Giuseppe DE BONIS

Scientific sector (SSD)
Lingua, traduzione e linguistica inglese [ANGL-01/C]
Website (personal record)
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Where: Palazzo Cosulich
Interdepartmental School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship
Where: Treviso - Palazzo San Paolo

Giuseppe De Bonis, PhD, is currently a researcher in English Language, Linguistics and Translation at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy), Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies. 

He graduated in Communication Studies from the University of Bologna (Italy), majoring in film studies and sociology. After obtaining an MA in Screen Translation (University of Bologna at Forlì), during which he carried out his internship with AIDAC - Associazione Italiana Dialoghisti e Adattatori Cinetelevisivi [Italian Association of Dubbing Dialogue Writers and Adapters] in Rome, he enrolled on a PhD Programme in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies at the University of Bologna at Forlì, where he conducted his research on the audiovisual translation of multilingual films under the supervision of Prof. Delia Chiaro.

After defending his PhD thesis in July 2015, he also completed an MA in Teaching Italian as a Second Language at the University of Naples "L'Orientale" in October 2016.

From March 2017 to February 2020, he was Research Fellow at the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, where he had the role of Management & Dissemination Assistant for the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 project TRANSMIT - TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis.

From April 2020 to March 2021, he was Research Fellow at the Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna, Forlì Campus, where he carried out a research project on the perception and consumption of TV series dubbed into Italian (Italy Dubs).

From March to August 2021, he was Adjunct Lecturer in English Language and Translation at the University of Naples "L'Orientale", where he taught English Language II (Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis) for the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Language, Literatures and Cultures of Europe and the Americas, and English Language (English for Diplomatic Purposes) for the Master’s Degree Programme in International Relations.




De Bonis, G. (2024). Multilingual films: A portrayal of language contact on screen. Napoli: Paolo Loffredo. ISBN 979-12-81068-41-4



- Agorni, M. & De Bonis, G. (eds.). (2022). Collaboration in Translation: From Training to Platforms and Publishing. Napoli: Paolo Loffredo. ISBN 979-12-81068-04-9



- Chiaro, D. & De Bonis, G. (2020). Multilingualism and Translation on Screen. In Ł. Bogucki & M. Deckert (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility (pp. 687-711). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

- De Bonis, G. (2015). Mediating intercultural encounters on screen. The representation of non-professional interpreting in film. In R. Antonini & C. Bucaria (eds.), Non-professional Interpreting and Translation in the Media (pp. 43-64). Bern: Peter Lang.

- De Bonis, G. (2014). Dubbing multilingual films between neutralisation and preservation of lingua-cultural identities: a critical review of the current strategies in Italian dubbing. In M. Pavesi, M. Formentelli & E. Ghia (eds.), The Languages of Dubbing: Mainstream Audiovisual Translation in Italy (pp. 243-266). Bern: Peter Lang.

- De Bonis, G. (2014). The semiotic implications of multilingualism in the construction of suspense in Alfred Hitchcok’s films. In S. M. Cadera & A. Pavic Pintaric (eds.), The Voices of Suspense and Their Translation in Thrillers (pp. 141-158). Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi.

- De Bonis, G. (2014). Commedia in scompiglio: One, Two, Three. Il multilinguismo come veicolo di umorismo [Comedy in confusion: One, Two, Three. Multilingualism as a vehicle for humour]. In G. L. De Rosa, F. Bianchi, A. De Laurentiis & E. Perego (eds.), Translating Humour in Audiovisual Texts (pp. 189-214). Bern: Peter Lang.



- Chiaro, D. & De Bonis, G. (2019). An Austrian in Hollywood: the representation of foreigners in the films of Billy Wilder. The European Journal of Humour Research, 7(1), 7-23. Available online at: (last accessed: 24/02/2024)

- De Bonis, G. (2015). Translating multilingualism in film: A case study on Le concert. New Voices in Translation Studies, 12, 50-71. Available online at: (last accessed: 24/02/2024)

- De Bonis, G. (2014). Alfred Hitchcock presents: Multilingualism as a vehicle for suspense. The Italian dubbing of Hitchcock's multilingual films. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies, 13, 169-192. Available online at: (last accessed: 24/02/2024)



- De Bonis, G. (2022). Introduzione. In M. Agorni & G. De Bonis (Eds.), Collaboration in Translation: From Training to Platforms and Publishing (pp. 7-14). Napoli: Paolo Loffredo. ITA Introduction. 

