Department of

Research fellowships expired calls

Test calendars where applicable, evaluation results and other useful information about expired research fellowships will be published on this page.

For more information visit the page Short-term research fellowshipss

Structure Title Details
Department of Economics Research Scholarship_FSE_Evaluation of the model implemented in the territory of ATS VEN_10 Portogruaro_MICOMACRO Project-cod 1249-0001-69-2023 - CUP H14G23000090007
Department of Economics Spoke 6 - Inequality in public expenditure for older people: analysis of data of several sources
Department of Economics Strategic tourism vision San Vito di Cadore
Department of Economics The procurement model of the regional health system
Department of Economics Call for n. 1 Short Research Fellowship in memory of Gloria Trevisan and Marco Gottardi on The automation of legal minute-taking processes and training on digital innovation in the Regional Council of Veneto
Department of Economics Call for applications No. 2 Short Research Fellowships in the framework of the Collaboration Agreement with the Municipality of Portogruaro, CUP H73C24001840004- ATTENTION! the application form indicates the CODE of the Profile for which you intend to compete-
Department of Economics PNRR Project “GRINS - Spoke 4 - The implied risk premium in green and sustainability-PE00000018, CUP H73C22000930001linked bonds -
Department of Economics Spoke 6 - Unveiling the effects of aging on cognitive and linguistic processes to enhance technology and provide support in communication - Progetto PNRR “AGE-IT”, Partenariato Esteso PE0000015 (CUP H73C22000900006) -
Department of Economics Proposal for a Conceptual Framework to Measure Societal Well-being
Department of Economics The procurement model of the regional health system
Department of Economics Call for application for Six Research Scholarships in cooperation with Toscana Promozione Turistica-Warning: It is possible to apply for more than one profile, but it is necessary to apply for each profile
Department of Economics Call for Four Short Research fellowships - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia PNRR Project no.: PE0000015 Title of the project: “AGE-IT” Subject: Università degli Studi di Firenze CUP: H73C22000900006 - ATTENTION! It is very important that the application form includes the CODE of the profile for which you intend to compete
Department of Economics FSE - Borsa Animazione territoriale -Cultura dei fattori ESG: networking tra realtà e buone pratiche di settore nel territorio - DGR 553/2023 - CUP H77G23000210002
Department of Economics Prof. CAMPOSTRINI - FSE - Borsa Ricerca con Intesa-CCA - "Valutazione del modello sperimentato nell’ATS VEN_9 Treviso”, progetto GenerAzioni DGR 69/2023 - CUP H49D24000090007
Department of Economics Business networks between past achievements and future challenges
Department of Economics Analysis of the relationship between Azienda Zero and the Veneto Region’s Healthcare Area
Department of Economics Prof. CAMPOSTRINI, Prof.ssa MARENZI, Prof.ssa ZANTOMIO - FSE - n. 2 Borse Ricerca con ASCOM - Progetto “IN-CREDIBILI: DIVARIO RETRIBUTIVO E PARITÀ DI GENERE” - CUP H94G2300011000 – DGR 1522/2022-PARI - ATTENZIONE! È molto importante che nella domanda di partecipazione alla selezione sia riportato il CODICE del Profilo per il quale si intenda concorrere
Department of Economics Prof. CAMPOSTRINI - FSE - Borsa Ricerca con ESAC- “DEC- “Monitoraggio e valutazione del progetto” nell’ambito del progetto codice 1172-0001-1522-2022, dal titolo “UNA STANZA TUTTA PER Sé: spazi fisici, culturali ed economici per lo sviluppo e la valorizzazione della leadership femminile”, progetto DGR 1522/2022 –CUP H94G23000160007
Department of Economics Prof. CAMPOSTRINI - FSE - Borsa Ricerca con IRECOOP VENETO - “PLUS” - DEC-DGR 1522/2022 - “Monitoraggio e valutazione del progetto” nell’ambito del progetto codice 52-0001-1522-2022 dal titolo “PLUS: Più Leadership e Uguaglianza per lo Sviluppo”, progetto PLUS- CUP H94G23000130007
Department of Economics Prof. CAMPOSTRINI - FSE - Borsa Ricerca “Famiglie multiproblematiche nel territorio dell’ATS di Conegliano: analisi dei modelli di intervento e dei servizi”, progetto DGR 69/2023 - PR.I.MUL.A.- CUP H24G23000100007
Department of Economics Prof. CAMPOSTRINI - FSE - Borsa Ricerca con Olivotti_- Le famiglie fragili e multiproblematiche con minori e il sistema dei servizi nell’ATS VEN_13 Mira”, progetto DGR 69/2023 - SEMI- CUP H64G23000050007