Catalogo pubblicazioni

Il catalogo delle pubblicazioni del Dipartimento attinge le informazioni da ARCA, l'archivio istituzionale ad accesso aperto della ricerca di Ca' Foscari.

8242  pubblicazioni

77 Libri
83 Curatele
16 Brevetti
4478 Contributi in rivista
628 Contributi in volume
2787 Contributi in atti convegno
173 Altro
Identification of the safe(r) by design alternatives for nanosilver-enabled wound dressings

Cazzagon, V; Giubilato, E; Bonetto, A; Blosi, M; Zanoni, I; Costa, A L; Vineis, C; Varesano, A; Marcomini, A; Hristozov, D; Semenzin, E; Badetti, E

(2022) in FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 10, pp. 987650 (ISSN 2296-4185) (Articolo su rivista)

Growing polarization around climate change on social media

Falkenberg, Max; Galeazzi, Alessandro; Torricelli, Maddalena; Di Marco, Niccolò; Larosa, Francesca; Sas, Madalina; Mekacher, Amin; Pearce, Warren; Zollo, Fabiana; Quattrociocchi, Walter; Baronchelli, Andrea

(2022) in NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, vol. 12, pp. 1114-1121 (ISSN 1758-678X) (Articolo su rivista)

Effects of emerging pollutants on the larval development of the bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis

Russo, Martina; Picone, Marco; Marchetto, Davide; Distefano, Gabriele Giuseppe; Ghirardini, Annamaria Volpi

(2022), 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea), IEEE, pp. 363-367, Convegno: 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON METROLOGY FOR THE SEA, Milazzo (ME), 03/10/2022 - 05/10/2022 (ISBN 978-1-6654-9942-2) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

An integrated decision‐making framework for corporate sustainability

Molin, Michele; Pizzol, Lisa; Pesce, Marco; Maura, Alessandro; Civiero, Matteo; Gritti, Elisa; Giotto, Simone; Ferri, Alberto; Liguoro, Lorenzo; Bagnoli, Carlo; Semenzin, Elena

(2022) in CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, vol. Novembre 2022, pp. 1-16 (ISSN 1535-3958) (Articolo su rivista)

Hydrodynamic cavitation pre-treatment of urban waste: Integration with acidogenic fermentation, PHAs synthesis and anaerobic digestion processes

Lanfranchi A.; Tassinato G.; Valentino F.; Martinez G.A.; Jones E.; Gioia C.; Bertin L.; Cavinato C.

(2022) in CHEMOSPHERE, vol. 301, pp. 134624 (ISSN 0045-6535) (Articolo su rivista)

Simulations and interpretations of cumulative trophic theory

Link J.S.; Pranovi F.; Libralato S.

(2022) in ECOLOGICAL MODELLING, vol. 463, pp. 109800 (ISSN 0304-3800) (Articolo su rivista)

Pollinator distribution in patches of suitable habitat depends more on patch isolation than on floral abundance

Favarin, Sebastiano; Fantinato, Edy; Buffa, Gabriella

(2022) in FLORA, vol. 296, pp. 152165 (ISSN 0367-2530) (Articolo su rivista)

Multigram Synthesis of Pure HMF and BHMF

Giacomo Trapasso; Giovanna Mazzi; Beatriz Chícharo; Mattia Annatelli; Davide Dalla Torre; Fabio Arico

(2022) in ORGANIC PROCESS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, vol. 26, pp. 2830-2838 (ISSN 1520-586X) (Articolo su rivista)

A black-Box adversarial attack for poisoning clustering

Cina, AE; Torcinovich, A; Pelillo, M

(2022) in PATTERN RECOGNITION, vol. 122, pp. 108306 (ISSN 0031-3203) (Articolo su rivista)

Città oltre la crescita. Un dibattito internazionale per trasformazioni urbane ecologiche e sociali

Karl Krähmer; Silvio Cristiano

(2022), Roma, Castelvecchi Editore (ISBN 9788832908527) (Monografia o trattato scientifico)

