Catalogo pubblicazioni

Il catalogo delle pubblicazioni del Dipartimento attinge le informazioni da ARCA, l'archivio istituzionale ad accesso aperto della ricerca di Ca' Foscari.

8232  pubblicazioni

77 Libri
83 Curatele
16 Brevetti
4466 Contributi in rivista
628 Contributi in volume
2791 Contributi in atti convegno
171 Altro
Air quality across a European hotspot: Spatial gradients, seasonality, diurnal cycles and trends in the Veneto region, NE Italy


(2017) in SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, vol. 576, pp. 210-224 (ISSN 0048-9697) (Articolo su rivista)

WiFi-related energy consumption analysis of mobile devices in a walkable area by abstract interpretation

Eugenio, Enrico; Cortesi, Agostino

(2017), Distributed Computing and Internet Technology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, vol. 10109, pp. 27-39, Convegno: 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, ICDCIT 2017, Bhubaneswar, India, January 13-16, 2017, 2017 (ISBN 9783319504711; 9783319504711) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Late Holocene human-environment interactions in New Zealand: a biomarker approach

Argiriadis, E.; Vecchiato, M.; Kirchgeorg, T.; Battistel, D.; Kehrwald, N.; Callegaro, A.; Mcwethy, D.B.; Whitlock, C.; Barbante, C.

(2017), PAGES Morillo de Tou 2017 3rd Young Scientists Meeting Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective ABSTRACT BOOK, PAGES, Convegno: PAGES Morillo de Tou 2017 3rd Young Scientists Meeting Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective, 7-9 Maggio 2017 (Poster in Atti di convegno)

On the relations between Markov chain lumpability and reversibility

Marin, Andrea; Rossi, Sabina

(2017) in ACTA INFORMATICA, vol. 54, pp. 447-485 (ISSN 1432-0525) (Articolo su rivista)

Numerical modeling of space-time wave extremes using WAVEWATCH III

Barbariol, Francesco; Jose-Henrique G., M. Alves; Benetazzo, Alvise; Bergamasco, Filippo; Bertotti, Luciana; Carniel, Sandro; Cavaleri, Luigi; Yung, Y. Chao; Chawla, Arun; Ricchi, Antonio; Sclavo, Mauro; Tolman, Hendrik

(2017) in OCEAN DYNAMICS, vol. N/D (ISSN 1616-7341) (Articolo su rivista)

High performance encapsulation and networking in Casanova 2

Di Giacomo, Francesco; Abbadi, Mohamed; Cortesi, Agostino; Spronck, Pieter; Costantini, Giulia; Maggiore, Giuseppe

(2017) in ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING, vol. 20, pp. 25-41 (ISSN 1875-9521) (Articolo su rivista)

Anatomy of news consumption on Facebook

Schmidt, Ana Lucía; Zollo, Fabiana; Del Vicario, Michela; Bessi, Alessandro; Scala, Antonio; Caldarelli, Guido; Stanley, H. Eugene; Quattrociocchi, Walter

(2017) in PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, vol. 114, pp. 3035-3039 (ISSN 0027-8424) (Articolo su rivista)

3,3 '-dichlorobiphenyl (non-Aroclor PCB-11) as a marker of non-legacy PCB contamination in marine species: comparison between Antarctic and Mediterranean bivalves

Pizzini, Sarah; Sbicego, Chiara; Corami, Fabiana; Grotti, Marco; Magi, Emanuele; Bonato, Tiziano; Cozzi, Giulio; Barbante, Carlo; Piazza, Rossano

(2017) in CHEMOSPHERE, vol. 175, pp. 28-35 (ISSN 0045-6535) (Articolo su rivista)

Spatial clustering of curves with an application of satellite data

Gaetan, Carlo; Girardi, Paolo; Pastres, Roberto

(2017) in SPATIAL STATISTICS, vol. 20, pp. 110-124 (ISSN 2211-6753) (Articolo su rivista)

Revealing structure in large graphs: Szemerédi's regularity lemma and its use in pattern recognition

Pelillo, Marcello; Elezi, Ismail; Fiorucci, Marco

(2017) in PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS, vol. 87, pp. 4-11 (ISSN 0167-8655) (Articolo su rivista)

Potential effects of TiO2 nanoparticles and TiCl4 in saltwater to Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Artemia franciscana

Minetto, D.; Libralato, G.; Marcomini, A.; Volpi Ghirardini, A.

