Food x Language International Conference

Food x Language International Conference
17-18 October 2024, Venice


The Organising Committee is happy to present the International Conference on “Food x Language: adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish” ("Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español"). The event will take place on 17th and 18th October 2024 in Ca’ Bernardo, one of the buildings hosting the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. 

This event is hosted by the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies

This event also explores topics connected to the Department’s Research Centre ICARHUS [ITA] (Innovation Center for Adaptation Research into Humanities and Literary Studies) and the Research Group on Food Studies [ITA].

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline

  • 20th July 2024

Notification of acceptance 

  • 30th July 2024


  • Available soon

Conference dates

  • 17-18 October 2024

Call for papers

Food is an important means for human societies not only because it provides nutrition but also for its socializing function. The rituals accompanying its preparation and consumption have always favoured social bonding in any kind of human civilization. However, the participants in communication about food and the ways in which this form of communication happens vary according to several factors, which include gender and age of the participants as well as their role and status in society as well as the reciprocal relations they have with the other members of a specific group. Traditionally, communication about food has happened asynchronously through printed material, however, new technologies and - in recent years - social media have introduced a new element of interaction that has changed the way in which food and foodways are narrated and constantly remediated between individuals and social groups.  

The two-day conference seeks to bring together scholars who conduct their research on food-related communication. The focus of the conference is communication involving English and Spanish, either alone or in a contrastive perspective. Particularly welcome are contributions that investigate the communicative strategies and dynamics through which cultural elements connected to food-related communication in these two languages and cultures are adapted using several media and genres through which food is narrated and represented. Socio-linguistic, socio-cultural, multimodal, and linguistic approaches are especially welcome.
Therefore, we invite contributions addressing the main conference theme as well as relating to the following specific themes:

  • food and/in communication strategies
  • food and/in social media
  • food and/in narratives
  • food and/in the news
  • food and/in politics

Due to numerous requests, we have extended the deadline, so the new deadline is 20th July 2024. Proposals should be sent as email attachments in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Abstracts should be in either English or Spanish and should be no longer than 300 words (references included). Prospective participants should also provide a short bio note (no longer than 100 words).
Emails should be sent to – object of the email: “CONFERENCE FOOD X LANGUAGE/LENGUA Y COMIDA - ABSTRACT PROPOSAL”.


The conference starts on Thursday 17th October at 10:00 at ends on Friday 18th October at 17:30. A detailed academic and social programme will be uploaded here as soon as possible.

Plenary speakers

  • Dr. Cornelia Gerhardt, University of Saarland (Germany)
  • Prof. Robles Ávila, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)

Venue and accommodation

The Conference takes place in Ca’ Bernardo - Sala B.

Venice can be reached from the main European international airports and is served by both national and low-cost airlines. The closest airports are Venice Marco Polo and Treviso Canova Airport, which might also be referred to as Venice Treviso Airport. Both airports are connected to Venice by bus and/or coach services. Please consult the websites consulted for more information.

Venice can also be reached by train, travelling either with Trenitalia or with Italo Treno. Please make sure that you select Venezia Santa Lucia as your destination.

For more information on how to reach Venice and how to move around the city, please visit the official website dedicated to local public transport.

Venice is a popular tourist destination throughout the year. It means that you can find several kinds of accommodation, from the cheapest options to luxury hotels, depending on your budget. You can book your accommodation on any booking website, just do so as soon as possible. If you wish to book within walking distance to the conference venue, just search for accommodation near the address Dorsoduro 3199, Calle Bernardo, 30123 Venezia.


Organising committee
  • Daniela Cesiri, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Giuseppe Trovato, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Francesca Coccetta, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Scientific committee

English component

  • Daniela Cesiri, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Francesca Coccetta, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Laura Tosi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Stefania M. Maci, Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Spanish component

  • Giuseppe Trovato, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Maria Del Valle Ojeda Calvo, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Francesca de Cesare, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”
  • José Francisco Medina Montero, Università degli Studi di Trieste