Learning Spectral Unions of Partial Deformable 3D Shapes

Moschella, L; Melzi, S; Cosmo, L; Maggioli, F; Litany, O; Ovsjanikov, M; Guibas, L; Rodola, E

(2022) in COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM, vol. 41, pp. 407-417 (ISSN 0167-7055) (Articolo su rivista)

Verifier’s Dilemma in Ethereum Blockchain: A Quantitative Analysis

Smuseva D.; Malakhov I.; Marin A.; van Moorsel A.; Rossi S.

(2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLAND, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, vol. 13479, pp. 317-336, Convegno: 19th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, QEST 2022, pol, 2022 (ISBN 978-3-031-16335-7; 978-3-031-16336-4) (ISSN 0302-9743) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

"EST: an exploratory model for monitoring the Ecosystem Services in the Venice lagoon"

Brigolin Daniele, Moda Francesco, Rova Sivia, Stocco Alice, Pranovi Fabio

(2022), XXXI Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology, S.It.E., Convegno: XXXI Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia: Adattamenti degli Ecosistemi alle pressioni dell'Antropocene (Poster in Atti di convegno)

Sub-millennial climate variability from high-resolution water isotopes in the EPICA Dome C ice core

Antoine Grisart; Mathieu Casado; Vasileios Gkinis; Bo Vinther; Philippe Naveau; Mathieu Vrac; Thomas Laepple; B??n??dicte Minster; Frederic Pri??; Barbara Stenni; Elise Fourr??; Hans Christian Steen-Larsen; Jean Jouzel; Martin Werner; Katy Pol; Val??rie Masson-Delmotte; Maria Hoerhold; Trevor Popp; Amaelle Landais

(2022) in CLIMATE OF THE PAST, vol. 18, pp. 2289-2301 (ISSN 1814-9332) (Articolo su rivista)

Looking for balance: Ecosystem Services and landscape features in the valli da pesca of the Venice lagoon

Stocco Alice, Pranovi Fabio

(2022), ECSA 59 Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas - book of abstracts, Elsevier conferences, Convegno: ECSA 59: Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas, San Sebastiàn, Spain, 5/09/2022 - 08/09/2022 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Remembering the City: Stumbling Stones, Memory Sites and Augmented Reality

Pittarello Fabio, Carrieri Alessandro, Pellegrini Tommaso, Volo Alessandra

(2022), Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1-9, Convegno: AVI 2022, Frascati, Rome, Italy, 6–10/6/2022 (ISBN 9781450397193) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Outdoor education: are we really ready?

Stocco Alice, Vio Giulia, Pranovi Fabio

(2022), XXXI Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology, S.It.E., Convegno: XXXI Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia: Adattamenti degli Ecosistemi alle pressioni dell'Antropocene, Siena, 10/10/2022 - 14/10/2022 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

The Kindergarten of the lagoon: a Manifesto for an outdoor education project in Venice

Stocco Alice, Barbiero Giuseppe, Santoro Francesca, Venturella Alice, Pranovi Fabio

(2022), XXXI Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology, S.It.E., Convegno: XXXI Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia: Adattamenti degli Ecosistemi alle pressioni dell'Antropocene (Poster in Atti di convegno)

Pursuing the protein challenge 2040: macrophytes protein production in temperate transitional water systems

Andrea Sfriso; Tomio Yari; Buosi Alessandro; Juhmani Abdul-Salam; Sfriso Adriano; Munari Cristina; Mistri Michele

(2022) in JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY, vol. 34 (ISSN 0921-8971) (Articolo su rivista)



(2022), Abstract 51° Congresso SIBM, SIBM, Convegno: SIBM (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Detection of ice core particles via deep neural networks

Maffezzoli, N. and Cook, E. and van der Bilt, W. G. M. and St{\o}ren, E. W. N. and Festi, D. and Muthreich, F. and Seddon, A. W. R. and Burgay, F. and Baccolo, G. and Mygind, A. R. F. and Petersen, T. and Spolaor, A. and Vascon, S. and Pelillo, M. and Ferretti, P. and dos Reis, R. S. and Sim\~oes, J. C. and Ronen, Y. and Delmonte, B. and Viccaro, M. and Steffensen, J. P. and Dahl-Jensen, D. and Nisancioglu, K. H. and Barbante, C.

