Master's Degree Programme in
Innovation and Marketing
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Study plan

The study plan (academic curriculum) is the complete list of the academic activities that students must complete in order to fulfil the degree programme requirements.
The attendance plan is the total list of courses available to the student according to their year of studies.


Filling in and submission

You must fill in and submit your study plan every year, even if you do not intend to make any changes to it.

Fill in the study plan


In case of doubts or problems in filling in your study plan, please contact the Campus specified into the Contacts section on the homepage of your degree programme website.

Study plan regulations

Please refer to the general curriculum rules addressed to students of Barchelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree courses.

Degree programme regulations for the study plan

Free-choice courses

For your free choice exams (Decided by individual student), you may select:

  • modules from your Master’s programme, provided they are not already in your study plan
  • modules from all programmes of the Venice School of Management and the Department of Economics, with the exception of the Master’s degree programme in Data Analytics for Business and Society 

The students who want to include free-choice non-Economics courses in their curriculum should follow the procedure described below.

Procedure to include non-Economics Courses

  • Subject to prior authorisation, students can include non-Economics courses among their free-choice courses.
  • The authorisation should be requested by sending an e-mail to the Campus Services Secretary Office ( The office will forward the request to the coordinator of the Degree Programme to which the student is enrolled or to the relevant curriculum contact person.
  • The student should attach a short document (max. 2 pages) to the request, providing the reasons for their choice.
  • The Teaching Board should analyse the request to assess consistency with the student’s curriculum.
  • The final assessment should be submitted to the Secretary Office of the Economics Campus and forwarded by the latter to the student via e-mail. If authorised, the Secretary Office will manually include the course in the student’s curriculum.

In addition to the regulations related to the Economics area and the previous, it should be also noted that:

  • the students enrolled in English-taught Master's degree programmes related to the Venice School of Management cannot include English or other foreign languages exams in case they are native speakers of those languages. The Teaching Board should approve any other foreign languages courses;

Corresponding Courses

Students are not allowed to choose corresponding courses, namely the courses that (even partly) repeat the contents of an educational activity already included in their curriculum.
By way of example, the following courses are considered as repetitions:

  1. Group Accounting and Enterprise Extraordinary Operations (EM4001) 12 credits; Accountability, Governance and Regulation (EM4032) 12 credits
  2. Financial Mathematics Problems for business (EM403) 6 credits; Mathematical Models for Decision Making (EM1058) 6 credits
  3. Entrepreneurship and Business Models (EM1303); Business Model Innovation (EM4053)
  4. Advanced Firm Strategies (EM6011);Business Strategy Advanced course (EM6050

The free-choice teaching activities chosen in the curricula may be subject to verification.