Changing your degree programme, system or University

An intra-university transfer is what happens when a student enrolled at Ca’ Foscari decides to change to another degree programme within the same university system at Ca' Foscari.
Planned access courses
If you want to make the transition to a course with planned access, you must follow the instructions and methods present on the admissions page. Select the chosen course of study in the menu below.
Bachelor's degree programmes
Master's degree programmes
Free access courses
You will be able to present the internal conversion application:
- from 1st August to 30th September 2024 for all degree and Master’s courses;
- from 1st to 30th October 2024 for all degree courses. You will be subject to a late payment of 50.00 euro;
- from 1st October to 17th December 2024 if you are enrolled in a Master's Degree Course: if you have not enrolled within the window from 1st October to 17th December 2024 you will be subject a late payment amounting to 50.00 euro.
You can transition to a free access course with the following procedure
OFA verification / access requirements
- For Degrees you will need to verify that you have the prerequisite knowledge required for each course of study and have completed the OFA at the time of the transfer, otherwise you will not be able to take exams until they are completed. You can find information about the OFA for each three-year degree course on a special web page, accessible from the menu Academics and services>Degrees and Master’s Degrees and, after selecting the Degree course, Enrol>Admissions;
- for the Master's degrees you will need to verify that you have the access requirements before presenting the internal conversion application the access requirements and verification methods are described, for each Master's degree course, on a special web page, accessible from the menu Academics and services>Degrees and Master’s degrees and, after selecting the Master’s course, Enrol>Admissions.
Credit recognition request
In order to present the internal conversion application to a Degree course you will have to apply for credit recognition at the Campus Offices between 6th May and 16th September 2024.
In order to present the internal conversion application to a Master's degree course you need to present the recognition request when completing the request of evaluation of access requirements.
For career recognition you will have to contact the Campus services for the degree courses from economic, linguistic, scientific and humanistic disciplines, the Campus of Treviso services for the courses related to this site.
Remember to report any exams that have been taken and not yet recorded.
The registration year will be determined on the basis of the number of recognized credits:
- up to 47: admission to the 1st year of the programme
- from 48 to 107: admission to the 2nd year of the programme
- from 108 and above: admission to the 3rd year of the programme
- up until 47 CFU: admission to the 1st year of the programme
- from 48 CFU and above: admission to the 2nd year of the programme
Submission of internal transition request
The procedures foreseen for the request of internal transition include the following steps and must be carried out after you have received and accepted the credit recognition card and after registering for the academic year by paying the first instalment:
- payment of first instalment;
- completion of the online course change procedure, within your Personal Area go to the menu > Student Secretarial Services - S3 > Course transition. The completion of the online procedure implies implicit acceptance of the credit recognition form prepared by the Campus / Departmental teaching office;
- upload of signed Learning Agreement in your personal area to ESSE3 Career > Attachments;
- payment of the stamp duty of 16.00 euro, within your Personal Area under the menu “Payments”;
- completion of the internal transition request by the Student Careers Sector L and LM, the conclusion of which will be communicated by email.
Subsidies and Financial Aid
If you wish to receive forms of financial aid (such as the reduction of tuition fees and/or a scholarship) you should read the regulations on the relative web page and then contact the Financial Aid Unit to request a consultation once you have obtained the recognition of your credits and before proceeding with your transfer request.
This will help you to assess whether you should continue with your application for intra-university transfer or whether it would cost less to withdraw and re-enrol with recognition of credits.
What is an option or change of system?
By exercising this ‘option’ students enrolled in the old university system who have interrupted their studies or are behind with their exams can start studying again by requesting an assessment of their credits on the basis of the exams already taken and the reorganisation of their study plan in compliance with the university system currently in force (under Italian Ministerial Decree 270/2004).
The ‘option’ is irrevocable: once your career recognition proposal has been accepted, you will no longer be able to return to the previous system.
In order for your ‘option’ request to be finalised, you must have settled all your tuition fees including the first instalment of your fees for the academic year 2024/2025.
Request for recognition of credits
To obtain recognition of your previous student career, you need to contact the Campus services for degree programmes in the economic, linguistic, scientific and humanistic areas, the Treviso campus service for the study programmes held there, from 6th May and before 16th September 2024.
What are the advantages?
- Bonus for degree grade (your final grade will only take into account the year in which you enrolled as a student in the degree programme established under the new university system, not the total number of years of your enrolment);
- Students enrolled in a study programme established prior to the introduction of Ministerial Decree 509/99 (four-year degrees) will be allocated 6 credits for six-month courses and 12 credits for annual courses taken; students enrolled in a study programme established under Ministerial Decree 509/99, will be allocated 6 credits for any 4 or 5 credit exams taken, and 12 credits for any 8 or 10 credit exams taken;
- automatic exemption from OFA (Additional Learning Requirements), exluding the B1 English language requirement;
- possibility of taking the final exam in advance, as from the March 2025 session.
Year of enrolment
Depending on the number of credits recognised students requesting this “option" will be admitted to one of the degree programmes below:
- up to 47: admission to the 1st year of the programme
- from 48 to 107: admission to the 2nd year of the programme
- from 108 and above: admission to the 3rd year of the programme
- up until 47 CFU: admission to the 1st year of the programme
- from 48 CFU and above: admission to the 2nd year of the programme
Submission of option request
You can submit your option request from 1th August to 17th December 2024.
The procedures laid down for the an intra-university transfer request involve the following stages, which must be carried out after you have received and accepted your recognition of credits sheet:
- compilation of the online option procedure in your Personal Area under the heading > Online student services - Esse3 > Change of degree programme/option. The compilation of the online procedure is considered as an implicit acceptance of the credit recognition sheet drawn up by the Campus Administrative Office/Department Teaching Offices;
- payment of 16.00 euro in stamp duty by going to your Personal Area and the heading “Payments”. The transfer can only be completed if you have paid stamp duty;
- finalisation of your inter-university transfer request by the L and LM Student Career Area – after its conclusion you will receive a confirmation email.
In case of option towards a Master's degree programme you will need to have passed the check of curricular requirements: the procedure and deadlines are listed on the website of the Master's degree programme.
Before requesting a transfer to another Italian university (inter-university transfer) remember to inform yourself about the dates and procedures in place at the university that you wish to transfer to.
Remember that the following transfers are not allowed:
- transfers to non-Italian universities, fine art academies or music conservatories;
- transfers if you are enrolled in the 1st year of a limited access degree programme: you could eventually withdraw from your studies and then enrol in a study programme at an other university;
- transfers to other universities if you have not settled your tuition fees first.
Time Period
- 1st July - 30th September 2024 (no payment of the first installment is required)
- 1st October - 17th December 2024 (payment of the first installment is required)
Method of application
You shall complete an ad-hoc form and attach:
- a receipt of the payment of 16.00 euro (revenue stamp for the transfer request) payable online;
- a copy of a valid identity document;
- transfer authorization issued by the university you intend to transfer to, if the degree course requires scheduled admission.
From the time of submission of the transfer request, you may not take any career-related action.
If the transfer request is not completed at the University of destination, the latter will return the documentation to Ca' Foscari University and you shall pay the full amount of university tuition and fees for the academic year 2024/2025.
Last update: 21/03/2025