Catalogo pubblicazioni

Il catalogo delle pubblicazioni del Dipartimento attinge le informazioni da ARCA, l'archivio istituzionale ad accesso aperto della ricerca di Ca' Foscari.

8261  pubblicazioni

77 Libri
83 Curatele
16 Brevetti
4489 Contributi in rivista
629 Contributi in volume
2794 Contributi in atti convegno
173 Altro
IBIL, PIXE and SEM/EDS Analysis of Road Dust Collected in Venice Mainland

D. Zannoni; G. Valotto; A. Quaranta; G. Rampazzo; D. Ceccato

(2014) in LNL- ANNUAL REPORT, LNL INFN, vol. 240, pp. 147 (ISSN 1828-8561) (Rapporto di ricerca)

Concern-driven integrated approaches to nanomaterial testing and assessment - report of the NanoSafety Cluster Working Group 10

Agnes G. Oomen; Peter M. J. Bos; Teresa F. Fernandes; Kerstin Hund-Rinke; Diana Boraschi; Hugh J. Byrne; Karin Aschberger; Stefania Gottardo; Frank von der Kammer; Dana Kühnel; Danail Hristozov; Antonio Marcomini; Lucia Migliore; Janeck Scott-Fordsmand; Peter Wick; Robert Landsiedel

(2014) in NANOTOXICOLOGY, vol. 8, pp. 334-348 (ISSN 1743-5390) (Articolo su rivista)

Information Leakage Analysis of Database Query Languages


(2014), Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM Press, pp. 813-820, Convegno: ACM SAC 2014 - 29th Symposium On Applied Computing, Gyeongju, Korea, March 24 - 28, 2014 (ISBN 9781450324694) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Monitoring Programmes, Multiple Stress Analysis and Decision Support for River Basin Management

C. Von Der Ohe P.; De Zwart D.; Semenzin E.; E. Apitz S.; Gottardo S.; Harris B.; Hein M.; Marcomini A.; Posthuma L.; B. Scha¨Fer R.; Segner H.; Brack W.

(2014) in J. Brils, .), Risk-informed management of European river basins, the handbook of Environmental Chemistry 29, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, vol. 29, pp. 151-182 (ISBN 9783642385971; 9783642385988) (Articolo su libro)

ITS-NANO - Prioritising nanosafety research to develop a stakeholder driven intelligent testing strategy

Stone V.; Pozzi-Mucelli S.; Tran L.; Aschberger K.; Sabella S.; Vogel U.; Poland C.; Balharry D.; Fernandes T.; Gottardo S.; Hankin S.;Hartl M.G.J.; Hartmann N.; Hristozov D.; Hund-Rinke K.; Johnston H.; Marcomini A.; Panzer O.; Roncato D.; Saber A.T.; Wallin H.; Scott-Fordsmand J.J.

(2014) in PARTICLE AND FIBRE TOXICOLOGY, vol. 11, pp. 1-11 (ISSN 1743-8977) (Articolo su rivista)

A latent process model for temporal extremes

P. Bortot; C. Gaetan

(2014) in SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS, vol. 41, pp. 606-621 (ISSN 1467-9469) (Articolo su rivista)

Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: A review of unresolved issues and directions for future research

P. Malanotte-Rizzoli; V. Artale; G. L. Borzelli-Eusebi; S. Brenner; A. Crise; M. Gacic; N. Kress; S. Marullo; M. Ribera d’Alcalà; S. Sofianos; T. Tanhua1; A. Theocharis; M. Alvarez; Y. Ashkenazy; A. Bergamasco; V. Cardin; S. Carniel; G. Civitarese; F. D’Ortenzio; J. Font; E. Garcia-Ladona; J. M. Garcia-Lafuente; A. Gogou; M. Gregoire; D. Hainbucher; H. Kontoyannis; V. Kovacevic; E. Kraskapoulou; G. Kroskos; A. Incarbona; M. G. Mazzocchi; M. Orlic; E. Ozsoy; A. Pascual; P.-M. Poulain; W. Roether; A. Rubino; K. Schroeder; J. Siokou-Frangou; E. Souvermezoglou; M. Sprovieri; J. Tintoré; G. Triantafyllou

(2014) in OCEAN SCIENCE, vol. 10, pp. 281-322 (ISSN 1812-0784) (Articolo su rivista)

An Investigation into the Viability of Removal of Lead Soap Efflorescence from Contemporary Oil Paintings

A. Sawicka;A. Burnstock;F. Izzo;K. Keune;J. Boon;K. Kirsch;K. v. den

(2014) in van den Berg, Klaas Jan, Burnstock, Aviva, de Keijzer, Matthijs, Krueger, Jay, Learner, Tom, Tagle, de, Alberto, Heydenreich, Gunnar, Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint, Springer International Publishing, pp. 311-332 (ISBN 9783319100999) (Articolo su libro)

Treatment of waste activated sludge together with agro-waste by anaerobic digestion: focus on effluent quality

Cavinato C.; Da Ros C.; Pavan P.; Cecchi F.; Bolzonella D.

