Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Computer Science
Enrollment until 2024/2025


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Internship and final degree exam

The student who plans to undertake the final degree exam has to: 

  1. Carry out an internship at a company or local institution, under the guidance of a representative of the company or firm (assistant supervisor), who will also overlook the adequacy of the work carried out with the student’s formative project. The activity consists of the study and/or development of a project.
  2. Prepare a written work, under the guidance of the supervisor, outlining the research activities and the project, summarizing the results and defining the impact on the application and/or research field. 

The procedure to find and activate an internship is published on the Internships in Italy and Internships abroad pages.

For exceptional cases (e. g. innovative activities, projects in collaboration with other developers, etc.) it is possible to carry out an "internal" internship; the request will be subject to the approval of the Degree Program Coordinator.

In this case, students must submit the Traineeship Statement form, duly filled in and signed, to the Scientific Campus (, along with the e-mail of approval of the Coordinator.

Recognition of activity comparable to internship

Subject to the evaluation of the Teaching Committee, several activities can be recognised in place of the curricular internship, such as: skills acquired in work/professional activities or other training activities deemed consistent with the student’s studies.

Degree Programme regulations

Regulations for the Final Degree Exam

Class: L-31 Science and Information Technology
These regulations discipline the organizational aspects of the final degree exam, pursuant to the provisions of Art. 12 of the Ministerial Degree of October 22nd 2004, n. 270 and to the Didactic Regulations of the University.

The final degree exam consists of the completion of an internship activity and the subsequent written work, that synthesizes the results of the activity carried out.

The characteristics of the differing activities are indicated below.


Activity code in the study plan: CT0130 - 6 CFU, corresponding to 150 hours.

The subject of the activity must be approved in advance by a scholar, who acts as university tutor and thesis supervisor; the activities themselves will be carried out under the supervision of a representative of the company or external body (company tutor).


Activity code in the study plan: CT0117 - 6 CFU, corresponding to 150 hours.

The final degree exam mark is based on the evaluation of the written work. 

More information on the final degree exam is published on the Thesis and final degree exam: deadlines, admission and procedures.


Scientific Campus

ADiSS - Scientific Campus
Via Torino 155 [ITA], Epsilon building (ground floor), 30170 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

Campus services:
External internships:
Information tutors:

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