(2017) in SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, vol. 579, pp. 1379-1386 (ISSN 0048-9697) (Articolo su rivista)

Effects of mineral amendments on trace elements leaching from pre-treated marine sediment after simulated rainfall events

Hurel, C; Taneez, M.; Volpi Ghirardini, A.; Libralato, G.

(2017) in ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, vol. 220, pp. 364-374 (ISSN 0269-7491) (Articolo su rivista)

A history of invasion: COI phylogeny of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in Europe

Chiesa, S.; Lucentini, L.; Freitas, R.; Nonnis Marzano, F.; Breda, S.; Figueira, E.; Caill-Milly, N.; Herbert, R.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Argese, E.

(2017) in FISHERIES RESEARCH, vol. 186, pp. 25-35 (ISSN 0165-7836) (Articolo su rivista)

Influence of temperature and hydraulic retention on the production of volatile fatty acids during anaerobic fermentation of cow manure and maize silage

Cavinato, Cristina; Da Ros, Cinzia; Pavan, Paolo; Bolzonella, David

(2017) in BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 223, pp. 59-64 (ISSN 0960-8524) (Articolo su rivista)

A review of Websites and Mobile Applications for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Towards Shared Guidelines

Dattolo, Antonina; Luccio, Flaminia

(2017) in Ombretta Gaggi, Pietro Manzoni, Claudio Palazzi, Armir Bujari, Johann M. Marquez-Barja, Proceedings of the 2nd EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good (GOODTECHS 2016), SPRINGER, vol. 195, pp. 264-273, Convegno: 2nd EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, Venice, Italy, November 30–December 1, 2016 (ISBN 978-3-319-61948-4) (ISSN 1867-8211) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Use of an electrochemical room temperature ionic liquid-based microprobe for measurements in gaseous atmospheres

Toniolo, Rosanna; Bortolomeazzi, Renzo; Svigelj, Rossella; Dossi, Nicolò; Casella, Innocenzo G.; Bragato, Carlo; Daniele, Salvatore

(2017) in SENSORS AND ACTUATORS. B, CHEMICAL, vol. 240, pp. 239-247 (ISSN 0925-4005) (Articolo su rivista)

A new exploration of licorice metabolome

Rizzato, Giovanni; Scalabrin, Elisa; Radaelli, Marta; Capodaglio, Gabriele; Piccolo, Oreste

(2017) in FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol. 221, pp. 959-968 (ISSN 0308-8146) (Articolo su rivista)

HCI and education: a blended design experience

Pittarello, Fabio; Pellegrini, Tommaso

(2017) in MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 76, pp. 4895-4923 (ISSN 1573-7721) (Articolo su rivista)

Evaluating public participation in Chinese EIA. An integrated Public Participation Index and its application to the case of the New Beijing Airport

Brombal Daniele; Moriggi Angela; Marcomini Antonio

(2017) in ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REVIEW, vol. 62, pp. 49-60 (ISSN 0195-9255) (Articolo su rivista)

Benedetto Cotrugli, The Book of the Art of Trade

(a cura di) Carraro, Carlo; Favero, Giovanni

(2017) in Benedetto Cotrugli, Giovanni Favero, Niall Ferguson, Mario Infelise, Vera Ribaudo, Tiziano Zanato, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-231 (ISBN 978-3-319-39969-0; 978-3-319-39968-3) (Curatela)

Do climate policies hurt the economy? Lessons from the EU experience

Carraro, C.; Davide, M.

(2017), Building a Climate Resilient Economy and Society: Challenges and Opportunities, Edward Elgar Publishing (ISBN 9781785368448; 9781785368455) (Articolo su libro)

The potential role of gas in decarbonising Europe: A quantitative assessment

CARRARO, C.; Tavoni, M.; Longden, T. ; Marangoni, G.