(2014) in WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 69, pp. 525-531 (ISSN 0273-1223) (Articolo su rivista)

Gamified children universities: An exploratory study

Del Fatto V.; Dodero G.; Gennari R.; Melonio A.; Montali M.; Razniewski S.; Torello S.; Wang X.; Zini F.

(2014), CHI PLAY 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 409-410, Convegno: CHI PLAY 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (ISBN 9781450330145) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

HAUTO: Automated composition of convergent services based in HTN planning

A. Ordonez; J.C. Corrales; Falcarin P

(2014) in INGENIERÍA E INVESTIGACIÓN, vol. 34, pp. 66-71 (ISSN 0120-5609) (Articolo su rivista)

Thermohaline variability and mesoscale dynamics observed at the deep-ocean observatory E2M3A in the southern adriatic sea

Bensi; Cardin; A. Rubino.

(2014), The Mediterranean Sea: Temporal Variability and Spatial Patterns, Geophysical Monograph, American Geophysical Union, vol. 202, pp. 139-155 (ISSN 0065-8448) (Articolo su libro)

Potentially Harmful Elements in the Atmosphere

Giancarlo Rampazzo; Elena Innocente; Eliana Pecorari; Stefania Squizzato; Gabrio Valotto

(2014), PHEs, Environment and Human Health, Springer - Bini, Claudio, Bech, Jaume (Eds.), pp. 1-36 (ISBN 9789401789653) (Articolo su libro)

Association between PM10 concentrations and school absences in proximity of a cement plant in northern Italy

Marcon Alessandro; Pesce Giancarlo; Girardi Paolo; Marchetti Pierpaolo; Blengio Gianstefano; de Zolt Sappadina Simona; Falcone Salvatore; Frapporti Guglielmo; Predicatori Francesca; de Marco Roberto

(2014) in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, vol. 217, pp. 386-391 (ISSN 1438-4639) (Articolo su rivista)

Hashing and Indexing: Succinct DataStructures and Smoothed Analysis

POLICRITI, Alberto; PREZZA, Nicola

(2014), Algorithms and Computation: 25th International Symposium, ISAAC 2014, Jeonju, Korea, December 15-17, 2014, Proceedings, Springer, pp. 157-168, Convegno: 25th International Symposium, ISAAC 2014, Jeonju, Corea, December 15-17, 2014 (ISBN 9783319130743) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Alien seaweeds as potential resources against leishmaniasis desease. ATTI 45° Congresso SIBM, Venezia, 19-23 Maggio, pp. 310-311.

Armeli-Minicante S.; Michelet S.; Bruno F.; Castelli G.; Vitale F.; Morabito M.; Genovese G.; Sfriso A.

(2014), Atti 45° Congresso SIBM, Genova, SIBM, pp. 310-311, Convegno: 45° Congresso SIBM, Venezia, 19-23 Maggio (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

0203 The lung burden of Asbestos Fibres (AF) and Asbestos Bodies (AB) and the risk of mesothelioma (MM) for exposures ceased 30 years ago

Merler Enzo; Girardi Paolo; Barbieri Pietro Luigi; Bressan Vittoria; Somigliana Anna Benedetta

(2014), Book of the abstract EPICOH 2014, ND, vol. 71, pp. A26-A26, Convegno: EPICOH 2104 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Febrile and gynecological infections during pregnancy are associated with a greater risk of childhood eczema

Pesce Giancarlo; Marcon Alessandro; Marchetti Pierpaolo; Girardi Paolo; de Marco Roberto

(2014) in PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY, vol. 25, pp. 159-165 (ISSN 1399-3038) (Articolo su rivista)

Measurement of a urinary marker (8-hydroxydeoxy-guanosine, 8-OHdG) of DNA oxidative stress in epidemiological surveys: a pilot study

Zanolin Maria Elisabetta; Girardi Paolo; Degan Paolo; Rava Marta; Olivieri Mario; Di Gennaro Gianfranco; Nicolis Morena; De Marco Roberto

(2014) in THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MARKERS, vol. 30, pp. 341-345 (ISSN 0393-6155) (Articolo su rivista)

Topical distribution of initial paresis of the limbs to predict clinically relevant spasticity after ischemic stroke: a retrospective cohort study

Picelli A; Tamburin S; Dambruoso F; Midiri A; Girardi P; Santamato Andrea; Fiore Pietro; Smania N

(2014) in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINE, vol. 50, pp. 489-494 (ISSN 1973-9087) (Articolo su rivista)

