Part-time students

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Who are part-time students?

Part-time students are students enrolled in either a bachelor’s or master’s degree programme who are given twice the time to complete their degree programmes and who are entitled to pay reduced tuition fees.

What courses can part-time students enrol in?

Part-time students can enrol in all the bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes offered by the University with the exception of:

  • the bachelor’s degree programme in Digital Management;
  • the bachelor’s degree programme in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation;
  • the master's degree programme Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration (MIM);
  • inter-university master’s degree programmes with an administrative office at another university.


To be eligible for part-time status students must meet the following requirements at the time of their application (enrolled students wishing to switch to part-time status must have paid all outstanding tuition fees and be on track with their studies):

  • they must work on a non-casual basis with a permanent employment contract or in self-employed or professional, public or private, full-time or part-time jobs, for no less than six months a academic year;
  • they must be involved on a continuous basis in caring for family members who are non self-sufficient for reasons linked to age, physical or mental health. Family members include children and siblings – up to the age of thirteen – their spouse, parents and grandparents;
  • they have an illness or disability that, while not affecting their capacity to learn, makes it impossible or inadvisable for them to attend classes and lessons, and to take the exams that full-time students are expected to take each academic year;
  • they are committed to a top-class sport at a national and or international level or involved in on-going voluntary work – performed for free and as an individual – on behalf of a national or international non-profit organization.
  • they are enrolled at university-level study programmes, pertaining to universities, equalized or higher education institutions, for which the law allows the contemporary enrollment to another study programme.

Candidates requesting part-time status for work reasons may submit self-certification. In all other cases you must provide a certificate to prove that you meet the requirements.

Financial aid

The University allows part-time students to obtain the credits necessary for their chosen degree course in twice the time normally allowed by their chosen degree programme. This means:

  • In the case of three-year programmes: up to a maximum of six years if you are in your first year, four years if you are in your second year, and two years if you are in your third year;
  • In the case of master’s degree programmes: up to a maximum of four years if you are in your first year and up to two years if you are in your second year.

Students will have access to tutoring services and to the dedicated teaching material provided by the Student Support Services.

Moreover, part-time students are entitled to a 65% reduction in their tuition fees (with respect to full-time students).
In addition to these fees, part-time students must also pay the minimum tax – the regional tax for financial aid – and stamp duty.

Part-time students are entitled to apply for other benefits available to students in general (scholarships, student collaborations and merit/income-based fee reductions).

How to apply for part-time status

Students intending to enrol at or transfer to Ca’ Foscari with a part-time status will firstly have to check that they meet the requirements laid down for admission to their chosen degree programme.

In case of limited admission degree courses, you should carefully check the calls for application published in the course description page.

Part-time status must be requested at the time of online pre-enrolment by:

  • completing the relative online application form [ITA];
  • uploading, when completing the enrolment application, the declaration of successful completion of the status request linked on this page.

The request must be made within the deadlines for enrollment.

Students wishing to switch to part-time status in subsequent years (after matriculation year) must have settled all their university tuition fees for the previous academic years.

Students enrolled in the successive additional year of their studies can not obtain the part-time students.

If you would like to request the part time status for the 2024/2025 academic year, you have to fill in the proper form uploanding a certificate attesting the applicant’s eligibility by accessing your reseverded area Esse3 Career> Attachments.

To apply for part-time status you must complete the relevant online form [IT] from 1st July to 17th December 2024.

Your year of enrolment does not change when you switch from full-time to part-time status, regardless of the number of recognized ECTS.

Contacts and reservations

Tutoring services

To improve your organization and academic results you can contact the educational and information tutors who can help you in your studies.

For additional information visit the page Tutors.


Students acquiring part-time student status undertake to:

  • maintain that status and not request a transfer to other programmes before completing two years of the programme in which they are currently enrolled. Part-time status is automatically maintained when enrolling in the new academic year;
  • to promptly communicate any relevant variations to the conditions that determined part-time status.

The University may at any time verify the requirements declared or documented at the time of the application.

Maximum number of credits that can be acquired to maintain the status:

  • no limit if you have obtained the status until academic year 2014/2015;
  • a maximum limit of 50 credits from October 1 to September 30 of the academic year. reference if you have obtained the status from the academic year 2015/2016 to the academic year 2017/2018;
  • a maximum limit of 72 credits in the two-year period if you have obtained the status from the academic year 2018/2019.

The University may at any time verify the requirements declared or documented at the time of the application.

Cancellation of part-time status

Your part-time status could be cancelled if:

  • You no longer meet the requirements that made you eligible;
  • you exceed the maximum limit of credits expected to maintain the status as indicated in the paragraph "conditions";
Contacts and reservations

In the event of the cancellation of your part-time status, the last year of enrolment will be considered a full-time year, also with regard to scholarships and to the reduction of tuition fees based on merit and income.

Only in the case of exceeding the maximum limit of expected credits, and your part-time status is cancelled, will you be required to pay the outstanding tuition fees (equivalent to the difference between full and subsidized part-time fees).

If you acquire part-time status from a.y. 2015/2016 onwards, you may change status on more than one occasion during your studies, provided that you maintain this status for at least two years.

Last update: 21/10/2024