild law project” - and in the perspective - ecocentrism, considering the environment as a whole, composed of human, non-human animals and natural objects. The module, which will be taught in Italian (with final conference and the open virtual seminars in English) is composed of one WP for a total amount of 60 hours of lectures and workshops. The module falls under one of the priorities of the EU (biodiversity) and develops the important ideas raised in the report “Towards an EU Charter of the fundamental Rights of Nature” (RoN) of 2019. The module explores anthropocentrism vs ecocentrism, the evolution of EU law with regard to the protection of animals, the criminal law and civil law protection of non-human animals (with examples from Italy and Spain), and two thematic issues: non-human animals, culture and industry; moving beyond anthropocentrism to face the challenge of climate change.

Enhancing Institutional Capacities and Researchers’ Competences for Policy Engagement for Green and Digital Transitions

PI: Stefano Campostrini
Coordinator: Michele Marzulli
Duration: 01/10/2023 - 31/03/2026
Funding programme: Erasmus+
Total budget: € 400.000,00
Budget assigned to Ca' Foscari: € 52.000,00
Website: ENGAGEgreen

The project seeks to enhance researchers’ knowledge, skills, and competence for policy engagement, thereby supporting effective knowledge transfer for evidence-based policy-making. The project will pilot and evaluate policy-dialogue schemes and develop a toolkit that can guide and empower researchers to interact and communicate with decision-makers and policy professionals, to build networks with policy-makers, and to gain awareness and understanding of policy-making processes. Additionally, the project will strengthen universities' institutional capacities of policy engagement as they will be able to offer innovative trainings in these areas for researchers, students, and research managers. ENGAGEgreen will pilot innovative science-policy dialogue initiatives to build long-term networks between scientists and policy-making professionals and create best practice examples. A virtual toolkit and related training sessions will inform researchers, research managers, and students about instruments and structures of policy engagement in the areas of green and digital transitions.

Digitalisation in EU Financial Studies - Jean Monnet Chair

PI: Andrea Minto
Duration: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2022
Funding programme: Jean Monnet, Erasmus+
Budget assigned to Ca' Foscari: € 36.976,50
Website: EUDIFIN

This chair, the first one awarded to Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, develops new teaching, pedagogical, research and policy engagement activities on the EU’s approaches to digitalization of financial services.

The main activities are:

  • deepen teaching in European Union studies embodied in an official curriculum of a higher education institution and provide in-depth teaching on European Union matters for future professionals in fields which are in increasing demand on the labour market; 
  • leading Ca’ Foscari University of Venice to raise its profile in European Union studies as a nexus for interdisciplinary teaching, research activities and international partnerships in the ambit of EU financial and banking studies;
  • strengthening civil society’s shared knowledge of the EU by organising open events (“The Financial User 2.0”) that make citizens familiar with essential political and legal frameworks and leave them better equipped to utilize the EU more actively;
  • fostering fruitful cooperation and partnership between academia, financial supervisors and policy-makers by inviting guest lecturers and speakers, organizing seminars and a final conference targeting academics, EU regulatory agencies and supervisors at local, national and European level.

Old Erasmus projects

Ended in 2018