Past trends and future prediction of mesothelioma incidence in an industrialized area of Italy, the Veneto Region

Girardi Paolo; Bressan Vittoria; Merler Enzo

(2014) in CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY, vol. 38, pp. 496-503 (ISSN 1877-7821) (Articolo su rivista)

Outdoor formaldehyde and NO2 exposures and markers of genotoxicity in children living near chipboard industries

Marcon Alessandro; Fracasso Maria Enrica; Marchetti Pierpaolo; Doria Denise; Girardi Paolo; Guarda Linda; Pesce Giancarlo; Pironi Vanda; Ricci Paolo; de Marco Roberto

(2014) in ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES, vol. 122, pp. 639-645 (ISSN 1552-9924) (Articolo su rivista)

Children living near chipboard and wood industries are at an increased risk of hospitalization for respiratory diseases: a prospective study

Marchetti Pierpaolo; Marcon Alessandro; Pesce Giancarlo; Girardi Paolo; Guarda Linda; Pironi Vanda; Fracasso Maria Enrica; Ricci Paolo; de Marco Roberto

(2014) in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, vol. 217, pp. 95-101 (ISSN 1438-4639) (Articolo su rivista)

Vademecum Life12 NAT/IT/000331 - Seresto. Habitat 1150* (Coastal Lagoon) recovery by seagrass restoration. A new strategic approach to meet HD & WFD objectives.

Sfriso A.; Boscolo R.; Facca C.; Buosi A.; Bonometto A.; Parravicini M.

(2014), Venezia, DAIS, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, pp. 1-75 (Monografia o trattato scientifico)

Editorial: Fun with Algorithms. Theory of Computing Systems,

(a cura di) E. Kranakis; D. Krizanc; F.L. Luccio

(2014) in E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc, F.L. Luccio in THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA, Springer US, vol. 54, pp. 529-530 (ISSN 1432-4350) (Curatela)

Disponibilità di habitat costiero per la foca monaca mediterranea, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779), nel salento: risultati preliminari.

Bundone, L.; S, . F AI; D’Ambrosio, P.; Onorato, R.; Minonne, F.; Molinaroli, E.

(2014) in BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA, vol. 21, pp. 253-254 (ISSN 1123-4245) (Articolo su rivista)

Automated context aware composition of Advanced Telecom Services for environmental early warnings

Ordonez A; Alcazar V; Corrales JC; FALCARIN P

(2014) in EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 41 (ISSN 0957-4174) (Articolo su rivista)

A family of experiments to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of source code obfuscation techniques

Mariano Ceccato; Massimiliano Di Penta; FALCARIN, PAOLO; Filippo Ricca; TORCHIANO, MARCO; Paolo Tonella

(2014) in EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, vol. 19, pp. 1040-1074 (ISSN 1382-3256) (Articolo su rivista)


Edward A. Arens; Hui Zhang; Wilmer Pasut,

(2014) BREVETTO NUM. US 9,155,398 B2 (Brevetto)

Evaluation of exposure models and their link to regulatory frameworks within the 4FUN project

Fait, Gabriella; De Wilde, Tineke; Banjac, Zoran; Barcelo, Damia; Bonnard, Roseline; Ciffroy, Philippe; Ferrari, Federico; Giubilato, Elisa; Isigonis, Panagiotis; Tanaka, Taku; Verdonck, Frederik; Trevisan, Marco

(2014), Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, American Chemical Society, Convegno: 248. National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Composite likelihood inference by nonparametric saddlepoint tests

Lunardon N.; Ronchetti E.

(2014) in COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS, vol. 79, pp. 80-90 (ISSN 0167-9473) (Articolo su rivista)

ROSE: A package for binary imbalanced learning

Lunardon N.; Menardi G.; Torelli N.

(2014) in THE R JOURNAL, vol. 6, pp. 79-89 (ISSN 2073-4859) (Articolo su rivista)

The project ‘CHEERS’ (Chemical and Physical Properties and Source Apportionment of Airport Emissions in the context of European Air QualityDirectives): preliminary results


(2014), Contributions book, Società Italiana di Aerosol, Convegno: PM2014: 6° Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico, Genova, Italy, May 20–23, 2014 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

An overview of the project “CHEERS”: Chemical and Physical Properties and Source Apportionment of Airport Emissions in the context of European Air Quality Directives


(2014), Abstracts, Korean Association for Particle and Aerosol Research, Convegno: IAC2014: International Aerosol Conference, Busan, Republic of Korea, August 31, September 4, 2014 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Analysis of wide particle size spectra collected downwind of London Heathrow


(2014), Abstracts & Presentations, The Aerosol Society, Convegno: Annual Aerosol Science Conference 2014, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 27 November 2014 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Traffic and marine-influenced submicron particle number size distribution in the Venice mainland, Italy


