Master's Degree Programme in
Innovation and Marketing

Double Degree with SKEMA Business School

Partner University website

Academic coordinator: Prof. Elisa Cavezzali
Co-coordinator: Prof. Laura Cortellazzo
Department of Management - Venice School of Management:
International Office:

This Double Master's Degree Programme is organized by the Department of Management - Venice School of Management of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Skema Business School.

It allows selected students of the Master’s degrees in:

  • International Management
  • Global Accounting and Finance
  • Innovation and Marketing

to attend courses in both universities and obtain a Double Degree.

In details Ca' Foscari students enrolled in:

  • the Master’s Degree in Global Accounting and Finance complete the master's degree course by taking the Msc in Corporate Financial Management offered by Skema Business School, obtaining the double degree of Laurea Magistrale in Global Accounting and Finance and Msc in Corporate Financial Management;
  • the Master’s Degree in International Management complete the master's degree course by enrolling in the Msc in International Business offered by Skema Business School, obtaining the double degree of Laurea Magistrale in International Management and Msc in International Business;
  • in the Master’s Degree in Innovation and Marketing complete their Master's degree by enrolling in the Msc in Marketing and Business Development offered by Skema Business School, obtaining a double degree in Innovation and Marketing and Msc in Marketing and Business Development.

Admission requirements

The Double Degree program is reserved to students enrolled in their first year of the Master’s Degrees in:

  • International Management;
  • Global Accounting and Finance;
  • Innovation and Marketing.

Students wishing to apply to this Programme must provide evidence of their English language proficiency through a TOEFL; TOEIC or IELTS test. For further information please consult the call for application.

Application and selection

Students can apply for the programme following the procedures and deadlines outlined in the DJD Call for applications and its annexes, which are published annually.

The results of the selection process are published on this webpage, according to the timelines specified in Annex A to the Call.

Calls and forms

file pdf Call for applications 2024
The link to fill out the application form is reported in the call.
270 KB
file pdf Annex A 2 MB
file pdf Corrigendum annex a 191 KB
file pdf Annex B 142 KB

Academic activities

Nominated students have to:

  • take all the educational activities required during the first year and the first semester of their second year of of Ca’ Foscari study plan
  • all the educational activities required by the Msc study plans at the partner University during the second semester of the second year of the Master’s Degree
  • carrying out a mandatory internship according to the rules of Skema Business School

Depending on the Master’s Programme of enrolment, students will attend courses in one of the following campuses:

  • Master in Corporate Financial Management: Sophia-Antipolis (France), Belo Horizonte (Brazil), Suzhou (China);
  • Master in International Business: Paris (France), Raleigh (United States), Suzhou (China);
  • Master in International Marketing and Business Development: Sophia-Antipolis (France), Lille (France), Suzhou (China), Belo Horizonte (Brazil).

Equivalences between courses

Once they have been selected, students will be in order to plan in advance the educational activities they will attend and in order to prepare the Learning Agreement


After having met all the requirements to obtain the qualification at the partner University and at Ca’ Foscari, it will be possible to start the procedure to request both diplomas, which will be legally recognized in the countries of issuance.