(2017), European Gas Markets: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead, New York, Palgrave McMillan, pp. 25-48 (ISBN 9783319558004) (Articolo su libro)

From building control to eco-feedback: opportunities and challenge

Pittarello, Fabio

(2017), Proceedings of the 2016 Intl IEEE Conferences on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Cloud and Big Data Computing, Internet of People, and Smart World Congress, IEEE, pp. 1013-1020, Convegno: 2016 Intl IEEE Conferences on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Cloud and Big Data Computing, Internet of People, and Smart World Congress, Toulouse (ISBN 978-1-5090-2771-2) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Testing spnps perfect sampling tool on fork-join queueing networks (tool paper)

Balsamo, Maria Simonetta; Marin, Andrea; Stojic, Ivan

(2017), Proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 62-67, Convegno: 10th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, ValueTools 2016, ita, 2016 (ISBN 9781631901416) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

The behaviour of water-repellent mortars with regards to salt crystallization: from mortar specimens to masonry/render systems

Falchi, Laura; Zendri, Elisabetta; Capovilla, Eleonora; Romagnoni, Piercarlo; De BeI, Massimiliano

(2017) in MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, vol. 50, pp. 1-15 (ISSN 1871-6873) (Articolo su rivista)

Interactive web-based hypermedia coordination

Celentano, Augusto

(2017) in MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 76, pp. 5511-5538 (ISSN 1380-7501) (Articolo su rivista)

A layered structure for a design space dedicated to rich interactive multimedia content

Celentano, Augusto; Dubois, Emmanuel

(2017) in MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 76, pp. 5191-5220 (ISSN 1380-7501) (Articolo su rivista)

Analysis and management of multiple ecosystem services within a social-ecological context

Rova, Silvia; Pranovi, Fabio

(2017) in ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, vol. 72, pp. 436-443 (ISSN 1470-160X) (Articolo su rivista)

A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes world-wide

Pierce, Simon; Negreiros, Daniel; Cerabolini, Bruno E. L.; Kattge, Jens; Díaz, Sandra; Kleyer, Michael; Shipley, Bill; Wright, Stuart Joseph; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A.; Onipchenko, Vladimir G.; van Bodegom, Peter M.; Frenette-Dussault, Cedric; Weiher, Evan; Pinho, Bruno X.; Cornelissen, Johannes H. C.; Grime, John Philip; Thompson, Ken; Hunt, Roderick; Wilson, Peter J.; Buffa, Gabriella; Nyakunga, Oliver C.; Reich, Peter B.; Caccianiga, Marco; Mangili, Federico; Ceriani, Roberta M.; Luzzaro, Alessandra; Brusa, Guido; Siefert, Andrew; Barbosa, Newton P. U.; Chapin, Francis Stuart; Cornwell, William K.; Fang, Jingyun; Fernandez, Geraldo Wilson; Garnier, Eric; Le Stradic, Soizig; Peñuelas, Josep; Melo, Felipe P. L.; Slaviero, Antonio; Tabarelli, Marcelo; Tampucci, Duccio

(2017) in FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, vol. 31, pp. 444-457 (ISSN 0269-8463) (Articolo su rivista)

Partial Functional Correspondence

Rodolà, E; Cosmo, Luca; Bronstein, M. M.; Torsello, Andrea; Cremers, D.

(2017) in COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM, vol. 36, pp. 222-236 (ISSN 0167-7055) (Articolo su rivista)

Consistent Partial Matching of Shape Collections via Sparse Modeling

Cosmo, Luca; Rodola', Emanuele; Albarelli, Andrea; Mémoli, F.; Cremers, D.

(2017) in COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM, vol. 36, pp. 209-221 (ISSN 0167-7055) (Articolo su rivista)

Combinatorial secretary problems with ordinal information

Hoefer M.; Kodric B.

