Recognition of qualifications, equivalence of degrees taken under the old university systems

Concept of recognition according to the purpose

With the ratification of the Lisbon Convention, as determined by Law n. 148 of 11 July, 2002, the concept of recognition according to the purpose was introduced in Italy. 

It is therefore fundamental to know the purpose and the objective for which a recognition is requested by our system before beginning any evaluation procedure, taking into account the different existing procedures in our legislation and the different bodies responsible for such implementations. 

For what purpose is the recognition of foreign qualification requested in Italy?

The answer to this question will immediately indicate the most adequate procedure and the authority responsible for its performance: without this preliminary indication, both the authority and the holder of the foreign qualification risk not gaining any useful result for their aims, as well as wasting time in longer and more complicated procedures that could nullify the recognition request.

Procedure of recognition according to the purpose

Category Purpose of recognition Responsible body Legislative reference
Academic recognition Admission to a course/Furthering of study
Shortening of course/Recognition of period of study/Recognition of credits
Nostrification procedure (equipollenza)
Universities and AFAM institutions Art. 2, Law 148/2002

We would like to remind applicants that universities are not in charge for the recognition of foreign qualifications for accessing public calls (i.e. “Accesso all’insegnamento”).
In case the purpose for the recognition is not an academic one, on the following link you can find more information on regards of all the kind of procedures for the recognition of an international qualification.

Obtain the corrisponding Italian qualification

Period for submission of request

All year. In the event that you wish to obtain recognition of your qualifications for the purpose of enrolment, all the relevant information regarding the are available on the specific pages dedicated to specific degree programmes using the menu Enrol>Admission.

Contacts and reservations


To request recognition of an international academic qualification in order to obtain the corresponding  Italian qualification you need to submit your request with a revenue stamp to the Welcome Unit.

Please contact the Welcome Unit via email ( before sending the request, in order to verify the purpose of the recognition.

The following documents must be attached to your request:

  • valid ID (for EU and Italian applicants only) or passport;
  • original academic qualification (Diploma/Final Certificate), translated into English or Italian language;
  • CIMEA Statement of comparability to be requested through the CIMEA-Ca' Foscari DiploMe platform OR Declaration of Value OR Diploma Supplement (only if based on the international model developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO and this should be stated inside the Diploma Supplement, usually in the preamble at the beginning. The awarding institution must be located in a country adhering to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA);
  • Transcript of records/list of exams taken, translated into Italian or English language and legalised (including hours spent carrying out eventual theoretical-practical activities);
  • Official syllabus of the exams/activities carried out during the academic qualification, translated into English or Italian language.
    In order to be official syllabus must be printed with the university/higher institution letterhead and stamped and signed (digital signatures are accepted);
  • Official translations of the above-mentioned documents: translations must be done by an official translator (i.e. university, sworn translator, professional agency,...)
  • any other qualifications obtained after your degree if relevant, legalised and accompanied by Diploma Supplement; or Declaration of Value; or the CIMEA Statement of comparability;
  • a receipt for the payment of 300,00 Euros. Once the recognition procedure has started, you will no longer be able to obtain the refund of the fee paid.

Payment must be done through PagoPa before sending the documentation: payment for academic recognition.

The procedure can be carried out:

  • by certified email: copy of the above-mentioned documentation can be sent to:;
  • by post: copy of the above-mentioned documentation can be sent by registered mail with return receipt to the following address: Università Ca' Foscari Venezia – International Office – Welcome Unit, Ca' Foscari, Dorsoduro 3246 - 30123 Venice.

Original documents are not needed.


The teaching committee will usually confirm total or partial recognition of the international academic qualification submitted within 90 days after receiving your request:

  • partial recognition: it will indicate the year of enrolment and number of credits recognised as well as the number of credits that must be acquired to obtain the corresponding Italian academic qualification;
  • in the case of total recognition, you will be awarded only the relative Italian academic qualification bearing both the name of the international qualification and the name given to the equivalent Ca’ Foscari qualification.

Admission to degree programmes

If you are an EU or non-EU student with an international qualification and you wish to enrol in a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at Ca' Foscari, you must previously request a preliminary online evaluation of your qualifications through a specif procedure. This latter will require you to upload the necessay documentation on a specific online portal, through which you will be informed of the process outcome.

More information on regards of the preliminary online evaluation are available on this link.

Contacts and reservations

The relevant legislation

Under the Agreement between the Italian Republic and the Republic of Austria, the so-called 'Scambio di Note’ of 16 and 17 February 2003, in force from 1.04.2003, which completes and updates the list of corresponding academic qualifications attached to the ‘Scambio di Note’ of 28 January 1999, and which introduces a table of corresponding grades in application of the decisions made by a 16th  Joint Committee of experts, there is full equivalence between the academic qualifications and grades issued by Italian and Austrian universities and contained in the attached list.

Contacts and reservations

Under the aforementioned ‘Scambio di Note’ the recognition of an academic qualification in Italy is considered to confer equivalence. The recognition of an academic qualification allows the individual concerned to acquire all rights connected to possession of the corresponding degree obtained at an Italian university after completing the foreseen study programme. 

Which qualifications can be recognised?

Only Austrian academic qualifications contained in the list attached to the ‘Scambio di Note’ will be recognised. Moreover, Università Ca' Foscari will only issue equivalence for academic qualifications included in its own programme and in the list attached to the ‘Scambio di Note’.