- De Bonis, G. (2022). Introduction. In M. Agorni & G. De Bonis (Eds.), Collaboration in Translation: From Training to Platforms and Publishing. (pp. 15-21). Napoli: Paolo Loffredo. ENG Introduction.



- De Bonis, G. (2020). [Review] Reassessing Dubbing: Historical approaches and current trends edited by Irene Ranzato and Serenella Zanotti (2019). John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 393 pages, € 95.00. inTRAlinea. online translation journal, vol. 22. Available online at: (ultimo accesso: 24/02/2024)

- De Bonis, G. (2015). [Book Review] Mangiron, Carmen, Orero, Pilar & O’Hagan, Minako (Eds.). (2014). Fun for all. Translation and accessibility practices in video games. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-0343-1450-3. SFR 98.00. Parallèles, 27(2), October 2015, pp. 104-107. Available online at: (last accessed: 24/02/2024)



17/10/2024: “Exploring Comic Confusion in Film: German-American Relations in Billy Wilder’s A Foreign Affair (1948)”, paper presented at the II International Conference on Verbal Humour, organised by the University of Alicante (Spain), held in Alicante from 16/10/2024 to 18/10/2024.

23/05/2024: “How can AI translate specialized and non-specialized magazine articles?”, paper presented with Linda Rossato at the 7th International Conference on Science and Translation - Interdisciplinary bridges and dissemination of scientific knowledge, organised by the University of Cordoba (Spain) and the University of Salento (Italy), held in Lecce and online from 22/05/2024 to 24/05/2024.

16/05/2024: “Mocking the Underdog: Who is Who? German-American Relations in Billy Wilder’s A Foreign Affair (1948)”, paper presentaed at the international conference Literature, Cinema, and the Transatlantic Dimensions of Adaptation: Mitteleuropa and the US, organised by the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies - Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy), held in Venice from 14/05/2024 to 16/05/2024.

22/04/2024: “How Can AI Translate Specialized and Non-Specialized Magazine Articles?”, paper presented with Linda Rossato at the international conference How Can AI Translate?, organised by the University of Naples “Federico II” and held in Naples at the National Society of Sciences, Letters, and Arts from 22/04/2024 to 23/04/2024.

13/10/2023: “(Re)dubbing multilingualism in Ford Coppola’s The Godfather (1972): lingua-cultural and technical implications”, paper presented at the international conference Rewind and Fast Forward: Past, present and future scenarios in audiovisual translation, organised by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice - Treviso Campus, Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, held in Treviso (Italy) from 11/10/2023 to 13/10/2023.

25/11/2022: “Dubbing and redubbing multilingualism in Coppola’s The Godfather (1972): a mirror of the times”, paper presented at the symposium A movie you can't refuse: the linguistic and cultural legacy of The Godfather/Il Padrino, organised by the Department of Interpreting and Translation, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, within the Media and Humour Studies Workshops, held at Forlì (Italy) on 25/11/2022.

03/06/2022: “‘Mami’s talk’: the representation of lingua-cultural otherness in Italian dubbing”, paper presented at the international conference Audiovisual Translation & Minority Cultures, organised by “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, held in Pescara (Italy) from 03/06/2022 to 04/06/2022.

01/12/2020: “The representation of lingua-cultural otherness in Italian dubbing”, paper presented at the webinar Dubbing in Italy: a diachronic overview, organised by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Treviso Campus, Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, held on 01/12/2020.

17/01/2020: “TRANSMIT communication activities: children booklet and beyond”, talk presented at the international TRANSMIT 2020 Symposium Fostering applicative discoveries in cancer metabolism: Patients meet TRANSMIT researchers, organised by the Université catholique de Louvain as part of the European project H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 TRANSMIT - TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis (GA 722605), held in Brussels (Belgium) from 17/01/2020 to 18/01/2020.

13/02/2016: “Representing lingua-cultural diversity on TV series: the Italian dubbing of Touch as a case in point”, paper presented at the international conference Linguistic and Cultural Representation in Audiovisual Translation, organised by Sapienza University of Rome & Roma Tre University (Italy), held in Rome from 11/02/2016 to 13/02/2016.

22/06/2015: “Dubbing multilingualism on television: the American series Touch as a case in point”, paper presented at the international conference Media Across Borders - TV in the Age of Transnationalisation and Transmedialisation, organised by the University of Roehampton (London, UK), held in London from 22/06/2015 to 23/06/2015.

