Suspension, resumption, withdrawal or forfeiture

Libro aperto

What is a suspension?

Students enrolled in first- or second-cycle degree programmes may suspend their studies for a period of no less than one academic year for reasons (outlined below) preventing regular attendance.

You may not suspend your studies during the first year of a limited access degree programme.

What does suspension involve?

  • During the period of suspension you will not be allowed to carry out any career steps (for example, submit your study plan, take exams, change degree programme, change from the old to the new university system);
  • moreover, ECTs acquired during attendance of the new study programme will not be recognised following the period of suspension;
  • the period of suspension will not be considered by assessments leading to loss of student status;
  • however, the period of suspension will be taken into account when attributing speed bonuses for the final grade of Bachelor's degree programmes.

If you want to apply for the benefits for the right to education we remind you that the period of suspension will not be taken into account for the purpose of counting the years of enrolment. Before asking for the period of suspension, please contact the Financial Aid Unit.

Acceptable reasons and fees for suspension of studies

Acceptable reasons for suspension of studies are listed below:

  1. military or civilian service, for the academic year in which service is mainly carried out;
  2. enrolment in other university programmes. You do not need to interrupt your studies if enrolling in institutes of music (conservatories) or in other non-university courses;
  3. birth of a child or adoption, this applies exclusively to the academic year corresponding to the year of birth or adoption. In this case interruption may be requested by either the father or mother of the child;
  4. serious prolonged illness, subject to provision of certification
  5. assistance to non self-sufficient relatives for physical or mental health reasons. Relatives (up to the 2nd degree), children and siblings up to their age of 13 years, and the student's spouse are considered relatives to the affects of this standard. The non-self-sufficient condition of the relative must be adequately proven and documented.

A suspension made for reasons 3, 4 and 5 is free, while an suspension made for reasons 1 and 2 requires the payment of a fee of 300,00 Euro for each year interrupted.

In the event that you have already paid university tuition for the academic year in which you request the suspesion, no refund will be made, with the exception of the cases referred to in point 4 for which a case by case assessment will be carried out, also in relation to the period of the academic year for which suspension is requested.

Useful period and method of application

The suspension application shall be submitted:

  • for the reasons laid down in points 1, 2, 3 and 5 before the suspension period;
  • for the reasons laid down in point 4, before and after the suspension period.

In order to complete the application you shall fill in the request by logging your Reserved Area and choose Esse3/Career/Application for Suspension of Studies

In case of severe and extended infirmity you shall attach a medical certificate and in case of assistance to non self-sufficient relatives for physical or mental health reasons you shall also attach a self-certification which shows up the degree of kinship.

The certificate have to be released by the family medicine physician who will declare the you will not able to attend the lessons due to medical reasons.

Please note the certificate should not show the pathology but it should clearly shows the period.

You will then be contacted by the student administration unit  to proceed with the punctual payment of the amounts due (including a 16,00 Euro stamp) directly from your personal area.

The interruption will be effective after payment of the amounts due.

However, we suggest that you start a request for assistance by choosing from the scroll-down menu "Student career and Degree/Suspension, Resumption, Withdrawal and Forfeiture" to know the exact amount of due fees.

What is resumption?

Students enrolled in the Bachelor’s and Master’s courses, who have not renewed their enrollment for at least one academic year for reasons other than those foreseen for the interruption, can resume their studies after the interruption period by submitting an appropriate application.

What it involves

  • During the period of interruption you will not be allowed to carry out any career steps (for example, submit your study plan, take exams, change degree programme, change from the old to the new university system);
  • the period of interruption will not be considered by assessments leading to loss of student status; 
  • however, the period of interruption will be taken into account when attributing speed bonuses for the final grade of Bachelor's degree programmes.

If you want to apply for the benefits for the right to education we remind you that the period of interruption will not be taken into account for the purpose of counting the years of enrolment. Please contact the Right to Education Office before the end of your period of interruption.


The resumption of studies forsees the following amounts:

  • fixed contribution up to a maximum of 3 years: 300.00 euro per year;
  • flat-rate contribution for a period exceeding 3 years: 1.000,00 euro.

Useful period and method of application

The request for resumption of studies shall be presented at the beginning of the academic year for which you intend to renew  enrolment.

In order to complete the application, you shall fill in an ad-hoc form and attach a photocopy of a valid identity document.

You will then be contacted by the student career division to proceed to the timely payment of the dues (including a 16.00-Euro revenue stamp) directly from your Reserved Area

The resumption of studies will be effective after the payment of the amounts due.