(2022) in THE CRYOSPHERE DISCUSSIONS, vol. 2022, pp. 1-37 (ISSN 1994-0440) (Articolo su rivista)

Sea ice fluctuations in the Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea during glacial abrupt climate changes

Scoto, Federico; Sadatzki, Henrik; Maffezzoli, Niccolò; Barbante, Carlo; Gagliardi, Alessandro; Varin, Cristiano; Vallelonga, Paul; Gkinis, Vasileios; Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe; Kjær, Helle Astrid; Burgay, François; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso; Stein, Ruediger; Spolaor, Andrea


Optimal control of the spatial allocation of COVID-19 vaccines: Italy as a case study

Lemaitre, Joseph Chadi; Pasetto, Damiano; Zanon, Mario; Bertuzzo, Enrico; Mari, Lorenzo; Miccoli, Stefano; Casagrandi, Renato; Gatto, Marino; Rinaldo, Andrea

(2022) in PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, vol. 18 (ISSN 1553-7358) (Articolo su rivista)

Is the Atlantic a Source for Decadal Predictability of Sea-Level Rise in Venice?

Zanchettin D.; Rubinetti S.; Rubino A.

(2022) in EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE, vol. 9 (ISSN 2333-5084) (Articolo su rivista)

Catchment Dissolved Organic Carbon Transport: A Modeling Approach Combining Water Travel Times and Reactivity Continuum

Grandi, G; Bertuzzo, E

(2022) in WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, vol. 58 (ISSN 0043-1397) (Articolo su rivista)

Respiration regimes in rivers: Partitioning source-specific respiration from metabolism time series

Bertuzzo, E; Hotchkiss, ER; Argerich, A; Kominoski, JS; Oviedo-Vargas, D; Savoy, P; Scarlett, R; von Schiller, D; Heffernan, JB

(2022) in LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, vol. 67, pp. 2374-2388 (ISSN 0024-3590) (Articolo su rivista)

Hypergraph matching via game-theoretic hypergraph clustering

Hou, J; Pelillo, M; Yuan, HQ

(2022) in PATTERN RECOGNITION, vol. 125, pp. 108526 (ISSN 0031-3203) (Articolo su rivista)

Discovery of Tourists’ Movement Patterns in Venice from Public Transport Data

Adrian H.C.; Alfonso S.P.; Zanon B.B.; Raffaetà A.; Zanatta F.

(2022), SAC '22: The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM, pp. 564-567, Convegno: The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (ISBN 9781450387132) (Poster in Atti di convegno)

A Safe-by-Design Approach to "Reef Safe" Sunscreens Based on ZnO and Organic UV Filters

Battistin, Mattia; Pascalicchio, Paolina; Tabaro, Beatrice; Hasa, Dritan; Bonetto, Alessandro; Manfredini, Stefano; Baldisserotto, Anna; Scarso, Alessandro; Ziosi, Paola; Brunetta, Andrea; Brunetta, Fabio; Vertuani, Silvia

(2022) in ANTIOXIDANTS, vol. 11, pp. 2209 (ISSN 2076-3921) (Articolo su rivista)

Transaction confirmation in proof-of-work blockchains: Auctions, delays and droppings

Balsamo S.; Malakhov I.; Marin A.; Mitrani I.