22/05/2015: “The absence of total male nudity on screen: taboo or artistic necessity?”, paper presented at the International Symposium Masculinities and Representation, organised by the University of Naples “L’Orientale” (Italy), held in Naples from 22/05/2015 to 23/05/2015.

21/04/2015: “Whose side are you on? One, Two, Three. L’Identità Culturale come veicolo di umorismo”, paper presented at the international symposium A WALK ON THE WILD(ER) SIDE. A Symposium on the Cinema of Billy Wilder, organised by the Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna, Forlì Campus (Italy), held in Forlì on 21/04/2015.

31/10/2014: “Comedy in confusion: One, Two, Three. Multilingualism as a vehicle for humour”, paper presented during the workshop Translating Humo(u)r at the international conference TRANSLATA II - 2nd International Conference on Translation and Interpreting Studies “Translation Studies and Translation Practice”, organised by the University of Innsbruck (Austria), held in Innsbruck from 30/10/2014 to 01/11/2014.

24/05/2014: “How Italians Perceive How the Others Perceive Them. The Representation of Italian food in Film”, paper presented at FaCT - First International Conference on Food and Culture in Translation, organised by the Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna, Forlì Campus (Italy), held in Bertinoro from 22/05/2014 to 24/05/2014.

15/11/2013: “Dubbing multilingualism on screen. A case study on L'histoire d'Adèle H.: a comparative analysis of the different solutions adopted in FIGS countries”, paper presented at IPCITI 2013- the Ninth International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting, organised by Heriot-Watt University (UK) in association with Dublin City University (Ireland), the University of Manchester (UK) and the University of Edinburgh (UK), held at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh) from 14/11/2013 al 16/11/2013.

26/09/2013: “A pardonable intrusion? Subtitling multilingual films in a dubbing country”, paper presented at the international conference Media for all 5 - Audiovisual translation: expanding borders, organised by TransMedia Research Group, in association with University of Zagreb - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Croatia) and Croatian Association of Audiovisual Translators, held in Dubrovnik (Croatia) from 25/09/2013 to 27/09/2013.

25/10/2012: “The absence of total male nudity on screen: taboo or artistic necessity?”, paper presented at the international conference TaCo - The Taboo Conference 2012, organised by the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus (Italy), held in Forlì form 25/10/2012 to 27/10/2012.

19/10/2012: “The semiotic implications of multilingualism in the construction of suspense in Alfred Hitchcok’s films”, paper presented at the international conference The Voices of Suspense and their Translation in Thrillers, organised by Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid, Spain) and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain), held at Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid) from 18/10/2012 to 19/10/2012.

15/09/2012: “Dubbing multilingual films between neutralisation and preservation of lingua-cultural identities: a critical review of the current strategies in Italian dubbing”, paper presented at the international conference The Languages of Films. Dubbing, acquisition and methodology, organised by the University of Pavia (Italy), held in Pavia from 14/09/2012 al 15/09/2012.

24/07/2012: “How you perceive how others perceive you. The facts that figures reveal”, paper presented with Delia Chiaro at the 4th IATIS Conference (the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies), organised by Queen's University Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK), held in Belfast from 23/07/2012 to 27/07/2012.

15/06/2012: “Alfred Hitchcock presents: Multilingualism as a vehicle for… suspense”, paper presented at the international conference The translation and reception of multilingual films, organised by the University of Montpellier 3 Paul-Valéry (France) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), held at the University of Montpellier 3 Paul-Valéry (France) from 15/06/2012 to 16/06/2012.

19/05/2012: “Mediating intercultural encounters on screen. Non-professional translation in drama and comedy”, paper presented at NPIT 1 - First International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation, organised by the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus (Italy), held in Forlì form 17/05/2012 to 19/05/2012.

03/04/2012: “Conflict or Confusion? Multilingual Films in Italy”, paper presented at the two-day seminar Novel Insights in Audiovisual Translation, organised by the University of Naples “L’Orientale” (Italy), held in Naples from 02/04/2012 to 03/04/2012.

01/12/2011: “Comedy in confusion: One, Two, Three. Multilingualism as a vehicle for humour”, paper presented at the international conference Translating Humor in Audiovisual Texts, organised by the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy), held in Lecce from 30/11/2011 to 02/12/2011.

01/07/2011: “Conflict and Confusion. Le Concert: The Audiovisual Translation of Multilingual Films”, paper presented at the international conference Media for All 4 - Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stock, organised by TransMedia Research Group and Imperial College (London, UK), held at Imperial College (London) from 28/06/2011 to 01/07/2011.