Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Computer Science
Enrollment until 2024/2025

Internship, placement, mentoring

Internships provided for the Computer Science Bachelor’s degree programme

For students enrolled from 2011/2012 – the internship is worth 6 ECTS – 150 hours (Active code for study plan: CT0130).
For students in the academic years 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, the internship is worth 12 ECTS – 300 hours (Active code for study plan: CT0128)

The placement provides a study activity and/or the development of a project carried out in one of the research laboratories in the department, under the guide of a supervisor. The internship provides a study activity and/or the development of a project carried out in a company or industry firm. The theme of the activities should be previously approved by a scholar (the supervisor) and should be supervised by a representative of the company or external body (assistant supervisor). Activities should be documented in a precise way by the assistant supervisor. Whether it’s a placement or internship, 1 ECT corresponds to 25 hours. 

A specific commission in the Department recommends placements and internships through a public list. A proposal can be submitted for a job by a) University scholars/researchers. B) companies and firms, c) the same students, previously agreed upon with a company or firm and signalled a contact reference. When the proposal has been approved, in cases of a) or b) the job is published in a way that is visible to students that must carry out their final degree programme, whilst in the case of c), if the student has the qualifications to undertake it themselves, they will directly assign themselves the proposal.

The  job will take care of the balance of the placement proposal, with respect to the amount of work for each scholar. Furthermore, because a company or firm is able to propose an internship, the specific Convention must stipulate this and compile a Formative Project according to the available modules on the Internship Services at Ca' Foscari website.

The job will remain on the list of all the agreed-upon companies and their relevant references.

Internship, placement, mentoring for all Degree Programmes

Ca’ Foscari offers multiple services to assist students, whether it’s during their formative programme or after finishing their studies.

The Mentoring programme manages work activities of students enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes. The students’ tutor is appointed to provide them with information on different aspects of university life or organize educational support activities.

Furthermore, to help under-graduates and graduates enter the world of work, the University has created an Internships service, that offers the possibility to undertake a placement in companies and firms in Italy and abroad, and the Placement service that assists in supporting graduates in finding work.

More details on the University website