(2022), 2022 20th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference, MedComNet 2022, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 140-149, Convegno: 20th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference, MedComNet 2022, cyp, 2022 (ISBN 978-1-6654-8729-0) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

A multitechnique approach for the identification of multiple contamination sources near a polluted industrial site

Bonetto, A; Calgaro, L; Contessi, S; Badetti, E; Artioli, G; Marcomini, A

(2022) in LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, vol. 33, pp. 2317-2326 (ISSN 1085-3278) (Articolo su rivista)

The local costs of global climate change: spatial GDP downscaling under different climate scenarios

Massimiliano Rizzati; Gabriele Standardi; Gianni Guastella; Ramiro Parrado; Francesco Bosello; Stefano Pareglio

(2022) in SPATIAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS, vol. 1, pp. 1-21 (ISSN 1742-1772) (Articolo su rivista)

The Group Loss++: A deeper look into group loss for deep metric learning

Elezi, Ismail; Seidenschwarz, Jenny; Wagner, Laurin; Vascon, Sebastiano; Torcinovich, Alessandro; Pelillo, Marcello; Leal-Taixe, Laura

(2022) in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, vol. PP, pp. 1-1 (ISSN 0162-8828) (Articolo su rivista)

Ecosystem services’ capacity and flow in the Venice Lagoon and the relationship with ecological status

Rova, Silvia; Stocco, Alice; Pranovi, Fabio

(2022) in ONE ECOSYSTEM, vol. 7 (ISSN 2367-8194) (Articolo su rivista)

Relaxation Labeling Meets GANs: Solving Jigsaw Puzzles with Missing Borders

Khoroshiltseva M.; Traviglia A.; Pelillo M.; Vascon S.

(2022), ICIAP 2022: Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2022, Springer, vol. 13233 LNCS, pp. 27-38, Convegno: International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ISBN 978-3-031-06432-6; 978-3-031-06433-3) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Redefining and Reframing a City

Colapinto, Cinzia; Finotto, Vladi; Pavan, Daniela; Pranovi, Fabio

(2022) in Pedro Andrade,Moisés de Lemos Martins, Handbook of Research on Urban Tourism, Viral Society, and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, IGI, pp. 265-282 (ISBN 9781668433690; 9781668433713) (ISSN 2475-6547) (Articolo su libro)

Wilkes subglacial basin ice sheet response to Southern Ocean warming during late Pleistocene interglacials

Crotti, Ilaria; Quiquet, Aurélien; Landais, Amaelle; Stenni, Barbara; Wilson, David J; Severi, Mirko; Mulvaney, Robert; Wilhelms, Frank; Barbante, Carlo; Frezzotti, Massimo

(2022) in NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 13, pp. 5328 (ISSN 2041-1723) (Articolo su rivista)

Semi-continuous Chlorella vulgaris Cultivation Using Anaerobic Digestate Liquid Fraction Pre-treated by Ultrasonic Cavitation to Improve Carbon Dioxide Solubilization

Biasiolo M.; Ballarin M.; Tassinato G.; Stoppato A.; Cavinato C.

(2022) in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, vol. 92, pp. 151-156 (ISSN 2283-9216) (Articolo su rivista)

Cationic palladium(II)-indenyl complexes bearing phosphines as ancillary ligands: synthesis, and study of indenyl amination and anticancer activity

Bortolamiol, Enrica; Fama, Francesco; Zhang, Ziyun; Demitri, Nicola; Cavallo, Luigi; Caligiuri, Isabella; Rizzolio, Flavio; Scattolin, Thomas; Visentin, Fabiano

(2022) in DALTON TRANSACTIONS, vol. 51, pp. 11135-11151 (ISSN 1477-9226) (Articolo su rivista)

Characterization of Botanical Origin of Italian Honey by Carbohydrate Composition and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Tedesco, Raffaello; Scalabrin, Elisa; Malagnini, Valeria; Strojnik, Lidija; Ogrinc, Nives; Capodaglio, Gabriele

(2022) in FOODS, vol. 11, pp. 2441 (ISSN 2304-8158) (Articolo su rivista)

