MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses


Educational Programmes and Student Services Area - Educational Programmes Office, Innovative Educational Unit
tel. 041 234 7533

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are free courses that are entirely available online. The courses are designed for distance education with a large number of participants, who have different cultural backgrounds and come from different geographical areas. Therefore, MOOCs represent a flexible way of learning new skills and knowledge through a continuous learning experience


Ca' Foscari MOOCs are open to all:  

  • students who want to learn the basic knowledge useful for university studies;
  • graduates and workers;
  • anyone who wants to strengthen their knowledge for professional activities or lifelong learning.

Ca’ Foscari MOOCs have been available for several years on EduOpen: these MOOCs cover a wide range of topics, such as economics, literature, art history, sustainability.

Starting in 2025, new MOOCs will be developed within the Edvance project on the development of advanced digital skills.

Last update: 21/03/2025