(2017), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs, Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing, vol. 80, Convegno: 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2017, pol, 2017 (ISSN 1868-8969) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Security Threats and Solutions for Two-Dimensional Barcodes: A Comparative Study

Focardi, Riccardo; Luccio, Flaminia; Wahsheh, Heider

(2017) in Kevin Daimi, Computer and Network Security Essentials, Springer, pp. 207-219 (ISBN 978-3-319-58424-9) (Articolo su libro)

7000 year European climate record from the Ortles ice core

Gabrielli, Paolo; Barbante, Carlo; Bertagna, Giuliano; Bertó, Michele; Carturan, Luca; Dinale, Roberto; Dreossi, Giuliano; Festi, Daniela; Mair, Volkmar; Oeggl, Klaus; Seppi, Roberto; Stenni, Barbara; Tonidandel, David

(2017), EGU General Assembly 2017 in GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS, Copernicus Publications, vol. 19, Convegno: EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria (ISSN 1607-7962) (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Prominent features in isotopic, chemical and dust stratigraphies from coastal East Antarctic ice sheet (Eastern Wilkes Land)

Caiazzo, L.; Baccolo, G.; Barbante, C.; Becagli, S; Bertò, M.; Ciardini, V.; Crotti, I.; Delmonte, B.; Dreossi, G.; Frezzotti, M.; Gabrieli, J.; Giardi, F.; Han, Y.; Hong, S.-B.; Hur, S.D.; Hwang, H.; Kang, J.-H.; Narcisi, B.; Proposito, M.; Scarchilli, C.; Selmo, E.; Severi, M.; Spolaor, A.; Stenni, B.; Traversi, R.; Udisti, R.

(2017) in CHEMOSPHERE, vol. 176, pp. 273-287 (ISSN 0045-6535) (Articolo su rivista)

Source apportionment of PAHs and n-alkanes bound to PM1 collected near the Venice highway

Valotto, Gabrio; Rampazzo, Giancarlo; Gonella, Francesco; Formenton, Gianni; Ficotto, Silvia; Giraldo, Giorgia

(2017) in JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, vol. 54, pp. 77-89 (ISSN 1001-0742) (Articolo su rivista)

Fire and vegetation changes during Holocene recorded in Tibetan lacustrine sediments

Callegaro, Alice; Matsubara Pereira, Felipe; Kirchgeorg, Torben; Battistel, Dario; Bird, Broxton W; Barbante, Carlo

(2017), PAGES Zaragoza 2017 5th Open Science Meeting Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective ABSTRACT BOOK, PAGES, Convegno: PAGES Zaragoza 2017 5th Open Science Meeting Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective, Zaragoza, 9-13 maggio 2017 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Fire and vegetation changes during Holocene recorded in Tibetan lacustrine sediments

Callegaro, Alice; Matsubara Pereira, Felipe; Kirchgeorg, Torben; Battistel, Dario; Bird, Broxton W; Barbante, Carlo

(2017), PAGES Morillo de Tou 2017 3rd Young Scientists Meeting Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective ABSTRACT BOOK, PAGES, Convegno: PAGES Morillo de Tou 2017 3rd Young Scientists Meeting Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective, Morillo de Tou, 7-9 maggio 2017 (Poster in Atti di convegno)

Reducing Dimensionality in Molecular Systems: A Bayesian Non-parametric Approach

Mameli, Valentina; Lunardon, Nicola; Khoroshiltseva, Marina; Slanzi, Debora; Poli, Irene

(2017) in Federico Rossi; Stefano Piotto; Simona Concilio, Advances in Artificial Life, Evolutionary Computation, and Systems Chemistry, Springer International Publishing, vol. 708, pp. 114-125 (ISBN 978-3-319-57710-4) (ISSN 1865-0929) (Articolo su libro)

Model-Based Lead Molecule Design

Giovannelli, Alessandro; Slanzi, Debora; Khoroshiltseva, Marina; Poli, Irene

(2017) in Federico Rossi; Stefano Piotto; Simona Concilio, Advances in Artificial Life, Evolutionary Computation, and Systems Chemistry, Springer International Publishing, vol. 708, pp. 103-113 (ISBN 978-3-319-57710-4) (ISSN 1865-0929) (Articolo su libro)


