Student - athlete
The status of student - athlete allows high-level athletes and other similar figures to combine sporting activities and university training: find out how.
Courses you can sign up for
As an athlete-student you can enrol in all degree courses and masters programs offered by the University except:
- the degree course in Digital Management;
- the degree course in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation;
- the degree course in Hospitality Innovation and e-Tourism;
- the Physics of the Brain curriculum of the degree course in Engineering Physics;
- inter-university degree courses whose administrative headquarters are not at Ca' Foscari.

You can apply for student - athlete status if:
- you have been selected for official competitions in the national teams belonging to National Sports Federations officially recognized by CONI for the sports disciplines represented at the Olympic and / or Paralympic, winter and summer games;
- you have reached the podium in the Olympic and / or Paralympic Games, in the World or European Championships, absolute or category or have acquired the title of Italian Champion, absolute or category, in one of the sports disciplines belonging to the National Sports Federations or in an associate sports discipline officially recognized by CONI;
- you have been summoned by your own Federation to the Universidad, to the World University Championships or to the EUSA Championships ;
- you have been summoned by CUS Venezia to take part in the University Winter and / or National Winter Championships representing the University, and at the finals you have finished in the first four places in the ranking, either individually or in teams;
- you are enrolled by CUS Venezia and take part in championships or official competitive federal activities and achieve the podium at the regional championships; or participate in national finals if you are practising individual sports; or participate in regional or national championships if you practice team sports. CUS Venezia athlete representatives who obtain results in international events may also apply, at which the same representatives will participate (identified annually by sporting discipline membership through provision by the President of the afore mentioned CUS);
- you are an arbiter, competition judge, coach summoned to represent Italy at the Olympic and / or Paralympic Games, World and European Championships, Universidad and World University Championships by the National Sport Federations officially recognized by CONI.
With the status of student - athlete you can earn all the credits required by the chosen course of study in a time equal to twice the normal duration of the course , namely:
- for three-year degree courses, up to a maximum of 6 years in case of enrolment in the first year, up to a maximum of 4 years in case of enrolment in the second year, up to a maximum of 2 years in case of registration in the third year;
- for master's degree courses up to a maximum of 4 years in case of enrolment in the first year, up to a maximum of 2 years in case of enrolment in the second year.
You can also:
- access to tutoring services and to the dedicated teaching material provided by the Student Support Services;
- agree a different exam date with the tutor if the one already established in the academic calendar coincides with or falls within the five days preceding or following the date of a sporting appointment for which you are selected to participate in, as attested by the federation to which you belong or by CONI. The request to change the exam date must be agreed with the tutor within 30 days of the same date. The exam will be transcribed by the tutor in standard form;
- request certification attesting to the specificity of the dual career.
You will also benefit from an assisted contribution program [a grant], through the payment of 65% of the amount due in university fees as compared to full-time students.
The regional tax for the right to study and stamp duty must be added to this amount.
With the status of student - athlete you may nonetheless access other facilities provided for the majority of students (scholarships, student collaborations, reduction in contributions).
How to request the status
Upon matriculation or transfer from another university
If you intend to enrol or transfer to Ca' Foscari requesting student - athlete status, you will first have to make sure that you meet all the requirements for admission to the chosen course of study.
In the case of scheduled access study courses , you will need to carefully consult the admission notices published in the course sheet, which can be accessed via the Presentation menu of the course mini-site.
To request the status you will have to:
- fill in the appropriate online form [ITA];
- upload, when completing the enrolment form, certification showing compliance with the requirements and the declaration of successful completion of the status request linked on this page.
Information on the procedure and matriculation deadlines are detailed on the appropriate web pages.
The request must be made within the deadlines for enrolment.
Upon registration for subsequent years
Students wishing to switch to Athlete status in subsequent years (after matriculation year) must have settled all their university tuition fees for the academic year 2024/2025 as well as for previous academic years, and must be on track with their studies.
To apply for the status of athlete student in the academic year 2024/25, you will need to fill in the appropriate online form [ITA] uploading the certification showing satisfaction of the requirements on your reserved area Esse3 Career>Attachments.
The status of Athlete Student can be requested:
- from 1st July to 17th December 2024.
In the transition from regular student to student - athlete status you will keep the year of registration, regardless of the number of CFUs [ECTS] acquired.
If you have acquired the student - athlete status, you agree, by 30 September of each academic year, to:
- acquire at least 24 CFUs;
- be in up to date with the payment of university fees;
- confirm satisfaction of the requirements for the current year of affiliation / registration to the respective Federations and Memberships recognized by CONI and to the CUS Venezia teams involved in official sports competitions at regional, national and international level (identified annually by sporting discipline in accordance with the directives of the President of the CUS his/herself);
- not to exceed the maximum number of 72 CFUs in two years .
In case you do not keep the afore mentioned requirements you will forfeit your student - athlete status.
The University reserves the right, at any time, to verify compliance with the requirements stated or documented at the time of the request.
Also as a student - athlete you agree to:
- promptly communicate your participation in major competitions or events, especially in the case of podium placings or award ceremonies;
- participate, in accordance with the sporting activity practised, in national and international university competitions for the University and/or the CUS (University Sports Centre), compatibly with your physical and athletic condition;
- guarantee your presence at presentation and/or orientation initiatives organised by the University by wearing clothing and/or accessories - bearing the Ca' Foscari logo - that will be provided to you by the University;
- offer to communicate or recount - in official channels such as social networks, interviews, etc. - your experience as a Ca' Foscari University student athlete.
Last update: 21/03/2025