However, we suggest that you start a request for assistance by choosing from the scroll-down menu "Student career and Degree/Suspension, Resumption, Withdrawal and Forfeiture" to know the exact amount of due fees.

What is withdrawal?

Withdrawal is the official statement of your intention to give up your university studies.

It is irrevocable and causes the annulment of the university career you carried out, with the exception of, in case of future registration to another degree program, to request  previously acquired credit recognition through a specific evaluation procedure by the Academic body in charge.

Withdrawal period

You may withdraw from your studies at any time. Bear in mind that:

  • If you enrolled in AY 2024/2025 paying the first installment of the tuition fees and:

    • you submit the application to withdraw from your studies by December 17th 2024  you do not have to deposit the second and third installment.  Under no circumstances  will  you obtain a refund of the first;
    • you submit the application to withdraw from your studies by March 1st 2025  you do not have to deposit the third installment.  Under no circumstances  will  you obtain a refund of the first and second;
    • you submit the application to withdraw from your studies after March 1st 2025, you must deposit the third installment ( in its entirety or calculated on the basis of the of merit/income in case you can benefit from any reductions), anyway, the right to a refund of the first or second installment will lapse if due.

  • If you enrolled in AY 2023/2024 paying the first installment of the tuition fees and:

    • you submit the application to withdraw from your studies by December 11th 2023  you do not have to deposit the second and third installment.  Under no circumstances  will  you obtain a refund of the first;
    • you submit the application to withdraw from your studies by March 1st 2024  you do not have to deposit the third installment.  Under no circumstances  will  you obtain a refund of the first and second;
    • you submit the application to withdraw from your studies after March 1st 2024, you must deposit the third installment ( in its entirety or calculated on the basis of the of merit/income in case you can benefit from any reductions), anyway, the right to a refund of the first or second installment will lapse if due.

  • If you have just registered  to and open-access program or you are a student enrollend in second year and you submit your withdrawal within  five working days following the deposit of the first installment of the university taxes, you have  the right to a refund of the sum you deposited.

Method of application 

All due fees until the last academic year you have enrolled shall be settled and you shall fill in the request by logging your Reserved Area and choose  Esse3/Career/Application for Withdrawal from Studies.

Please remember to attach the receipt for the online payment of the 16.00 euro revenue stamp.



Remember that if you have paid the first instalment of your university tuition fees and fail to pay the second or third instalment, this does not mean you have withdrawn from your studies: you must formalise your withdrawal by carrying out the steps described above.

Once registered, you will have no right to receive a  refund of the first installment of the tuition fees.

If you were eligible or a recipient of a regional scholarship and you decide to withdraw from your studies, you should contact the Financial Aid Unit: you will lose the right to financial aid and will be required to pay any outstanding tuition fees. You will also be required to pay back any scholarship money that you may have received.

If  you are a scholarship recipient  you will have to remit the sums that have been granted to you.

What is forfeiture?

You forfeit your studies when you lose your student status after a period of didactic inactivity.


You will be forfeited from a bachelor’s or master's degree programme if you fail to obtain marks (including rejected or refused) for eight consecutive academic years following the expiry of the normal duration of the course of study.

The normal duration of the course of study (four years for degree programmes as per Ministerial Decree 509/1999; three years for bachelor’s degree programmes; two years for master's/specialist degree programmes) is doubled if you are enrolled with part-time or athlete status and/or if you have a recognised disability level equal to or greater than 66% or a disability recognised pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1 of Italian Law No. 104 of 5 February 1992.

For the purposes of calculating forfeiture, it should be noted that:

  • the academic year ends on 30 September of the year following the year of enrolment;
  • years of interruption are counted for forfeiture purposes;
  • years of suspension are not counted for forfeiture purposes;
  • the payment of fees does not interrupt the forfeiture period.

If you have switched courses or transferred from another university in the course of your career, all the years of enrolment (in both courses) will be counted for forfeiture purposes.

To whom it appplies

Forfeiture applies to all enrolled students regardless of their year of enrolment.

Forfeiture does not apply to those who have failed to sit only the final examination, irrespective of the course of study in which they are enrolled.

All students may contact the Student Administration Unit BA and Ma for information on their career status.

What can you do

In the event that you have lapsed from your course of study, you may register for a bachelor’s and/or master's degree programmes by requesting recognition of any credits.

Last update: 21/03/2025