(2014), Abstracts & Presentations, The Aerosol Society, Convegno: Annual Aerosol Science Conference 2014, Birmingham , United Kingdom, 27 November 2014 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

The use of waterborne paints in contemporary murals: comparing the stability of vinyl, acrylic ad styrene-acrylic formulations to outdoor weathering conditions

M. Melchiorre Di Crescenzo; E. Zendri; M. Sánchez-Pons; L. Fuster-López; D. J. Yusá-Marco

(2014) in POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY, vol. 107, pp. 285-293 (ISSN 0141-3910) (Articolo su rivista)

Locating spawning haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Linnaeus, 1758) at sea by means of sound

Casaretto L.; Picciulin M.; Olsen K.; Hawkins A.D.

(2014) in FISHERIES RESEARCH, vol. 154, pp. 127-134 (ISSN 0165-7836) (Articolo su rivista)

Feed frequency in a Sequencing Batch Reactor strongly affects the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) from volatile fatty acids

Valentino, Francesco; Beccari, Mario; Fraraccio, Serena; Zanaroli, Giulio; Majone, Mauro

(2014) in NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 31, pp. 264-275 (ISSN 1871-6784) (Articolo su rivista)

Polyhydroxyalkanoates production with mixed microbial cultures: from culture selection to polymer recovery in a high-rate continuous process


(2014) in NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 31, pp. 289-296 (ISSN 1871-6784) (Articolo su rivista)

Method for increased productivity of polyhydroxyalkanoates (phas) in fed-batch processes for biomass derived from the treatment of wastewater

Werker, Alan; Morgan-Sagastume, Fernando; Karabegovic, Lamija; Bengtsson, Simon; Valentino, Francesco; Majone, Mauro

(2014) BREVETTO NUM. WO2014108878A9 (Brevetto)

Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production from sludge and municipal wastewater treatment

F. Morgan Sagastume; VALENTINO, FRANCESCO; M. Hjort; D. Cirne; L. Karabegovic; F. Gerardin; P. Johansson; A. Karlsson; P. Magnusson; T. Alexandersson; S. Bengtsson; MAJONE, Mauro; A. Werker

(2014) in WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 69, pp. 177-184 (ISSN 0273-1223) (Articolo su rivista)

Axiomatization of residual income and generation of financial securities


(2014) in QUANTITATIVE FINANCE, vol. 14, pp. 1257-1271 (ISSN 1469-7696) (Articolo su rivista)

Lipschitz Continuity of Triangular Subnorms

GHISELLI RICCI, Roberto; Radko Mesiar; Andrea Mesiarová Zemánková

(2014) in FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, vol. ...240, pp. ...51-...65 (ISSN 0165-0114) (Articolo su rivista)

Exact Bayesian inference for discretely observed diffusions

Antoniano-Villalobos, Isadora; Walker, Stephen G.

(2014), 47th SIS Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society Cagliari: Proceedings, CUEC, Convegno: SIS 2014 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Cagliari, Italy, June 11/13, 2014 (ISBN 9788884678744) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Aircraft engine exhaust emissions and other airport-related contributions to ambient air pollution: A review


(2014) in ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, vol. 95, pp. 409-455 (ISSN 1352-2310) (Articolo su rivista)

A reduced-order model for Monte Carlo simulations of stochastic groundwater flow

Pasetto D.; Guadagnini A.; Putti M.

(2014) in COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES, vol. 18, pp. 157-169 (ISSN 1420-0597) (Articolo su rivista)

Incipient subsurface heterogeneity and its effect on overland flow generation - Insight from a modeling study of the first experiment at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory

Niu G.-Y.; Pasetto D.; Scudeler C.; Paniconi C.; Putti M.; Troch P.A.; Delong S.B.; Dontsova K.; Pangle L.; Breshears D.D.; Chorover J.; Huxman T.E.; Pelletier J.; Saleska S.R.; Zeng X.

(2014) in HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, vol. 18, pp. 1873-1883 (ISSN 1607-7938) (Articolo su rivista)

The revaluation of Galerian Canidae, Felidae and Mustelidae of the Cerè Cave (Verona, Northeastern Italy)

Ghezzo E.; Berte D.F.; Sala B.

(2014) in QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, vol. 339-340, pp. 76-89 (ISSN 1040-6182) (Articolo su rivista)

Recovering data from historical collections: Stratigraphic and spatial reconstruction of the outstanding carnivoran record from the Late Pleistocene Equi cave (Apuane Alps, Italy)

Ghezzo E.; Palchetti A.; Rook L.

(2014) in QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, vol. 96, pp. 168-179 (ISSN 0277-3791) (Articolo su rivista)