Outgoing Visiting Students

Bandierine di stati

The Ca' Foscari University of Venice promotes the international education of its students by means of European, overseas and Double/Joint Degree programmes, but they can also spend a study period abroad using other forms of placement, acquiring the status of Visiting Student and recognition of ECTS obtained abroad.

Contacts and reservations

Standard of safety at destination

Inquire about the general standard of safety of your destination. Read carefully, sign and send to the Mobility Unit the attached Disclaimer and Authorization – Emergency contact before your departure.

Visiting Students - general programme

How to participate

If you are enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree programme at Ca' Foscari and you wish to spend a mobility period abroad as a Visiting Student, you must first check the regulations of the foreign university where you wish to spend your study period.

You must then formalize your request to Ca' Foscari according to the following procedure:

  • Submit the form, completed and signed by the Chairperson of the Teaching Committee or their representative, to the International Office – Mobility Unit.

You may study abroad as a Visiting Student for a maximum period of one academic year and obtain the recognition of up to 60 university credits. You must be regularly enrolled in a Ca' Foscari study course for the entire mobility duration.

Before your departure

The recognition of activities to be carried out abroad must be agreed upon in advance with the Teaching Committee responsible for your Study Programme.

In particular, you must complete the relevant online form and submit it to the Chairperson of the Teaching Committee or to their representative. Then send it to the International Relations Office – Mobility sector at  international.mobility@unive.it along with the Disclaimer and the Emergency contact form.

Remember that in order to be recognised exams must be included in your study plan at the time of submission of your request.

Upon your return to Italy

After completing your study period abroad you must submit the Transcript of Records, the Confirmation of Arrival and Departure form and the Credit recognition form signed by your academic coordinator to the International Office – Mobility Unit ( international.mobility@unive.it)

Visiting Students - specific programmes

Ca' Foscari University of Venice has recently signed an agreement with the University of Klagenfurt (Austria): according to this new agreement, Ca' Foscari students will be allowed to attend a total virtual mobility for the second semester (a.y.2022/23), with no tuition fees.
This initiative is addressed to the first 10 students who apply by January, 31st 2023. The course list can be found attached to this paragraph. Should this office receive more than 10 applications, only the application with the largest number of recognizable credits will be accepted.

How to apply:

  • please, send an email to  international.mobility@unive.it putting as object: "Klagenfurt": please, do not forget to attach the "Visiting Student Application Module", which has to be filled out and duly signed in all its parts;
  • at the very beginning of February, the International Office staff will edit the results' selection and will send the nominees' list to the University of Klagenfurt.

The International Master in Cinema Studies (IMACS) is a network of 17 universities in France, Italy, England, Germany, Spain, Scotland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, canada and Brasil, that offers an international postgraduate programme, dedicated to cinema and media studies.
IMACS students selected by the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage to carry out one or two mobilities with the status of Visiting Students wil have to follow the procedures described below. 
The selected students must be regularly enrolled in the MA History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage before undertaking the mobility. During the mobility it is not possible to carry out any didactic activity at Ca' Foscari.

Procedures for selected students

Before departure:

Before your return to Italy:

Upon your return to Italy:

The Warwick International Intensive Study Programme (WIISP) is a short-term mobility offered by the

  • Intensive modules of 2 - 4 weeks
  • Innovative working methods
  • 7.5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)
  • Participation of both international students and students from the University of Warwick
  • No registration fees

Ca' Foscari university of Venice has decided to join, for the a.y. 2023/2024 the Warwick International Intenstive Study Programme (WIISP) organised by the University of Warwick (Coventry, United Kingdom), partner of Ca' Foscari within the European University EUTOPIA.

Eutopia European University

How to apply

The description of the following procedures is addressed to students officially selected for a mobility in the frame of a WIISP by the University of Warwick.
Procedures and documents might be subject to change. Students are invited to check their institutional e-mail account (studentnumber@stud.unive.it) and this page regularly.
Failing to comply with the procedures described below or in the Call or communicated via e-mail might result, in the most significant cases, in the cancellation of the mobility.

Before the departure

  • Follow the instructions that will be sent to you by Ca' Foscari University of Venice and theUniversity of Warwick.
  • Fill out the WIISP visiting module. To find out who is your coordinator, please read the Responsible Teachers document attached
  • Check that your ID or passport are valid for the entire mobility period.
  • Make sure well in advance that you hold all the travel documents required to enter and stay in the
  • country of your mobility and request the required documents to the relevant authorities
  • (document procedures may take more than 90 days). The immigration team is available to provide
  • support ( immigrationteam@unive.it).
  • Contact your local health authority (ASL) to find out if your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)entitles you to healthcare in your chosen destination country or whether you need supplementary health insurance. For detailed information on all countries see the website of the Ministry of Health [ITA]
  • Register at www.viaggiaresicuri.it [ITA] and inquire about the general standard of safety of your destination.  
  • Sign and send to  international.mobility@unive.it the disclaimer for international mobility students that you can find attached
  • Make accomodation and travel arrangements.

After the mobility

Last update: 21/03/2025