A Fish and Dolphin Biophony in the Boat Noise-Dominated Soundscape of the Cres-Lošinj Archipelago (Croatia)

Picciulin, Marta; Bolgan, Marta; Rako-Gospić, Nikolina; Petrizzo, Antonio; Radulović, Marko; Falkner, Raffaela

(2022) in JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. 10, pp. 300 (ISSN 2077-1312) (Articolo su rivista)

Digital twins for land-based aquaculture: A case study for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Adriano Lima, Edouard Royer, Matteo Bolzonella, Roberto Pastres

(2022) in OPEN RESEARCH EUROPE, vol. 2 (ISSN 2732-5121) (Articolo su rivista)

Coupling the beams: How controlled extraction methods and FTIR-spectroscopy, OM and SEM reveal the grinding of starchy plants in the Pontic steppe 36,000 years ago

Longo L.; Birarda G.; Cagnato C.; Badetti E.; Covalenco S.; Pantyukhina I.; Skakun N.; Vaccari L.; Terekhina V.; Sorrentino G.

(2022) in JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS, vol. 41, pp. 103333 (ISSN 2352-409X) (Articolo su rivista)

Seasonal and spatial variations of atmospheric depositions-bound elements over Tehran megacity, Iran: Pollution levels, PMF-based source apportionment and risks assessment


(2022) in URBAN CLIMATE, vol. 42, pp. 101113 (ISSN 2212-0955) (Articolo su rivista)

Identifying knowledge gaps for successful restorative aquaculture of Ostrea edulis: a bibliometric analysis

Bertolini, Camilla; Pastres, Roberto

(2022) in Open Research Europe, vol. 1, pp. 103 (Articolo su rivista)

One-Shot HDR Imaging via Stereo PFA Cameras

Fatima T.; Pistellato M.; Torsello A.; Bergamasco F.

(2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, vol. 13232, pp. 467-478, Convegno: 21st International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2022, ita, 2022 (ISBN 978-3-031-06429-6; 978-3-031-06430-2) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

From multiple aspect trajectories to predictive analysis: a case study on fishing vessels in the Northern Adriatic sea

Brandoli B.; Raffaetà A.; Simeoni M.; Adibi P.; Bappee F.K.; Pranovi F.; Rovinelli G.; Russo E.; Silvestri C.; Soares A.; Matwin S.

(2022) in GEOINFORMATICA, vol. 26, pp. 551-579 (ISSN 1573-7624) (Articolo su rivista)

PAHs, PCBs, PBDEs, and OCPs trapped and remobilized in the Lake of Cavazzo (NE Italy) sediments: Temporal trends, quality, and sources in an area prone to anthropogenic and natural stressors

Pizzini, Sarah; Giuliani, Silvia; Polonia, Alina; Piazza, Rossano; Bellucci, Luca Giorgio; Gambaro, Andrea; Gasperini, Luca

(2022) in ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, vol. 213, pp. 1-16 (ISSN 0013-9351) (Articolo su rivista)

Non-Vascular Ceramic Sherds Coming from Two Italian Etruscan Settlements: Peculiarities and Interpretation of Their Possible Use

Cantelli, Margherita; Cimino, Dafne; Facchi, Alberta; Phaneuf, Raymond J.; Zendri, Elisabetta

(2022) in HERITAGE, vol. 5, pp. 1433-1448 (ISSN 2571-9408) (Articolo su rivista)

A Sustainability Decision-Making Framework to support the assessment, adoption, and implementation of corporate sustainability

Michele Molin, Lisa Pizzol, Carlo Bagnoli, Elena Semenzin

(2022), XIX Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica dell'Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali, M.C. Bruzzoniti, D. Vione, M. Gulmini, M. Minella, M. Passananti, D. Scalarone, A. Agostino and L. Rivoira, pp. 232-233, Convegno: XIX Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica dell'Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali, Torino, 20-23 giugno 2022 (ISBN 978-88-94952-28-5) (Abstract in Atti di convegno)