Period for submission of request

All year long. In the event that you wish to obtain recognition of your qualifications for the purpose of enrolment, the deadline will be 31 May of the previous academic year. For example: if you wish to enrol in September 2015 (AY 2015/16) you will need to obtain recognition of your international qualification by 31 May 2015.

Required documentation

  • Fully compiled and signed request to be submitted to the Welcome Unit, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Dorsoduro 3246 - 30123 Venice (also by registered mail with return receipt) together with a 16-euro revenue stamp;
  • both the original and a photocopy of the document awarding the academic grade ("Bescheid");
  • both the original and a photocopy of your high school diploma;
  • two photocopies of your current ID/passport;
  • both the original and a photocopy of all certificates of additional exams if necessary for recognition of your qualification;
  • certificate (both original and copy) issued by the Austrian university concerned showing final grade ("Gesamtnote");
  • receipt for payment of 300.00 euros by bank transfer, giving “Riconoscimento titoli austriaci” (recognition of Austrian qualifications) as reason for payment.


You must submit your request along with all the necessary documentation to the Welcome Unit.

The procedure usually takes 90 days. Once the recognition procedure has been commenced, you will no longer be able to obtain the reimbursement of the fee paid.

Once the procedure has been completed, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia will ask you to come in person to collect your certificate of recognition, equivalence diploma and original documentation.

You may also authorise someone to collect your documentation on your behalf. In this case they must bring with them a letter of authorisation signed by you, a photocopy of your ID and a photocopy of their own ID.

Once the certificate of recognition has been issued, the procedure is considered to have been completed.

The certificate of recognition has legal value while the diploma is intended for personal use.

What is an equivalence?

If you participate in a competition for access to public employment and you are required to hold a degree in a given class, pursuant to the D.M. July 9, 2009 Ca’ Foscari has prepared a procedure to define the equivalence of their degrees before D.M. 509/1999 (degrees of the old system) to the corresponding degree/specialization degree classes and specialized degrees D.M. 509/1999 to the corresponding master degree classes D.M 270/2004

Equivalence request

To obtain an equivalence, you have to fill out the equivalence request form and submit it:

  • in persona to the L and LM Student Careers Sector;
  • via email, duly signed, attaching a copy of a valid ID, to the address:

The application will be evaluated by the competent educational bodies. In the event of a favorable opinion, a certification certifying the correspondence to a single specialist /magisterial degree among those provided and offered by the University will be issued.

Attention: to submit an application it is absolutely necessary to indicate the public competition for which the equivalence is necessary.

The graduate will be notified via an email of the obtained equivalence and can verify it by downloading a degree certificate autonomously from the reserved area.

PhD recognition

It is possible to apply to the University for direct recognition through an assessment procedure of the foreign PhD aimed at granting a corresponding Italian third-cycle degree, with legal value throughout Italy.

On the other hand, recognition for the purposes of participation in public competitions for the recruitment of personnel (Art. 38, par. 3 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 165/2001) is the responsibility of the Italian Ministry of University and Research.

Documents required

  • Copy of ID;
  • PhD diploma;
  • Certificate of completion of the PhD (stating the date of enrolment and completion of the degree, name of the PhD programme and academic years of enrolment, and any examinations taken). Alternatively, should the applicant be in possession of one, a Diploma Supplement may be attached;
  • Declaration of Value (in-loco): only in the case of a degree awarded in a non-EU country, a Declaration of Value issued by the relevant Embassy shall also be attached (stating that the degree is a third-level qualification, what the PhD qualification is and whether it gives access to post-doc competitions; the declaration should also state whether the University is accredited in that country for the issuance of valid degrees);
  • Copy of the PhD thesis as filed; 
  • Abstract of the PhD thesis in English;
  • PhD qualification: certificate relating to the title with which the PhD was accessed (e.g., Master's degree if obtained in Italy) indicating the duration of studies;
  • Resume in European format;
  • Any letters of reference.


Before contacting the University to submit an official application for direct recognition according to the procedures indicated below, applicants must identify Ca' Foscari University of Venice PhD with which the foreign degree can be compared, by type and subject area, at the web pages of the University’s PhD programmes.

Contacts and reservations

The application for recognition must be submitted as follows:

  • Register on the University website Those who are already in possession of access credentials to the Reserved Area as former students do not need to register;
  • Access the reserved area of the University website using SPID credentials or University credentials (former students);
  • Fill in the web form the path Menù > Segreteria >Test di Valutazione > Riconoscimento Accademico Dottorato di Ricerca (Menu > Secretariat > Evaluation Test > PhD Academic Recognition);
  • At the end of the procedure, click on the Payments button to complete the payment of a EUR 600 assessment fee for the degree submitted (once the recognition procedure has started, you will no longer be able to obtain the refund of the paid fee).

Upon verification of the completeness and correctness of the documentation submitted, the Academic Board of the PhD Programme corresponding to the foreign degree for which recognition is requested will assess the contents and decide on the acceptance of the request for recognition.

For the purposes of the formal and substantive assessment of the degree, applicants may be asked for clarifications and/or additions to the documentation.

The foreign qualification assessment process is normally concluded within 90 days of the request, without prejudice to the need for a more thorough examination and the request for additional documentation.

If the outcome of the assessment is positive, the applicant will receive the Rectoral Decree certifying recognition of the corresponding Italian PhD degree for academic purposes.

Partial recognition of the PhD degree is not possible.

Last update: 21/10/2024