Rivas-Ruiz, Pedro; Cao, Min; Corella, Juan Pablo; Callegaro, Alice; Kirchgeorg, Torben; Barbante, Carlo; Rosell-Mele, Antoni

(2017), PAGES Zaragoza 2017 5th Open Science Meeting Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective ABSTRACT BOOK, PAGES, Convegno: PAGES Zaragoza 2017 5th Open Science Meeting Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective, Zaragoza, Spain, 9-13 maggio 2017 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Distribution map of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae) in Italy

Gentili, R.; Gilardelli, F.; Bona, E.; Prosser, F.; Selvaggi, A.; Alessandrini, A.; Martini, F.; Nimis, P.L.; Wilhalm, T.; Adorni, M.; Ardenghi, N.M.G.; Barni, E.; Bonafede, F.; Bonini, M.; Bouvet, D.; Buffa, G.; Ciappetta, S.; Giordana, F.; Faggi, G.; Ghiani, A.; Ghillani, L.; Marcucci, R.; Masin, R.; Morelli, V.; Montagnani, C.; Montanari, S.; Peccenini, S.; Pellizzari, M.; Romani, E.; Saiani, D.; Scortegagna, S.; Sirotti, M.; Truzzi, A.; Vignodelli, M.; Bagli, L.; Fiandri, F.; Siniscalco, C.; Citterio, S.

(2017) in PLANT BIOSYSTEMS, vol. 151, pp. 381-386 (ISSN 1724-5575) (Articolo su rivista)

Tecnologie costruttive, limiti ecologici e sostenibilità sistemica. L’analisi emergetica per valutare un progetto edilizio tra Sahara e Sahel.

Cristiano, Silvio; Gonella, Francesco

(2017) in PROGETTO RE-CYCLE, vol. 4 (ISSN 2465-1400) (Articolo su rivista)

Mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of winery wastewater sludge and wine lees: an integrated approach for sustainable wine production

Da Ros, C.; Cavinato, C.; Pavan, P.; Bolzonella, D.

(2017) in JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, vol. 203, pp. 745-752 (ISSN 0301-4797) (Articolo su rivista)

Aquaponics and sustainability: The comparison of two different aquaponic techniques using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Forchino, A.A; Lourguioui, H.; Brigolin, D.; Pastres, R.

(2017) in AQUACULTURAL ENGINEERING, vol. 77, pp. 80-88 (ISSN 0144-8609) (Articolo su rivista)

Surviving the Web: A Journey into Web Session Security

Calzavara, Stefano; Focardi, Riccardo; Squarcina, Marco; Tempesta, Mauro

(2017) in ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS, vol. 50 (ISSN 0360-0300) (Articolo su rivista)

A perspective for reducing environmental impacts of mussel culture in Algeria

Lourguioui, Hichem; Brigolin, Daniele; Boulahdid, Mostefa; Pastres, Roberto

(2017) in THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT, vol. 22, pp. 1266-1277 (ISSN 0948-3349) (Articolo su rivista)

Making space for shellfish farming along the Adriatic coast

Brigolin, Daniele; Porporato, Erika Maria Diletta; Prioli, Giuseppe; Pastres, Roberto

(2017) in ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE, vol. 74, pp. 1540-1551 (ISSN 1054-3139) (Articolo su rivista)

Small creeks in a big lagoon: The importance of marginal habitats forfish populations

Cavraro, Francesco; Zucchetta, Matteo; Malavasi, Stefano; Franzoi, Piero

(2017) in ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 99 (ISSN 0925-8574) (Articolo su rivista)

Inventory of monk seal (Monachus monachus) sightings in the Mediterranean Basin from 2000 to 2014

Bundone, Luigi; Panou, Aliki; Molinaroli, Emanuela

(2017) in BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, vol. non c'è (ISSN 0006-3207) (Articolo su rivista)