Stefano FLORIS

Subject expert
Website (personal record)
Department of Humanities

Stefano Floris Two Fragments of Punic Wheel-Made Clay Figurines from the Tophet of Bithia - Su Cardolinu (Domus de Maria - South Sardinia) in GERION, vol. 42, pp. 421-438 (ISSN 0213-0181)
- URL correlato 2024, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/5084287

Stefano Floris From the Levant to Sardinia, via North Africa and Cyprus. Some remarks on the stone thrones known as “stepped altars” from the Tophet of Tharros in CARTAGINE. STUDI E RICERCHE, vol. 8 (ISSN 2532-3563)
DOI - URL correlato 2023, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/5030120

Stefano Floris Il tofet di Tharros , Roma, CNR Edizioni, vol. 52 (ISBN 978 88 8080 532 8; 978 88 8080 533 5) (ISSN 1591-8882)
2022, Scientific monograph or treatise - ARCA card: 10278/5016982

Stefano Floris; Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo A new inscribed stele from the Tophet of Nora. A note on the Punic votive stone monuments reused in the Church of Sant’Efisio (Pula, Sardinia) in RIVISTA DI STUDI FENICI, vol. L, pp. 197-218 (ISSN 0390-3877)
- URL correlato 2022, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/5023360

Stefano Floris Architettura templare a Tharros - I. Il "Tempio monumentale" o "delle semicolonne doriche" fra tarda punicità e romanizzazione in BYRSA, vol. 25-26 27-28, pp. 39-79 (ISSN 1721-8071)
2016, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/3715454