PhD Degrees

Studying abroad

The PhD student has the opportunity to expand their knowledge and experience at the international level, achieving the double degree: Joint Reasearch PhD Thesis (cotutela), or achieving the certification Doctor Europaeus.

Many of the international mobility opportunities managed centrally by Ca' Foscari University of Venice are open to PhD students:

Joint Research PhD Thesis (Cotutela)

The Cotutela represents a particular form of internationalization exclusively for PhD students and provides for the release of a double qualification which is valid in two different countries.
The process requires carrying out a research period at the two Universities for alternating periods preferably of equivalent duration and in any case for a minimum period of six months under the supervision of two supervisors, one/or for each Universities.
The research periods ends with a single exam following which a diploma (double or joint) recognized in both countries is issued.

To carry out a Cotutela, it is necessary to draw up a (nominative) Cotutela agreement, unless a Framework Agreement is specifically requested by the partner institution.

Currently the CRUI has signed Framework Agreements for Cotutela with France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland. In the case of Cotutela with Universities belonging to one of these countries, only the signing of the agreement is necessary.

The requirements to start the stipulation of the agreements are:

  • enrollment in a doctorate at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice (outgoing) or at a Foreign University (incoming);
  • acceptance by the supervisor of the Home istitution and the possible supervisor of the Host institution;
  • approval of the Teaching Board of the Doctoral program of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

For the period of stay abroad, PhD students who benefit from a scholarship can request an increase in the scholarship for a stay abroad.

Cotutela can only be implemented in favor of PhD students enrolled at the 1st or 2nd year of the course (or the 3rd in the case of a four-year duration of the course), who will submit their application within the established deadlines.
It is advisable to apply within the 1st year.
Motivated exceptions may be made, but it is not possible to stipulate a Cotutela in the last year of enrolment. Any other form of retroactive activation for the Cotutela in question is excluded.

The list of currently active Cotutela agreements can also be consulted.

Cotutele Agreements

How to proceed

The PhD student must:

  1. contact the competent offices of the foreign University in advance to verify obligations, deadlines and/or any envisaged constraints (recommended);
  2. identify a PhD programme at the foreign University with similar contents to the doctorate for which one is enrolled at Ca' Foscari University;
  3. identify one or more scientific referees (Thesis Directors/Supervisors) at the foreign University;
  4. submit a request to activate the Cotutela with a specific Application [ITA] completing the online form only in the following periods:
    1. from 1st to 31st October / from 1st to 28th February / from 1st to 30th June

Before applying online, make sure you have the PDF files (maximum 10 MB each) of the following mandatory attachments available:

  • letter of availability of foreign professor to act as Supervisor;
  • planning of jointly supervised research activities.

The PhD Office will be able to accept requests in derogation from the above periods only in the case of documented official deadlines at the foreign University in conflict with the deadlines indicated.

At the end of each acceptance period, the offices will:

  • Examines and approves the application by the Teaching Board of the PhD programme concerned, at the end of each activation period;
  • Contact the offices of the foreign University to sign the agreement;

The PhD student will therefore be able to subsequently enroll in the foreign University for the chosen PhD programme with possible enrollment fees required (enrollment may be requested by the foreign University before signing the agreement).

It is essential to find out about these aspects before applying for Cotutela as the fees required can be high.

The PhD student must:

  1. be already enrolled in a doctoral course at a foreign university;
  2. find at Ca' Foscari:
    1. a PhD programme with similar contents to the doctorate for which one is enrolled in the foreign University;
    2. one or more scientific referees (Thesis Director/Supervisor).
  3. Submit a request for activation of Cotutela with a specific Application completing the online form only in the following periods:
    1. from 1st to 31st October / from 1st to 28th February / from 1st to 30th June

Before applying online, make sure you have the PDF files (maximum 10 MB each) of the following mandatory attachments available:

  • letter of Ca' Foscari professor's availability to act as supervisor;
  • certificate attesting knowledge of the English language level B2; for exemptions and recognized certifications, consult the B2 level of English language web page; the B2 level must in any case be possessed at the time of enrollment at our University;
  • jointly supervised research proposal;
  • self-declaration (only for EU citizens) foreign university enrollment or enrollment certificate (other citizens);
  • signed curriculum vitae and studiorum;
  • copy of valid identity document.

At the end of each acceptance period, the offices will:

  1. Examines and approves the application by the Teaching Board of the PhD programme concerned, at the end of each acceptance period;
  2. Signing of the Agreement by the universities involved;
  3. Inform the PhD student of the steps relating to enrollment at Ca' Foscari University;

The PhD student's research activity will be subject to verification by the Thesis Director and the Doctorate Teaching Board both for the purpose of admission to the following year and for admission to the final exam.

Specifically, with regard to mission/travel expenses for the Commission responsible for the final exam, it should be noted that they are to be paid by the foreign University of the PhD student, unless otherwise specifically agreed.

Content of the Cotutelle Agreement

Ca' Foscari University can propose its own draft contract (bilingual) for individual Cotutela. The Framework Agreement is not mandatory, unless explicitly requested by the partner university.

The agreement must indicate:

  • the doctoral student's data;
  • the two supervisors;
  • the provisional title/subject of the thesis;
  • the expected mobility period (even if indicative) at the host University, which must be at least 6 months;
  • details on the final exam (for example the composition of the examination commission, the discussion methods, the discussion language) and the procedures for obtaining the degree;
  • the protection of intellectual property rights and research results and any other issues relevant to the Cotutela.

Doctor Europaeus

The Doctor Europaeus Certificate is a further label attached to the PhD Degree issued nationwide. It is neither a supranational academic qualification nor a title awarded by international institutions. This certification relies on the clauses stipulated by the Confederation of European Union Rectors Conferences and is acknowledged by the European University Association.

The certificate is issued by Ca' Foscari University, after deliberation by the Teaching Board, provided that the following conditions have been met:

  • at least two professors from two higher education institutions of two European countries, other than the one where the PhD thesis will be defended, must give their judgement concerning the manuscript. These referees are appointed by the Teaching Board. In addition, the referee records must be attached to the final examination;
  • at least one member of the jury must come from a higher education institution in European countries, other than the one where the PhD thesis will be defended;
  • part of the defence must take place in one of the official languages, other than the one(s) of the country where the PhD thesis will be defended; 
  • the PhD thesis must partly have been prepared as a result of a period of research of at least one trimester spent in another European country.

Any PhD students interested in obtaining Doctor Europaeus are asked to contact the Teaching Board of the specific PhD.

Opportunities of international mobility

Many of the international mobility opportunities managed centrally by Ca' Foscari University of Venice are open to PhD students: