Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Computer Science
Enrollment until 2024/2025

Additional Learning Requirements (OFA)

OFA in Mathematics and logic

Students who scored less than 20/41 at the TOLC-I access tests are requested to fulfil an Additional Learning Requirement (OFA) in Mathematics and logic.
Students who need to fulfil the OFA in Mathematics and logic cannot sit exams or intermediate tests until they have done so (with the exception of the OFA course - CT0623 BASIC MATHEMATICS or CT0678 MATHEMATICS BACKGROUND exam).

Ways in which you can fulfil your OFA

The course CT0623 - BASIC MATHEMATICS (CT0678 - MATHEMATICS BACKGROUND for students enrolled in DATA SCIENCE) will enable students to fill gaps in their mathematical background. Attendance at the course is not mandatory; however, it is strongly recommended for students with OFA and for students who wish to review and consolidate their mathematical skills.

To fulfil the OFA, students have the following options:

  1. pass the course CT0623 - Basic Mathematics or CT0678 - Mathematics background exam. Four exam sessions are scheduled during the academic year: the first is at the end of the course and the others throughout the year;
  2. pass the OFA make-up test. Full-time and part-time students can take a maximum of 3 free OFA tests in mathematics and logic during the first year (not  later than September 30 of the year following that of enrolment). Students enrolled in Data Science will take the test in English;
  3. sit and pass a paid-for TOLC-I.  

In the case of 3. above, the OFA will be considered fulfilled with a score of at least 17/41 (students who enroled up to a.y. 2022/2023) or 20/41 (students who enroled since a.y. 2023/2024). In calculating the score, the science section will be weighted 0.1 and the English section will not be included.

OFA make-up tests - dates

The next OFA make-up test will take place on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, October 8, 2024;
  • Tuesday, November 5, 2024;
  • Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 9 a.m. (you must sign up between November 21 and December 02, 2024).

All exams will take place in person at Laboratories 3 and 5 (Science Campus - Building Zeta) through a test delivered by CISIA.

How to enrol and take the OFA make-up test

Students wishing to take the tests must register on the appropriate roll call lists: CT0000 - LOGIC-MATHEMATICS (Additional Learning Requirement - OFA) during the period indicated in the University calendar.

Students with disabilities/SLD who require aids to take the test, must inform the Inclusion Unit ( upon registering for the exam.

To fulfil the OFA you must successfully complete all its sections. The OFA is considered fulfilled with a minimum score of 20/41 (the Science section is weighted 10%, while scores obtained in the other three sections are weighted 100%). The English section is optional and does not affect the assessment, nor does it replace any language tests required by the course of study for admission.

Preparing for the OFA/TOLC-I test

You can use the practice and placement area [ITA] with TOLC-I simulations and attend MOOCs in basic mathematics available on the Federica web learning [ITA] platform.


Eligibility for English language level B1 and B2

Discover the linguistic skills that are required to students that enroll in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, and students that are already enrolled.

Furthermore, consult the cases of exemption as well as all the linguistic certificates recognized by the University. 


Scientific Campus

ADiSS - Scientific Campus
Via Torino 155 [ITA], Epsilon building (ground floor), 30170 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

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